#projecting autistically probably
smytherines · 2 months
I can't articulate this well right now but in my autistic Owen Carvour headcanon he has alexithymia.
Like pre-fall he has all of these big emotions but can't identify or express them in ways anyone else could understand (except maybe sometimes Curt, who I read as being oblivious to everyone else but talented at cracking this particular code) so he comes across as kinda cold and detached when really he's drowning in feelings he can't make any sense out of. To the point where feelings in general just feel like an existential threat to him because they make his brain work less logically and efficiently.
And then post-fall he suddenly has all these challenges he never had before, namely that now he can't stop expressing his emotions in a way that is totally terrifying and overwhelming and exhausting to him, and he still does not really know how to identify what he's feeling so he just feels dangerously out of control all the time, to the degree that he has to dissociate so he isn't incapacitated by anger, grief, abandonment issues, etc.
Like DMA is so much Not A Person that he doesn't even have a name. And Owen losing himself in that role allows him to function, allows him to seal away all of that messy emotional shit and do the thing he was trained to do- kill. And when the literal mask is off, Owen starts spiraling.
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eddienashtonn · 1 year
there’s something so autistic about the riddler as a character. the frustration of having no one really see you, the need to prove yourself smarter and cleverer than all of them to make up for the fact that you could never fit in with them, the compulsive joy of forcing others to play by your rules, the obsession with truth and answers, the comfort of having your own space where you’re in control, the fear of inadequacy, the isolation and loneliness, the need to be acknowledged in your reality to be satisfied but never able to reach that satisfaction.
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house and wilson r both autistic and on complete opposite ends of the spectrum
(bear with me here i'm autistic myself and it's hard to articulate my thoughts)
wilson masks heavily. he knows he's different than everyone else and he tries so desperately not to be. he wants to be seen as a normal guy. he's the furthest thing from it but nobody needs to know that if he can help it. he knew he was different since he was a kid and it upset him. he worked so hard to create an image of himself that is palatable. he is very concious abt it. he clings to normalcy. his knuckles r white and his nails r digging into it. the only person he is ok with letting go of it for is house. house is is safe space. house is the one person he knows will not care if he acts a little different.
house, however, doesn't mask very much at all. if he wanted to, he probably could (although i also partially think he couldn't) but he doesn't. he just doesn't give a shit. he doesn't care abt what ppl think and he doesn't rlly care how he affects them either. he says what is on his mind. he is the way he is and he feels no shame for it. social rules r stupid and he doesn't respect them. he doesn't respect any rules.
wilson is primarily sensory avoident. he likes peace and calm. he especially doesn't like visual overstimulation. he likes things to be neat and pristine. when his space is organized, he can function. his environment influences the state of his head.
house is very sensory seeking. he thrives in chaos. he needs the outside world to be as fast and loud and hectic as his mind is. he needs noise and things to look at and something in his hand (his stupid red autism ball). he's never doing nothing when he's thinking. he likes soap operas and crappy reality tv partially because it's good background noise. it doesn't take up much brain power, but it's still a constant noise.
wilson has big body language. he is very expressive. i know this is rlly bc rsl is a stage actor and that's what they do but. let me have this. but that's just how he is. every symptom of autism exists on its own spectrum. some autistics have a very flat affect, very little body language, and very little expressions. some (wilson) have the exact opposite.
house doesn't outwardly show many of his emotions. he definitely feels them, they're very intense, but he doesn't display them. he isn't expressive, and it's not by choice. that's just naturally how he is.
this is more of a headcanon but whatever. wilson likes stim toys. he stims subtly (part of him trying to cling to normalcy. he needs to stim and he knows that but he won't do anything like hand flapping or rocking.), like with a fidget cube or one of those spinny rings. when he's alone, he'll sometimes let himself stim in bigger ways and it's a great release. he doesn't rlly need to stim as much as house does tho. also i think he'd love pressure and cuddling for stimulation. he'd like to be squished.
house is always stimming. this isn't a headcanon. this man is always doing something! pacing, playing with his ball, listening to music, he's always doing something for some sort of stimulation. he likes vestibular stimming and big full body stims best. he likes to move and do things. he likes to be busy. a fidget toy won't do much for him. he was a pretty active person before the infarction, and that was a great release for his emotions. but now he can't do the things he used to so he needs to constantly be moving. he doesn't get a big release so he's just constantly letting it out.
they're both very particular abt their ways of living, but they do not live the same way. wilson likes calm, house likes chaos. if this is disturbed, they get upset and distressed.
wilson has more shutdowns, house has more meltdowns. not to say they don't have both, tho.
also i feel the need to say this: house's special interest is humanity. he loves puzzles and humans are the greatest one of them all. everything he does is motivated by his need to know why people do what they do. oh and also monster trucks.
