xeglantine-blog · 5 years
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@autipsy // starter call
“I only put one pill in, Kazuchi. Then I put it to sleep just like you suggested!” There seems to be something blatantly omitted from this story (if the crudely made cuts and scratches in and around the usb port and bent knife now left haphazardly on the desk beside it were anything to go by). Instead of pointing to this as the clear sign as to why the poor computer was making such a god awful sound now, Briar moved to join Kazu by his side so that he could take the whole thing in. The witch bent at the knees a little and tilted his head to the side, trying to find a good angle to look at it with and failing to see anything but a poorly mistreated heap of junk. “...what do you think could be the problem, darling?” 
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e0nian · 5 years
send 🎧 for a playlist based on your url [[ Always Accepting! ]]
Wooo, here ya go my bro!! (「`・ω・)「
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cirquebled · 5 years
autipsy replied to your post: Important extra links for Joker because Tumblr’s...
if you search for ‘http’ in the code and do a replace all to change it to 'https’ , tumblr lets you edit your theme again!!
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ACES. The problem is... I’ve done that. Several times. And it still won’t let me edit my theme for some reason??
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enouxment-a-blog · 6 years
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         “you got a REASON to be starin’ at me and shit??” sure, the other hadn’t been staring at him for long, but even a few seconds was long enough for quin. he always had his GUARD UP, maybe up a little too much. // @autipsy
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lcstrega · 5 years
❝ You’re gonna be alright now, that’s all that matters. ❞
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Lacerations painted her face and arms, any exposed flesh marred. Aeva swallowed the dry lump in her throat as she rocked side to side idly, cautious as she listened to Kazuki’s words of reassurance. She had, of course, done this to herself only minutes ago. Slowly, the wounds left, skin stitching itself back together and flesh becoming soft and whole. The lingering touch of another was a phantom agony that haunted her for centuries, and no matter how far the great sea of time expanded, she couldn’t escape the tide.
She would never be free.
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“I,” She muttered, “I... would like to not be here alone, if it’s okay with you.”
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fanguine · 5 years
Tight Space: Does your muse ever feel that they’re not living up to their own potential?
Not really, since Toma doesn’t believe that she has a lot of potential?  She is doing the best she can and deep down inside hopes that it will be enough somehow, but ultimately she has very little faith in herself, which often turns into a self fulfilling prophecy when Toma sets herself up for failure.
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mvxnn · 6 years
a starter for @autipsy​
              ❛ Life gets so exhausting. ❜ Adriel murmured , brushing his tongue along his lips before lifting the glass to it. Alcohol was one of the few saving graces for the vampire ; and one of his favorite pastimes. ❛ Have you been keeping busy at least ? ❜
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shinsogi · 5 years
❝ words can’t hurt me these shades are gucci . ❞
extremely high quality starters || not accepting
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[ ☾ ] If that were to be true, sign him up for a pair of those miracle shades. Unfortunately, the world was much harsher and harder to ignore than that, and the other male was certainly aware of it. So, then, why not go along with it, offer some solace in jokes rather than a scolding. “Aha, so that’s why they’re so expensive. If that is the case, I should get myself a pair as well.“
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naivelost · 6 years
❌Would they ever cheat on their partner?
my muse in a relationship / accepting !
would they ever cheat on their partner?
   no. ben just sees it as unnecessarily cruel and cowardly. his hookups are always casual, and he usually ditches any attempts of dating out of disinterest pretty quickly. if he actually fell in love and let his guard down he’d be extremely loyal and wouldn’t even consider straying. he has stayed with someone after finding out they cheated, though. 
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ghoulishson-blog · 5 years
💑 What are my muse’s requirements for a potential partner?
actually he's got very few requirements! he’s not a very romantic person (he’s only ever genuinely loved one person), but he likes having someone to help him/do stuff for him. he’s also very manipulative, so as long as they’re an adult and pretty, he’ll keep them around. but the longer he fakes a relationship the more he’s actually close to a real relationship, and it wouldn’t be too hard for it to become real after like two months. i guess requirements for what they could put up with would be that he murders and eats people, lives in a cabin in the woods to hide the bodies easier, and is absolutely fucking crazy with a short temper. when he dates another ghoul he’s prone to snapping their neck when he’s angry, since it won’t kill them, just paralyze them for a while. so basically if you can put up with a crazy ghoul and can handle that he’s barely got actual food in the house, and you’re fine with seclusion, jack will give you a chance. stick around long enough and it could become real! 
