upscmagazine · 2 years
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indian-news-network · 3 years
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Tech giant Google forebodes Australian government to disable it's search engine, if the government continues with the new media code and pressurize Google and Facebook to pay a dedicated amount to the local news outlets for sharing their content. According to reports, Australia is proceeding with new media law which will make the tech giants to negotiate payments with local publishers and broadcasters for sharing their content. If denied by any tech company, a government-appointed arbitrator will decide the price. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said, "We don't respond to threats." #Australia #google #facebook #newmedialaw #australianmedia #scottmorrison #australianprimeminister #PrimeMinister #techcompany #techgiant #googlesearch #searchengine https://www.instagram.com/p/CKV1O67rmh-/?igshid=lfx9w4bd32up
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khelpoint · 3 years
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Once upon a time 😎 Then and Now... "King Kohli" 🔥🔥🔥 #AUSvsIND #AUSvIND #INDvAUS #india #australia #viratkohli #virat #kohli #kingkohli #virattherunmachine #runmachine #legend #goat #australianmedia #IndianCricketTeam #IndianCricket #meninblue #royalchallengersbangalore #royalchallengers #bangalore #bengaluru #IPL #kangaroo #RCB #indiancaptain #cricket #stevensmith #davidwarner https://www.instagram.com/p/CI8pFnhLEQS/?igshid=5k3nio25su5q
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independentaussie · 4 years
Does the media cycle kill stories deliberately?
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Have you noticed how the media cycle never follows through on a story? Is that deliberate or is just the news cycle? Or haven't you noticed? Have you become absorbed in the news of the hour? Do you salivate at the latest contrived scandal/crisis/manufactured outrage? Do you rush to social media to express your disgust/concern/"informed opinion"? Or do the loose threads left by the media cycle worry you?
Which loose threads have been ignored by the media cycle?
The media's behaviour during the Trump presidency has been fascinating. Time and again Monday's scandal trails off into nothingness by Friday. Half the time the president seems to deliberately misdirect them into overreach. Other times the story just goes cold. A committed media pack would not allow either situation to occur. The media should inform the public of all relevant facts without fear nor favour. A story warrants a follow up story as new facts emerge. Otherwise, people are left with the wrong impression. Perhaps the media cycle prevents follow up. There is a thirst for "breaking news" but no appetite for investigatve reporting. Why do you think that is? There is an expectation by mainstream media that their audience will accept their reporting without question. They are after all, on a relentless quest for truth. Or are they? Let's look at some intriguing loose ends that MSM just don't want to touch. General Flynn I well remember the day when Judge Sullivan suggested that General Flynn may have betrayed his country. The local ABC (Australian Goverment Broadcaster) couldn't get enough of it Flynn's case disappeared from the media cycle until the DOJ dropped the case. Then, rather than report facts, the ABC and the Sydney Morning Herald/ Melbourne Age (essentially stenographers for the Washington Post) ran with the line that Attorney General Barr had unethically interfered in the case. Any reasonable interpretation of the facts suggested that Barr and the DOJ had no option. The release of documentary evidence surrounding the Flynn case exposed the FBI's methods as being suspect in the very best case scenario. The release of this documentation invited a feast of investigative stories. Not all of them were necessarily political. The most obvious one was simply this. Were the FBI in the habit of forcing innocent people to plead guilty? Mainstream media had little interest in this line of enquiry. They were more interested in believing the former Obama administration's statements on the matter despite contradicting evidence. This determination led to another loose end that has never been pursued - except for some right wing news outlets. The question remains. Did the Obama administration politically interfere in the prosecution of General Flynn? This question opens a pandora's box that many MSM journalists appear determined to ignore. The Flynn case is fascinating. It exposes many questions about the politicisation of American justice. There are always two sides to every case. The media represents the Comey/Obama narrative perfectly. In the interests of balance I suggest that you have a poke around Sidney Powell's website. She is an incredibly talented and tenacious lawyer. The general made a wise choice when he switched to her. Hydroxychloroquine in the media cycle You wouldn't know it . Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) has been used safely for decades to prevent malaria. It costs next to nothing and can only be issued under prescription. From the outbreak of Covid 19 many doctors across the world have prescribed Hydroxychloroquine. Most of the results reported back have been promising. A short list of of hydroxychloroquine trials is available here. There is nothing remotely controversial about any of this. Until the President of the United States mentions it in a press conference. Then all hell breaks loose. It's dangerous and untested. If you take it it will kill you. Huh? The media went nuts when the Lancet published a paper stating that Hydroxychloroquine adversely affected patients being treated for Covid 19. The World Health Organisation quickly moved to stop Hydxychloroquine treatments as a result. There was just a hint of gloating, particularly among the left leaning establishments. A week later the Lancet has issued a retraction. Aside from a few short articles, the media cycle has been too busy to pick up on this. The loose threads that remain waiting to be followed up are Is there a concerted effort to prevent the use of Hydroxychloroquine and if so by who and why ? The media seem totally rusted on to the idea that the only cure is a vaccine. Why is that? Why do many in the media dismiss hydroxychloroquine as dangerous when there is evidence that it may be part of the solution? I wonder. As usual I don't expect any answers to be coming from mainstream media. Just as a matter of interest WHO recommenced HCQ trials in the last 24 hours https://twitter.com/doctorsoumya/status/1268650010775781376 Do you remember Ukraine? What was that all about? The media cycle was all over it. Then, when it hit the US Senate and came to its obvious conclusion they lost interest. But questions remain. Lots of them . Those questions in particular concern the behaviour of Joe and Hunter Biden. The whole Ukraine saga gave us a peek into the shadowy world of political "favours." Trump stood accused of asking for a political opponent to be investigated in return for a favour. Biden was shown to have openly bragged about getting a prosecutor fired in return for a favour. The media cycle was all over one accusation and not so concerned with the other. There is still an ongoing US Senate enquiry into the Biden/ Burisma deal. It's an enquiry that is worth watching if only for the reason that Biden is the presumptive DNC nominee for President. Its progress is largely unkown, apparently lost in the daily churn of "breaking news."
Investigative reporting is hard work
Detailed forensic investigation takes time. It is painstaking and boring. Often it leads to dead ends. The media cycle does not have the time or the patience to allow for proper investigative work. It has become trapped in an endless pursuit of clickbait headlines. The Trump presidency lends itself to this type of lazy sloppy journalism. He actually uses it to his advantage. Time and again he allows the media to run with bold headlines only to walk back the narrative in the ensuing days. Not only is it embarrasing and humiliating it fails to hold anyone accountable. The only question for me is this -: Are stories killed deliberately? Or is the media simply unable to cover them? Read the full article
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yungsxcialgal-blog · 5 years
Tumblr - defined as a social network or is it a blog?
A social network, in short, is where people go ahead and use the internet to maintain friendships and connect with others and mutual friends (click here for a more polished definition)
And a blog is where you share opinions, feelings and reflect on things online through posts. (again, Merriam-Webster providing us with some more polished definitions here)
And so begs the question, where does our good friend Tumblr lie? I would argue that its somewhere in the middle, a hybrid of both worlds. 
Tumblr is a platform in which you can reblog and like and comment which are various different affordances, but you can also write your own blog content. You can also follow others and can view different tags that can lead to all types of content. Content from explicit content (not anymore though to some people’s dismay) to just aesthetically pleasing images to makeup and fashion can be viewed on the platform.
The social network side of Tumblr is fulfilled by the ability to follow others and be followed by those who are interested in keeping up with your content. The world of reblogging makes the content that you reblogged appear on your blog as well. These connections create the ability to have connections with others. 
The blog aspect of the site is quite obvious in that you have a personal page where you can express as many thoughts and opinions as you would like through both writing and Gifs and creating hyperlinks. I dont think that the blogging side is as popular though as the site is now less about creating your own original content and sharing it (which is very much more of a 2013-esq style of Tumblr blogging). These days its more of a collection of reblogs of other peoples content and it is also more images or short quotes rather than blog posts that are quite wordy like this one. 
So I argue that Tumblr is both a social network and a blog but the blogging aspect of it is arguably changing or the more traditional blogging is dying out and being replaced by a new type of blogging. 
