wefledwefought-blog · 10 years
Degrassi Verse
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NAME: Cressida Matlin
AGE: 16
RELATION: Cousin of Maya&Katie Matlin
YEAR: Sophomore
INFO: Cressida just recently moved in with her aunt and uncle because she was living with her mother but her mother recently passed away from cancer. Cressida has been with her cousins and her aunt and uncle for about the last 5 months and has been attending Degrassi and making friends rather easily. She is good friends with Imogen and pretty good friends with Frankie Hollingsworth, Drew and a handful of others. She is also on the spirit squad and participates in the drama department as well, which is how she became friends with Imogen. She is struggling with the loss of her mother but she is trying her best to move on and grow up.
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wefledwefought-blog · 10 years
Guys I will be moving Cressida Here:
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I will be rping on only the account above from now on and just putting all of my muses onto that account for convenience because it's harder for me to be active on all my accounts due to logging on and off. Please follow me there and I will reply to any threads we have now on that account!
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wefledwefought-blog · 10 years
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Cress couldn't help the purring sounds that left him, Haymitch had found his weakness and Cress leaned into the touch of the man's fingers in his hair. "Yeah...yeah 'm comfortable too...really comfortable" he admitted softly.
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wefledwefought-blog · 10 years
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Cressida took a few bites before grabbing two plastic cups and handing one to Scott,"Well show me some of your work then sometime yeah?" she asked as she looked up at him and she smiled as she poured some soda into both cups.
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wefledwefought-blog · 10 years
"People already don’t like me much so it doesn’t make much difference." Thomas sighed. "I can’t prove myself if I don’t know what goes on out there. I can’t prove myself if I’m not given a chance. Just saying."
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Cress looked at Thomas,"That's not my decision to make Tommy, if I had a choice in it I'd let you at least try but that's not my call" he said honestly as he folded his arms over his chest.
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wefledwefought-blog · 10 years
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Cressida chuckled a bit and heard the doorbell so she got to her feet and when she returned to the living room, she was holding pizza and a liter of coke. She set them down on the coffee table with plates and smiled,"Help yourself" she said as she grabbed a plate and piece of pizza before glancing up at him,"So, would you be willing to design a tattoo for me then? Something unique?" she asked curiously.
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wefledwefought-blog · 10 years
Haymitch swallowed hard as he heard him, squeezing his eyes a little. Honestly he didn't know, but he tried to speak and his voice came out very quiet and stuttered. "I'm not attracted to anyone, really" he sighed softly, but didn't dare let go of him so he didn't get the wrong idea. Whatever he felt for Cress, it was comforting and he didn't want to move away. "Only ever been in love once, like I told you. So I don't think.. It matters, whether someone's a girl or boy.. Just matters how comfortable you are" he trailed off, staring up at the ceiling and adding Inaudibly "make you feel safe."
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Cress absently kept running his fingertips up and down the man's side and he closed his eyes now and rested his head on Haymitch's chest listening to the subtle sound of his heartbeat. "Do you....feel comfortable with me?" he asked, it was probably a stupid question but he wanted to know, he didn't understand why his own heart was beginning to pound in his chest, maybe he was just imagining things but he hadn't really felt like this in awhile.
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wefledwefought-blog · 10 years
"How do you expect me to understand then if I can’t go out in the Maze? Waiting inside the walls and farming isn’t helping me to understand." Thomas persisted.
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Cress sighed and ruffled his hair and shook his head,"It's the rules, it's how this place works Greenie and you better get used to it and just do your part or people aren't gonna like you much..." he muttered. "I get it, I do you wanna be a runner, well that isn't for my deciding, you gotta prove yourself"
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wefledwefought-blog · 10 years
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Cress tilted his head as he looked her up and down,"You are putting words into my mouth Effie" he said as she sighed and he pushed himself away from the door and he stepped closer to her. He stopped not but a small space between them and he reached up and gently took the woman's chin into his hand and looked her in the eyes. "I have never once called you a name nor have I ever said you don't belong or that I hate you or don't want you here.....I do not blame you for any of my problems and I don't think badly of you, I just don't much like glitter" he said softly with a wink trying to lighten the mood a bit,"Please do not bunch me up with the rest of those people out there because I do not bunch you up with the Capitol people"
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Effie felt a weight press down on her chest, just over her heart as he spoke. He was right, he hadn’t called her a monster, but that didn’t mean others hadn’t, and it didn’t mean she didn’t feel like one. “People do think that, though,” she said, “They think because I worked with them, I called those names—” 
She shuddered, her shoulders shaking, “I’m sorry for what you were put through—sorry isn’t ever going to be enough, but you look at me and speak to me exactly like the others in this place.” She didn’t belong here, and she knew it, but she did belong with Katniss for as long as the Mockingjay needed her. “Don’t worry. As soon as this is all over, I’ll go my merry way and there will be one less reminder of the whole horrid ordeal.” 
