#australian motorcycle parts distributors
leadermotorcycles · 1 year
Motorcycle Repairs Sydney | Motorcycle Service Centre
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Certainly!  Here are some general motorcycle repair shops, but please note that these may not be located in Sydney specifically:
Cycle Gear: Cycle Gear is a national chain of motorcycle parts and service shops with locations throughout Australia. They offer a range of motorcycle repairs and services.
Moto Mechanic: Moto Mechanic is a motorcycle repair shop with locations in Melbourne and Sydney. They offer a range of services, including repairs, maintenance, and performance upgrades.
MotoHeaven: MotoHeaven is a motorcycle parts and accessories retailer with a repair shop located in Ringwood, Victoria. They offer a range of repairs and services for a variety of motorcycle brands.
Moto One: MotoOne is a motorcycle dealership with locations in Brisbane, the Gold Coast, and Melbourne. They offer a range of motorcycle repairs and services, including tyre changes and engine rebuilds.
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megwaynebrundell · 6 years
Back to the Burt Feb 2019
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Oreti Beach New Zealand (8 Feb 2019)
Readers of this blog will recall that in Aug-Oct 2016 Megan and I took Meg's Australian based Moto Guzzi Lemans 1000 to Europe along with 47 other Australian registered Moto Guzzis. Including pillions, more than 60 of us took off from Melbourne bound for the Netherlands where we picked up our bikes and toured.  On that occasion Megan and I travelled some 10,000 kilometres across Western Europe and most of those kilometres were not quick efficient kilometres on autobahns but rather meandering back roads so we really got to appreciate Western Europe and enjoy the bike and each other.
 I declared at that time that it was the best holiday I had ever been on.  Megan and I enjoyed the motorcycle tour of Europe so much that on the day we were obliged to return our black Moto Guzzi Lemans 1000 to its container bound for home in Melbourne that we purchased a red Moto Guzzi Lemans 1000 in Europe to leave in Europe so that we could repeat the pleasure of touring Europe on a classic old Moto Guzzi annually.
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 The Black Lemans on which we toured Europe 2016 (22 Sep 2016)
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The sad day we packed the black lemans up to send her home after spending our best holiday yet riding her around Western Europe. (27 Sep 2016)
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After sadly packing away the black lemans we cheered ourselves up by buying the red lemans to leave in Europe so we could continue the best holidays ever for years to come.  (27 Sep 2016)
Given our enthusiasm for the 2016 trip with its high point of celebrating the 95th birthday of Moto Guzzi at the factory on the shore of Lake Como at Mandello del Lario, it is hardly surprising that when Teo Lamers advised he was organising a tour last year (February 2018) of New Zealand that Megan and I again loaded the black Moto Guzzi Lemans 1000 into a container this time heading out from Melbourne Australia and bound for Auckland New Zealand.  The highlights of this tour would be riding from the top of New Zealand's North Island to the bottom of its South Island (Invercargill) where we would celebrate the Southern Hemisphere's largest Motorcycle event, the Burt Monro Challenge.
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Riverton South Island New Zealand (8 Feb 2019)
Again Megan and I had a magnificent time and here is where a pattern in Megan's and my behaviour began to emerge.  As the motorcycle tour of New Zealand came to a close, Megan and I began to think of ways we could have a New Zealand based motor cycle sitting a couple of days ride from Invercargill.  Yes, if we could hatch this cunning plan, we would have not only all of our Australian based motorcycles with us here in Melbourne but we would also have two motorcycles based outside of Australia with one being in Nijmegen Netherlands near the centre of Western Europe and the other a couple of days ride from Invercargill on the South Island of New Zealand.  If this plan could come to fruition, not only would we have motorcycles on which we could tour the oldest continent of earth (Australia) but would could also have a motorcycle on one of the most highly populated and culturally and geographically diverse continents on earth (Europe) as well as that we could have a further motorcycle based in the true antipodean outpost with its winding mountain roads, glaciers, earthquakes and an old fashion culture of living and motorcycle racing that reminds me of the best of Australia during the 1970s.
 As time passed a plan emerged.  Our favourite New Zealand motorcycle racer Vince Burrell of Guzzi Café who races a 1970s round barrel Guzzi across New Zealand was moving his business to Christchurch which is located two days ride from Invercargill on the South Island of New Zealand.   Vince who is a great laconic New Zealand character whose needs in life are articulated simply in his desire to be genuine, decent and to ride motorcycles fast on a race track.  Yes Vince agreed we could store our motorcycle at his new motorcycle workshop in Christchurch New Zealand year round.  All that remained was to secure the right motorcycle.
 If past behaviour had been anything to go by we should have purchased a Moto Guzzi Lemans 1000 MKV. Why not I already had three of them and clearly love the bike but somehow the conditions on the South Island of New Zealand when they spoke to me said something different.  The pace of life on the South Island of New Zealand is slower than Europe and Melbourne Australia.  Of course it had to be a Moto Guzzi but which model??? I can be very fussy when it comes to bikes and in that respect I am no different to every other motorcycle enthusiast on the planet.  I only like old bikes, being bikes which are designed before 1985 and to me they must have carburettors and be air cooled.  I realised all of these features are old dinosaurs which have been superseded, much like myself, by far better and more efficient models but my preference is my preference.
 Again it wasn't long before the 'correct' answer became evident.  New Zealand is a large archipelago with great mountains so a large reasonably reliable engine would be essential but the South Island is also a place that moves slowly (in a nice way) and harps back to bygone eras from the 60s and 70s when the world was a simpler place.  Yes, I would have the very first model Moto Guzzi which had the simple transverse twin cylinder engine and even old drum brakes.  The first model V700, it would have enough torque to transport Megan, me and our luggage but would lop along slowly in a way that would not be out of step with the slow lopping pace of life that exists in the South Island.
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A good place to start, a 1968 Moto Guzzi V700.  The before shot.
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Progress? 11 Aug 2018
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Coming together, thanks Teo & Tony (24 Nov 2018)
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A team effort, thanks Andy and Teo (1 Dec 2018)  Time is running out.
I even knew the perfect place to source this motorcycle.  I knew Teo Lamers of Yea Victoria Australia had a couple of these in his collection.  I had seen a perfect red and silver V700 there during the preceding year.
 After a discussion with Teo a V700 Guzzi was mine and given the need for this bike to be exceptionally reliable despite its age, Teo and I had agreed on a full nut and bolt restification that would see all mechanical parts of this bike disassembled and where necessary refreshed.
 Thanks Teo the result is amazing and so are you.
 Thanks to Vince of Guzzi Café, Teo Lamers of TLM and Mark Townsen we would have a New Zealand based beauty awaiting us in Christchurch.  The only thing we could now do to make the New Zealand Guzzi experience better would be to share it with great friends.
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Ready to be shipped to New Zealand and just in time for the Burt Munro. (6 Jan 2019)
The longest close friendship that I have enjoyed during my lifetime is the relationship I have with my younger brother Daryl.  Daryl is almost four years younger than me and since we were both able to speak in early childhood we have both had an informal and sometimes formal pact to annoy and irritate those around us to our own selfish amusement.  It is true we have been detested by many over the years for this trait but it is also many others have loved us and enjoyed watching our craft.  I also owe Daryl because it was he who introduced me to Megan all those years ago.
