#author: Ada P. Rix
lexiatel · 4 years
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Live Questions with Ada at the Strictly Dramione Facebook group tomorrow at 1pm (GMT)
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melanoradrood · 4 years
Hello! What are your favorite dramione fics?
I’ve been working on figuring out my bookmarks for AO3 so this is a VERY short garbage list of things that I have so far grabbed upon fixing my bookmarks ( I was marking things as for future reading if they were things I wanted to keep, and bookmarking things I just wanted to read ). Now, I’m quite certain I missed a few things, and I DEFINITELY missed some classics, but, these are the particular ones that I think everyone should read / should be reading, because they’re great!
Please note, if I linked one thing from the Author, all their things are great, and so I recommend everything, but this is what is sticking out in my mind right now.
The Erised Effect by ada-p-rix - Post Hogwarts
Timeless by @alexandra-emerson - Post Hogwarts
Lady of the Lake by @colubrina - Post Hogwarts - Dark
The Green Girl by @colubrina - Slytherin Hermione
The Eagle’s Nest by heartofaspen - Eighth Year
This, Too, Is Sacred by heartofaspen - Post Hogwarts, Pureblood Hermione
Remain Nameless by @heyjude19-writing - Post Hogwarts
Chronos Historia by @indreamsink - Eighth Year
Nocturnus by @indreamsink - Post Hogwarts
The Troublesome Thing About Time by @ladykenz347 - Post Hogwarts
The Right Thing To Do by @lovesbitca8 - Post Hogwarts
The Auction by @lovesbitca8 - Voldemort Wins - Read TRTTD First
All You Want by @senlinyu - ABO Fic, Eighth Year
A Thing Without Feathers by @senlinyu - Creature Fic, Post Hogwarts
Presque Tonjours Pur by @shayalonnie - Pureblood Hermione (it’s complete on ff.net but it’s saved on my ao3 list because fuck ff.net)
Apple Pie and Other Amends by toeatapeach - Post Hogwarts
Works In Progress :
Don’t Look Back by @onyx-and-elm - Updates Weekly
Measure of a Man by @inadaze22 - Updates Bi-Weekly
Bring Him To His Knees by @willhavetheirtrinkets - Updates Bi-Weekly
Good by @lovesbitca8 - Updates Annually but we say thank you asap
The Ruins by @indreamsink - OT3 with Theo
Moon Struck by omnenomnom - OT3 with Theo
Love Is Madness by @canttouchthis87 and @leilahmoon - DARK DARK DARK
Unseen by @littlesixxwrites - Please Read Trigger Warnings but SO GOOD
Please note, there’s not a lot on my WIP list at present because I have gotten SUPER BEHIND on my reading. Which is... part of why I’m trying to fix my bookmarks on AO3. But these? These are all great.
You can also always check out my fic rec tag, but that’s all of my ships!
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dramioneasks · 4 years
I am looking for a fanfic I read back in spring 2020. There was actually two I think from the same author. One had something about Draco having some kind of charm on him that allowed/made him see through the clothing of the person he liked, which was hermione. I think knickers was in the title but I can’t find it anywhere. The other was a situation where draco had taken hermione hostage but like for her own safety and no one knew he had her. He was keeping her in a flat he had in London. There was something about them visiting a bridge and having to disappear back to the flat. I don’t know if that’s enough detail for either of them but I had to try.
Edit: Thanks!
MISS-I-DONT-FOLLOW-ORDERS SAID: THIS IS LES KNICKERS BY ADA P RIX https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13555919/1/Les-Knickers
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dramionediscussion · 4 years
Pardon if this comes across and rude or ignorant, I'm pretty distant from the fandom and don't have any accounts on anything, but why have there been authors deactivating/hiding their stories? I get that authors sharing their work is a gift and they have every right to take it away, but I guess I'm curious as to why. (My apologies if this is overstepping any boundaries) This is prompted by raven maiden and ada p rix deactivating. Ada p rix has uploaded a new story since then (1/?)
-but as of today raven maiden is gone and her stories are only available to register users of ao3. Totally get that this is might be overstepping boundaries and if it is I'm so sorry! but just wanted to ask because I don't know if something happened and I was of of the loop. Totally loved their works and I'm a bit sad about raven maiden bc her writing was phenomenal and I don't have an account. Thank you so much, and again I'm so sorry if this is in any way rude or insensitive. (2/2)
We can’t answer this as we’re neither of the aforementioned authors, but I’m sure they’ve got their reasons (and even if they haven’t, they can do whatever they want to with their works). It would be best to message them directly. Both @adaprix and raven_maiden have a Tumblr account.
Also, I would suggest that you set up an account on AO3. AO3 is amazing and lets you mark fics for later, track your history, bookmark works, etc. etc.
- AgnMag
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