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onyx-got-clowned · 8 months
Every. Single. link is neurodivergent coded and you can pry that from my cold dead hands.
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mayashesfly · 2 months
Autistic Alastor who's been heavily masking his entire life.
But when he finally relented and confessed to Vox so they could become an official couple together after a very long time of talking and communicating to each other, whenever Alastor gets overstimulated, he would hold Vox's hand and talk to him in their private frequency when he needs to leave.
Vox happily drops what he's doing and as Alastor melds into Vox's shadow to avoid other people seeing his weaknesses, Vox would go to a private place so the two can cuddle or do whatever else Alastor needs to recuperate from overstimulation.
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amorisastrum · 2 months
Todd Anderson with situational mutism, discuss
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nouveauxamoris · 27 days
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rest in peace chuuya nakahara you would’ve loved system of a down
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0m3n-0f-d3ath · 4 months
🌸⭐️ Stimming Animations
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With Bee and Marium🌸⭐️
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wow-an-unfunny-joke · 1 month
Okay I’m too lazy to check the actual timeline of things but wasn’t Falin like 9 when Laios left???? Am I making that number up???
Anyways Laios and Falin are the same flavor of weird but they do it differently- Laios doesn’t know when to shut up and Falin is generally more quiet, right?
Well when Laios talks about leaving he words it very “oh I abandoned my sister because people were treating her badly” which makes no sense right??? Why would he leave her behind if this is because of how people were treating her??? Well later with the Lion it shows little flashback things of Laios getting beat up- like my man was also being treated poorly which is probably why he left
Anyways my point is Laios didn’t get the same lesson beaten into him but Falin did
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agnisleftpec · 4 months
neflix's atla for me is just "wow! that idea's cool! i hope someone writes a fanfic with that but good :)"
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spaciebabie · 3 months
shoutout 2 this person in my class who i can tell wants 2 talk 2 me really bad but instead of doing that whenever she has the chance she'll talk 2 whoever else is around and ignore me entirely unless im mentioned by name
#bruh lmao#so awkward. say something you dingus lol#ik you wanna talk 2 me so bite the bullet already#gyatt#spacie spoinks#literally. she was having a conversation with my partner for the project im doing. and like#heres the thing#if im not invited into conversation i usually dont participate#im like a vampire like that#and so like. after they're done conversating she'll just kind of. stand there. this has happened twice now#like dude sdkfjshlkdfj#im not upset by this behavior i have very awful social patterns as well and have been thru this (i am autistic)#am i gonna hafta say something. lol#probably#''hey bro whats up with you. i dont mean like how are you doing. i mean like. whats wrong with you.''#cant say that its not funny when you say it irl only when the ppl you're talking with know you're not being mean 😭#also like. this person has been staring at me lol#which like. makes me flustered so whenever she's around i panic and my face fucking turns red its god awful#for awhile it made uhh. my paranoia get really bad im ngl!!#its already bad when it comes 2 being around strangers but this like made it REALLY bad for a few weeks#im more calm now tho. rational brain won over and im chillin#i gotta work up the courage 2 say something b4 the semester is over or this is gonna bother me for the rest of my life sfkjsdhflkjs#i dont wanna put her on the spot#the only time i see her is when im in class#and . doing that interaction in front of ppl. i dont wanna embarrass her ksjfskjd
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bottle-of-harpoons · 4 months
Drayton just radiates 'I'm an undiagnosed neurodivergent and struggling but everyone thinks I'm lazy/stupid so I just assume I am' vibes.