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monalisa-club · 5 years
send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion!
clone/twin/lookalike plots are really fun and people should give them a chance. i understand those who feel intimidated by people who have the same faceclaim as they do, but other than that plotting something like the above can be really fun and prove to be interesting. there’s so many options when you thread with two of the same faceclaim, i especially love twin plots. how about twins separated at birth, anyone???
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xeglantine-blog · 5 years
1 , 8 , 22 !
@autipsy​ // the be honest meme ( still accepting )
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ah yes it’s time for me to holler…
1) What would prevent you from following someone?
Just as an unspoken rule I won’t follow someone that I don’t know personally/well-enough and who has had beef in the past with my friends. I think it’s perfectly plausible for someone to be friends with two people who don’t get along, but I also just think that if I don’t really know the person all too well aside from the fact that they’ve come after someone I care about or done them dirty I wouldn’t want to interact with them anyways?? Lots of drama, really nasty attitudes, untrimmed/hella long posts… I’m p generic with my hard no’s when it comes to a follow tbh. Generally though I’m pretty chill and will follow just about anyone I think I’ll vibe with or enjoy interacting with! If you cross my besties though I sure as hell don’t want you crossing my path or seeing you on my dashboard, so don’t expect a follow : )
8. Name any three things about the rpc that bother you.
GOD… Okay first and foremost I hate that when people go crazy with all the lines?? Like excessive editing with replies/posts is something that irks me to begin with, but when there’s a million dashes and 4-5 blockquotes for icons and simple shit in a reply I want to literally shit my pants because I am an old lady who has to copy/paste posts that I reply to and then go into html to put the
in the right spot so that icon is indented and it’s a nightmare whenever there’s more than 1 because I?? No. No I’m too ADD and I can’t even focus on reading the damn thing before I’m trying to follow the damn lines like fucking Nicolas Cage looking for clues to find the national treasure. 
The microscopic tiny text that I have to put my page on 300% just to read and then pray that your theme isn’t obnoxious so I can scroll up/down and side to side to be able to read it all. I’m just going to use this as a segue to something that kind of bothers me overall with the rpc and that’s literally just… excessive edits. Don’t get me wrong, I am constantly amazed by how gorgeous some of the things I see people create (especially Momo and her graphics/blogs/etc.) but I’m not the biggest fan of aesthetic getting in the way of convenience. If I can’t read or navigate your blog, let alone your reply, I’m ultimately just going to be annoyed. I think unfortunately sometimes certain parts of the rpc has the same snobby attitude as some online artists, which is probably why it rubs me the wrong way. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with making something look really nice or being proud to share your work with the community (if anything I highly encourage it), but when it becomes an inconvenience for rping/rp partners I guess I just don’t get why the aesthetic ™ becomes more important than my dumbass being able to find the rules and about page in under 20 minutes on a blog. Please just let this old lady read things easier, I know it’s a lot to ask but g O D…
People assuming things are okay because ‘oh hey your blog is viewable by the public and I’M the public so hey whassup gimme your attention’. Like someone seeing that my muse is goofing around with someone else and just assuming that they’ll react the same to THEIR muse. And this goes for literally anything like??? I used to have people try to come and act all chummy and touchy feely with my OC Diesel in my inbox/dms and somehow not expect to get bitten. I’ve had people try to get a nut with my muses too without ever even speaking to me ooc about a relationship?? (Blair in the Soul Eater community was the bane of my existence for a while because of this). AND WORST OF ALL… people I either have never spoken to, rarely speak to, or sometimes don’t even FOLLOW coming out here and liking my n.sfw posts/threads and ooc ramblings. I’m pretty open and upfront about being horny on main 24/7 and as someone who struggles with mental health shit I undoubtedly might post something when I’m down but it actually makes my skin crawl when people out here liking that shit when they aren’t even involved OR are my friends??? like weird flex but okaY…
22. What would make you block someone?
If your name starts with L and rhymes with bitch. Honestly I’m usually a fan of ghosting and then soft-blocking if someone really makes me uncomfortable and they aren’t easy to talk to about it or aren’t interested in changing, but if you go around liking my OOC posts and telling people shit about me when we’ve never even spoken before… in the middle of spreading shit about someone I care about… you can bet your ass I’m gonna block. Don’t worry though! I tend to unblock pretty shortly after (unless I have a reason not to) and I’ve left my messages open so that if you have something to say about it after you’ve finished throwing your tantrum, you’re more than welcome to come and do so! I’m not one for drama, but I don’t mind telling someone to fuck off if they ask for it :3c 
That and if someone will not stop spamming me with shit after being told to stop. 
