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Прекрасная @mari_sher99 с нашими ресницами 💚 #нараститьресницымосква #наращиваниемосква #двойнойобъем #ламинирование #тройнойобъем #голливудскийобъем #метроуниверситет #спортивная #любимыеклиентки #селфисресницами #селфиресницы #Фрунзенская #метрофрунзенская #Комсомольскийпроспект #метроворобьевыгоры #обучениересницы #обучениеобъемы #воробьевыгоры #наращивание #ресницы #студиянаращиваниямарииступиной #марияступина #avelashes #наращиваниересницотчемпионки
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На фото натуральный двойной объём цвета горький шоколад, изгиб D 🐹 запись на РЕСНИЧКИ 🍒 8-925-924-10-88 #нараститьресницымосква #норковыересницы #Москва #ресничкимосква #фитоняши #свадьбамосква #дом2 #классическоенаращивание #макияж #невестымосквы #лисийэффект #беличийэффект #лисийвзгляд #лето2017 #весна2017 #мода #стиль #красота #лужнецкаянабережная #lashes #eyes #beauty #makeup #свадебныймакияж #визажист #fashion #студиянаращиваниямарииступиной #марияступина #avelashes #наращиваниересницотчемпионки (at Марии Ульяновой 15)
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😅 Понимаете? Это важно 😁 Записывайтесь на ресницы сюда 📲 8-925-924-10-88 , чтобы не попасть в такую ситуацию 😝 #нараститьресницымосква #норковыересницы #Москва #ресничкимосква #фитоняши #свадьбамосква #дом2 #классическоенаращивание #макияж #невестымосквы #лисийэффект #беличийэффект #лисийвзгляд #лето2017 #весна2017 #мода #стиль #красота #лужнецкаянабережная #lashes #eyes #beauty #makeup #свадебныймакияж #визажист #fashion #студиянаращиваниямарииступиной #марияступина #avelashes #наращиваниересницотчемпионки (at Новодевичий монастырь)
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На чемпионате #beautybattle 🌍 хорошая погода и атмосфера 🌞 Я встретила ряд потрясающе красивых работ, моделирование в которых вдохновляет, воодушевляет, впечатляет, и другие слова на букву В!! 😎 Вот за что я обожаю свою работу! Наращивание ресниц - это не техника и технологии, а магия, искусство и медитация 😻 Хотите тоже постичь дзен? Звоните!!! 📲 8-925-924-10-88 #обучениересницы #чемпионатпонаращиваниюресниц #марияступина #AveLashes (at Город Чебоксары Республика Чувашия)
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Студия наращивания ресниц 💜 #AveLashes 💜 на судействе Чемпионата в Чебоксарах 😊 среди профессионалов своего дела! С организатором Кристиной Игнатьевой @krisresni4ki 🌸 потрясающе красивые кубки, очень уютный зал! Спасибо за приглашение! #нараститьресницымосква #чемпионатпонаращиваниюресниц #двойнойобъем #ламинирование #тройнойобъем #голливудскийобъем #метроуниверситет #метрофрунзенская #метроворобьевыгоры #обучениересницы #обучениеобъемы #повышениеквалификации #обучениемосква #воробьевыгоры #наращивание #ресницы #студиянаращиваниямарииступиной #марияступина #avelashes #наращиваниересницотчемпионки (at Garden Hall Cheboksary)
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Я на судействе Чемпионата по моделированию взгляда Beauty Battle 😎💜 #чемпионатпоресницам #чемпионатпонаращиваниюресниц #beautybattle #чебоксары #судейство #наращиваниересницворобьевыгоры #avelashes #марияступина (at Город Чебоксары Республика Чувашия)
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Отзывы о нас 😍😎 Записывайтесь на такие крутые Ресницы здесь 📲8-925-924-10-88 #нараститьресницымосква #норковыересницы #Москва #ресничкимосква #фитоняши #свадьбамосква #дом2 #классическоенаращивание #макияж #невестымосквы #лисийэффект #беличийэффект #лисийвзгляд #лето2017 #весна2017 #мода #стиль #красота #лужнецкаянабережная #lashes #eyes #beauty #makeup #свадебныймакияж #визажист #fashion #студиянаращиваниямарииступиной #марияступина #avelashes #наращиваниересницотчемпионки (at Парк Горького)
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#нараститьресницымосква #норковыересницы #Москва #ресничкимосква #фитоняши #свадьбамосква #дом2 #классическоенаращивание #макияж #невестымосквы #лисийэффект #беличийэффект #лисийвзгляд #лето2017 #весна2017 #мода #стиль #красота #лужнецкаянабережная #lashes #eyes #beauty #makeup #свадебныймакияж #визажист #fashion #студиянаращиваниямарииступиной #марияступина #avelashes #наращиваниересницотчемпионки (at Воробьевы Горы Москва)
