blazinguard · 3 years
loud & deafening silence  ✦  @aureateliege  ✦   sit. + hunger. :3c
Thoma thought himself to be many things, and while he would never consider himself to be the ‘anxious’ type--he was quick to discover that wasn't quite the case; 10 years in Inazuma and nothing could stop him dead in his tracks faster than the head of the Kamisato Clan beckoning him to join him at the dining table could. Not even coming face-to-face with the mighty Shogun herself. And that afternoon was no different. All it took was one glance too many.
From the very moment he registered that he'd been noticed--all Thoma could think to do was hover awkwardly in the doorway to buy himself a little time between now and the inevitable. There wasn't anything in the world he wasn’t willing to do for this man--but this? His stomach was already tying itself into knots just thinking about what terrible thing might be waiting for him at the end of those chopsticks--
   "I-I'd love to join you but I, uh..." Flustered and dreading whatever Ayato had lined up to share with him--Thoma laughed nervously. "There's still a lot I gotta do out in the courtyard. The weeds won’t pull themselves, you know! ...And the walkway. I have to sweep the walkway--"
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frxst-flxke · 2 years
" You’re allowed to need help sometimes. "
More random dialogue prompts - always accepting
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" Ayato - ? " a confused expression crossed Ayaka ' s face , turning her head slightly . " I appreciate that , I - truly - " She didn ' t know what to say , biting her lip . Allowed to need help ? Why would she , of all people , deserve to ask for help ? Her brother , who had to do constant work and paperwork tirelessly . Thoma , who had absolutely no self preservation and would put himself in danger . Traveler , who hardly slept and had to look over their shoulder for monsters and still aching from the loss of their sibling . For her , she felt like her worries were the last thing people needed to worry about . " Thank you , Ayato . Thank you but I ' m okay . "
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