Not only have I enjoyed a great relationship with Daryl over the years but also back in the eighties when we were young Daryl married Arlene who also became a great friend to Megan and me. Since that time we have lived in proximate neighbourhoods and our current houses even adjoin each other's. All four of us grew up together having similar aged children who socialised and went to school together. Even now our 30 year old daughters are currently sharing a house.  Our friendship has been a true lifetime relationship.
The final and significant point to our relationship with regards to this blog is that Daryl and I share a passion for motorcycles and more particularly Moto Guzzis  In fact Daryl already had a 1968 V700 Moto Guzzi. So the next step was clear.  We would invite Daryl and Arlene to relocate their 1968 V700 Moto Guzzi with our 1968 V700 Moto Guzzi at Guzzi Café in Christchurch New Zealand.  Vince Burrell of Guzzi Café agreed and the deal was done.  Let the Buccaneering Brundells Big Bash across the Tasman begin.
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Buccaneering Brundells at the airport. 3 Feb 2019
There is that book which everyone has heard of but few people have actually read called Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.  I fall into this category where I imagine I practice the art but really I have never read the book so have no idea if that is true.  To me the idea of the book is the pleasure I get playing around with my old classic motorcycles keeping them on the road and in the process of doing that I push all the pressures of modern day life out of my head.  While I ride and maintain our stable of classic old motorcycles there is no space in my head to worry about the pressures of life including what others think or what is happening at work or with finances etc.
This trip falls into this category.  As we ride our bikes from Christchurch to Invercargill we need to iron out those little niggles that beset bikes which are older than 50 years but have many new components fitted.  Are all the recently installed nuts and bolts still tight?  It is common for rebuilt old motorcycles to vibrate a few nuts and bolts loose as the bikes bed in.  For us the newly installed points inside my bike's distributor did what points often do when they are new and that is they close up faster than normal as the felt block settles in.  For me this caused the bike to run very roughly and unevenly.  The unevenness was exacerbated after running out of petrol as this bike has no reserve (I found out the hard way) and presumably the carbies picked up some dirt from the bottom of the fuel tank.  The bike was running terribly and it appeared we would not make Invercargill for the Burt Munro Challenge.  Would we be stranded on the side of the road?  At first I thought maybe I had the choke in the wrong position as the Italian bike has two settings on the choke being A and C.  A meaning aperto or open and C meaning chiuso or closed.  I started to doubt which was open or closed and as the bike ran marginally better with the choke aperto I left it on for a while.  This improved the situation a little but a texting communication with Teo confirmed that when the engine is warm the choke should be chiuso.  So I closed it but the bike ran worse and at times it could not even sustain speeds of 70 kilometres per hour.  At first I cleaned the carburettor float bowls where I found sediment and in the left hand carburettor even lumps of rubbish.  After a couple of cleans it began to improve but it wasn't until I got to Invercargill that Teo suggested I check the points.  Of course, new points have a tendency to close more quickly when first installed. It has been so many years since I have had a car or bike with old fashion points and I had forgotten how quickly they wear out or simply require adjustment.  I opened the points and the problem was resolved quickly.
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Side of the road repair to Daryl’s bike.  Makeshift gear lever. (10 Feb 2019)
The other early feature of the bike which needed to be ironed out was the propensity which became evident immediately after we took off for the first time.  The bike had an unnerving weave at speeds below 15 km/h. At first I was very concerned but it quickly became evident that the issue disappeared above 15 km/h.  My first attempt at diagnosis was tyre pressure and readers of this block will recall the issues that initially beset Megan and me when we took off in Holland 2016 with an almost unrideable bike. Once tyre pressure was ruled out I recalled that I had left the rear suspension settings on the softest setting while riding the bike two-up with a lot of luggage most of which is up high and out the back in the top box.
 I upped the suspension rating and the problem reduced significantly although did not disappear altogether. At speeds below 15 km/h it would be little more than an unnerving inconvenience.  Later I also realised that the new Ikon rear shock absorbers installed on the bike had a preload setting which I later also changed, again things improved but some weaving is still present below 15 km/h.  Oh well, something for me to work on over time.
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The four of us hanging out at Oreti Beach (8 Feb 2019)
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Ceo Headhunters - Headhunting Service In City
Great News! An individual multiple job offers all happening at once, or these if you work it. Even purchase only have one job offer, continue reading. To get here, you have had to send countless resumes, make calls, get grilled during many interviews, and, most annoyingly, wait horrific amounts of time waiting for call backs after interviews.
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Image Source: 
Require Ceo Headhunters - They Compared CPA Earnings To Those Made With CEO HEADHUNTERS 
But before he made his name via Red Bull and Ferrari, he was an effective businessman. He relishes challenge and, while still students and staying in Switzerland, he literally single-handedly turned come to be for in-line skating straight into a huge sponsored event. He approached Benetton, persuaded them to part with cash to sponsor an in-line convention. and a star was born. The two of you came away with an element. For Bahar, it was a sign that his natural business acumen and marketing skills were being applied.
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Hire Ceo Headhunters - A Beautifully Refreshing Perspective On CEO HEADHUNTERS
For me, there basically three an individual can totally control within your work or personal lives: Our attitude, values plus the we be used for people. 1 are work essentials.
Video Source:
Ceo Headhunter - The best explanation of CEO HEADHUNTERS I have ever heard 
Their children usually like them they seem to be experiencing more freedom than their peers. It is not that Pisces people ignore their children's wrong-doings; just don't really see them for what they are. They tend to see the good or interesting things in other people and that may an admirable trait, since they're seldom judgmental.
Top Ceo Headhunter - 10 Thing I Like About CEO HEADHUNTERS, But #3 Is My Favorite  
Understanding and believing within your personal brand at job is absolutely a part of your unique resiliency outlook. Since the layoff, I retooled my "brand," and my resiliency firm is very humbly a becoming successful 
Courage. The ceo has one belonging to the world's toughest jobs. Topic how tough it would be to start the company, it's even harder to maintain it to remain Ceo Headhunters For Company going and growing. A CEO must decide what she or she brief for and do what is right, regularly. It takes courage to fireplace the salesperson responsible for your company's biggest, most lucrative account when that same salesperson drives a company car drunk and causes an auto. There will be often when ceo will need to smooth over something that requires decisive action because on the potential consequences or merely just can't take 1 more challenge at whenever.
In network marketing you maintain company owners, we then have because they came from rise to reach the top of the pyramid and last even Ceo Headhunters For Agency so least, has actually the people at the best bottom within the pyramid, tend to be new MLM distributors. 
According to EPA ratings when car was new it have to have produced 17 city and 27 motorway. Considering the age and miles on this car I'm confident that i'm getting approach mileage as well as that is the answer. I am also positive that Cermet Lab's Ceramic Treatment is the reason this car performs and also it actually does. As a side note, Need to laugh just a little when I see ads in the media for new cars claiming they obtains 27 mpg and just cost $30,000 dollars. I will fill my tank over 600 times for $30,000 dollars. That's approximately 230,000 miles. 
