#sensei kaos
mothmanwarble · 3 months
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don’t worry they’re just kidding around. (well. aurora is, at least.)
[original thread]
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yourlocaltoad · 8 months
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Transperent renders of the senseis for the Skylanders Creator App (Skylanders Creator, 2016) (pt3)
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The Sensei's sizes in-game being so wild is both frustrating and hilarious.
On one hand, I'd like to know exactly how tall they are in relation to each other so I can properly draw them sometime.
On the other, imagining this as canon is the funniest thing on Earth.
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heart-star · 6 months
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I don't know if I'm late with this and some fans already explained it but I thought that the feature of Kaos' mother/Kaossandra was inspired by disney's Maleficent but after I knew the Pound Puppies by Hannah Barbera and saw the villains were a mother & child duo I got to think even that may have been a parallel to the franchise plus wondering if portalmasters are really powerful and capable on their own because I noticed how the ones we know wear jewels/ gemstones like those are important, you think those are helping like power ups or like inhibitors?
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unofskylanderspages · 10 months
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Wanting nothing less than ruling Skylands alone, the two have such a fierce rivalry that Kaos's clone decided to fight alongside their mutual enemy, the Skylanders, to fight his own creator. As seen in the Kaos Promotion Trailer, they cannot even meet eye to eye without initiating a battle.
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madlymine · 8 months
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ML is insane! That's sugar on the fish and Worcestershire sauce on the white rice XD
a year ago
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pikahlua · 1 year
MHA Chapter 402 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 各地の戦況は… かくちのせんきょうは… kakuchi no senkyou wa... The state of the war in various places...
1 荼毘完全沈黙‼︎避難民の無事も確認! だびかんぜんちんもく‼︎ひなんみんのぶじもかくにん! Dabi kanzen chinmoku!! hinanmin no buji mo kakunin! "Complete silenced from Dabi!! Confirm the safety of the evacuees!"
2 轟焦凍任務成功です! ショートにんむせいこうです! SHOOTO ninmu seikou desu! "Shouto's mission is a success!"
3 そして soshite And...
4 トガ増殖停止‼︎消えていきます! トガぞうしょくていし‼︎きえていきます! TOGA zoushoku teishi!! kiete ikimasu! "Toga's proliferation has stopped!! [Her clones} are disappearing!"
tagline 2 「僕のヒーローアカデミア」 「ぼくのヒーローアカデミア」 「boku no HIIROO AKADEMIA」 My Hero Academia
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1 そして soshite And...
tagline No.402 THE TEARFUL DAYS  堀越耕平 ナンバー402 ザ ティアフル デイズ  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 402 ZA TIAFURU DEIZU   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 402 THE TEARFUL DAYS  Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 トゥワイスが消えていきます…! トゥワイスがきえていきます…! TUWAISU ga kiete ikimasu...! "The Twices are disappearing...!"
2 重量軽減これで浮力が確保できます! じゅうりょうけいげんこれでふりょくがかくほできます! juuryou keigen kore de furyoku ga kakuho dekimasu! "With this weight reduction, we can secure our buoyancy!"
3 同刻 どうこく doukoku At the same time...
4 AFO‼︎死柄木に接近‼︎ オール・フォー・ワン‼︎しがらきにせっきん‼︎ OORU FOO WAN!! Shigaraki ni sekkin!! "All For One!! He's approaching Shigaraki!!"
5 泥ワープ圏内に入ってます‼︎ どろワープけんないにはいってます‼︎ doro WAAPU kennai ni haittemasu!! "He's entering range for his mud warp!!"
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1 雄英から降りて緑谷くんは ゆうえいからおりてみどりやくんは yuuei kara orite Midoriya-kun wa Midoriya-kun, who left UA,
2 あれだけの至近距離でなんとか死柄木の攻撃をいなしているなんとか膠着状態を保っている! あれだけのしきんきょりでなんとかしがらきのこうげきをいなしているなんとかこうちゃくじょうたいをたもっている! are dake no shikin kyori de nantoka Shigaraki no kougeki wo inashite iru nantoka kouchaku joutai wo tamotte iru! has somehow managed at such a close range to dodge Shigaraki's attacks and maintain a stalemate!
3 泥ワープ どろワープ doro WAAPU Mud Warp
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1 巻き戻しを注入した時点で… まきもどしをちゅうにゅうしたじてんで… makimodoshi wo chuunyuu shita jiten de... "At the moment I injected Rewind..."
2 此処がゴールだった…… ここがゴールだった…… koko ga GOORU datta...... "this [place] was my goal......"
