ash-lequa12 · 3 months
I'm sorry for not posting at all. I've just been feeling really down in the gutters right now, and I'm just not getting a lot of sleep nowadays, I've also been getting a lot of criticism from my parents
So I am truly sorry for not getting to your requests
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ash-lequa12 · 5 months
Hey guys, sorry for not taking requests. I've been having some at home issues, and the fact that I have been threatened to get jumped multiple times, and the fact that I've been sick, I'm so sorry, so ill try to get to your guy's requests,
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ash-lequa12 · 6 months
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Merry Christmas everyone!! I hope you spend as much time with your family! And have fun!
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ash-lequa12 · 7 months
Some protective Kokushibo and Deaf! Reader vore? Take your time, and sorry for requesting a lot!
(Sorry for not posting a lot. I just haven't had the time to write stories, so I hope you can understand!, but I would love to take your request!)
Like a warm blanket
This night, kokushibo and y/n were out shopping for some groceries at the local market since y/n hadn't gone grocery shopping for a while. But... y/n had something special about them that made them different from others, but they didn't care, but kokushibo did. And because of that, many of y/n's "friends" went missing because they made fun of her for being deaf, and tonight.. some girls chose the wrong girl to pick on...
Kokushibo tapped on y/n's shoulder,
Sign: "Hey y/n, didn't you say that you needed radishes?"
Kokushibo had signed to y/n, reminding them that they needed radishes, y/n signed back,
Sign: "Thanks for reminding me kokushibo, let get the radishes, and then we can leave"
Kokushibo nodded his head, and soon after.. some girls walked up to the two..
Girl 1: what kind of ritual are you doing with those weird hand signs!?
Girl 2: Yeah! It's weird! If you want to do that, go do it at home. You witch!
The other girls started to laugh at them, not realizing that kokushibo was there, and sadly, y/n knew how to read lips and was crying a little, kokushibo heard everything and was pissed,
"Who the hell do you think you are talking to them like that!?"
He yelled at them, and the girls stopped laughing.
"And who are you?! You're not my dad, so I can do what I want!"
The girl said, laughing a bit, kokushibo was furious, trying not to yell at the girls. He picked y/n up and started to walk away from the laughing girls. He was holding both y/n and the groceries, which wasn't a hassle for him since he was a demon,and y/n knew that, and y/n was fine with it, sooner or later, the two get out of the very busy market. Y/n was crying just a little. Y/n was used to this kind of treatment, but it still broke their heart, and kokushibo knew how to handle it,
Sign: "y/n, did you want to.. you know?"
Y/n nodded their head, kokushibo set the groceries down and opened his mouth, gently placing y/n in his maw, trying to be careful of his sharp teeth, swallowing them. Y/n went down the plush walls of kokushibo's throat, landing in kokushibo stomach, which acted like a warm blanket for y/n,
Y/n gently pushed on kokushibo's stomach walls, letting him know that they were ok, kokushibo rubbed his stomach, purring slightly, and he picked the groceries up and started walking back to y/n's estate,
Y/n started to doze off, succumbing to their favorite thing in the world..
The end
(I hoped you liked this!! And once again, I'm sorry for not answering your ask for a while! I've been busy with choir rehearsals for my solo, so I hope you understand!)
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ash-lequa12 · 9 months
Question: Have you ever thought of making a KNY au?
Actually, I have two! I have one with my oc ash and a modern au where the hashiras souls possess robots that look similar to them. It's kinda like fnaf but demon slayer!^^
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ash-lequa12 · 9 months
Maybe some Muzan noms? Like- he is cruel and all, but never to a small kid named Y/n (reader) and it was a shock to all the UM once they found out?
(Thank you for requesting this!!! I love taking peoples requests for stories!)
A tiny soft spot for a
tiny human
Though muzan was a cruel man and was the king of the demons, he had a soft spot for one particular person... a child, to be exact, it was surprising that the demon king had a soft spot for a child, but the bond they shared was unseparable,
But one night in particular was the day that muzans upper moons figured out that he wasn't as cruel as he seemed...
"Y/n!? Where are you?!"
Muzan called out to you. He was worried that he couldn't find you, and since you were a child, he was even more worried about where you went
"Y/n, please come out! I'm worried about you!"
He searched everywhere until.. a tiny giggle could be heard... he listened closely as he approached the sound to a nearby room in the infinity castle
"Y/n is that you?"
He looked into the room to see you hiding there. You didn't notice that muzan had already found you,but when you did, you stood up and ran over to him and hugged him tightly while smiling and laughing
"Y/n... it's getting late.. you should go to bed*
You pouted, obviously not tired and just a kid that wanted to play games
"But I'm not tired!"
Muzan chuckled a bit as he sat down on the ground along with you
"How about this.. if you go to sleep, I'll let you sleep wherever"
And as a child, you were always curious about new things, so when muzan told you that you instantly got an idea
"In your stomach!"
muzan tilted his head to the side
"What do you mean by that little one?.."