Alright you have settled on the choice to wind up working for yourself, what now? I wouldn't pack up your office at this time and advise your manager to clear out, not yet in any case. In my last article I instructed you to take in each article you're capable fine. There is such a great amount of commercial on putting your site inside the compass of the huge web indexes. It's a touch of overpowering. Repairing the allurement wind up being there to begin burning through cash ideal out of the checkpoint. Stop!!! 
I wound up harder and ready to beat hindrances myself including it, which helped in secondary school and my modestly effective profession just like a corporate interchanges official for right around 30 years. 
KB: Certainly! I wear your garments all over the place, particularly when voyaging, and seek compliments from ladies in all age sections. Do you ever make custom footwear? 
He offers to finance a Sprint Cup Series ride in '09 and additionally two Nationwide autos, and intends to proceed with his telecom vocation. No. 47 Little Debbie Ford will be steered inside Cup arrangement by Australian driver Marcos Ambrose. The 43 number is as of now taken by Petty Enterprises' Bobby Labonte. 
Be that as it may, in light of the Automotive News, GM lifers command your ready to send senior overseeing. Of GM's 12 administrators with a position of gathering VP or above, just three have been with GM under 20 delayed time. 
Daugherty, 42, helped to establish NASCAR's Diversity Council with NASCAR Chairman and president Brian France in 2000, alongside been a lively advocate with the activity. He has additionally held a situation on the game's Rules and Competition Committee. As the adolescent losing their youth in north of manchester Carolina mountains, his father and uncle assembled and dashed dragsters for neighborhood, non-endorsed races. Brad has additionally constructed vehicles and appreciates the mechanical side of dashing.  
At a lodging work gathering a few years back, for instance, I fell and smacked my head against an unforgiving marble floor. I have a deep rooted physical inability (Cerebral Palsy), it's my walk somewhat odd and fall some of the time abruptly. I ended up taken to your crisis live with various my esteemed work associates next to me.  
In 2004, France Jr. was granted with an International Motorsports Hall of Fame, the Motorcycle Hall of Fame, and the Motorsports Hall of Fame of The nation. France Jr. kicked the bucket on June fourth, 2007 from intricacies with lung malignancy. His passing happened inside running of the Cup Series race in Dover, Delaware - the track's banner was brought down to half-pole in race. 
Author Name:- Shreya Mehta 
Address:- 104 Esplanade ave 120, 
                  Pacifica, CA
Mobile No:- +1 917-668-8461
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jt-fmp · 7 years
Project Report
Summery Of Project
For my FMP I wanted to be able to combine my skills as a landscape photographer with something more personal. I thought including people into the project would separate it from my previous projects and give it the individual significance that it needed. Australia seems like a place so distant to us, being half way around the world, that I wanted to explore it. My project developed into an East Coast Australia road trip, capturing the landscapes, people and towns/cities of this stretch of Australia. For the project I made contact with a custom motorcycle builder, ex-British surf champ, wine maker and wildlife park manager. Four completely different people living up the east coast, all deeply passionate about what they do.
For the trip I travelled with a film crew, who I had worked with before on many occasions. The four of us all travelled in two camper vans, which gave us a lot of flexibility to move around and sleep where we want. The trip was also sponsored by Teamwork Photo, who gave me the latest Phase One medium format camera system for the trip, with two lenses. Lap Foto in Sydney, Phase One’s Australian distributor, gave me a much needed lens for the trip as well.
The film crew filmed the entire trip from Sydney to Cairns with an aim to create a feature length documentary in the future. They also filmed 4 short documentaries of the people that I had found through the east coast. The plan is to include the 4 docs into the feature length to create one large film for the project. I have designed a book as well that includes the images from the trip. The book has a minimalist look that allows the reader to focus on the imagery.
One of my main influencers for my projects and especially this one is Camp4 Collective. They’re a production company that started with three guys, Tim Kemple, Renan Ozturk and Anson Fogel. All three are directors and Time Kemple is also a photographer who’s work I admire very much. They create content that focuses on real stories about people from all corners of the world. Camp4 Collective is something that I aspire to do with the production company that I am working with. We all have experience in directing, especially two of the members! We have an amazing DOP, Editor, Drone operator and myself as a photographer and producer. They shoot a lot with a helicopter which is why I wanted the drone operator, to add a different view for the docs.
Another photographer and filmmaker that I have been following for years now is called Andy Best. His landscape photography has a mixture of travel and adventure, which back the films he makes as well. He directs, produces, films and edits by himself; with occasional help with the producing side. Again his films and photos concentrate on people and places, normally taking place in and around the mountains in America. His images are rich in colour, often including the night sky with an array of different tones. I look at his work to see what techniques he has used in his imagery. Whether it’s a long exposure, composite, or a lot of the time, how he frames his work to include a lot of reflection in the water. These things I try and practice in my work all the time.
One more large influence to me is Chris Burkard and especially his latest project. Chris is a photographer and film maker from America. Again like many of my influencers his films and photos concentrate on the world’s landscape and people living in it. His latest project is called ‘Under An Arctic Sky’ follows six surfers trying to find the best wave in Iceland, during the winter months. They film the surfers catching waves at day and at night, under the Aurora lights. With our final feature doc, we want it to include a similar theme. A film that shows the entire journey and behind the scenes, to make it more personal.
The Project
I started the pre production work early for this project as I knew there would be a lot of it. I feel that the production side of a project is one of my strong points, having a lot of experience with interning an established photographer in the summer of 2015. As the project was being held in Australia I had the challenge of arranging everything from the other side of the world. Booking travel and accommodation was fairly basic, it was the organisation of shoots where I had to knuckle down. It involved a lot of emailing companies and people that I was interested in shooting. I had quite a few negative responses, companies not wanting a film crew to document them. However, I did get some good results, leading to the shoots that happened in Australia. A lot of the production work was arranging camera equipment with Teamwork photo. Using a contact from Phase One, a guy called Peter who taught me the POCP, I was put in contact with Steve from Teamwork. I negotiated the latest XF camera, IQ3 80mp back and 2 lenses (80mm and 150mm). As there was one more lens that I wanted, the 28mm, I spoke to Pete again. He put me in contact with Lapfoto in Sydney, who were kind enough to loan me a 28mm lens for free for the duration. I had to arrange insurance for the entire trip as well, as part of the deal. An important side to the project was having a film crew to shoot the entire project when out in Australia. Fortunately I know a group of guys that are starting a production company. They went to Ravensbourne and I know them as I worked on a lot of their FMP projects. I was a gaffer on many of their short films, as I have a lot of lighting experience. I also shot a lot of BTS for them too. I introduced the idea to them and straight away they were interested. They were ready for a large project like this, so the timing was perfect. We had many meetings in person and over Skype to arrange the trip and decide where and who to shoot.
Whilst actually out in Australia I had some ups and I had some downs. When arriving in Sydney I had my first challenge and a big one. My equipment bag, containing all of my equipment excluding the Phase One gear hadn’t arrived in Sydney. I especially paid for special baggage as well, to make sure it arrived safely. I had to spend the next 3 days in Sydney calling and emailing various people from Air China and the airport to try and locate my bag. Of course it was a very stressful 3 days, as I couldn't shoot in Sydney without my tripod at the desired locations. After the 3 days the bag was located and returned to me which meant we could continue the trip. The first shoot with Jeremy went very well. Although we only had around an hour with him to shoot, we got enough shots for a good doc. We asked appropriate questions to get him to tell us about his past and how he got to work for such a prestigious company. This was the first time I shot on the Phase with a person, I found the camera worked very well and I straight way knew I had some good shots.