3-4 弔に「僕の"個性"」を譲渡する事で とむらに「ふくせいひん」をじょうとすることで Tomura ni 「fukuseihin (kanji: boku no "kosei")」 wo jouto suru koto de "By transferring my copy of my quirk to Tomura,"
5 彼は僕を超えた僕となる かれはぼくをこえたぼくとなる kare wa boku wo koeta boku to naru "he will become a me that surpasses me."
6 まだ…密着さえすれば‼︎ まだ…みっちゃくさえすれば‼︎ mada...micchaku sae sureba!! If only...we were glued together!!
7 来いAFO こいオール・フォー・ワん koi OORU FOO WAN "Come, All For One."
8 OFAに邪魔されずに 緑谷にじゃまされずに Midoriya (kanji: OFA) ni jama sarezu ni "Without interference from Midoriya (read as: One For All),"
9 円滑な譲渡を行うには えんかつなじょうとをおこなうには enkatsu na jouto wo okonau ni wa "to ensure a smooth transfer..."
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1 おいで oide "Come here,"
2 死柄木弔 もう一人の僕 mou hitori no boku (kanji: Shigaraki Tomura) "other me (read as: Tomura Shigaraki)."
3 先生… せんせい… sensei... "Master..."
4 邪魔だよ じゃまだよ jama da yo "you're a nuisance."
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1 やはりすでに"意識"は呑まれているか やはりすでに"ぼく"はのまれているか yahari sude ni "boku (kanji: ishiki)" wa nomarete iru ka Indeed, you've already consumed my consciousness, huh?
2 まァいい maA ii Well, that's fine.
3 ならば出向くまでさ ならばでむくまでさ naraba demuku made sa "In that case, I'll have to go over [there]."
4 おい oi "Hey,"
5 …あれ… ...are... "...that..."
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1 わあああっ‼︎ waaaa!! "Waaaagh!!"
2 その情けない表情を以て そのなさけないかおをもって sono nasakenai kao (kanji: hyoujou) wo motte "While you have that pitiful face (read as: expression),"
3 若者に夢を見せた責任を取ろうオールマイト‼︎ わかものにゆめをみせたせきにんをとろうオールマイト‼︎ wakamono ni yume wo miseta sekinin wo torou OORU MAITO!! "let's have you take responsibility for showing dreams to the youth, All Might!!"
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(the little bubbles containing ハッ are "hah" noises from Izuku breathing heavily)
1 オールマイト助けなきゃあ‼︎緑谷出久‼︎ オールマイトたすけなきゃあ‼︎みどりやいずく‼︎ OORU MAITO tasukenakyaa!! Midoriya Izuku!! "You have to help All Might!! Izuku Midoriya!!"
2 丁度いいや!行ってこいよ‼︎ ちょうどいいや!いってこいよ‼︎ choudo ii ya! itte koi yo!! "Such good timing! Go [get him] and come back!!"
3 その間に先刻俺を痛め続けた上の連中 そのあいだにさっきおれをいためつづけたうえのれんちゅう sono aida ni sakki (kanji: senkoku) ore wo itame tsudzuketa ue no renchuu "In the meantime, that lot [of yours] above who kept hurting me earlier,"
4 全部壊しとくからさ! ぜんぶこわしとくからさ! zenbu kowashitoku kara sa! "I'll destroy all of them [before you get back]!"
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1 運命などこの腕で好きな形にねじ曲げてやるさ うんめいなどこのうでですきなかたちにねじまげてやるさ unmei nado kono ude de suki na katachi ni nejimagete yaru sa With these arms, I'll twist fate into whatever shape I like.
2 僕も一緒にねじ曲げます ぼくもいっしょにねじまげます boku mo issho ni nejimagemasu I'll also twist it together with you.
3 一度は抑えた筈の涙が いちどはおさえたはずのなみだが ichido wa osaeta hazu no namida ga The tears he had once held back
4 再び溢れ零れそうになるのを堪える ふたたびあふれこぼれそうになるのをたえる futatabi afure kobore sou ni naru no wo taeru are about to overflow and spill again, and he resists it..
5 その泣き虫は治さないとな そのなきむしはなおさないとな sono nakimushi wa naosanai to na You need to fix that crybaby [thing].
6 良い弟子でありたいから いいでしでありたいから ii deshi de aritai kara ...because he wants to be a good disciple.
7 OFAの面影が ワン・フォー・オールのおもかげが WAN FOO OORU no omokage ga The One For All vestige
8 緑谷出久の中で みどりやいずくのなかで Midoriya Izuku no naka de inside Izuku Midoriya
9-10 一足先に別れを告げた ひとあしさきにわかれをつげた hitoashi saki ni wakare wo tsugeta bade him farewell there earlier.