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Вот такую красоту мы с Клавой @klavacoca в итоге сотворили 😍💜💜 приходите на наращивание и обучение и Вы!!! 😎 8-925-924-10-88 #марияступина #avelashes #lusiachebotina #klavacoca #klavacoca_fan #архитектурабровей #бровиворобьевыгоры #бровилужники #спортивная #классическоенаращиваниересниц #классика #наращиваниересниц #наращиваниересницворобьевы #наращиваниересницворобьевыгоры #наращиваниересницлужники #наращиваниересницспортивная #наращиваниересницмосква (at Фрунзенская)
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Вчера прекрасная Клава Кока @klavacoca, певица из Black Star, сняла передачу о наращивании ресниц для своего блога. И опробовала свои силы в нашем ремесле 🎓😜Что из этого вышло, смотрите в её блоге)) 😎 Если хотите тоже пройти обучение, записывайтесь в нашу школу 📲 8-925-924-10-88 #наращиваниересницворобьевыгоры #студиянаращиваниямарииступиной #avelashes #Москва #blackstar #обучение (at Khamovniki District)
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thtktgrl · 4 years
4/3: watched both movies with Mark! Wasn't really a fan of his pick the rainmaker, but really glad I rewatched crash. I had forgotten so much of that movie. He liked both movies. after we talked dirty to each other & he said sometime we should watch porn together. Fell asleep after midnight & woke up around 6:15-ish? Weighed myself & I'm the same weight as yesterday despite eating popcorn & chocolate before bed! I consider that a great thing. I also didn't realize how much changing my vitamins was potentially having an impact on me. I stopped taking silica & green tea matcha capsules to save money but didn't realize how much those were regulating my periods & metabolism. Ordered some more online, I can't wait to start taking them again. Last night Avelash said he wanted to book a session with me today & will confirm, he also said he wanted to give me a massage, not trade, just give me one, but I declined b/c during our last session he exposed himself to me again & yesterday sent me a link to erotic massage😒What is that guys problem, seriously. eventually I may drop them as a client altogether, but right now money is tight, and he lives with his family so I don't feel in fear for my safety.  just finished studying a ton of Spanish, glad that I did not wake up sweating, now about to meditate! Had a large breakfast! Until the green tea comes in the mail and I've been taking it for a while I'm going to have larger breakfast and my meals will progressively get smaller throughout the day. Had Chai tea instead of coffee this morning, did a 15 min stretch instead of a 10 min, washed my hair with the Apple cider vinegar shampoo, now about to shower so that I can take my pills read smoke do my nails & watch intervention!  Took a great shower in 15 minutes. Called unemployment until next week. Is really big, bigger than I expected… The sweat pimple along my hairline is still there but then can we go on a much smaller and lighter, hopefully will get better and better as the day goes on. Can you text Avelash but he hasn't confirmed. Try to fake lashes again, they look much better than last time! Now about to read, smoke, then do my nails and watch intervention.  smoked weed! Now I'm just laying around doing my nails and watching intervention, so this is out of my normal routine. The weed is not making me anxious or paranoid, I don't even feel high! I only hit the ball twice, because wanted to start slow. But tomorrow I'll definitely do 3 hits. It's nice to go out of my normal routine and have nothing not have it not be stressful. Plus, I felt like I wanted to get a little "dressed up today" so put on jewelry and false lashes. I need to stop viewing getting dressed up, as a chore and something fun to do. Nails turning out great, checked on Emily & she sent me a voice message right away. Felt a little down around 430, not entirely sure why, but snapped out of it pretty quickly. Been looking at homes in San Diego & finding some really nice ones that are reasonably priced! Wore my black bra & once again die came off but not too much, I guess I'll just try to purchase another one, one last time.  pimple on chin is really big & I'm wondering if it was actually from coconut oil, not sweating. I guess it doesn't matter either way. I need to get better at being more careful with the coconut oil & falling asleep at a cooler temperature anyway. It's more likely from sweating because I did wake up sweating Saturday, but I guess this is typically larger than a sweat pimple & doesn't have pus in it.  part of me wonders if I'm ever going to get achieve the things I want in life. Falling in love, getting married, personality, more active social life, more friends, prettier, clear skin, better hair, Tanner, better sleep schedule, no phobias, husky, paralegal, homeowner... i'm sure I will, just this downtime is getting me a little too deep in my thoughts, but thankfully this isn't really having an impact on my mood. Just finished meditating, about to run downstairs to pick up - package, then finish getting ready for bed
