#auto correct changed the f word to ducking
duckduckgofish · 5 years
why can't people just be ducking nice to each other
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headcanonsforheroes · 7 years
BakuSquad texting headcannons
So he's basically never off them
His phone always auto corrects his curses into some random words like fuck turns into Duck
This annoys him to no end
The others find it hilarious
"*F U C K I N G"
Mutes it a lot, often leaves because he's so annoyed
Always joins back though
No punctuation usually, except for sometime random "!!!!!" In his sentences
If he sees people online late at night by chance there's an immediate "go to sleep you fucks" sent in
Actually rarely spells things wrong
Used ">:(" and doesn't understand why the group find it so funny
"You fucks home safe or what"
Like bakugou, he's usually on all caps but because he's excited/happy not angry
Sends a bunch of pretty photographs he's taken
Was the one who suggested making the groupchat
Always checks up on how people are doing
Doesn't understand text speak at all
Often makes mistakes spelling wide because he just mashes the keyboard
Usually mutes it when he's about to train or sleep
Kinda knows what memes are but not up to date
Gets into gif wars all the time
The one to invite bakugou back into the groupchat
Spams the chat with memes whenever he finds one particularly funny
Stays up till like 4am
Sends emojis ironically
Stays up to date on memes
Makes memes and edits of the others
Once he remixed bakugous voice into saying "I love deku-kun"
Bakugou was not amused
Sometimes will send in stuff about the dekusquad, eg the dekusquad had a day out and Sero sends a message like
"This could be us but you playin, and by playin I mean being anti-social af"
Uses so much text speak at times that his messages might as well be coded
Supplies ammunition for meme wars
Gets into pun fights with Sero
Always the first to respond
Attempted to explain memes to kirishima
Low key memester
Sends aesthetically pleasing selfies of them all
Also sends horrendous close up photos
TyPes LiKe tHiS A LOt
Messages it as soon as the group separates home
Changes the photo to horrendous close ups all the time
Sends in cute photoes of animals and demanding the boys buy her one
Or steal one either or
Loves those depression memes
Sends music into the chat that Jiro has sent him
He changes the chat name all the time to random insults to the other memebers of the squad
Actually came up with the name "bakusquad"
Uses all the different ways of text eg! !!this!!, T H I S and tHiS etc
Always up having dumb late night talks with Sero
Forgets to talk sometimes
Not the freashest memester but close enough
Always asks for the homework
Got kicked from the chat once and screamed
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