The next few days travelling towards Byron Bay went as expected. We stopped off at all the planned locations, shooting landscape and BTS for the project. The next shoot would be in Byron Bay with Stuart Campbell. We had originally planned to shoot with him over an afternoon and evening. We met with him at a local beach, went to his house and then drove to the location; filming along the way. I entered the water with my camera and underwater housing. After around 15 minutes in the water a large wave hit me, sending me spinning under water. The underwater casing had opened slightly due the the impact of the large wave. My camera there and then was unusable! I was mostly upset about not being able to get any more surf shots, but knew it wasn't the end of the world and tried to stay positive; I still had the Phase camera. We had arranged to meet Stuart the next day as well to shoot some more and interview him. The following day went very well, capturing a number of amazing shots on the Phase. We interviewed him and shot more for the doc, filming later in the day as well to get some more surf shots. I filmed in the water with my GoPro, knowing this one wouldn't break.
We continued up the coast shooting at the planned locations. Everything was going well and I was getting some great shots, up until we arrived at Noosa; just after Brisbane. We had booked a boat tour through a system of salt water rivers. It was one of the hottest days we had experienced on the trip so far; as Australia was experiencing a heatwave. The Phase was in my bag the entire time, also inside a dry bag. Condensation had built up inside the bag after I had taken it out to capture some photos. The camera didn't turn back on when trying to capture some photos at lunch. I called Phase One to see if there was anything I could try, nothing worked. They made some efforts to try and get another camera to me but because of the Australian boarder, it wasn't possible. This was a very disheartening point of the trip, knowing that I couldn't shoot on any of my cameras any more. However, I tried to stay positive and not let it ruin the trip. I shot the remaining 11 days on the Sony A7s that one of the crew had. It was a big drawback but at least I had a camera to shoot on. I wasn't able to get as many shots as I wanted on the last stretch of the trip, as the camera wasn't sometimes available as we were still shooting for the doc.
The rest of the trip went pretty well. I had one health issue where I got heat/sunstroke towards the end of the vineyard shoot. This knocked me out for the rest of the day but I got over it within 48 hours. We finished the trip off back in Sydney where we had a fashion shoot with a well known Australian model and also an established art director and stylist, who was started a new company.
I estimated that the project would cost just over £5500 all in. Most of the costs I knew before hand, like the flights, van hire, some of the accommodation etc… It was the spending money where I had to set a number that I was happy spending. I thought that I would spend from £1500-2000 out there. This wasn't a budget but just an estimate. I was happy spending more. All in spending money, I spend around £2300. Some of the costings I didn't include just simply because it was sometimes hard to keep track on everything for a whole month. All in then the project cost me around £5000. The Air BnBs cost a but less than expected and a lot of the days we had minimal spend, as we were on the road.
The project still continues. We still have more documentaries to edit and this thing takes time. There are more people involved like sound design and colourist and the editor. We have the main surf doc out but the other three are going to be finished through the summer. The final feature doc will hopefully be finished after the summer. I am still working with the production company as well as a photographer and producer. We have more projects coming up in the summer. I also have an exhibition in June, where I will feature my book and photography.
Overall I am happy with the way the project went. The images generated from the trip were as expected and beyond. Getting my foot in the door with Phase One was a big aim of mine and hopefully I have done it in a good way; despite the camera breaking. It was an environment that I wasn't used to shooting in. Extremely hot a humid weather made it tough sometimes, especially when trekking with all the gear. I had some bad luck with late kit arriving in Sydney and both my cameras breaking. I’ve never had this happen to me before, even on this scale. But I continued on with the project and still managed to get some good content on the film crew’s camera. The trip was by far the biggest project I had embarked on, being in charge of a film crew and having to organise the whole trip for everyone was an enjoyable challenge. Arranging the shoots from England had its downsides as well. Being able to call them over the phone would have been easier but email and social media had to do and still worked.
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olivereliott · 6 years
Revealed: The Top 10 Custom Motorcycles of 2018
What a year it’s been for the custom scene. With so many great bikes crossing our radar, it’s almost impossible to pick out any personal favorites.
So it’s just as well that our annual Bike Of The Year roundup is purely data driven. It’s based on page views, incoming links, and the number of social media shares. As always, it’s also weighted according to how long ago the bike was featured.
A couple of interesting points to note: If we weren’t dealing with customs here, two factory bikes would have made it into this list: the Indian FTR 1200 and the Husqvarna Vitpilen. Interest in these machines, which look as good as many ‘full customs,’ is intense amongst our readers.
The café racer style, so dominant five years ago, has drifted back into the genre soup. Only one CB café racer made it into our list this year. Flippant categorization in general has dwindled away: we’re seeing more and more bikes that can’t be pigeonholed, and the rise of the tasteful restomod.
And that’s fine by us—especially if it means we can say goodbye to ridiculous terms like ‘brat tracker.’ (Or indeed ‘Ducati Scrambler Café Racer.’)
So here are the ten bikes that revved up our servers and social media channels in 2018. Enjoy.
10. Honda CB750 by Caffeine Custom Just as we were thinking the days of the classic CB café racer were over, along comes this low-slung CB750 from Brazil. Caffeine Custom is run by a couple of friends from a shed in the mountains, but the clue is in their backgrounds: one is an automotive designer, and the other is a graphic designer. Between them, they’ve nailed the stance and style and lifted this bike well outside the usually tired genre.
There is nothing radical going on here, but the changes that Bruno Costa and Tiago Zilli have made to the 1979 CB750 are impeccably judged. The bike is lowered, there’s a beefy 18” Comstar wheel at the front, the rear end is nicely chiselled, and the controls have been pared down to the minimum. Anyone thinking of putting a grinder to a CB should examine this machine very closely before flicking the switch.
9. Harley Sportster 48 by Rough Crafts Winston Yeh is the king of consistency. Since the early days of Bike EXIF, he’s been churning out hit after hit—so it’s no surprise to see his return to our Top 10. This time it’s with a Sportster that looks like no other: squared off, blacked out, and with the stance of a sportbike.
With Öhlins suspension, a titanium exhaust, and wheels and bodywork crafted from carbon fiber, this Forty Eight tips the scales at 40 kilos lighter than stock. The geometry is closer to a Buell than a Harley, and the vibe is streetfighter rather than cruiser, but it’s still instantly recognizable as a Rough Crafts build.
8. Harley-Davidson Super 10 by Jackson Burrows We’re not quite sure what’s most amazing about this vintage Harley: the jaw-dropping craftsmanship, or the fact that it’s Mr. Burrows’ first attempt at building a bike. It started life as a tiny 165 cc racing two stroke, and ended up as the proverbial work of art. The motor is slotted into a 1964 Harley-Davidson Scat frame, and there’s a 1948 pressed steel girder fork up front.
It’s probably the most obsessive build that we’ve featured all year, with every milimeter crafted to perfection. Jackson lists Ian Barry, Shinya Kimura and Chicara Nagata as his influences—and if he can keep this up, it won’t be long before his own name belongs in that super league.
