#avalon rp
rhinco · 3 months
11 22 33 44 and 55 for sander :3
>:) you get a bonus doodle bc i drew him yesterday
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and this is gonna get long so im putting the answers under a read more <3
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
ooh this is a fun one >:) something similar to this has actually happened with him and my boyfriend's oc, hamsa (he/riot). they're in an unspecified gay situationship where they definitely hate each other despite spending a lot of time together and teaming up to do various things and hooking up all the time. at some point they're in a situation where there's some kind of shapeshifter that takes on sander's form, and it's your typical which one is the real one situation. hamsa has an instinctive feel for which sander is the real one, but he confirms it by going up to the one riot thinks is fake and kissing him gently and tenderly. when the fake one returns this and seems relieved instead of surprised and caught off guard, hamsa knows he's right, because he and sander don't act that way with each other.
22. What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
cooking </3 he would never ever admit that it scares him, but it does (at least some aspects of it) because he can't deal with intense heat on or near his hands. it's also partially because it's just incredibly unfamiliar to him due to having never cooked for himself, so he gets overwhelmed easily, and he's a perfectionist so when something small goes wrong and he can't fix it then it feels like the end of the world.
the reason he can't handle heat directly on his hands is due to something that happened in his backstory, which is the way he became a warlock. it's a veeery long story but the short version is that he was an apprentice to a mage, solaris (any pronouns), for several years. they taught him some basic wizard magic and promised to teach him more, while secretly planning to use him as a sacrifice for a ritual in order for her to make a warlock pact.
(tw: severe burns) the ritual hinged on a breach of trust, and solaris's plan was that sander was naive enough to trust him completely. however, sander's naivety was an act, and he had found some of their plans for the ritual. he couldn't understand all of it, but figured out enough to know that solaris was planning to kill him. sander planned to disrupt the ritual somehow, still not knowing most of the details of it, and when the ritual happened the effect was reversed – solaris trusted completely that sander was naive, and he broke that trust. so, the ritual reversed, with solaris becoming the sacrifice and sander (mostly unintentionally) making a warlock pact. as solaris was dying, they cast a fire spell around sander's hands to try to get him to drop the bowl of components that was an important part of the ritual, and he held onto it despite his hands being burned with hellfire until solaris died.
so, he has severe burn scars on his hands, and wears gloves all the time to cover them. intense heat on/near his hands, especially unexpectedly, can cause him to have a trauma response. and that is my incredibly long answer as to why sander is useless in a kitchen
33. How do they greet someone they dislike / hate?
hmm it depends! he's a very good actor, so if the situation calls for it he can be very polite and amicable, albeit with an undertone of malice. generally he would just greet them with a scowl and an insult, and if he hates them enough then immediate violence <3
44. What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
he already speaks a few languages – from dnd, it's common; infernal; undercommon; and some celestial. he also speaks the Generic Standard Sci-Fi Language that everyone can speak in sci fi settings despite the linguistic difficulties of that but yknow suspension of disbelief. he's probably picked up a couple others along the way due to being around for a few centuries and traveling to many different planets. but if we're just talking earth languages, i think he'd easily learn a lot of european languages, because i imagine they're most similar in structure to what he already speaks. if i had to pick one, i think i'd go with german or dutch. (he can also just cast comprehend languages, though).
55. What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate?
this is a tricky one because i would describe sander's profession as jack of all trades and he has many hobbies, and i think a lot of the things he dislikes are things you would expect. his job is essentially "i'll help you out with this thing if you can pay me something that's worth it/i can get something equivalent out of it" which covers. a lot of different things. he knows a lot of people and knows about a lot of things. he's the guy who gets called when you need something shady done and someone says "i know a guy".
i think the best answer i can think of for this is that he doesn't really enjoy talking to people and being diplomatic that much, a lot of the time he's itching to just fight them, but he does get a kick out of putting on a persona and successfully lying and manipulating someone to get what he wants, which is what he's doing 90% of the time, so. yknow.
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greyskies2002 · 6 months
❤️ - whats one of elsies best memories
Haha o(-( it's between the time from his childhood mmnnmm when the nice old lady who used to visit him and his father remembered that he liked lemon cake and brought extra for him . And on harrow's ship when he would sing for the crew at night, when they were all resting and fond and he could see harrow's calm smile in the dim warm light and felt like he actually belonged somewhere ! For once ! Or something
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                                             THE HEALER | THE WARRIOR                                             template credit | personals do not interact.