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acupof-tee · 7 years
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Because on our TV screens/on our radios/in our magazines, we want to see the Australia that we see walking down the streets. A huge shout out to the incredible Isabel and Antoinette of Media Diversity Australia for bringing the issue to the forefront! #mdalaunch #mediadiversity #mediadiversityaustralia • ° ° ° ° ° #news #media #australianmedia #journalist #waleedaly #theprojecttv #journalism #australia #multicultural #multiculturalmedia #multiculturalism #diversemedia #diversityinmedia #abc #sbs #yahoo7 #channelten #diversity
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mybaliguide · 6 years
Sensationalism by the media in labelling this a “Bali Earthquake” can only do further harm to Bali’s already fragile tourism economy that is still struggling to fully regain traction following the September 2017 eruption of Mt Agung (some 54 years since its last eruption back in 1963). 
The Australian media should deal with facts not sensationalism to sell more newspapers or gain better TV ratings. We urge all media reporting on this tragedy to keep things focussed on Lombok where help in the form of donations and relief will be sorely needed in bucket loads. So common Aussie media get serious, get real and report the “facts”. Fact 1. Yesterday (Sunday 5/08/2018) at approx. 7:46PM Bali time a magnitude 6.9 earthquake struck on the Indonesian island of LOMBOK. Authorities said the epicentre was approx.. 2km east-southeast of Loloan (in the province of Nusa Tenggara Barat), and measured at a depth of approx. 10.5km (6 miles).
Fact 2. Despite popular belief amongst the Australian media the Indonesian island of LOMBOK is NOT a part of BALI, it is an island due east of Bali with several other islands in between including Nusa Penida, Nusa Ceningan and Nusa Lembongan.      
Fact 3. The distance from southern Bali’s main tourist areas of Kuta, Legian, Seminyak, Nusa Dua, Sanur and Bali’s capital (Denpasar) to the epicentre of yesterday quake is approximately 150 kilometers (as the crow flies).
Fact 4. The island of Bali experienced a severe tremor associated with the Lombok quake resulting in the deaths of 2 locals in Bali’s capital Denpasar (one the result of a collapsed wall), and in many areas there was minor-moderate damage of buildings and infrastructure but NOTHING that would in any way compare with the loss of life or damage to property caused in Lombok.
What we know so far
Ninety-one people so far have been confirmed dead and 209 people have been “severely injured” after a magnitude-7.0 earthquake hit the Indonesian island of Lombok at about 6:45pm local time last night.
All of those confirmed dead in the earthquake are Indonesian.
The largest number of people killed were in North Lombok, near the epicentre of the quake, where 72 died and 63 people were injured.
One person has been confirmed dead on the Gili islands. Two people died in Denpasar, Bali, one after being hit by a falling wall.
Most died after being hit by collapsing buildings, some also died from shock, suffering from a stroke after the earthquake struck.
Three thousand homes have been damaged, leaving many displaced, authorities have warned.
Families of those killed in the earthquake will receive 15 million rupiah (US$1036) in compensation from the government. Those injured will receive as much as 2.5 million rupiah (US$172).
Police, military, government agencies and volunteers were coordinating on emergency and relief efforts.
Foreign tourists have gathered at Lombok airport, and airport authorities have requested additional flights to accommodate them.
1,000 tourists were evacuated from the Gili islands, north-west of Lombok, by boat.
