#auv; one engine barely makes it away
revenantxprince · 6 months
@illbringthechaosmagic sent: You agreed to this marriage and didn’t even dare to ask my opinion on the matter.
"I--" Eclipsis looked startled, but could not shake the immediate guilt that pierced through him. "My- my apologies, my Lady." Gods, could he make himself sound any more hollow? "I... I had thought neither of us had choice..."
No, he just took that away from Wanda the moment he agreed. And that thought... was sickeningly sobering.
From what little he could remember and what he had pieced together, was betrothal had never been on the table for him. There had been no princess from other kingdoms for him to be married to, which was the complete opposite for his sister. Raminas had been given the chance to pick from a variety of potential suitors before he settled with Rasler, while he could only set in place two simple rules for his sons to follow: to find a woman of high rank, and to gain his permission to wed her. He could decide, unlike Ashelia.
But... that had changed when Wanda came into the picture. Eclipsis knew his father was desperate to secure Dalmasca and her future, and upon learning of Wanda's abilities, he was not surprised when Raminas brought up the idea of a betrothal. Perhaps he had more of a say than he realized, but Eclipsis had accepted it with no visible reluctance, although he felt more useless in that moment than he had since his return to Rabanastre. After all, Wanda would be stuck with a Prince only in title - denied the chance to fight once more for his kingdom, and quietly pushed further away from the throne in favor of someone sound in both mind and body. He could not fault Rasler for his father's decision, yet... not could he fault his father, either. This arrangement was nothing more than Raminas finding use for him.
And he failed to seek Wanda's say in the matter. He had taken her autonomy without second thought, and the guilt shone clear in his eyes and face. He faltered, and lowered his head in shame. "I can still call it off, if you wish," he rasped. "It has yet to be announced to the kingdom, and even if so, I can find a reason to push my father to dissolve our arrangement without sullying your good name." Not that would change what he had done. "I am listening now, when I should have done much sooner. Whatever you wish done... I will see what I can do to right this."
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revenantxprince · 6 months
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“All I ask is, that you do not cast me aside. Have mistresses and lovers as you please, but confide in me as I am to be your wife.”
The words stung in Thor’s throat as she spoke them. She’d always been in love with Eli, but love was not an option for girls like her. Her father never forgot to remind her that she, a lowly girl from a destroyed kingdom, was lucky to be married to someone like him.
It was Ashelia who discovered the truth about Thor’s past. Asgard’s destruction - Ragnorak - was far too painful for her to willingly talk about, so she simply lied and said she was from the slums of Dalmasca. No one ever connected the storms with Thor, and she never did anything of significance. Still, Ashelia was a curious sort, and after doing some digging, she’d deduced that Thor would be a perfect match for Eli. After all, the goddess was technically a former princess.
When Thor looked up, her cheeks were wet with tears.
“I am deeply sorry that you were forced to marry someone like me.”
Horror crossed Eclipsis’s features as Thor spoke. As she looked down and not at him. And... he could not ignore how his heart ached to hear such things. It was not pain from her thinking he would be one to stray, although that in itself was a sting to his character, but... that she thought so little of herself. That she saw herself unworthy of him, and she had to resort to asking him to take her into consideration.
He knew some of her past. Knew she had been displaced when her kingdom was destroyed, and knew she had been a princess. She had kept to herself and did well to blend in the background, but... did that alone cause her to think so poorly of herself? Had something else happened to her?
Thor’s apology made his heart break.
Without a word, Eclipsis gently cupped her face, and brushed away her tears with his thumbs. His expression softened despite the pain in his gaze. There was much to work on, and he wanted to give each moment its due. “My dear,” he said at last, “love or not, I would never stray from your side. You are my wife, and I could never bring you such pain, lest I break my own heart in doing so. I will be faithful to you and only you, as there is no place in my life for infidelity.”
He searched her gaze as his thumbs still gently brushed across her cheeks. Giving her time to take in what he had said before he continued. “Do not apologize for our marriage. Arranged as it was, I have no regret going along with it, or marrying you.” He stifled a small sigh, and dropped his gaze. “If anything, ‘tis I who should be apologizing. You deserve better than a Prince only in title - broken by war and deemed unfit for much else other than advise.” Eclipsis shook his head, and lifted his gaze to hers. A faint smile softening his worried features. “No, Thor, force was not part of this marriage. I would argue my father had done me a favor, betrothing us together.”