7. Yamaha SR500 scrambler by Daniel Peter Chicago-based photographer Daniel Peter loves SR500s: he’s built four so far, in his spare time. At first glance, it’s a relatively straightforward hot rod—with a heavily tuned engine boosted to 540cc. But Daniel’s also added Kawasaki ZX6R forks, Gazi shocks, 17-inch supermoto rims and an aluminum swingarm.
It’s the finish that sets this punchy little machine apart though. The aluminum Yamaha XT500 fuel tank looks spot-on with a delicious white-and-yellow paint scheme, and the ancillary parts are entirely practical—from the fenders front and rear to the heavy-duty serrated footpegs. This is a custom meant to be ridden hard.
6. 1957 Harley Sportster replica by UFO Garage We fell in love with the concept and execution of this Sportster as soon as we saw it, and we’re glad our readers loved it too. The idea was simple, and supported by Harley-Davidson España: take a late-model Sportster and make it look like a late 50s ironhead.
In practice, it’s a complicated trick to pull off, but Spanish builder Efraón Triana managed it—using replica wheels, fenders and handlebars, and an exhaust system that mimics the lines of the original. A 1957-era tank and seat unit have been subtly modified to fit. An optical illusion of the highest order.
5. Honda Grom by Cole Mishler Engine swaps are a rarity in the motorcycle world. Sure, we often see later-model or higher-capacity motors being installed into a same-marque chassis. But we rarely see high-performance motors squeezed into completely different vehicles, car-style.
That’s the kicker with this incredible Grom electric motorcycle, which is now juiced up by a Zero FX lithium ion powerpack. (It helps that the builder works for Zero and this was a semi-official project.) ‘Grom Reaper’ has almost as much torque as a Sportster 1200 now, plus Öhlins suspension and a 55-tooth rear sprocket to keep things under control. Electrifying stuff.
4. Watkins M001 This Polish-built engineering masterpiece was probably the most radical bike we featured in 2018. It’s the work of an industrial designer from Gdańsk, who prefers to be known as ‘Jack Watkins.’
The powertrain is from a BMW R1150 RT, but almost everything else is built from scratch. The one-off front suspension has around a hundred components, including more than a dozen bearings, but the bodywork is just two sheets of steel, lazer-cut and cleverly bent to fit in place. ‘Genius’ is an over-used word, but applicable in this case.
3. Triumph Thruxton by Rogue Motorcycle The power of social media and the street cred of Hans Bruechle, better known as HandBrake the Artist, blasted this Australian Thruxton into the top ten. This article got a solid ten thousand engagements on Facebook alone.
The builder was Rogue Motorcycle’s Billy Kuyken, who met Bruechle by chance at a moto show. The graphics are eye-catching, and the handling gets an upgrade via Suzuki GSX-R1000 forks, but the real clever stuff is at the back. Billy binned the back half of the frame, installed a skateboard deck on top of a hidden seat pan, and fabricated a monoshock conversion to make it all fit. We love the rear lighting—a converted Stellar skateboard deck with with LED lights instead of wheels.
2. Ural coffee cart by See See It’s ironic that Thor Drake, the lofty proprietor of See See and a leading light of the custom scene in the Pacific Northwest, has only ever built one café racer. But this Ural cT with a hefty 50 kg La Marzocco espresso machine in the sidecar went viral—and global.
See See also installed airbag suspension, a hand sink, a cooler, a coffee grinder, a mains-level electrical system and more. We’re used to seeing these Russian-made contraptions modified out of sight, but this one really takes the biscotti.
1. Honda Cub by K-Speed In 2018, Honda gave the Super Cub a huge raft of updates. It was a significant move, because the Cub is the world’s bestselling (and probably best-loved) two-wheeler.
Thailand is home to a factory that builds the new Cub, so the local Honda distributor decided to give the latest model to K-Speed to rework. It was an inspired move, and K-Speed came up with an equally inspired custom.
K-Speed’s enigmatic owner Eakk set the design direction, and went for a ‘modern retro’ feel. The vertical fairing remains, but the rest of the bike has been stripped back and heavily modified, with new bars and minimal lighting and controls. The blacked-out rims are wrapped with chunky ‘sawtooth’ tires.
Remarkably, K-Speed finished this build in just 30 days. And it got over three times as many page views as any other bike we showed in 2018. Proof that after six decades and more than 100 million production units, the appeal of the humble Cub still endures.
POSTSCRIPT It’s been fascinating to sift through the data while compiling this year’s awards. Many of our personal favorites just missed the cut: we saw bikes from Hookie, Krugger, Auto Fabrica, BAAK, and Smoked Garage get pipped to the post by the tiniest of margins, along with ICON 1000’s Suzuki Bandit.
Most surprising of all: there’s only one BMW in the list, and it looks nothing like a BMW. Has the airhead bubble finally burst?
Finally, there are several people we should thank. Like the builders and photographers who dazzle us daily with their skills. And our generous advertisers, who keep the servers humming smoothly, and the site free for you to read.
We must also say a huge thank you to our readers: you’ve made Bike EXIF the most widely read custom motorcycle site in the world. Let’s catch up again in a few days, when Wes will reveal his Editor’s Choice for 2018 (and data be damned).
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Local Business Categories that 'Google My Business' Supports with many free Benefits!