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wefledwefought-blog · 10 years
replies tomorrow night
I am going to be over here tonight cus I need to catch up on this account
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wefledwefought-blog · 10 years
Scott watched the movement of Cressida’s fingers on his arm, “Uhh…” he coughed, “you have to be 18 to get a tattoo…” he replied, trying to not be awkward with the younger girl, “Umm yeah… I mean I have regulars who always come to me to get new tatts done so”. Scott shrugged, “I’m still learning, I mean I think you’re always learning in this business”. 
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She chuckled a bit at his words,"Scott....I am 18, I'm doing my senior year of High School" she said as she tilted her head and she scrunched her nose a bit in an adorable manner,"Don't worry I get that a lot...people always think I'm a lot younger than I am" she said as she smiled and she pulled her hand back and set it in her lap.
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wefledwefought-blog · 10 years
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He honestly wasn't sure if he should ask the question he wanted to, for Cress in his past being with anyone was normal, boys, girls, people who weren't exactly a single gender, so laying here with Haymitch felt as natural as anything. "Well...just..." he hesitated, what if Haymitch got upset over the question or offended or something? "I was wondering...are you only attracted to girls?" he muttered, the question coming out softer than he anticipated due to his fear of asking it.
Haymitch didn't open his eyes, but nodded slightly. "Yeah" he said quietly, yawning a little "go for it, I'm all ears." The fact that he was sober was causing a kind of war inside of him, telling him this was bad, dangerous. He wasn't supposed to be this close to anyone, especially not Cress. If they knew..
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wefledwefought-blog · 10 years
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Cressida reached over and absently brushed her fingertips of one hand along the lines of one of Scott's tattoos on his arm as she looked at it. "Maybe you can do one for me sometime?" she suggested as she pried her eyes from the design to look up into his face as she smiled and her eyes lit up. "I bet you do awesome work" she uttered as she tilted her head chewing the inside of her cheek.
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wefledwefought-blog · 10 years
Shifting from foot to foot, his hands gripped to the sides of his apron tightly, eyes darting towards the door to the back before he lowered his voice conspiratorially.
"There’s chocolate in the back. I can put some in a bun for you, if you want. C’mon!"
Peeta’s hand reached out for hers, tugging before she could even think about it, an impish grin on his face. If they were quick enough, he could pop the dough and chocolate into the ovens before he got caught. She’d love it!
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Cressida was surprised by him taking her hand, but she followed him quickly behind the counter and through the doors into the kitchen. Her eyes widened at the sight, she had never been in a kitchen like this before, it was amazing to her. She purred at the smells that reached her nose and she absently found herself holding onto the boy's hand in return now, not really wanting to let go. "I'm Cressida by the way, what's your name?" she asked as she smiled up at him and her eyes danced with interest and curiousity about everything around her.
Forever Young: Cressida&Peeta
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wefledwefought-blog · 10 years
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"Well the bloody creators obviously don't care whether we get out or not or we would have been rescued by now" Cress pointed out as he rolled his eyes and he scowled,"You're stubborn Greenie and I get it I do, I want out too but you really don't understand"
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wefledwefought-blog · 10 years
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Cress nodded slowly in response,"I hate it too...but you make it bearable" he muttered not realizing how that sounded rather flirtatious coming off his tongue. He glanced up at Haymitch and he chewed the inside of his cheek as he absently brushed fingertips of one hand along the man's side. "Can I ask you...something?"
"I'm not gonna." Haymitch mumbled, loosening his grip a little and letting his head fall against the pillow, so cress ended up leaning on his chest. "I fucking hate this place, Cress."
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wefledwefought-blog · 10 years
Everclear is pretty much moonshine. Except it’s fucking legal.
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"Are you gonna bitch or are you going to drink?" Cressida asked as she extended the bottle to him again after she had drank from it. "Whining is for babies"
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