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1 オールマイト!!! OORU MAITO!!! All Might!!!
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1 "個性"がなくても "こせい"がなくても "kosei" ga nakutemo Even if I don't have a quirk,
2 ヒーローは出来ますか⁉︎ ヒーローはできますか⁉︎ HIIROO wa dekimasu ka!? can I become a hero!?
3 できるよ dekiru yo You can.
4 だって君は沢山頑張れるもの だってきみはたくさんがんばれるもの datte kimi wa takusan ganbareru mono Because you are one who can do your best a lot.
5 夢を捨てきれなかったもの ゆめをすてきれなかったもの yume wo sutekirenakatta mono Because you are one who cannot abandon your dream.
6 私も わたしも watashi mo I, too,
7 捨てきれないんだよ すてきれないんだよ sutekirenainda yo cannot abandon mine either.
8 私の…… わたしの…… watashi no...... My......
9 夢… ゆめ… yume... dream...
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1-2 平和の……象徴に…… へいわの……しょうちょうに…… heiwa no......shouchou ni...... "[To become] the symbol......of peace......"
3 後よろしくな あとよろしくな ato yoroshiku na "I leave the rest to you,"
4 空彦 そらひこ Sorahiko "Sorahiko."
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1 そいつの夢 そいつのゆめ soitsu no yume "That kid's dream,"
2 叶えてやってくれ かなえてやってくれ kanaete yattekure "please make it come true."
3 お師匠ォオ‼︎ おししょうォオ‼︎ oshishouOO!! "Masteeer!!"
4 志村菜奈の最後… しむらななのさいご… Shimura Nana no saigo... Nana Shimura's end...
5 何故 今思い出す⁉︎ なぜ いまおもいだす⁉︎ naze ima omoidasu!? Why do I remember it now!?
6 理想ばかりが先行し実力の伴わない女だった りそうばかりがせんこうしじつりょくのともなわないおんなだった risou bakari ga senkou shi jitsuryoku no tomonawanai onna datta She was a woman who put her ideals first, without the power to back them up.
7 実にみっともない死に様だった じつにみっともないしにざまだった jitsu ni mittomonai shi ni zama datta And then she died such a pathetic death.
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1 オール・フォー・ワン OORU FOO WAN All For One,
2 おまえはオールマイトに負ける…必ずね おまえはオールマイトにまける…かならずね omae wa OORU MAITO ni makeru...kanarazu ne you will lose to All Might...for sure.
3 だって datte Because...
4 こいつ koitsu This guy,
5 自分もろともーー じぶんもろともーー jibun morotomo-- together with himself-- (Note: The implication is that AFO has realized All Might plans to take AFO down with him.)
6 おまえより俊 (とし) 典の方が おまえよりとしのりのほうが omae yori Toshinori no hou ga compared to you, Toshinori is
7 イカレてる IKAREteru crazier.
8 もっかい死ねば もっかいしねば mokkai shineba "If you die once more,"
9 せめて幼稚園児くらいにはなるかぁ⁉︎ せめてようちえんじくらいにはなるかぁ⁉︎ semete youchienji kurai ni wa naru kaa!? "will you become about as old as a kindergartner!?"
tagline 全てを賭して‼︎ すべてをとして‼︎ subete wo toshite!! Risk everything!!
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hungry-skeleton · 7 months
Eon has to keep Sensei Kaos in a private homestead 90% of the time because most of the skylanders will just start beating the shit out of him on sight purely due to primal instinct
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littlebrotherteam · 1 year
Sometimes I’ll be just living life and suddenly I am hit with the fact that Bisco Hatori gave Tamaki, Haruhi, Mori and Honey canon endgame marriages as well as a lot of side characters such as Kasanoda & Mei , but both the twins and Kyouya are left open ended regarding whom they will KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE with, and in their epilogue sensei was like :
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“As for Kyouya who knows if he will suceed the business all I know is he loves his cat . Btw he says he will marry a woman that brings merit for his family but what if he KISSES KISSES FALLS IN LOVE instead ?? As for Kaoru and Hikaru they love their sister and work as a fashion designer and graphic artist maybe ?? Anyways FEEL FREE TO LET YOUR IMAGINATION FLOW (write fanfic pls) ”
Love that for them. Love that even more because the end was like Honey the knows-all going “that was an unexpected development for Kao-chan !! btw Kyouya is ur heart busyyy ??” and Kyouya is all “NOoOoOoOoOoOoOo NOT ME that couldn’t be me nuh we’re happy with this but I will marry someone for BENEFIT >:) ” and Bisco Hatori is like “yeah I guess ... but wouldn’t it be nice if he fell in love too *wink wink* incidentally the twins are single ” 
 Love how sensei just laid out the blueprint n was like “but do whatever u want” . . . how to Hide Your Gays in plain sight . . .
