#autistic owen carvour
smytherines · 1 month
autistic man practices smiling (fails)
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swingingthehatchetnow · 2 months
There’s a reason SAD and ASD are anagrams
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loganschwarzy · 6 days
tell me all your headcanons ever (or as many as you can think of)
damn uh so this is just gonna be a mash of some things then
the leading player (pippin) is a pharanoch (the things in trap)
dorothy donaldson (love in hate nation) has ocd
tatiana (spies) is an aspec lesbian who's autistic, partially deaf, and has ocd
owen carvour (spies) has bpd and npd (stole that from my friend :D)
there's at least one timeline where holloway went through the portal instead of wilbur, and took what would have been his place
every single kid in cavendish home for boys and girls are neurodivergent and/or queer
um hi sorry for the mix & match of things but the brain does what it does. oops
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jingles-miserably · 1 year
i already sent my friend an ask abt this but. what if i got a little wacky. a bit silly even. and i said. autistic owen carvour
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ive posted about thsi. but i want to know your opinion. hc that owen carvour is autistic aand part of why hes so good at acting is bc hes Fucking Masking all the time,.
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Preliminary Poll #4: O-S
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autisticheadcanons · 5 years
curt mega, tatiana slozhno, barbara "barb" lavernor, owen carvour, and sergio santos from spies are forever are autistic!! (bonus: so is the unnamed waitress at the casino who absolutely decimates curt)
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considerablecolors · 2 years
@owen-not-carvour 's reply to my tags encouraged me so screw it I'm making this a post
Barb Larvernor is autistic and here's why
Trouble picking up on social cues- She keeps pursuing Curt despite him making it fairly obvious that he's not interested:
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Special interest in science and technology. She infodumps about this multiple times throughout the show, even when it's not a good time or others are clearly disinterested:
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Exaggerated body language and lack of personal boundaries:
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Trouble understanding jokes (though in all fairness Curt also just makes weird jokes lmao):
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Mimicking others behaviors/taking social cues from others:
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So yeah, tl;dr we love and support autistic women in STEM. 👍
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mogai-headcanons · 4 years
curt mega from spies are forever is an autistic gay nonbinary person who has ADHD and PTSD and uses he/him, pri/prin, or they/them, and he’s in a relationship with owen carvour, a vincian nonbinary man who uses he/him or fae/faer and has ADHD as well
sorry, i can’t find transparents of these characters!
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smytherines · 3 months
I'm on the record as being a big fan of ADHD Agent Mega and Autistic Owen Carvour (gosh I can't imagine why), but my personal headcanon also includes Curt being dyslexic and Owen having dyscalculia.
Dyslexic Curt just makes so much sense to me, like no wonder he doesn't read or fully absorb mission briefings, that shit is hard to read. I don't have a justification for Owen having dyscalculia, I just feel it in my bones
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smytherines · 3 months
can we talk about how this is the most autistic fit though, that shirt looks like it pleases the fickle sensory gods
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smytherines · 3 months
Quick! Everybody tell me your disability/chronic illness/neurodivergence headcanons for Agent Curt Mega and Owen Carvour. Or even other characters, somebody said Barb is dyspraxic the other day and it flooded my body with joy. It's ok if y'all repeat, give me 7 different explanations for Agent Mega's ADHD, I love that shit!
Tags are cool too but I'd also be thrilled with reblogs full of elaborate headcanon. Go to town! Give them all your shit and tell me why you feel it in your bones!
I've explained them a lot in other posts, so for simplicity
Owen Carvour: chronic pain, autism, dyscalculia
Agent Curt Mega: ADHD, dyslexia
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smytherines · 2 months
I can't articulate this well right now but in my autistic Owen Carvour headcanon he has alexithymia.
Like pre-fall he has all of these big emotions but can't identify or express them in ways anyone else could understand (except maybe sometimes Curt, who I read as being oblivious to everyone else but talented at cracking this particular code) so he comes across as kinda cold and detached when really he's drowning in feelings he can't make any sense out of. To the point where feelings in general just feel like an existential threat to him because they make his brain work less logically and efficiently.