If you need a side hustle or some extra cash, scan this list, find a passion and start building your dream! If you are in business and need more traffic, customers, conversions then save this as a reference document. Do I really need a website? The answer is yes. If you have a business with a product or service that people want or need, the answer is yes. Pizza? Yes. Dog Sitter? Yes. Lawyer? Yes. Pest Control? Yes. Plumber? Yes. Electrician? Yes. Afghani Restaurant? Yes. Here's a list of business categories that Google thinks are important enough to have their own categories for business websites: You need a website if you have a business involving any of these categories. Think about it if you have a hobby or a passion that involves any of these topics. There are over 2300 categories that Google categorizes as local businesses: ATM ATV Dealer ATV Repair Shop Abbey Abortion Clinic Abrasives Supplier Abundant Life Church Accountant Accounting School Acoustical Consultant Acupuncture Clinic Acupuncture School Acura Dealer Addiction Treatment Center Adoption Agency Adult Day Care Center Adult Education School Adult Entertainment Club Adult Entertainment Store Adult Foster Care Service Advertising Agency Aerobics Instructor Aerospace Company Afghani Restaurant African Goods Store African Restaurant After School Program Agricultural Service Aikido School Air Compressor Repair Service Air Compressor Supplier Air Conditioning Contractor Air Conditioning Repair Service Air Duct Cleaning Service Air Filter Supplier Air Force Base Air Traffic Control Tower Airbrushing Service Airbrushing Supply Store Aircraft Rental Service Aircraft Supply Store Airline Airplane Airport Airport Hotel Airport Shuttle Service Airport Terminal Airsoft Supply Store Airstrip Alcoholism Treatment Program Allergist Alliance Church Alsace Restaurant Alternative Fuel Station Alternative Medicine Practitioner Alternator Supplier Aluminum Supplier Aluminum Welder Ambulance Service American Football Field American Restaurant Amish Furniture Store Ammunition Supplier Amphitheater Amusement Center Amusement Machine Supplier Amusement Park Amusement Park Ride Amusement Ride Supplier Anago Restaurant Andalusian Restaurant Anesthesiologist Angler Fish Restaurant Anglican Church Animal Control Service Animal Feed Store Animal Hospital Animal Protection Organization Animal Rescue Service Animal Shelter Anodizer Antique Furniture Restoration Service Antique Furniture Store Antique Store Apartment Building Apartment Complex Apartment Rental Agency Apostolic Church Appliance Parts Supplier Appliance Repair Service Appliance Store Appraiser Aquarium Arboretum Archaeological Museum Archery Range Archery Store Architect Architectural Salvage Store Architecture School Archive Arena Argentinian Restaurant Armenian Church Armenian Restaurant Army & Navy Surplus Shop Army Facility Army Museum Aromatherapy Service Aromatherapy Supply Store Art Art Gallery Art Museum Art Restoration Service Art School Art Supply Store Artificial Plant Supplier Artist Arts Organization Asbestos Testing Service Ashram Asian Fusion Restaurant Asian Grocery Store Asian Massage Therapist Asian Restaurant Asphalt Contractor Assemblies of God Church Assisted Living Facility Association or Organization Asturian Restaurant Athletic Field Athletic Track Attorney Referral Service Auction House Audi Dealer Audio Visual Consultant Audio Visual Equipment Rental Service Audio Visual Equipment Repair Service Audio Visual Equipment Supplier Audiologist Auditorium Australian Restaurant Austrian Restaurant Authentic Japanese Restaurant Auto Auction Auto Body Parts Supplier Auto Body Shop Auto Broker Auto Dent Removal Service Auto Electrical Service Auto Glass Shop Auto Insurance Agency Auto Machine Shop Auto Parts Store Auto Radiator Repair Service Auto Repair Shop Auto Restoration Service Auto Spring Shop Auto Sunroof Shop Auto Tag Agency Auto Tune Up Service Auto Upholsterer Auto Wrecker Automobile Storage Facility Aviation Consultant Awning Supplier BMW Dealer BMW Motorcycle Dealer Baby Clothing Store Baby Store Badminton Court Bagel Shop Bahá' í House of Worship Bail Bonds Service Bait Shop Bakery Baking Supply Store Ballet School Balloon Artist Balloon Ride Tour Agency Balloon Store Ballroom Ballroom Dance Instructor Band Bangladeshi Restaurant Bank Bankruptcy Attorney Bankruptcy Service Banner Store Banquet Hall Baptist Church Bar Bar & Grill Bar Stool Supplier Barbecue Restaurant Barber School Barber Shop Barber Supply Store Bark Supplier Barn Barrel Supplier Barrister Bartending School Baseball Baseball Club Baseball Field Basket Supplier Basketball Club Basketball Court Basketball Court Contractor Basque Restaurant Bathroom Remodeler Bathroom Supply Store Batting Cage Beach Entertainment Shop Beach Resort Bead Store Bead Wholesaler Bearing Supplier Beauty Products Vending Machine Beauty Salon Beauty School Beauty Supply Store Bed & Breakfast Bed Shop Bedding Store Bedroom Furniture Store Beer Distributor Beer Store Belgian Restaurant Berry Restaurant Beverage Distributor Bible Church Bicycle Repair ... Download the entire list-- Click Here ... How Important is a website? Very. It's a nearly "free" means of interacting with the local business community. If you have a business, a website is recommended. If you have more time than money, you can use a WIX website and get something up on the web for "free" minus your time, creativity and anxiety. "Does this look right?" "How come the picture looks stretched?" "Will my prospects find me online?" "If I build it, will they come ..." Good question ... it depends on how you do your backend, on page and off page SEO. (Search Engine Optimization). For those on a limited budget, we will build your website for you and make sure it's coded correctly, linked correctly, submitted to search engines correctly. We will install a dashboard control panel so you can add content and interesting articles that can help rank you higher in Google's algorithm. Or we can do these services for you. Stop struggling and relax. There is a reason we are here and for the few dollars you budget, you will reap better rewards. To save everyone's time, work out what you can budget toward marketing and business building. Yes, You Need a Website! Get the FREE PDF on all the categories here: https://epidigitalshift.com/complete-list-of-local-business-categories-google-my-business-supports/
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Local Business Categories that 'Google My Business' Supports with many free Benefits!
If you need a side hustle or some extra cash, scan this list, find a passion and start building your dream! If you are in business and need more traffic, customers, conversions then save this as a reference document. Do I really need a website? The answer is yes. If you have a business with a services or product that people need or want, the answer is yes. Pizza? Yes. Dog Sitter? Yes. Lawyer? Yes. Pest Control? Yes. Plumber? Yes. Electrician? Yes. Afghani Restaurant? Yes. Here's a list of business categories that Google thinks are important enough to have their own categories for business websites: You need a website if you have a business involving any of these categories. If you have a hobby or a passion that involves any one of these topics, then think about it. There are over 2300 categories that Google categorizes as local businesses: ATM ATV Dealer ATV Repair Shop Abbey Abortion Clinic Abrasives Supplier Abundant Life Church Accountant Accounting School Acoustical Consultant Acupuncture Clinic Acupuncture School Acura Dealer Addiction Treatment Adoption Agency Adult Day Care Adult Education School Adult Entertainment Club Adult Entertainment Store Adult Foster Care Service Advertising Agency Aerobics Instructor Aerospace Company Afghani Restaurant African Goods Store African Restaurant After School Program Agricultural Service Aikido School Air Compressor Repair Service Air Compressor Supplier Air Conditioning Contractor Air Conditioning Repair Service Air Duct Cleaning Service Air Filter Supplier Air Force Base Air Traffic Control Tower Airbrushing Service Airbrushing Supply Store Aircraft Rental Service Aircraft Supply Store Airline Airplane Airport Airport Hotel Airport Shuttle Service Airport Terminal Airsoft Supply Store Airstrip Alcoholism Treatment Program Allergist Alliance Church Alsace Restaurant Alternative Fuel Station Alternative Medicine Practitioner Alternator Supplier Aluminum Supplier Aluminum Welder Ambulance