(super late edit just bc felt I wasn’t properly conveying the meaning of メリット whichi is p much a false cognate when I first posted this I was too excited sry)
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mothmanwarble · 8 months
I still love that thing that the Mask of Power books did, in which they established Eon having some sort of telepathic link with his Skylanders. It’s really interesting, and I feel like it helps explain why/how Eon knows when to call the Skylanders back home if they’re tired or in trouble or something.
But also I imagine that it’d be very funny if this extended to Sensei Kaos and the other Skylanders, cuz let’s not forget: he’s still 100% a Portal Master. I love the idea of him creating his own mental links between him and other Skylanders just to be a nuisance. He keeps beaming thoughts directly into people’s heads and they hate it.
Aurora’s having fun though. She and Kaos keep using the brainlink to wordlessly quote YouTube Poops at each other. They deliberately get songs stuck in each other’s heads via telepathy.
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kyururun · 5 months
Kyururin te shitemite - Love Kyun♡Wanted (Lyrics + ENG Translation)
Are you ready? RABU Kyun ♡ Wanted "Nee nee kimi ni tsugeru! Shuui wa mou houi sareten no!" "nigeru no nante akiramete?" "kimi wo ichiban suki na no wa watashi da mon!!" "Aa~ doko iku no?! sekaichuu ni shimei tehai shiteyaru~~!!"
kawaii ko nara dare demo ii no? (sou! PURINSESU wa hitori de OK!) warui ko wa tejou shinakya ne (INSUTA FOROO wa juuzai!!) Kyou mo Hide & Seek mitsuketa nantsuu IIJII GEEMU (omoi wa omoi joushiki ◎) kimi kentei wa hyakuten watashi shika katan no desu
joshi da toka danshi toka, kankei nai yakimochi motto hitori jime sasete yo (iya!! watashi ni dake yasashiku sun no!!) yappa yappa yaba yaba see no de nerai uchi ♡ (ban♡ ban♡)
shuki chu bakyun!! HAATO meichuu RABU sugite tsumi tsumimi (ban♡ ban♡) doki chou makyuu, wa! gorinjuu soku taiho desu (wanted♡ wanted♡)
doushiyokka Merry sore tomo Killing docchi tomo eien da ne wagamama datte nakimushi datte, zenbu wo aishite ne Are you ready? RABU Kyun ♡ Wanted
sansei!! numaru kei ni shiteyaru ♡ hantai!! "kao wa ii" tte hometenai yo ne?! koi kogare chuu demo (hai~) reiji ni wa nemasu ♡ sensei!! ganbaru mon, ashita kara, ita!!
Aa~ mou High & Sick barechatta wan tsuu EGOSAACHI "teiki haishin chuu BADDO MOODO" shoubu wa mata gyakuten kimi no omoi doori nan desu
koutei mo hitei mo todokanai unmei datte kamisama ga kimeta no (uso! akai ito nakutatte shinjin no) yappa yappa yaba yaba see no de midare uchi (ban♡ ban♡)
shuki tte babu? HAATO meikyuu menbure shite daru KIRUMII (ban♡ ban♡) doki tte bagu, ma! muchuu ichuu soku taiho desu (wanted♡ wanted♡)
koi tte sa Beauty sore tomo Dirty docchi demo bigaku da ne konna hiroi sekai sagasechau kurai zenbu wo ashiteru Are you ready? RABU Kyun ♡ Wanted
ichizu wa seigi desho YES ka ne YES kotaete nari hibiku SAIREN tokimeki bousou chuu!
shuki chu bakyun!! HAATO meichuu RABU sugite tsumi tsumimi (ban♡ ban♡) doki chou makyuu, wa! gorinjuu soku taiho desu (wanted♡ wanted♡)
doushiyokka Merry sore tomo Killing docchi tomo eien da ne wagamama datte nakimushi datte, zenbu wo aishite ne Are you ready? RABU Kyun ♡ Wanted
Are you ready? Love Kyun ♡ Wanted
Hey, hey, I'm telling you, you're surrounded. Can't you just give up on running? After all, I'm the one who loves you the most! Aah~! Where are you going? I'll make you wanted all over the world!
Anyone's fine as long as they're a cute girl? (Right, only one princess is OK!) Bad girls need to be handcuffed, right (Instagram following is a huge crime!)
It's hide & seek again today, I found you ♡ What an easy game "Feelings are a heavy common sense" ◎ You get 100 test points There's no one better than me!