"I wanna sleep in your stomach!"
You said with a bright smile, muzan, on the other hand, knew he could turn his digestive system. He also did say that you could sleep anywhere, so he reluctantly agreed to let you sleep in his stomach
"Alright, little one, don't freak out, but if you want to sleep in my stomach, I'll have to swallow you.."
You nodded your head with no hesitation, and muzan sighed slightly as he picked you up and opened his mouth. He gently placed you into his maw and swallowed. Once he finished, he placed a hand on the little bulge that was on his stomach.
"Are you alright in there, little one?"
You nodded your head
"That's a relief.."
Suddenly, muzan heard a voice coming from behind him
"Lord muzan..?"
Muzan looked behind him to see the upper moons standing there
"Who was that lord muzan?"
One of them had asked
"It's none of your business.. and how long have you been standing there!?"
He asked with a bit of anger in his tone
"We have been here for a couple of minutes.."
Muzan had just realized that they saw that he had a soft spot for a litteral child. He stood up and looked at them with a Stern expression
"We will never mention this.. got that?!"
The upper moons nodded their heads in fear. Muzan stood up with a hand over his stomach and walked out of the room...
The end
(I hope you like this!! And don't forget to tell me if anything is wrong!! I'll try to fix it)
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ash-lequa12 · 9 months
Can I request some Zohakuten x Hashira! Reader vore fluffy angst?
Plot: During the fight against Zohakuten and Tanjiro, reader gets hurt accidentally and didn't bother to slay Hantengu?
(Thank you for requesting this!! Im very glad that you are requesting!! Just know that I'll write as many stories as you want!)
The forgiving demon
It was late at night, and y/n was in a fight against Upper Moon 4 and tanjiro along with many other slayers. They had been fighting for hours, but it felt like an eternity, y/n felt weak in the legs, and they were tired, but they knew that as a hashira, you fought until you perish or until the demon gets beheaded. But this night.. wasn't normal, Y/n attacked zohakuten, trying to get at his neck, but zohakuten had other plans.. zohakuten struck one of the drums on his back, making one of the wooden dragons attack y/n, which hurt them badly, as they laid on the ground on the verge of passing out.. but then zohakuten picked them up...
"Just kill me already.."
Y/n said weakly, as they gave up on trying to behead the demon that was holding them
"Hmm.. giving up already?"
Zohakuten said sarcastically as he looked y/n up and down, examining the wounds on their body
"I might be a demon.. but I won't kill you... I'll just have to do this.."
Y/n looked at him weirdly, and before they could say anything, zohakuten opened his mouth and placed y/n in his maw
Y/n started to thrash around in zohakuten's grip, but zohakuten then held them still and started to swallow.. y/n was panicking slightly as they slid down the plush walls of zohakuten's throat. A few seconds later, y/n's head entered the stomach of the demon, and soon did the rest of their body, zohakuten patted his slightly bloated stomach that held y/n..
"Please do not panic... I'm not going to hurt you.."
Y/n didn't know if they could trust him, but they relaxed slightly and rested their head on zohakuten stomach walls, and started to doze off.. though the stomach was a little tight, it was still comfortable,
"Sleep well hashira.."
That was the last thing y/n heard before falling asleep
The end
(I hope you like this!! And I'm sorry it took so long. I have been busy for the past week, and I wasn't able to get it done. Also, please tell me if anything is wrong!!)
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ash-lequa12 · 9 months
Oh hello! Would it be okay if I request some Kokushibo vore shenanigans with Genya from my Half.Demon! Tanjiro AU? Like Kokushibo is trying to gain Genya’s trust since Genya’s dating Muichiro and Kanao?
(Thank you for requesting this!! I hope you like the story!!)
A warm embrace
Genya and kokushibo were sent on a mission together to find a demon that hadn't been turned by tanjiro, but at that time, they weren't very close. When they finally find the full demon, they go straight for it in hopes of at least knocking the full demon out, but it didn't go as they planned..
The full demon was attacking too quickly for the two to even react,
"Damn it! He's moving too fast!I can't even get a single bullet in him!"
As Genya said that he was pierced by a giant spear and fell onto the ground, he pulled the spear out of his back, though he was a half demon.. but something about the spear made Genya unable to regenerate, kokushibo didn't notice this at first, but when he did, he realized that they had to retreat, kokushibo picked up the injured half demon and ran,
"Why aren't you regenerating?.."
Kokushibo asked Genya in a worried tone,
"I-i don't know.. right after I got stabbed with that spear, i couldn't regenerate.. a-and everything went blurry and cold.."
Kokushibo realized he had to do something.. he had to keep him warm, at least... since it was almost a 10-mile walk back to where he lived.. and he didn't want genya to get hurt anymore..
