#aurora keeps brain blasting kaos with mambo no. 5 and he’s so sick of it
mothmanwarble · 8 months
I still love that thing that the Mask of Power books did, in which they established Eon having some sort of telepathic link with his Skylanders. It’s really interesting, and I feel like it helps explain why/how Eon knows when to call the Skylanders back home if they’re tired or in trouble or something.
But also I imagine that it’d be very funny if this extended to Sensei Kaos and the other Skylanders, cuz let’s not forget: he’s still 100% a Portal Master. I love the idea of him creating his own mental links between him and other Skylanders just to be a nuisance. He keeps beaming thoughts directly into people’s heads and they hate it.
Aurora’s having fun though. She and Kaos keep using the brainlink to wordlessly quote YouTube Poops at each other. They deliberately get songs stuck in each other’s heads via telepathy.
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