Boys or girls it doesn't matter, I get jealous either way Let me keep you to myself more (No way! Only be nice to me!) After all, afer all, it's bad bad 1, 2 - I'm aiming for you (Bang♡ Bang♡ )
I wuv you, mwah, shoot~! A direct hit to the heart I love you so much my crimes are at the limit (Bang♡ Bang♡ ) Heart thumps, a super miracle ball. Wah, I'm on my deathbed I'm going to arrest you immediately! (Wanted♡ Wanted♡)
What should I do, merry or killing? Both will last for eternity right? Love all of me even if I'm selfish or a crybaby Are you ready? Love Kyun ♡ Wanted
In favour of! Sentencing you to being obsessed with me Objection! It's not a compliment saying "you're pretty", is it?! Even if I'm deeply yearning for you (Okay~) I'll be in bed by midnight I declare! I'll try hard as of tomorrow (ugh)
Ahh, I'm high & sick. I've been found out 1, 2 and search up my name online "Bad mode during the scheduled live broadcast", the match is back to square one It's exactly as your feelings say
A destiny that neither affirmation nor denail can reach After all, it's all decided by God (No way! I believe in the red string even if it's not there) After all, afer all, it's bad bad 1, 2 - I'm gonna shoot like crazy (Bang♡ Bang♡ )
I wuv you, am I being childish? My heart is a maze I'm losing my mind, how cringe, kill me (Bang♡ Bang♡ ) My heart thumping is a bug, well! I'm totally obsessed I'm going to arrest you immediately! (Wanted♡ Wanted♡)
Love is, y'know, beauty or dirty. Both are just aesthetics, right I love everything about you so much I'd go to the ends of the world to find you Are you ready? Love Kyun ♡ Wanted
Being earnestly devoted is justice, right? Yes, right? Say yes A resouding siren, I'm being reckless with heart-pounding emotion!
I wuv you, mwah, shoot~! A direct hit to the heart I love you so much my crimes are at the limit (Bang♡ Bang♡ ) Heart thumps, a super miracle ball. Wah, I'm on my deathbed I'm going to arrest you immediately! (Wanted♡ Wanted♡)
What should I do, merry or killing? Both will last for eternity right? Love all of me even if I'm selfish or a crybaby Are you ready? Love Kyun ♡ Wanted
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dragoninahumancostume · 8 months
Been thinking abt this for some time but Master Eon is Sensei Wu, Stealth Elf is Nya, Kaos is Morro, Strykore is Garmadon, and technically in a way Dark Spyro is somewhat like Lloyd, but also Spyro could be like Kai or smth? (after this I stopped thinking bc the other ninja didn't fit quite well with Jet-Vac, Eruptor and Pop Fizz)
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therealmofamorus · 1 year
Blog Update: Muse List Update
The Muse List for the Hentai girls been updated to now have the list of hentai that i've seen or in interested in.
Youkoso! Sukebe Elf no Mori e?
Princess Knight Catue
Taimanin Asagi
Kangoku Senkan
Kyonyuu Fantasy
The Pit Coxville Stories
Meet “n” Fuck Game
Ochi Mono RPG Seikishi Luvilias
Energy Kyo-ka
Buta no Gotoki Sanzoku ni Torawarete Shojo o Ubawareru Kyonyuu Himekishi
The Beauty and The Beast
Sennen Reijou ~My Lady, My Master~
Aijou no Injoku Elf
Elf Oyako to Pakopako Ibunka Kouryuu!
Tasogare no Shou Elf
Kaika - Ochita Elf Tsuma
[Fan no Hitori] Remnant of the Demon King
[Fan No Hitori] Hypno App Fantasia (Hypno App x Time Stop Fantasia)
Ou-sama Appli - King App
Seiso Kanojo, Ochiru
Hajimete no Hitozuma
Hitozuma A-san to Musuko no Yuujin N-kun
Himawari wa Yoru ni Saku
Saimin Seishidou
Akane wa Tsumare Somerareru
Natsu, Tsuma no Sentaku
Houjou no Reizoku Elf | Fertile Slave Elves
Echiechi Haishinsha wa Ani no Yome!? ~Hoshigari Manko no Daibouken~ | My Sister-in-Law is a Porn Streamer!? ~The Great Adventure of a Famous Pussy~
VictimGirlsR Watashi wa, Makemasen! | I will not lose!
Succubus Queen vs Goblin Grunts
VictimGirlsR "JK de Refre -Flesh & Refresh-"
VictimGirls R Chikan Bokumetsu Campaign | VictimGirls R Molestation Eradication Campaign
Joshi Luck!