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ardentanith-blog · 11 years
Terrified, Blind | Arden, Thomas
Sometimes when she would dream, Arden would see people she knew. Other times she would see faces she didn't recognize, hear voices she didn't know or couldn't place. She would try to place them, figure out where or when she met them, but it wouldn't come to her and she was left gripping at loose strands of memory. That was probably the worst thing about her life- that she couldn't remember who she was before waking up in Avalon.
As of late, her dreams wandered int he direction of Thomas. His face, all deep scars and gruff expressions, would haunt the back of her eyelids. The darkness would encompass them, hold them tight in a terrifyingly comfortable embrace until she opened her eyes, screaming and flailing until she realized she was awake. She hadn't slept well in almost a month, and it was driving her borderline insane.
Arden really wanted to talk with Ana about it, but she'd slipped away from the small social circle she had built for herself in the first week or so in Avalon. She'd been frightened by the horribly lucid dreams, without knowing how to bring them up to her friends. So, in typical Arden style, she played the tortoise and slipped back into her safe, solid shell.
It ended today.
As she showered that morning, Arden promised herself that she would venture outside of the walls she had shoved herself into. She would speak to Thomas and tell him of her dreams. She would ask his opinion and see if he'd experienced anything of the same nature. Perhaps it was a symptom everyone in Avalon suffered from.
She dressed casually, jeans and a black tee with tennis shoes, to make the trek to his abode easier on her tired body. It didn't matter how long she slept, she never managed to rest.
It was an overcast day, and Arden noted that as she walled, she passed Nikolai. He had flowers and a pep in his step, so he was probably heading to see Ana. Maybe they could patch up whatever Ana had mentioned was keeping them apart.
In a way, she envied Ana and the companionship she had with Nikolai. Arden longed for that.
When she met Thomas' door, she knocked ever so lightly. She desperately hoped he was here- she had so much to say to him.
Arden just didn't know how to phrase it.
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nikolai-danesti-blog · 11 years
Name: Nikolai Danesti
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Time Period: 20th Century,  died 1923
Race: Human
Abilities: Enhanced regeneration
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Biography: Nikolai Danesti was one of the most wanted criminals of the Prohibition era. He moved to Seattle with his father at a young age, and worked for a high-ranking figure in the city’s underworld. He was given the task of intimidating his boss’ rivals within the city so that they would surrender their territory. He was also involved in convincing speakeasy owners to buy illegal alcohol from his gang.
He was very good at what he did. In 1920, his boss was nearly killed by a rival gang and he decided to get out of the criminal world. All of his ‘business’ was handed over to Nikolai, who accepted the burden with pride. Within a year, Nikolai was earning $50 million from illegal alcohol sales. Other endeavors earned him an extra $20 million a year.
He managed to bribe both the police and the important politicians of the city, and in turn his men patrolled the city to ensure that no rebellions might erupt.
For all his power, Nikolai still had surviving enemies from hidden rival gangs, and he traveled everywhere in an armor-plated limousine. Guards constantly escorted him, and violence was a daily occurrence.
In 1923, karma finally caught up with him, and Nikolai was butchered in front of his family. Two sons and his estranged wife survived him.
When he woke up in Avalon, Nikolai acknowledged this opportunity as a second chance, and at first he went about life like a good civilian. But he soon itched for the violence and adrenaline rush of a life he was used to, and began starting trouble for the folks of Avalon.
Personality: Nikolai is a very no-nonsense person with a strong will. He’s often been called stubborn, and he is very cold. His rough exterior hides a soft heart, though, and this is his biggest weakness. He doesn’t let anyone get close to him for fear of betrayal, and he is always on guard against the people of Avalon. He loves to cause trouble and is usually at the root of most problems that rear up in the quiet town.
Face Claim: Titus Welliver
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thomasglenn-blog · 11 years
 Name: Thomas Glenn
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Time Period: 19th Century, died in 1840
Race: Caucasian 
Abilities: superhuman strength, telepathy
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Thomas was born into one of the worst possible neighborhoods in Glasgow.  As the oldest of seven children born to an alcoholic, abusive father and a timid mother who couldn't stand up for herself, Thomas often found himself protecting his family from his father's abusive rages.