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e0nian · 5 years
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▌FACE CLAIM : Jessica Stam [Primary] ; Kirill Vrubel (Double Decker) Margaret (Persona) [Anime]
▌NAME : Sariel “Albineus”
▌AGE : Approx. 826-976 [Main Verse]  (hasn’t aged since 26)
▌HEIGHT : 6′0″
▌SPECIES : Concept
▌GENDER : Female
▌RACE/ETHNICITY : Designed with Slavic inspiration
▌BIRTHDAY : [roughly] December 8th (if paralleled with an Earthly calendar)
▌SUN SIGN : Sagittarius 
▌RESIDENCE :  Ley'cris Se, Istial (forested region in Aelis)
▌ALIGNMENT :  Chaotic Neutral [Main Verse -] ; Chaotic Good  [Child Aeon verse +]
▌DRINK : Boulevardier
▌FOOD : Red Velvet cake
▌SNACKS : Anything sweet or with German chocolate tbh 
▌PET : A white Borzoi named Mochi (♂), and a blind Lethal White Aussie named Khione (♀)
▌COLOUR : Black & Gold
▌FLOWER : Water Lily
▌SEXUALITY : Pansexual (preference for women)
▌BODY TYPE :  Thin (had a budding eating disorder before she stopped aging)
tagged by @fxtelism ((Thank you!! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°))
Tagging: @autipsy @cfastralmvses @infinemxndi @ensuist @fracturedhues @gamenu @museatory @ofhexxedclaws & Anyone who’d like to steal it!
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ladyrot · 5 years
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▌FACE CLAIM : l.aura j.ane g.race ▌NAME : delma leonie armbruster ▌AGE : 36 stopped aging at 30 ▌HEIGHT : 188cm / 6′2″ ▌SPECIES : human witch ( necromancer ) ▌GENDER : female ( amab ) ▌RACE/ETHNICITY : white ▌BIRTHDAY : october 30th ▌SUN SIGN : scorpio ▌RESIDENCE :  los angeles, california, usa ▌MARITAL STATUS :  single ▌ALIGNMENT :  chaotic evil ▌DRINK : guinness, malt liquor, black coffee ▌FOOD : black bean burgers, boneless chicken wings ▌DAY OR NIGHT : night ▌SNACKS : beef jerky, clif bars, fast food dollar menu ▌PET : two raccoons named domino and marzipan ▌COLOUR : black is a color fuck you blue ▌FLOWER : white lily ▌SEXUALITY : pansexual ▌BODY TYPE :  thin / ectomorphic / beanpole ▌EYE COLOUR : blue-grey ▌HAIR COLOUR : deep brown
TAGGED BY: @autipsy ( bless ) TAGGING: you, binch
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electorofhell · 5 years
morality   challenge
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tagged by: @autipsy || tagging:  @ all of you
bold all the things your muse has done or will do
murder / manslaughter / assault / robbery / breaking & entering / theft / embezzlement / kidnapping / torture / blackmail / arson / trespassing / treason / libel or slander / obstruction of justice / lying to law enforcement / creation of a weapon / espionage / riot / escape from lawful custody / contempt of court /public intoxication / conspiracy / accessory to a crime / harboring a fugitive / bribery / perjury under oath / resisting arrest / identity theft / corporate fraud / tax fraud / document forgery / destruction of evidence / assassination / counterfeiting / sale of a controlled substance / purchase of a controlled substance / failure to pay child support / hacking crimes / threat / pickpocketing / shoplifting
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lcstrega · 5 years
8, 24, 36 :3c
8. Name any three things about the rpc that bother you.
- the overly sensitive bunch.
- the over-sharing bunch.
- the holier-than-thou, abusive bunch.
24. Have you ever had something stolen from you? If so, how did you handle it?
answered! but no.
36. What’s one thing that other people seem to hate that doesn’t bother you?
dark themes. i really just don’t get the uproar. if you wanna see some dark, weird shit, there’s some rp sites out there that would make your jaw hit the floor. i’ve never seen anything on tumblr that was that bad. you are the boss of your dash, so like?? fuck off if you don’t like something? you don’t own the site or have the right to tell people what to do, ugly.
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