Imaizumin-chi wa Douyara Gal no Tamariba ni Natteru Rashii
Inma no Mikata! | Succubi's Supporter!
Oideyo! Kunoichi no Sato Kiwami ~Fuuma Kunoichi Soutoujou no Maki~ | Come to the Kunoichi Village! Climax ~Fuuma Kunoichi's Full Appearance Volume~
Fella Hame Lips
Fella Pure
Ajisai no Chiru Koro ni | Bigleaf Hydrangea Leaf Falling Time
Kaos Comic
Illustrated Interracial
Yair Comics
Isekai Yarisaa
Shikijou Kyoudan
My Mom And Sister Are Size Queen Sluts
Otome Dori
Saimin Seishidou
Kyonyuu Elf Oyako Saimin
Kyonyuu Princess Saimin
Seika Jogakuin Kounin Sao Ojisan
Ane wa Yanmama Junyuu-chu
Muttsuri Do Sukebe
Tsuma ga Kirei ni Natta Wake
Ki no Tsuyoi Onna Joushi (31-sai) Hitozuma no Yowami o Nigitta node, Mainichi Nakadashi Shitetara Sukkari Kawaiku Natte Shimatta Ken
Okusama wa Moto Yariman
Genkaku Cool na Sensei ga Aheboteochi!
JK Bitch ni Shiboraretai
Tachibana-san-chi no Dansei Jijou Matome Ban | Tachibana-san's Circumstances With a Man
Let me know in the comments if there's a hentai that you think i could be interested in
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unofskylanderspages · 9 months
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Kaos deeply despises the Golden Queen, even more than the Skylanders, for having petty objectives in her plans and not being 'evil enough', and he was willing to team up with his enemies and insisted that the Skylanders took her down as fast as possible even at the expense of gloating about her defeat. He would hire the Doom Raiders twice again in Skylanders: Battlecast (minus The Gulper, Nightshade, and Luminous) and Skylanders: Ring of Heroes to assist him in two separate failed conquests of Skylands, but his relationship with them was not explored further. Once the Chompy Mage (who served as one of his four warlords in Skylanders: Battlegrounds), Dr. Krankcase, Wolfgang, and the Golden Queen joined the Skylanders as Senseis in Skylanders: Imaginators, his animosity towards them grew even more to the point of no longer considering them acquaintances, though not to the same extent as the remaining Doom Raiders.
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madlymine · 8 months
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Today's goal: finish subbing ep8
Another episode full of metaphors! This teacher is killing me. No wonder no one subbed this. It requires a lot of brain-power to comprehend what he's trying to say o_o'
Don't get me wrong, I'm having a blast putting the puzzle pieces together. But some episodes are more challenging than the rest.
Lately, I spend my free time subbing or watching Netflix, so I'm behind on EVERYTHING. Speaking of Netflix, I wish Divorce Attorney Shin dropped all episodes all at once because it's SO GOOD! Now I'm watching The Last Kingdom S5, which killed a lot of my beloved characters! I'm too afraid to continue on to ep7 *gulps*
10 months ago
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Our Hero Academy
Chapter 2
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Prev. Chapter
Pairing: Shota Aizawa x female OC
Genre: Shota Aizawa X female OC fluff, angst, high school romance, friends to lovers
Words: 2k
Summary: 15 years ago, Eraser Head was starting his hero studies with his best friends Hizashi and Oboro. Contrary to what people think, his teenage years in the U.A. were bright and lovely, filled with the laughter of his best friends and his girlfriend's unconditional love. What happened over the years? What changed him into a gloomy sensei?
Extra note: You can totally picture Y/N in the OC female name, it's just that it'd be cute to read Aizawa calling her pet names. 🤍
Chapter 2 - Training together
"But how was it? Tell us every detail! Does she look as hot as always while training or even hotter?"
"Hizashi, cut it out," Aizawa ordered. His friends had not stopped asking how the training with Kaori was. 
"This isn't fair, Shota. You worked with her because we helped you; otherwise, you'd continue looking at your shoelaces like a total idiot."
"Thanks for that, Oboro. I'll remember it next time you're floating and screaming for help."
Hizashi let out such a guffaw that everyone in the cafeteria looked at the line and once they discovered who was laughing like that, everything made sense. 
"Can we just buy our lunch and go to the rooftop?" Oboro asked while covering his face behind Aizawa. It was one of those super weird cases in which he actually felt embarrassed. "And I'm done with the floating jokes, you, cat boy!"
Aizawa was trying to make his friend stop pulling his shirt when, in the distance, he noticed Kaori eating alone next to a window. “What if we tell her to join us?” Shota's voice made his two friends look at him as if they had misheard. Him inviting someone else? HE proposing that they socialize with someone else? Impossible... Aizawa would never do such a thing. 