👍🏼: no sweating, didn't gain weight, no new acne, other pimples much smaller, no nicks, stain on couch came out,  lashes look better than last time, reusable, found nice ones from Sephora, nails, beautiful large reasonably priced homes in San Diego, tattoos fading, hair looks nice, neighbor quiet, unemployment processed my paperwork quickly, no stray hairs
👎🏼: speeding ticket
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thtktgrl · 4 years
Had a great happy hour with Olga and ✨💖Khris💖✨! Adrian accidentally got left out but we're going to do another one later this week since she doesn't have FaceTime. After the happy hour ✨💖Khris💖✨ texted me that talking with Olga doesn't feel the same and they've kind of drifted… I don't know why that bothered me a little. But in any case I just had one margarita and not the alcohol did not make me upset. Mark was texting me how much he wants to cuddle before bed, and I fell asleep at a decent hour, but I woke up about half an hour later sweating. Thankfully I hadn't been asleep that long so I'm not that worried about my skin breaking out. Woke up this morning around seven and the pimple on my chin from the last time I had my period went away, but woke up to a new pimple on my forehead😐. It actually hurts a little, but I know the pimples are always much worse in the morning and progressively get smaller through the day. I'm pretty sure it's from the morning that I woke up sweating but I'm not entirely sure. The rest of my skin looks great though. I just have to get better about falling asleep without that electric blanket on. Avelash booked something this morning! He said he still "doesn't know" where is massage table is. How do you lose a massage table? He's clearly an asshole and has issues, if he weren't fucking with me regularly I would've dropped him as a client along time ago. I'm not in fear for my safety because he wants from his family and I make good money off of him. Feeling a little strange this morning while studying Spanish, I guess worried that I'll never achieve my goals and a little sad about the pimple, although I woke up sweating the other day so I sort of knew it was coming. Avelash exposed himself again during the session, I didn't say anything and just put the sheet back over… I don't understand what the point of this is, I mean I'm not in fear for my safety but it's really disrespectful. Also pointless? How many times do I have to reject him before you understand that it's not going to happen. What does he think it's gonna happen, I'm just gonna start sucking him off? He clearly watches too much porn. And I'm still not sure why he's pretending like he doesn't know where his massage table one, so now I have to lug mine and set everything up. Anyway, I got there early and remember to do my ritual of starting the session with the black of sitting in my right hand for five minutes and washing my hands off with Himalayan sea salt after. Olga texted me that she wanted to hang out sometime this week! We can get sushi and make a day of it, she said she would enjoy my company! That helped me feel really happy and confident. Ran to the store to get laundry soap and Himalayan sea salt, then went home to whiten my teeth, clean my apartment, & do laundry. Still have a few more loads of laundry to do but I'm now about to study more para legal terms and eat lunch. Took my electric blanket off the bed so I will stop falling asleep on the right, that should significantly improve the sweating. I just checked past diary entries and I did in fact sweat four days ago. Not sure if the pimple on my forehead is for my period or sweating, but either way I will no longer sleep with a blanket on my bed, put my apartment at a cooler temperature, and drink hot tea before bed to keep me warm. I'll also set the intention before my periods that my period will not cause acne. just realized that today when I woke up sweating it was a good thing, so that I could wipe my face! After eating lunch felt a little down, not sure why! I guess I was thinking about how Olga said she wanted to hang out this week but worried she might not follow through, kind of like what happened over the weekend, but that was partially me too. now watching a lifetime movie while doing laundry. Also a little worried that Natasha hasn't gotten back to me just yet. hate looking at that pimple on my forehead… I know it most likely has to do with my period/sweating, my past diary entries did say that I sweated about four days ago, and