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independentaussie · 4 years
Australian Media Silent for 407 Days on Julian Assange
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The Australian media seems transfixed by events unfolding in the United States. Seemingly addicted to propaganda mainstream outlets like CNN and the Washington Post, they bay for Donald Trump's blood. Surely, they surmise, the people will not elect him again. This narrow focus sells copy. It won't change a vote in the United States where the election will be determined largely by independent voters. Most of whom never watch CNN or read the Post (or New York Times for that matter). I suspect that come November many of these Australian political pundits will be pulling their collective hair out as they come to terms with another four years of Trump, MAGA and political incorrectness. There wont be a thing that they can do about it. Trump and his followers give little credence to any of the media outlets I've mentioned. Even less to a bunch of smug righteous superior Australian "journalists" watching from afar. The Australian media pack are a dedicated mob of narrative managers. They frame the news to suit their imagined audience. Trump's rise is as incomprehensible to them as the ALP's loss of the last election. There is fretting about "dangerous shifts to the right," "Russian interference," "racism," and "misogyny." Most of it is white noise - the result of a deep seated anxiety that nobody is listening to them anymore. Make no mistake. The Australian media has a deep seated, near pathological hatred of Donald Trump. They will do almost anything to cast his actions in a negative light. To be fair, The Donald gives them a fair amount of ammuniton - which they use to fire at will at him. There is one thing that the Australian media refuse to do. Ironically, it is perhaps the only thing that could have an impact upon the Trump administration. It is Trump's achilles heel. It is the treatment of an Australian citizen. His name is Julian Assange. At the time of writing 407 days have elapsed since Assange was arrested for a bail violation. He is enduring a show extradition trial in the UK. It is a show trial - the result is a foregone conclusion. The show trial of Julian Assange Most inmates awaiting trial in Britain's notorious Belmarsh Prison have been bailed for fears of contracting Covid 19. Assange has not. Covid 19 is, apparently, not a risk for political prisoners like him. The Australian media appears unfazed despite him suffering a serious lung condition. Assange's problems don't end there. The presiding judge in the extradition case has insisted that Assange be kept in a glass cage while evidence is heard. Even the US prosecution team had no objection to him sitting in the court where he could have access to his counsel. The judge would not allow this basic right. The media has been largely silent on this matter. One could imagine the outrage if one of their own was in a similar situation. Similarly, supporters of Assange including John Pilger have alerted the world to the fact that Assange is being denied reasonable access to his lawyers while in prison. That's not a problem either apparently. As far as the Australian media is concerned Assange can rot in Belmarsh. I suspect they would prefer to see him dead. Why is that? Was it Jealousy? In 2011 Julian Assange won the prestigious Walkley Award for outstanding contibution to journalism. The win created quite a bit of controversy among "real journalists." After all, he wasn't a real journalist in their eyes. He was an outsider and a maverick. He hadn't spent years at university learning how to think like a journalist. The bastard just published stuff that happened to be true. It was most upsetting. Knives started to sharpen then. When Julia Gillard sold Assange down the river claiming that he had committed serious crimes, very few sprung to his defence. When rape allegations surfaced in Sweden, they fell upon him like rabid dogs. Only a few independent voices bothered to check the facts of the matter. The die had been cast. Assange's reputation took a serious battering. Many would be supporters went cold. He was fair game. Was it hatred? In the eyes of the media, Assange's bigger crime may have been the part he played in the notorious Cinton emails. It was one thing for him to publish collateral murder, quite another to show Hilary Clinton to be the corrupt individual that she is. Clinton was their girl. The embodiement of latte sipping leftist, virtue signalling self validation. She would break the glass ceiling of all glass ceilings. Its symbolism was beautiful. The problem was that she was politically tone deaf, corrupt and disliked by large sections of the populace. When WikiLeaks published the emails that came into their posession all hell broke loose. The ascension of Queen Hilary was cruelly thwarted. They blamed Assange. If there was nothing in the emails, there would have been no problem. There was obviously something there. I've read them. There is. Hilary lost and mainstream media lost thir mind. They haven't got it back. They hate everybody who contributed to the loss. Jill Steyn, Susan Sarandon, Bernie Sanders (didn't do enough apparently) and a cast of thousands who didn't know what was good for them. Most of all though they hate Julian Assange for having the balls to do what they would never do. Publish dirt on the Clintons. When it comes to choosing Assange or Trump, the Australian Media choose Trump. If Australian journalists really wanted to throw a spanner in the Trump administration's works they could. It would be a simple process. Mount a campaign that outlines the true history and injustices of Julian Assange's caseCreate a narrative (they're pretty good at that) around the injustice and the apparent weakness of successive Australian governments in protecting an Australian citizenActively put pressure on the Australian government to represent Assange's interests and rights to both the UK and US governments.In doing so they would force all three governements to defend an indefensible position. Much of Trump's base love Assange. He has gone unpunished for the arrest because noone puts heat on him for it. It's never going to happen without pressure from below. The Australian media haven't got the guts or the moral fibre to act. They need a fire lit underneath them. Make it happen. Read the full article
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acupof-tee · 7 years
If Lisa was Louis.
It took all of a couple of days before the news of Lisa Wilkinson's departure from Channel Nine, and arrival at Channel 10, turned from being about women's empowerment to being about women's competitiveness.
The "news" headlines today reek of jealousy behind the scenes – Carrie Bickmore is FUMING that Lisa Wilkinson is joining The Project; Carrie Bickmore is "pissed off" that Lisa Wilkinson will be paid more than her. Because how DARE two intelligent, charming, talented women share screen space! How DARE a journalist with over 35 years of experience (including being the youngest magazine editor at age 21) be paid her worth!