"Are you high? Did you take anything from Recovery Girl's office?" Oboro asked. 
"Whom?" Hizashi looked in all directions without understanding. "Are you okay? I mean, Oboro's here, I'm here. And we're pretty much the only human beings you talk to. Who else are you thinking of?"
"Kao... Hoshino." He said correcting himself immediately.
"Hoshino?!" They both asked so loudly, especially Hizashi, that even Kaori heard them.
“I mean, she's there all alone…" Aizawa looked at the floor with such intensity that had his power had been some kind of laser, he would have scorched the whole place. "You know what? Forget it." 
Too late… his last words were only heard by the wind, for Oboro and Hizashi were already inviting the girl to eat with them.
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"So, let me get this straight. You can heighten so much the volume of your voice so that you can end up stunning other people." Kaori said paying attention to their introductions while they ate on the rooftop. 
"It's not that he can end up doing so, he does it at least twice a week." Oboro clarified while Hizashi laughed.
"When I was born, I cried so loudly that everyone in the room fainted." 
"Definitely not something to be proud of, bro." 
"Still, you laugh every time he tells that story," Aizawa commented and he did not lie, for Oboro started to roar with laughter, causing a chain reaction in Hizashi and Kaori, it was just impossible to contain the laugh once Oboro started. When they finally managed to control the fit of laughter, Aizawa was already done with his lunch.
"I can generate and manipulate clouds of varying density. So far I'm trying to create bigger ones, but it's kind of complicated and I tend to end up soaking."
"Or floating..." Kaori hadn't intended to mock him; in fact, she was paying a lot of attention to the boy. However, striking a chord in Oboro, not even Aizawa himself could suppress a laugh. "I'm sorry! I didn't want to..."
"Oh, that's fine! Do it now, because when he's the one making jokes, he won't stop." Hizashi said. 
Trying to clear his name, Oboro brought his left hand closer to Kaori, and opening his palm, he formed a small cloud that little by little acquired the shape of a doll. While Hizashi praised like a child what Oboro had done, because no matter how many times he did it, the blonde was still surprised, Aizawa glanced at Kaori's beautiful smile before the doll. Shyly, the girl took both hands and placed them on top of the doll. She then manipulated the energy of the small cloud and made it shine with the colors of the rainbow. That simple energy transformation blew the guys' minds.
Just as Aizawa imagined, Kaori, Oboro, and Hizashi clicked immediately and from that day on, the days at the academy became much more tolerable for the two timid heroes.
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One afternoon, when classes finished, Hizashi and Oboro were ready to go to the movies and then go to eat. They had invited Kaori; however, she could not join them, so now they were just waiting for Aizawa. 
"Shota, hurry up, we're going to be late!" Hizashi said when their friend closed his locker but was still wearing the training uniform. 
"There's no time for you to change, let's go, you can do it on the way," Oboro commented.
"I'm not leaving yet, I'm gonna train a little more." 
“What? Why? We trained all day! My throat even hurts."
"Sorry guys I can't go."
"Aizawa!" They said at the same time as they watched him leave.
Thus, the young hero went through all the gyms, and he could see several students training. Some of them were practicing with professors, others in groups, and others individually. Yet, he couldn't find what he was looking for. Thinking that he had made a fool of himself and that he should have communicated better, he was about to leave when an idea made him stop. Maybe he was looking wrong...
Entering the forest that surrounded the UA, Aizawa found what he was looking for; or rather, who he was looking for. Kaori trained on her account, she didn't tend to use the gyms at the academy, but no one knew why, until that day.
Aizawa hadn't even gotten very close to her when he felt how the temperature changed. Despite being a beautiful sunny day, the temperature was chilly, and yet, the area around Kaori was burning and at first the boy did not get how she could bear it so stoically. Suddenly, Shota understood what she was doing. Kaori was transporting heat waves through airflows so that she could ignite several logs scattered around the river. One by one she burned them in this way until she only had one left, the largest of all. Aizawa could tell she was having a hard time handling so much heat, she had already started to sweat and was slightly wincing.
"If she keeps going like this, she'll burn her hands." Thought the boy.
Suddenly, Aizawa discovered that the girl couldn't stop, the amount of energy she was trying to control was higher than her body could resist. He knew he didn't have consent, and that she might resent using his quirk on her, but he needed to do it. Then, the black of his eyes' iris disappeared, giving way to a scarlet red tone. Aizawa had activated his quirk, and at the same time as his eyes burned, Kaori lost her power. Desperately seeking to ease her pain, the girl plunged her hands into the water and Aizawa could hear a moan. 