HAPPY ABOUT: fell asleep before midnight, pimple on chin gone, at goal weight, early to session, Olga wants to hang out, 
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thtktgrl · 4 years
Schiffy sent me money through PayPal yesterday, now I can officially pay all my main bills! I'm gonna run to the grocery store and pharmacy later today, purchasing things off Amazon, and bought the lavender oil! Avelash & Daniel might book something with me this week! I really hope they do. I fell asleep a little too late last night and woke up a couple times in the night. May have sweated lightly? Not sure. Daniel booked something with me! Ordered everything off Amazon, laid in bed for a while watching crime shows. Finally got the motivation to get out of bed. Finished doing yoga, smudging, and washing my hair, now about to shower and run to the pharmacy and some stores. Mom called me! I can't wait to call me back I'm glad she called me first. Also setting up a virtual happy hour with Khris Olga and Adrienne.  had a great talk with mom and Schiffy, found a bunch of groceries! Mood much improved today especially considering I barely eaten anything all day. Just unloaded groceries, now back home to get ready for bed. Tomorrow I'm supposed to massage Susan as Sweta has already confirmed that I will be completely fine doing it, but I'm double checking with her. It's probably just my imagination running wild, but I worry that I may give her something. Emily also replied to my text! She explained that she just had a rough day because two deals fell through one right after another. It was sweet of her to open up about that and I sent her the link to Sweta's Facebook/YouTube channel. I really hope me and her become friends, she seems cool
HAPPY ABOUT: schiffy money, met may quota, Disney+, still at my goal weight,  Daniel booking with me, mom calling me, less bruising, no new acne,
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thtktgrl · 5 years
Once again I fell asleep a little too close to midnight. But I slept through the night & didnt wake up until about 615. In a good mood this morning, under my goal weigh, had a great breakfast vitamins & coffee. Canceled my order on Amazon. now about to study Spanish & meditate. No new acne! Now stretching and about to shower then head to a tattoo removal appointment while listening to podcasts. Took a cool shower under 15 min with no nicks. felt some things splashed on my chin but I can never tell if it's oil or water. Was most likely water, and even if it was oil it wouldn't leave a big mark on my face anyway. While doing yoga I think I may have felt that pain in my genital region again, and feeling a little bit of heaviness in my body. Feeling a little rejected by Olga Kathy and David. But it's not a big deal David especially I know it's probably not intentional, Olga & Kathy, not really sure. have noticed a general improvement in my mood and the way I look, I think going to bed a little earlier every night has been really helpful. If I could only go to bed a couple hours earlier that would make even more of a difference. I love having time in the morning & not needing to rush around. Hair looks good even though I washed it right before bed. smoked weed, a little less than I wanted to but thankfully did not feel high or paranoid. Talked on the phone with Sweta! She confirmed that things will die down as quickly as they started, probably in about 3 months & it's not a big deal. She also gave me instructions on how to start and end my massage sessions. Tattoo removal appointment went well, but technicians were friendly and I got there early. Traded with David! It was an incredible massage and he liked my massage too. remembered to do the black obsidian ritual. Remembered that the very slight, barely noticeable