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This is a situation where women are congratulating Wilkinson on her courage to stand up for pay parity. Where women around the nation are feeling inspired and galvanised that they too can stand up for equality! Yet, it took media outlets about 15 seconds to twist the story into nasty gossip – one swift move to knock the women of Australia back down… because that is where we belong right? How can we cheer for each other? How dare motivation stir in our bellies? We are vicious, nasty people – we don't applaud each other's success, we break each other down so we can stand on top of the bodies we have left behind because 'I am better than she is' is the only way to be seen!
No Australian media… just, no. Turn to Twitter, turn to Instagram, turn to the fact that it took about 3 seconds for the #IbreakupwithToday hashtag to generate – which people around the nation used to show their support for Lisa Wilkinson, and their admiration for Channel Ten for knowing a good thing when they see it. Have a glance at Carrie Bickmore's Instagram, her Twitter – the uninhibited warmth exuding from her posts, congratulating her colleague and friend. Celebrate a new chapter for The Project – give space on your websites to articles using Wilkinson's decision as an example of women's capabilities, to highlight the gaps in our society – not to fuel unnecessary, and unwarranted, gossip.
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Dare I ask - would this happen if a Lisa Wilkinson was a male media personality? A hypothetical, Louis Wilkinson, if you will – left his job because he wasn't paid the same as his female co-host… HA HA, I can't even finish this analogy because it is so ridiculous. We wouldn't even get to the competitive, pitting both hosts against each other phase, because this situation would not occur if Lisa was Louis.
I ask for you not to fall for the media outlets desperation for clicks – it must be a slow news day. Do not forget the real message Lisa Wilkinson's bold move screamed – empowerment, encouragement, and equality.
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lanarama23 · 10 years
When news broadcasters are reporting on an on-going hostage situation that is in a busy city cafe, including information about police, does it not go through their minds that within the cafe there is probably a television.... 
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wolstenbeasts · 10 years
i just heard on the news that a naked man got stuck in a washing machine while playing hide and seek and police, firefighters, paramedics, SES and the local Search and Rescue Squad had to be called to find him. They got him out of the washing machine by 'greasing him up with olive oil' until he could get out.
Welcome to Australia!
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ranklypoetic-blog · 13 years
A few things Australians should keep in mind at the moment.
# Gillard is a figurehead of an ideology, her personality and personal viewpoints do not dictate all decisions made by the labour party.
# Abbott claims Gay Marriage is not a large concern in Australian society and in the public consciousness is not a pressing issue....when the issue is currently being debated in federal politics all over the world.
# Today Tonight & A Current Affair are not journalism nor entertainment. Their stories largely fuel prejudices towards minority groups in Australian society.
# The plea that the restrictions placed on gambling by the government are 'unaustralian' imply that it is a negative thing for Australians to promote the health of problem gamblers.
# Intellectually disabled children and adults are not second class citizens and should be able to receive justice and support if sexually, physically or psychologically abused.
# It is not acceptable for processing rates for refugees in detention centres to extend over years. Illegal immigrants are people who deserve basic human rights. 
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acupof-tee · 7 years
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Onwards and upwards to this incredible woman! @lisa_wilkinson your brave stance and decision to walk away has left all of us women, not only in the media industry, but around the nation feeling empowered! @channel9 you have some splaaaaaining to do! #IbreakupwithToday #LisaWilkonson #genderpaygap #payparity #equality ° ° ° ° ° #News #Australia #australiannews #australianmedia #channel9 #thetodayshowau #karlstefanovic #womensrights #womensempowerment #equalpay #progression
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ranklypoetic-blog · 13 years
Tainted Information
Just saying the struggle to find information that isn't tainted by commercial or political interests is a bitch. (Talking more of dominant media sources)
But I suppose asking for objective reports made by countries with invested economic interests is impossible to ask for.
See I would like to see more human rights stories related to China aired in the Australian media but our government does not want to put it's current economic ties at risk.
So I suppose it's better to enjoy the money we are making from our raw mineral exports. And think even if we have a commercialised and politically coloured media at least we can sit in our air conditioned homes watching 2 and a half men.
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