Service American Football Field American Restaurant Amish Furniture Store Ammunition Supplier Amphitheater Amusement Amusement Machine Supplier Amusement Park Amusement Park Ride Amusement Ride Supplier Anago Restaurant Andalusian Restaurant Anesthesiologist Angler Fish Restaurant Anglican Church Animal Control Service Animal Feed Store Animal Hospital Animal Protection Organization Animal Rescue Service Animal Shelter Anodizer Antique Furniture Restoration Service Antique Furniture Store Antique Store Apartment Building Apartment Complex Apartment Rental Agency Apostolic Church Appliance Parts Supplier Appliance Repair Service Appliance Store Appraiser Aquarium Arboretum Archaeological Museum Archery Range Archery Store Architect Architectural Salvage Store Architecture School Archive Arena Argentinian Restaurant Armenian Church Armenian Restaurant Army & Navy Surplus Shop Army Facility Army Museum Aromatherapy Service Aromatherapy Supply Store Art Art Gallery Art Museum Art Restoration Service Art School Art Supply Store Artificial Plant Supplier Artist Arts Organization Asbestos Testing Service Ashram Asian Fusion Restaurant Asian Grocery Store Asian Massage Therapist Asian Restaurant Asphalt Contractor Assemblies of God Church Assisted Living Facility Association or Organization Asturian Restaurant Athletic Field Athletic Track Attorney Referral Service Auction House Audi Dealer Audio Visual Consultant Audio Visual Equipment Rental Service Audio Visual Equipment Repair Service Audio Visual Equipment Supplier Audiologist Auditorium Australian Restaurant Austrian Restaurant Authentic Japanese Restaurant Auto Auction Auto Body Parts Supplier Auto Body Shop Auto Broker Auto Dent Removal Service Auto Electrical Service Auto Glass Shop Auto Insurance Agency Auto Machine Shop Auto Parts Store Auto Radiator Repair Service Auto Repair Shop Auto Restoration Service Auto Spring Shop Auto Sunroof Shop Auto Tag Agency Auto Tune Up Service Auto Upholsterer Auto Wrecker Automobile Storage Facility Aviation Consultant Awning Supplier BMW Dealer BMW Motorcycle Dealer Baby Clothing Store Baby Store Badminton Court Bagel Shop Bahá' í House of Worship Bail Bonds Service Bait Shop Bakery Baking Supply Store Ballet School Balloon Artist Balloon Ride Tour Agency Balloon Store Ballroom Ballroom Dance Instructor Band Bangladeshi Restaurant Bank Bankruptcy Attorney Bankruptcy Service Banner Store Banquet Hall Baptist Church Bar Bar & Grill Bar Stool Supplier Barbecue Restaurant Barber School Barber Shop Barber Supply Store Bark Supplier Barn Barrel Supplier Barrister Bartending School Baseball Baseball Club Baseball Field Basket Supplier Basketball Club Basketball Court Basketball Court Contractor Basque Restaurant Bathroom Remodeler Bathroom Supply Store Batting Cage Center Beach Entertainment Shop Beach Resort Bead Store Bead Wholesaler Bearing Supplier Beauty Products Vending Machine Beauty Salon Beauty School Beauty Supply Store Bed & Breakfast Bed Shop Bedding Store Bedroom Furniture Store Beer Distributor Beer Store Belgian Restaurant Berry Restaurant Beverage Distributor Bible Church Bicycle Repair ... Download the entire list-- Click Here ... How Important is a website? Very. It's a nearly "free" means of interacting with the local business community. It is a platform to express the benefits you can provide to consumers you serve. You can state your case for your ability to solve your client's problems. You can garner reviews from your clients as Google states often, "A satisfied customer is your best advocate." A website is recommended if you have a business. If you have more time than money, you can use a WIX website and get something up on the web for "free" minus your time, anxiety and creativity. "If I build it, will they come ..." Good question ... it depends on how you do your backend, on page and off page SEO. (Search Engine Optimization). For those on a limited budget, we will build your website for you and make sure it's coded correctly, linked correctly, submitted to search engines correctly. We will install a dashboard control panel so you can add content and interesting articles that can help rank you higher in Google's algorithm. Or we can do these services for you. Stop struggling and relax. There is a reason we are here and for the few dollars you budget, you will reap better rewards. To save everyone's time, figure out what you can budget toward marketing and business building. Yes, You Need a Website! Get the FREE PDF on all the categories here: https://epidigitalshift.com/complete-list-of-local-business-categories-google-my-business-supports/
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Local Business Categories that 'Google My Business' Supports with many free Benefits!
If you need a side hustle or some extra cash, scan this list, find a passion and start building your dream! If you are in business and need more traffic, customers, conversions then save this as a reference document. Do I really need a website? The answer is yes. If you have a business with a services or product that people need or want, the answer is yes. Pizza? Yes. Dog Sitter? Yes. Lawyer? Yes. Pest Control? Yes. Plumber? Yes. Electrician? Yes. Afghani Restaurant? Yes. Here's a list of business categories that Google thinks are important enough to have their own categories for business websites: If you have a business involving any one of these categories, then you need a website. If you have a hobby or a passion that involves any of these topics, then contemplate it. There are over 2300 categories that Google categorizes as local businesses: ATM ATV Dealer ATV Repair Shop Abbey Abortion Clinic Abrasives Supplier Abundant Life Church Accountant Accounting School Acoustical Consultant Acupuncture Clinic Acupuncture School Acura Dealer Addiction Treatment Center Adoption Agency Adult Day Care Center Adult Education School Adult Entertainment Club Adult Entertainment Store Adult Foster Care Service Advertising Agency Aerobics Instructor Aerospace Company Afghani Restaurant African Goods Store African Restaurant After School Program Agricultural Service Aikido School Air Compressor Repair Service Air Compressor Supplier Air Conditioning Contractor Air Conditioning Repair Service Air Duct Cleaning Service Air Filter Supplier Air Force Base Air Traffic Control Tower Airbrushing Service Airbrushing Supply Store Aircraft Rental Service Aircraft Supply Store Airline Airplane Airport Airport Hotel Airport Shuttle Service Airport Terminal Airsoft Supply Store Airstrip Alcoholism Treatment Program Allergist Alliance Church Alsace Restaurant Alternative Fuel Station Alternative Medicine Practitioner Alternator Supplier Aluminum Supplier Aluminum Welder Ambulance Service American Football Field American Restaurant Amish Furniture Store Ammunition Supplier Amphitheater Amusement Center Amusement Machine Supplier Amusement Park Amusement Park Ride Amusement Ride Supplier Anago Restaurant Andalusian Restaurant Anesthesiologist Angler Fish Restaurant Anglican Church Animal Control Service Animal Feed Store Animal Hospital Animal Protection Organization Animal Rescue Service Animal Shelter Anodizer Antique Furniture Restoration Service Antique Furniture Store Antique Store Apartment Building Apartment Complex Apartment Rental Agency Apostolic Church Appliance Parts Supplier Appliance Repair Service Appliance Store Appraiser Aquarium Arboretum Archaeological Museum Archery Range Archery Store Architect Architectural Salvage Store Architecture School Archive Arena Argentinian Restaurant Armenian Church Armenian Restaurant Army & Navy Surplus Shop Army Facility Army Museum Aromatherapy Service Aromatherapy Supply Store Art Art Gallery Art Museum Art Restoration Service Art School Art Supply Store Artificial Plant Supplier Artist Arts Organization Asbestos Testing Service Ashram Asian Fusion Restaurant Asian Grocery Store Asian Massage Therapist Asian Restaurant Asphalt Contractor Assemblies of God Church Assisted Living Facility Association or Organization Asturian Restaurant Athletic Field Athletic Track Attorney Referral Service Auction House Audi Dealer Audio Visual Consultant Audio Visual Equipment Rental Service Audio Visual Equipment Repair Service Audio Visual Equipment Supplier Audiologist Auditorium Australian Restaurant Austrian Restaurant Authentic Japanese Restaurant Auto Auction Auto Body Parts Supplier Auto Body Shop Auto Broker Auto Dent Removal Service Auto Electrical Service Auto Glass Shop Auto Insurance