And then post-fall he suddenly has all these challenges he never had before, namely that now he can't stop expressing his emotions in a way that is totally terrifying and overwhelming and exhausting to him, and he still does not really know how to identify what he's feeling so he just feels dangerously out of control all the time, to the degree that he has to dissociate so he isn't incapacitated by anger, grief, abandonment issues, etc.
Like DMA is so much Not A Person that he doesn't even have a name. And Owen losing himself in that role allows him to function, allows him to seal away all of that messy emotional shit and do the thing he was trained to do- kill. And when the literal mask is off, Owen starts spiraling.
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smytherines · 4 months
Any time someone nails that overstimulated autistic Owen vs understimulated ADHD Curt vibe in a fanfic I just want to shake their hand and thank them for their service
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smytherines · 3 months
*steps up to the podium*
chronic pain Owen Carvour
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smytherines · 4 months
Extremely specific neurodivergent curtwen headcanons that crack me like an egg:
ADHD Agent Mega is practically fan canon at this point, but I feel like we focus on him being bored & fidgeting more than other ADHD issues. Like I imagine so much of his macho guy bluster is 1. from being gay in a homophobic society, but also 2. From Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. I dunno, something about the way he gets so flustered and defensive when people criticize him (which happens constantly)?
I've been thinking about maybe Curt being dyslexic? Like maybe he doesn't read briefings because they're already difficult to focus on, but also they're literally difficult to read? He mixes up information no matter how hard he tries. He's learned to stop trying and pretend he's just too cool for that nerd shit, but whenever someone gives him a hard time for screwing up he takes it really really personally? He has big emotional outbursts, which is especially tough as a closeted gay man in the 1950s-1960s
I have a lot of headcanon about autistic Owen Carvour, but it's kinda weird because he's canonically the villain of SAF, and that tends to stray uncomfortably into "he was always a monster" OR "the fall made him into a monster." So with autistic Owen headcanon it veers too close to saying that being autistic made him a monster (yikes, no) or that becoming disabled (no way in hell he doesn't have chronic pain issues after all that) made him a monster (also yikes, no).
So for me, the way that I frame it is like... okay so Owen is literally masking in the show, but I think about what that says about him that one of the major details we know about him is that he is very good at pretending to be other people. I'm a heavily masked autist myself, so this really resonates with me. With autistic men there are some very specific stereotypes like math, bad at social interaction, etc. But I think Owen would have a profile more stereotypically attributed to women: being hyper aware of everything around him, using "movie talk" or just remembering interactions with others and having a script. I don't know how to explain it exactly, but it's like you enter a situation and you can more or less suss out what people are expecting from you in that situation, so you just flip through your mental rolodex of phrases and deliveries and ways to stand and hold your face that align with their expectations of you. You become adept at blending in.
I would fully believe that Owen reads every briefing multiple times and has charts and diagrams, and maybe before the fall part of why he does that is that he knows Curt is a talented agent but just struggles with that part of the job, and Owen feels protective of him. Like he gets that Curt is impulsive and feels the need to be a counterweight to that. It feels like Curt blocks out information and takes in stimuli, and Owen blocks out stimuli but takes in as much info as humanly possible.
Then there's all the villain shit obviously. This is extreme headcanon territory, but one part of being autistic is what they call the "autistic sense of justice." That absolutely does not mean that autistic people have some preternatural ability to be eternally on the right side of history, we all have our individual identities and experiences coloring what we consider "justice," but just on a personal level being autistic and becoming disabled radicalized me. It led to me becoming anti-capitalist & anti-imperialist. It drastically changed my perception of right and wrong because I had to interrogate my own understanding of power, the way the concept of "crime" is created (like you get jail time for shoplifting, but your boss doesn't get punished at all for stealing money out of your paycheck).
I've already done ridiculous long posts about the political stuff, but I do think that an autistic person, especially one who has gone through a massive trauma, might come through it with a new understanding that the US/UK governments are actually pretty awful, that ignorant brutes shouldn't be in charge of politics and information.
I dunno I probably have more but I've already dumped too much here
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