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revenantxprince · 6 months
Gleaming in the moonlight Cool and clean and all I've ever known All I ever wanted Sweet perfumes of incense Graceful rooms of alabaster stone All I ever wanted
This is my home With my father, mother, brother Oh so noble, oh so strong Now I am home Here among my trappings and belongings, I belong And if anybody doubts it They couldn't be more wrong
I am a sovereign prince of Egypt A son of a proud history that's shown Etched on ev'ry wall Surely this is all I ever wanted All I ever wanted All I ever wanted
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revenantxprince · 6 months
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“ it’s dark outside, and it’s raining. my arms are much safer. perhaps you could stay in my quarters, just this once?”
{prologue verse}
“I… I do not wish to sully your name,” Eclipsis protested, albeit rather quietly. “Rumors could spread, Princess. You deserve not such things in your life.” Even still... he could not deny that her suggestion was tempting. His mind was restless that night like the storm outside the palace walls - troubled and unwilling to still. Sleep would not come to him, but limping about the halls on self-given guard duty did nothing to help. But, with Thor...
He had to admit, his mind always quieted when he was with her. He wanted to be with her - to accept her offer. To allow his mind to settle for the night in her safe embrace. But... he could not bear it if her reputation was ruined because of him. Perhaps...
He shifted, and looked rather vulnerable. “I would like to spend time with you, at least.” Eclipsis’s voice was still quiet - softer, now, like his expression as he gazed at her. “Perhaps you could stay and talk for a spell?” It seemed like a decent compromise, at least.
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revenantxprince · 6 months
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{prologue verse}
“The gods want me to be your queen. An alliance between Asgard and Dalmasca would serve both of us well, or so they believe.”
“I can believe it,” Eclipsis admitted. “’Tis good to secure strong alliances in such a trying time.” He… simply hadn’t expected himself to be part of such a thing. After all, he had been delegated to be a simple advisor in his father’s court since he was considered unfit for service. And, although it was not quite spoken aloud, he knew he was now last choice for the throne. Ashelia would soon be marrying Rasler, and they were fit to rule on one thing alone: their memories were intact.
It was something he was far from bitter about, however. His faulty mind would serve him poorly as king, he felt, and was content with offering advice and guidance to his father and sister as best he could. And while himself being intended to Thor meant no change in his station in Dalmasca, he… was unsure what that would mean for Asgard, and for Thor herself. Would she still be considered next in line for her throne with him at her side? Was she even happy being arranged to marry him? With their betrothal in general?
Ah, he could not complain himself - he knew how vulnerable his beloved kingdom was, and knew it beneficial to secure a permanent alliance between both Nabradia and Asgard. Archadia was approaching ever-closer, and Rozarria was showing no sign of easing up, either. But he still could not shake a sense of guilt for Thor’s predicament, just as he felt sorrow for his sister having no say in the matter of her own upcoming marriage, regardless of her acceptance of the situation. But it would be wise to take after her, he knew.
With a warm smile, Eclipsis offered a small bow to Thor. “’Tis an honor, Princess. I swear to you, I will treat you well, and I will be a loyal husband. I do hope we both can find happiness with our arrangement.”
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revenantxprince · 6 months
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“You were my late father’s favorite. You don’t look like much.”
{as much as I love her, my homegirl Thor really doesn’t have a filter xD}
Knights and Royalty Sentence Starters
Eclipsis did well to hide his grimace, and instead appeared... almost apologetic. Though why he felt apologetic, he knew not, and forced himself to remain still, instead of shifting uncomfortably. It was not behavior fitting a Prince of Dalmasca, or something of the sort. Not that that title held much authority anymore.
Though, it helped little that he couldn’t recall who her father was.
“War will do that to one,” he said, mindful to keep his tone friendly despite his words. After all, it was not the first time someone had expressed disappointment or surprise in him. “I fear it has taken toll on both my mind and body, so I can say not that I am the same as before.” I fear I know not your father, either. “Unless he preferred my brother, Ignis. We were identical, and it was commonplace for us to be confused for the other.”
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revenantxprince · 6 months
((tag drop 2
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