difference in my mood & headaches maybe because of caffeine withdrawal. I'm now officially only drinking decaf. I've also noticed not only better sleep habits but in increasing my libido. Had a great lunch, about to pick up my dry cleaning. Just finished a great session with avelash! He loved it & I use the hot stones for the final 30 min. Mood much improved and it feels nice not to have to do much when I get home Because I already did my grooming/face wash before hand. He complemented me & said I looked really well rested! I love hearing stuff like that. When I asked him what happened to his massage table he says he doesn't know what happened to it & he can't find it. That's obviously a lie, why not just say he sold it or something. Or if he still has a table just pull it out instead of making me lug mine. But then again that guy has issues. Sean checked on me which was sweet of him. Aside from how obnoxious he gets when he drinks he's a great friend. Sweta receive the rose quartz necklace & lily/rose bouquet I got her for her birthday! She loves them. Reminding myself that this coronavirus is like hitting a reset button for myself & the rest of the world. Learning to enjoy my own company & enjoy the downtime, plus I can catch up on studying/reading/my shows/sleep. Really loving the fact no caffeine is having on so many different areas of my life. I'll be really curious to see if this helps my acne, I think it well! Olga asked to hang out & Gage reached out to me after we lost touch for months! Also a great mood booster. Well Massage David he said I seem like I take good care of myself:) he also said I look mixed with something. that's the second day in a row I've gotten that! I don't know why I love it so much when people say that, I guess I just love the concept of looking a little exotic
HAPPY ABOUT: no sweating, no new acne, on time to tattoo removal session
WISH I HAD DONE DIFFERENT: bed early, late to avelash 
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thtktgrl · 5 years
Pt. 2. I don't know if it's a combination of that, slower business, went to bed a little later than usual, the corona virus, & not eating much that put me in kind of a weird mood. Probably a little of all of that, but it seems to already be passing pretty quickly. Avelash ended up not scheduling anything, it's fine, it's kind of late and I want to go to bed early tonight. Got home, finished up the last of my laundry, looked at Olga story time on Instagram and saw that she was FaceTime in a bunch of her friends… Not Khris, but it kind of makes me feel bad especially since I helped her move. Trying not to take it personally, don't mean to be petty, and this is very much a first world problem, but I can't help but feel a little rejected. Suraj texted me wanting me a massage! And he paid me in advance, $200! Realizing 2 things- I get so focused on a few, minor, petty negatives that I don't realize all the positives. I'm bothered by Walt taking things personally, reading too much into things, & being super emotional, yet I noticed those same qualities myself! I know I need to up my confidence & stop taking everything so personally. Walt invited me to a comedy club in May! I'm so thankful it's Suraj book something and sent me $200 through Venmo, how considerate and sweet. He even said he wanted to help me out because he knew cash flow would be a problem for me. Again trying to focus on the positives. I realize part of the problem is that I'm so self-conscious around people and my vibration may be a little low which is why I'm not attracting all the female friends I want. But right now I'm completely groomed and ready for bed, hair is wet clean and washed, surrounded by candles and my rock salt lamp, all my chores & errands are done, almost done journaling, about to meditate, read, & eat something:) life is good. It's always been good, I just focus too much on the petty negatives. So just finished going over my notes from the paralegal bug, from now on will get into actual studying and trying to memorize things. Also just remove candle wax for my carpet following a YouTube tutorial! It went even quicker and easier than expected. I was really worried I would have to hire Stanley Steemer or the apartment would find me, but it came out so easily and amazingly quickly! Now to meditate eat & watch a lifetime movie lol. Eat a huge snack of Caesar salad, pretzels and lemon hummus, artichoke hearts, zesty pickle, Jell-O, chocolate, & tea