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orangesand-lemons-234 · 4 months
newsies twitter but it's the ships because uhm why not
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silverior968 · 6 months
Happy late holidays: here's a comic that I totally didn't make just because it grinds my gears to see holly labeled as mistletoe
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[Image ID: A digital comic with 10 panels. The first panel depicts two branches of holly strung from the ceiling. The background is green with a red abstract shape to accentuate the holly. There is also a speech bubble which reads "look!". The next panel has Larrikin, a black person with freckles, hazel eyes and curly ginger-and-brown hair tied into a bun with a golden ribbon. Their hair has a single white streak. They are grinning and are wearing a brown sweater, the text of which is not fully visible. They have a speech bubble which reads "It's mistletoe, you know what that means". The text "definitely put it there" is pointed at Larrikin. Opposite them is Anton, a muscular irish-eastern asian man with long, black and gray hair and violet eyes. He has a small scar on his nose and is looking up, mouth slightly open. He is wearing a red turtleneck and a green cardigan. Both of them are cut off at the bicep. The background is green. The next panel has Larrikin looking surprised and Anton pointing up, saying "That's holly". He has a scar on the back of his hand. The background is green. The fourth panel has a red background, and the text "It's a common misconception", along with drawings of holly and mistletoe, with holly being labeled "red berries, spiky leaves" and mistletoe being labeled "white berries, branches". The fifth panel has Larrikin looking embarrassed, rubbing the back of their head, with a speech bubble that reads "Oh of course, I totally knew that" It is now visible that their shirt says "ginger" and has a picture of a bread loaf on it. The background is red. The next panel has a green background and has two mistletoe branches on it, with a speech bubble that reads "this is mistletoe". The next panel has both of them cut off at the thigh, showing that Larrikin is wearing dark brown trousers and Anton is wearing black trousers. The background is green, with a red accent shape. The holly branches are still in place, but Anton is now holding mistletoe, looking away, smiling slightly and blushing. His other hand is in his pocket. Larrikin looks surprised. The next panel has Anton looking surprised as Larrikin grabs his face, the background is red and the motion is accentuated by the text "grab". Larrikin's nails are painted red. The next panel has Larrikin smiling, with a speech bubble that says "You are so silly". The background is green. The last panel has them kissing, both smiling. Anton has one arm around Larrikin's upper back, holding the mistletoe aloft with his other hand. Larrikin has one of their hands on Anton's cheek. The background is red with a green accent shape, and it is now visible that Larrikin's shirt says "gingerbread man" but with the "bread" portion replaced by a loaf of bread. / End ID]
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tboybuck · 1 year
cw: canon compliant, brief mention of suicidal ideation, discussions of death and grief, and steve's weird relationship with both
something in steve might be broken.
in the years since this whole thing started, he's watched people die. he watched a boy his age be impaled by a monster, heard eddie munson's death rattle with his own two ears. he can easily picture will byers' body being dragged out of the quarry, and he wasn't even there for it. it's easy to imagine barb's final moments too, being dragged into the upside down through the pool in his backyard.
but when he thinks of these things, there's no feeling behind them.
for months, nancy grieved barb, and just when steve thought she was starting to get better, get over that grief, halloween happened and she was back to square one.
max, for months, grieved billy. she grieved to the point of self sacrifice, to the point of writing everybody a letter in the event of her own death.
and now, dustin. he's a shell of the kid he used to be.
and something in steve must be broken. because he doesn't get it.
it's not that he's never lost anybody before. steve's earliest memory is his grandfather's funeral. he was maybe four or five. his mother had an arm around him as they sat side by side in the church pew, and something wet landed on his head. when he looked up, his mother was crying.
and steve couldn't figure out why.
when steve was thirteen, his favorite aunt died. he went to the funeral that time too. everyone was crying. everyone but steve. they'd all asked him 'are you okay?' and steve didn't know what to say. he was fine.
people die. it's a fact of life. people are born, they live, and then they die. it happens to everybody. sure, sometimes it's tragic, but it happens to everybody eventually.
what's the point of carrying something as debilitating as grief when death is inevitable?
maybe it makes him a selfish, uncaring asshole. maybe he's exactly what everybody's always said he is.
steve's always figured that when it's someone really important to him, he'll finally get it. but the goalpost of important enough keeps on getting pushed back. because eddie's dead, and max isn't out of the woods yet, and steve himself is still being monitored for the bat bites because, like owens said, no one knows the long term effects of the demobat venom.
steve could die, this time around.
and still. nothin'.
well, not nothing.
there's just discomfort where grief should be. all around him, people are crying. because they couldn't save eddie, they might not be able to save max, something may still happen to steve himself.
he's swimming in this sea of mourning, and steve is so uncomfortable. he doesn't know how to comfort anyone. he doesn't have the words for dustin, who's already lost one older brother figure just to find out he could lose another. he doesn't have the right words for robin, who fell into this whole thing at steve's side, who's had to watch him throw himself into deadly situations over and over again.
she's in a kind of pre-grieving state, because she knows that even if steve does make it through this and the upside down comes calling again, he's going to continue to throw himself in harm's way. and steve has no idea how to comfort her.
it's not that he's suicidal or anything. it's just... death comes for everybody eventually. and he knows that not dying matters more to the others than it does to him.
he's all kinds of doped up on good pain meds, and maybe that's what's numbing this whole situation, but... steve doesn't think so.
he thinks something in him must be broken.
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puppy-steve · 28 days
i was thinking about touch repulsed robin that maybe falls in line with autistic robin, so here are my Thoughts:
i think she'd rather cut her own arm off than have someone touch her
holding hands is........ not great but she can deal with it for maybe a minute, but she's counting those 60 seconds and as soon as they're up she's wiping her hand on her pants and shaking off the feeling of someone else's skin
she can handle people being in her space and leaning against her but skin-to-skin contact and hugs are a big No (sorry stobin fans, not even steve is the exception. nobody is the exception)
cuddling furry animals is fine bc they're soft and warm
cross her boundaries and she'll cut you
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