Agency Auto Machine Shop Auto Parts Store Auto Radiator Repair Service Auto Repair Shop Auto Restoration Service Auto Spring Shop Auto Sunroof Shop Auto Tag Agency Auto Tune Up Service Auto Upholsterer Auto Wrecker Automobile Storage Facility Aviation Consultant Awning Supplier BMW Dealer BMW Motorcycle Dealer Baby Clothing Store Baby Store Badminton Court Bagel Shop Bahá' í House of Worship Bail Bonds Service Bait Shop Bakery Baking Supply Store Ballet School Balloon Artist Balloon Ride Tour Agency Balloon Store Ballroom Ballroom Dance Instructor Band Bangladeshi Restaurant Bank Bankruptcy Attorney Bankruptcy Service Banner Store Banquet Hall Baptist Church Bar Bar & Grill Bar Stool Supplier Barbecue Restaurant Barber School Barber Shop Barber Supply Store Bark Supplier Barn Barrel Supplier Barrister Bartending School Baseball Baseball Club Baseball Field Basket Supplier Basketball Club Basketball Court Basketball Court Contractor Basque Restaurant Bathroom Remodeler Bathroom Supply Store Batting Cage Center Beach Entertainment Shop Beach Resort Bead Store Bead Wholesaler Bearing Supplier Beauty Products Vending Machine Beauty Salon Beauty School Beauty Supply Store Bed & Breakfast Bed Shop Bedding Store Bedroom Furniture Store Beer Distributor Beer Store Belgian Restaurant Berry Restaurant Beverage Distributor Bible Church Bicycle Repair ... Download the entire list-- Click Here ... How Important is a website? Very. It's a nearly "free" means of interacting with the local business community. It is a platform to express the benefits you can provide to consumers you serve. You can state your case for your ability to solve your client's problems. You can garner reviews from your clients as Google states often, "A satisfied customer is your best advocate." A website is recommended if you have a business. If you have more time than money, you can use a WIX website and get something up on the web for "free" minus your anxiety, time and creativity. "If I build it, will they come ..." Good question ... it depends on how you do your backend, on page and off page SEO. (Search Engine Optimization). Okay. Good. It may work and more power to you. After you experiment, call us. For those on a limited budget, we will build your website for you and make sure it's coded correctly, linked correctly, submitted to search engines correctly. Every page will provide proper SEO links and content to help get traffic of qualified prospects. We will install a dashboard control panel so you can add content and interesting articles that can help rank you higher in Google's algorithm. Or we should do these services for you as well. Stop struggling and relax. There is a reason we are here and for the few dollars you budget, you will reap better rewards. To save everyone's time, figure out what you can budget toward marketing and business building. Yes, You Need a Website! Get the FREE PDF on all the categories here: https://epidigitalshift.com/complete-list-of-local-business-categories-google-my-business-supports/
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leadermotorcycles · 2 years
Motorcycle Repair Shop Near Me | Motorcycle Parts Distributor
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A motorcycle repair shop is a business that specializes in repairing and servicing motorcycles. These shops typically employ trained and experienced mechanics who have the expertise to diagnose and repair various issues with motorcycles.
Some common services offered by motorcycle repair shops include:
Routine maintenance such as oil changes, tire rotations, and chain adjustments.
Diagnosing and repairing engine problems such as overheating, stalling, or rough idling.
Fixing electrical issues such as a dead battery or faulty wiring.
Repairing or replacing damaged parts such as brakes, suspension, or exhaust systems.
Customizing motorcycles with aftermarket parts or accessories.
When choosing a motorcycle repair shop, it is important to look for one that has experienced and certified mechanics, uses high-quality parts, and offers competitive pricing. You can also check online reviews or ask for recommendations from other motorcycle enthusiasts to find a reputable repair shop in your area.
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totallymotorbikes · 8 years
MV Agusta Relaunching Itself in North America Fresh Press Release from MV Agusta: The Italian Manufacturer, key player in the super premium motorcycle segment, will be concentrating it’s efforts in increasing the presence and brand awareness in the United States and Canada. MV AGUSTA Motor S.p.A. and Urban Moto Group Pty Ltd signed an agreement related to the development of the US market. The partnership aims to create a new brand strategy in the US, in order to reinforce and consolidate the brand in a Country which is part of MV Agusta future strategy. MV AGUSTA USA LLC, the current vehicle for the sales of MV Agusta motorcycles in the US market, will now be led by Urban Motor Group, through a specific and dedicated business unit, and managed directly through its CEO, Joseph Elasmar who will run the USA team to develop and reinforce the MV Agusta brand position in USA. Aligning itself with MV Agusta’s ambition, the new management team will also focus on building brand awareness and quality customer service by harnessing the wealth of experience, robust business model, passion in motorcycles and extrinsic perspective that has earnt Urban Moto Imports the reputation and accolade of being the key distributor for a number of motorcycle brands including MV Agusta. The driving force behind Urban Moto Group has been the relentless ambition of Joseph Elasmar to bring to market products of distinction. From humble beginnings and as an astute student of International Business, Elasmar built the Group from experience of over 14 years in the motorcycle industry. The opportunity to represent MV Agusta in North America is a direct result of a strong and successful relationship with the MV Agusta factory and with Giovanni Castiglioni, CEO of MV Agusta. The two Groups are already partners since years in the Australian market, where Urban Moto successfully made it one of today’s first markets for MV Agusta’s exports. “We are very excited to build a successful relationship with Urban Moto Group as a new partner also overseeing and developing the presence of MV Agusta in the USA market. Urban Moto has a remarkable track record in delivering a strong dealership network, backed with excellent customer service and dealer support. We are very confident that with Urban Moto we will enter in a new era for MV Agusta in the States, invigorating sales and passion for our motorcycles. Along with the binding agreements signed with Black Ocean Group for a capital increase in MV Agusta, the reorganisation of the US market is another milestone in MV Agusta restructuring plan; our sole focus is clearly consolidating our leadership in the production of high end motorcycles under the MV Agusta brand, and the North American Market will play an important role in our future” said Giovanni Castiglioni. Joseph Elasmar commented: “Whilst other mainstream brands have taken the mass production approach, MV Agusta continues to do what others dream to do. Coupled with its rich racing heritage, names of famous riders and drivers, to its own bespoke R&D performance centre CRC (Castiglioni Research Centre), MV Agusta is without peer. 2017 looks set to be the most exciting year for MV Agusta with new model updates, yet to be released special editions and coveted new riders for the World Supersport Championship including title contender USA rider P.J. Jacobsen on the latest F3 675 RC motorcycle. Not forgetting, of course, the latest F4 RC which is tipped to excel further at the helm of former BSB Champion Leon Camier. There is just so much going on at the factory. The new technical updates that are coming to the road range in 2017 alone is quite amazing, with CRC mastering significant changes to chassis, engine and electronics componentry. CRC has also proven once again it is at the forefront in R&D with the recent release at EICMA of the most powerful 800 cc naked under Euro 4 constraints, the Brutale 800 RR. I’m really looking forward to build MV Agusta in the USA and in particular seeing customers experience the difference of hand built Italian masterpieces.” MV Agusta Relaunching Itself in North America appeared first on Motorcycle.com News.
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