The heat had already disappeared, he could already approach her. "Are you okay?"
“Shota, it was you… you stopped it.”
"Sorry, I know I shouldn't have, but it looked like you were in pain."
"You don't have to apologize, thank you." She said with a kind smile, but with glassy eyes. She wasn't going to let a single tear fall, but still, the burning in her hands was terrible.
"Shouldn't you go to the infirmary? Recovery Girl can help you.”
"It's not necessary. It doesn't hurt that much."
Aizawa knew it wasn't true, Kaori's palms were burning red; still, from what he knew of her, he was certain that she would ignore her pain and continue training. "Why didn't you stop?"
"It was my fault, I got distracted and tried to control more energy than I could. Besides, I suck when it comes to controlling heat."
"You could've transformed it, it was solar energy, you could convert it into electricity."
“I try to avoid electricity.” She said lowering her face, it was evident that she was not going to talk about it. "You seem to know a bit about the subject, huh?"
"If we're going to train together, I must understand what you do." He responded by lifting his shoulders; however, his comment did not go unnoticed by the girl, who experienced a new sensation in her stomach. “I looked for you in the gyms, but I remembered that you once mentioned that you like to train outside.”
Kaori nodded and couldn't help but smile at the memory of her old home. “I grew up in the countryside, and even though my house isn’t big, there are big mountains and rivers around it, I got used to training like this. I feel a bit suffocated in closed gyms.”
“I imagine wind and water energies are the ones you manipulate best.”
“Those are the first ones I learned to transform, but sound energy's my favorite. My little brother loves it when I used the vibrations to make the earth around him shake. He has this sweet giggling... it's very cute to hear." For a moment, longing tinged her gaze, but then she looked down at her hands and sighed. "Now, heat and electricity... different stories." 
A few moments passed and Kaori took her hands out of the water. "That's enough, are you ready to start, Shota?"
Before nodding, he threw another glance at her hands, opened his backpack and taking out some bandages. "At least protect them a bit."
After a sincere thank you, the young girl tried to put the bandages on her hands, but no matter how strong she tried to be, the heat did not allow her to do so.
Somewhat embarrassed by her ache, Kaori tittered. “I think I can try it later.” 
Without a single word, Aizawa did it by himself. The boy took care of Kaori's hands with such delicacy that she did not feel anything. Or probably it was because she was lost in him that she did not notice when he finished. 
"I think that'll do it." 
"You're done? You're better than Recovery Girl, Shota!"
“You get used to it when you grew up with two guys who get hurt every day.” Even though Kaori laughed, Aizawa remained serious, apparently, it wasn't that easy to make him laugh.
Taking Kaori at her word, Aizawa began to train with her. At first, it was just the two of them, but soon the other two joined them. Anyone would think that due to their personalities, training sessions were nothing more than prolonged breaks, but that couldn't be further from the truth. When it came to practice, it was serious. 
In addition, their group movements were perfect considering that Hizashi used sound waves to attack and Oboro used the wind to control his clouds. It was wonderful to Kaori that her friends precisely used the types of energy that she could best control, and if things got messy, Aizawa quickly sorted it out.
The group complemented each other perfectly because while Hizashi and Oboro kept their motivation to the maximum, Kaori did not let them give up, her dedication sometimes left her friends with their mouths open and on the verge of dying of fatigue. Regarding Aizawa, he was key, since he was the one who analyzed how his friends fought, how they used their powers, and which their weak points were. Little by little, he felt more useful and strove hard to train his power. What Hizashi and Oboro hadn't attained in years no matter how hard they tried, Kaori was achieving it. The girl was making Aizawa begin to realize how powerful he could be. It would be a lie to say that he felt confident or sure of himself, but he was starting to do it.
As for the dynamic between the four of them, this was quite curious, for although Kaori was aware of how capable she was, once the training was over, she was quite introverted. In fact, the more time the boys spent with her, the more they realized how similar she could be to Aizawa, except that she wasn't as quiet. 
Meanwhile, all the words that did not come out from Kaori and Shota’s mouths, Hizashi, and Oboro said them; however, those weird cases in which Aizawa and Kaori made jokes could bring their friends to tears from laughing so hard. To tell the truth, Aizawa and Kaori's humor was very similar, they were funny without even meaning to. Also, although the girl sometimes inhibited herself when Aizawa was close, she was the one who teased him the most. It was curious and funny for Hizashi and Oboro to notice that although Aizawa made her nervous, he was the one she trusted the most. And without even meaning to, or without him noticing, Kaori was also gaining the boy's trust and affection.
Next chapter
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