#autistic regulus truther
rizzulusarcturizz ยท 5 months
hi hi hi!!! ... need your thoughts on regulus today... and you seem so cool... <3 <3 <3 <3
hi bella!!! you seem extremely cool too and i'm always happy to talk about my favorite boy!!!
i am and always will be a trans reggie truther; walburga and orion wish they could think of a name as cunty as regulus arcturus. the first time he cut his hair short he told sirius he wanted to look just like him <3 sirius didn't realize at the time it was because regulus is trans but he was absolutely the first know and accept him. even when their relationship was at their worst he never misgendered or deadnamed him and would beat the shit out of transphobes
the sorting hat wanted to put regulus in hufflepuff because of his loyalty, hard-working nature, and dedication but regulus begged to be put in slytherin. after seeing what sirius went through for being placed in gryffindor he was terrified of what his parents would do if neither of their children were placed in slytherin.
he became seeker during his second year and was extremely nervous to be on a team of mostly older students. dorcas pretty much immediately became his friend so he could have someone on the team. once she got to know regulus and how snarky and funny he was they became very close friends. they're the only quidditch players in their friend group and are VERY intense about it.
autistic regulus!!! making friends can be difficult for him because he really struggles with social cues. he also has a tendency to avoid eye contact and genuinely doesn't enjoy general small talk. people tend to think it's because he's rude because of it and even when he gets older it's hard for him to mimic allistic social norms. the wizarding world doesn't really consider autism a thing and even sirius just describes his brother as being shy and standoffish but well-intentioned. remus clocks him as autistic after knowing him for like ten hours lmao
close friends with miss lily evans herself!!! they both relate over their parents preferring their older sibling and feeling like their older sibling is embarrassed by them. younger lily doesn't get along with the gryffindor girlies well because of her friendship with snape and disdain towards the marauders leaving her getting snubbed. regulus being straight to the point with her and not getting easily offended is a much needed change in the people she spends time with. regulus is also an extremely empathetic person and doesn't get easily overwhelmed by lily's loud anger and bitter frustration
eventually lily does mouth off to sirius and reveal that regulus worries he's a burden and embarrassment to sirius which leads to an extremely emotional conversation. sirius loves regulus exactly as he is and wants to protect him from their parents but he's not embarrassed by him at all. he just worries that the things that make regulus who he is, being trans and autistic, might put him in their parents line of fire
his very first relationship is with barty ofc and they experience most of their firsts together! eventually they decide they're better off as friends and have a very amicable split. barty ends up dating evan but remains super protective of regulus. evan isn't threatened at all and feels equally protective because they know how bad reg's home life is. they might not be able to protect him from walburga and orion but they can definitely beat the shit out of snape for calling regulus a freak!!!
obviously he's endgame with james!!! regulus has a crush on him first year but sirius and his friends are assholes to the slytherins so it gets less intense. the first time james hears regulus infodump on thestrals he thinks regulus is the smartest and most passionate person he's ever met. regulus also really sees through the "perfect son, student, and friend" mask james' puts on and encourages him to not prioitize making everyone else happy all the time over his own happiness and well-being. james isn't used to people seeing him so clearly and it's both intimidating and awe-inspiring.
remus and regulus both have wands of cypress and unicorn hair!!! they definitely crushed on each other at some point during their time at hogwarts and i'll accept no criticism on this take
regulus is only like 5'6 and skinny but he has a bit of an intimidating aura that makes him seem bigger!!! he's not one to start a fight by any means but he's got a quiet confidence about him. he knows he's extremely intelligent and skilled so why bother being modest about it?
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