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thtktgrl · 5 years
Went to bed a little after midnight… Also, I drink a lot of decaf tea yesterday decaf had a little bit of caffeine in it, not really sure the content so that may have been a factor? Not sure. Sarah canceled on me, texting Susan to see if she still wants to me. Even if she doesn't wanna do the massage I hope she still pays me like last time. Josh texted me last night that we may go on a two-week locked down. don't appear to have any new acne, but I'm a little nervous to weigh myself because I've been eating more lately especially at night.  i'm actually under my goal weight! I'm switching to just decaf today. In the shower nicked myself with a razor. Not gonna lie it kind of bothered me. It's not a big deal and I hate the small stuff like that bothers me. Took my birth control minute late but didn't care about that. I have two very small pimples on my skin but they're barely noticeable a day progresses. Did something I should've done a look at my exes Facebook he just bought a house. Where he was living before hand was extremely cheap & he has his G.I. Bill, it's not really about him specifically, it's just when I think of other people I know who have husbands and homes and are beautiful and doing all this traveling and more active social lives it kind of makes me feel bad about my own life.  Play actual mood has not been low throughout the day. I am noticing some heaviness above my knees and around my mouth. It's barely noticeable though. Got all of my cleaning and laundry done, now I just have to do a little bit of ironing when I get home later. Dropped off my dry cleaning, I got my brows threaded, Stopped in to smoke island but didn't buy anything, bought some peach tea at Starbucks. Someone's laptop bag Was sitting outside so I brought it in and ask if it belongs to anyone.In the past I wouldn't have had the courage to bring attention to myself in a coffee shop like that. Maybe part of it was starting starting to come out of my shell, and part of it is at the coffee shop was not that crowded. Gave it to the barista, and thankfully The owner probably came out of the bathroom, look outside for his bag, and then came in and asked the barista. I told him that I found it outside and thought someone had left it so gave it to the barista. Proud of myself for doing The right thing, and thankfully the man was not alarmed.. and I've been texting with Andrew a lot more lately, not for tacious Lee though, and he suggested nature and learn to enjoy the downtime/my own company. Tocco also texted me in Allen holding up during all the Greta! viruses area which was really sweet. I've Heard from A couple different people that I Will be granted and extension with no penalty to pay off what I owe in taxes!Andrew said I may also be granted some government relief. He also joke that worst case scenario I could come live with him and his dog! He probably wasn't being serious but it was still a nice offer. Got a Soothe client! Avelash also texted me wanting to set something up for tonight and will let me know for sure later. A few people have been checking on me to see how my business is doing, and Marc pointed out yesterday that business might actually pick up because people are home. After this I'll run to Andrews to get my thermos, then go home to eat/wash my hair/iron and get some other things done around the house. Had a Great session, we exchange numbers and she was very happy with the massage. Her son asked if I was Spanish! She passed out my number to one of her friends! I forgot to offer the facemask but remember the start time. Now driving to Andrews to pick up my thermos. Just got my thermos! He was friendly as usual. He showed me the head of an animal is German Shepherd killed. Seeing sheep, blue jays, robins, flies, & ravens! Yesterday I saw a cat & horses. All of these animal totem telling me That this is a time for transformation/growth & that I have the ability to create a life I want to. Texted Olga and she wasn't super talkative. I don't know if it's a combination of that, slower business, went to bed a little later
PROUD OF MYSELF FOR: no sweating, on time session, client liked me,
WISH I HAD DONE DIFFERENT: bed early, razor nick, taking things personally
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