Starting at a young age, he was forced to work on the docks to make money that would often be lost to his fathers addictions as opposed to feeding the family.  Thomas was not allowed to attend school and never received a formal education.  As a teenager he learned how to fight in the streets, being that it was the only way he could survive.
After his father's death Thomas was able to marry a local girl.  He avoided touching a drop of alcohol to keep from becoming his father in hopes of at least providing a humble but happy life for his new wife.  For several years this worked, however...his wife would die in childbirth, taking their second child to the grave with her.  Shortly after this his only son who had always been sickly died as well.  Although Thomas survived for another decade after this, he was constantly consumed by grief and would die in the same manner that his father had, bleeding on the floor of a dirty pub.
However, this wasn't the end for him as he would soon wake up in Avalon.
Thomas is often quiet and seems quite gruff to those who know him.  At first, many people are afraid to approach him due to this.  However, if a person takes the time to get past this they will have one of the most loyal allies they could hope for.  He is fiercely defensive of those close to him and has been known to start fights with those who try to hurt those closest to him both physically and mentally.
Depending on how you treat him, Thomas Glenn can either be your best friend or your worst enemy.
Face Claim: Tommy Flanagan
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rhinco · 7 months
i think one of the reasons immortal ocs appeal to me so much is because it opens up so many new fucked up dynamics. we've killed each other countless times but neither of us stay dead so i guess we'll fuck about it and try again. this relationship would never have worked if we had normal lifespans but we have far more time than most so we might just make it work. we've stayed the same for so long. we've changed together. we've changed each other. i can always come back to you. do you understand
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greyskies2002 · 6 months
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We really can never stop thinking about them huh
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agodinchains-blog · 12 years
Hmmm. Looks as though my stay may be about to get a great deal more interesting.
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greyskies2002 · 8 months
could you write jealous yandere!sander x fem!reader please >////<
I was sooo waiting for you to say this bestie you always have the right ideas >:] hope you enjoy!!
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"You know I can see you, right?"
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✘ PAIRING: yandere!sander x fem!reader
✘ SYNOPSIS: He'd already asked you, then told you, then warned you, and you still wouldn't take him seriously about never going near his competition like that. With your charm and the smiles you flash with no care for who sees or takes interest. Silly girl. You should know that he's always watching.
✘ WARNINGS: jealousy, stalking, knives, blood, bondage, canon-typical scrying, suffocation, blood knives, aggravated assault, insurance fraud, aiding and abetting, kidnapping, arson, manslaughter: involuntary, assault/battery, manslaughter: voluntary attempt, bribery, burglary, money laundering, murder: first-degree, murder: second-degree, perjury, conspiracy, credit/debit card fraud, public intoxication, pyramid schemes, robbery, securities fraud, drug trafficking/distribution, shoplifting, solicitation, embezzlement, extortion, little nsfw at the end hehe minors DON'T interact, reader death
✘ A/N: had a little fun with this one!! Sander smiling and watching the life drain out of your eyes is something we all think about don't lie LOL (also the image is NOT mine i got that off pinterest so creds to the artist!!!)
"We're going back." His already deep red eyes darken as his grip squeezes your arm tighter, words slow and final, "maybe you'll understand if I give you a demonstration. Don't try to run."
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@rhinco did so kindly draw the image . <3 at the speed of light <3 also gif edit creds to wild thank you . also very speedy . it's like you guys enjoyed this or something
the post that started it kind of
i'm sorry to everyone
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greyskies2002 · 10 months
"fuck you my child's fine" your child has four separate ocs who have murdering their parents as a key event in their backstories
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rhinco · 1 year
thinks about the blorbos i created and put in situations myself and starts sobbing uncontrollably
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agodinchains-blog · 12 years
((Hi Jack and Bellatrix!))
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agodinchains-blog · 12 years
[Right now my schedule/availability for posting is basically "in patches, pretty much all day every day". If I go for a few hours without answering, well, I'm probably just not in a situation where whipping out my phone is okay. :) But I'll definitely try to get at bare minimum five to seven reblogs/replies done a day. This may eventually change, since I'm applying for a new job next month and if I get it my schedule will have to switch to several hours of intense training a day before settling into a lighter, more regular schedule; I'll give you a heads-up if that happens.]
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