mindheartsoul7 · 8 years
American culture and life
For some reason it’s very hard for me to come along with the american culture. From the travel friendliest country to the least travel friendly country. No America is everything else than travel friendly, ok the public transportation is cheaper, but it still sucks. Backpacking is for most of them a loanword. For typical locals it’s incredible to go for two weeks on holiday, because they only get 14 off of work in one year! Almost every diche which I heared/saw about the USA is true: yeah, the wear shoes in the house yeah, they have a extra laundry room in there houses or people who life in small flats go to a laundromat (which you can find everywhere) yeah, they eat a lot of pizza (and the pizza are more cheese then everything else) yeah,they drive super big cars yeah, they have everywhere freeways yeah, they have huge supermarkets with long open times (even in the country side) yeah, they have this beautiful wood pier’s which I saw in movies (I love it) Some things I didn’t know about the USA/California: - there are no season’s, all the year is almost the same temperature, I still can not believe it - they can not deal with “a lot of” rain - they have a dry time and water shortage - that public transportation sucks - some supermarkets looks like ikea - many africans american’s - not very open to travelers - so many stop signs everywhere - many huge birds (mostly in the country side) - it’s more common to wear sport clothes without making sports - a lot of homeless people on the streets, sleeping in huge tents - weed smell EVERYWHERE and nobody cares, even before they made it legal - somehow I forgot that California is the State of surfing and skateboarding - a lot of young people are mobile phone or social media addicted In the supermarkets and at restaurants the staff is always asking “How are you”, “How was your day”. And also when it is the same like in New Zealand, it sounds different for me, more insincere. I’m never sure if it’s like “Hello” because everbody is saying it and if I don’t have to answer it or if it’s a honest question and it’s rude when I don’t answer it. Language It’s weird to come from a britisch English speaking country to a american English speaking country. Although I don’t like the britisch English I got very fast used to the New Zealand way of talking and all there typical phrases. As I come to America and I heard “your welcome” it sound so weird for me, yeah even a bit conceited. Where is the cosy, rural New Zealand “no worries” gone? But I have to say the american English is super clear and easy to understand.
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