"Genya... I need to pouch you.. you are too weak to walk back to your house.. and if we encounter another full demon, you could potentially get hurt even more.. I don't want that happening.. "
Genya nodded slightly, and kokushibo opened his mouth and gently placed Genya in his maw, trying not to put Genya in more pain he swallowed as slowly as he could.. once Genya finally got into kokushibo's crop, Genya let his body relax and rested his head on the soft plush material, and succumbed to sleep.. Kokushibo put a hand over where his crop was and sighed slightly,
Kokushibo started to walk back to Genya's house. A few hours later, kokushibo finally got to Genya's home and entered it, and then someone came running out, and kokushibo realized it was muichiro
"Oh, why hello, muichiro.. what brings you here?.."
Kokushibo said in a slightly relieved tone
"Oh.. Genya asked me if I could take care of his house while he was gone.. anyway, why are you here?.."
Muichiro asked in a curious tone
"Well.. while fighting the demon, we were sent to at least knock out.. Genya got hit, and for some reason, he can't regenerate.. and don't worry, I pouched him.."
Muichiro instantly took kokushibo's hand and pulled him into Genya's room, and took out some bandages from a drawer, kokushibo's knew what muichiro was trying to do and started to let Genya out of his crop. A few minutes later, Genya's woke up to muichiro bandaging his wounds
"What the.. oh.. right.. that happened"
Genya said as muichiro finished bandaging his wounds, muichiro planted a few kisses on Genya's face while hugging him, genya returned the kisses and hugged muichiro back.
(Thank you for requesting this!! This was a little bit of a struggle to get right, but it's here! If anything is wrong, please tell me, and I'll try to fix it!!)
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ash-lequa12 · 9 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could do my Lamia! Douma (Pred) and your oc- Ash(Prey) vore? I'll DM you the details if you want to know what his personality is. Also, please SFW vore?
(Thank you for requesting this! I hope this story is to your liking!)
an interesting sight..
It was a brutal fight for ash. She was sent on a mission to fight a demon and was horribly injured during it. When she finally beheaded the demon, she was left exhausted and wounded. She had bruises and open wounds from the demon. She tried to get up multiple times but failed. Once she finally got up onto her feet, she started to walk along the dirt path. She was walking for a while when she heard something from the bushes.. "Who's there..?!" She yelled out, Though her sword was broken into pieces, she was ready to protect herself, then a tall figure rises from the bushes and stares at her for a moment, before slithering towards her, Ash backed away but tripped over a tree root and fell down causing her to hit her head on the ground, the tall figure slithered to where ash was and gently picked her up, examining her, almost like it was interested in her.. when Ash woke up, she was startled and started to panic. The tall figure noticed this and giggled a little. But the giggle sounded a little too sadistic... then.. the figure started to talk.. "Hello dear~, you look quite injured! What is your name? Mine is douma~" he said that with a little grin at the end.. "Why should I tell you my name..?!" Ash replied, sounding really suspicious of him, "Well, I just want to know! Is there something wrong with that?~" Ash thought for a moment, then replied to douma,"My name is Ash.." she replied, sounding really skeptical about douma, "Well.. it's nice to meet you, Ash!.. Now.. can you trust me on this?" Ash looked at douma with disbelief. She was shocked he would ask that, but she was also really interested in what he was going to do.. "I-I guess..?" When she said that, douma opened his mouth and gently placed Ash into his maw. As soon as douma did that, Ash started to thrash around and struggle in douma's mouth, but it was no use.. douma soon started to swallow.. and Ash went down his wet and weirdly enough comforting throat, a few seconds later.. Ash ends up in douma's stomach, and douma pats his stomach in a comforting way. "You don't have to worry.. you're safe with me.." Ash relaxed her body and rested her head on douma's stomach walls, and started to fall asleep.. A few seconds later, he started to slither back to his cult.. soon enough, he arrived at his cult and was accompanied by many of his followers to his room. When he did get to his room, he sat down on the large chair made of different cushions. Once he got into a comfortable position on the chair, he rubbed his stomach and closed his eyes.. and his entire body was consumed by sleep..
The end
(I hope you enjoy it!! If there is anything wrong please tell me! I'll try to fix it!)
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ash-lequa12 · 9 months
Hey guys, I'll be doing requests now! But there will be some rules to requesting stories,
What I will do:
Vore, Nsfw, sfw, and much more because I can't think of anything else;-;
What I will not do:
Scat/piss kink, r@pe, ped0felia, unwilling, hard vore, feet kink, young children (nsfw part)
What I write for:
Demon slayer
Seven deadly sins
Edit: I'm also going to do Tadc (the amazing digital circus), hazbin hotel, and helluva boss
That's all!, and if you do request a story, I can only be on the weekends because I have a lot of stuff to do for school and at home, so please be patient if I don't reply! I will also have to do short stories because I'm new to this kind of stuff, and I have a lot to learn🙂
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ash-lequa12 · 10 months
Hi, I'm new to Tumblr, and I'm posting this to tell anyone that is reading this that I'm not a bot, I'm usually used to using different platforms other than Tumblr, such as TikTok, or YouTube. So I hope you can understand that I'm probably not going to be posting as much on here,
And while you're here, you can look at my oc ash!
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