#avis Summit
angelitam · 2 years
Partageons mon rendez-vous lecture #27-2022 & critique
Partageons mon rendez-vous lecture #27-2022 & critique
Voici ma critique littéraire sur Livres à profusion, Mo Malo, Summit Summit de Mo Malo – Editions de La Martinière En lecture, le premier roman de Claire Favan, Le tueur intime Le tueur intime de Claire Favan – Editions Points Présentation de l’éditeur : Will Edwards, quinze ans, est quotidiennement battu, violé, humilié. Quand Samantha arrive dans sa classe, belle et protectrice, il renaît.…
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wachinyeya · 1 year
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Joe Biden designates Avi Kwa Ame a national monument
President Joe Biden announced on Tuesday Avi Kwa Ame as a national monument in Nevada, following up on a promise he made in late 2022.
Biden also declared a national monument in Texas and the creation of a marine sanctuary in U.S. waters near the Pacific Remote Islands southwest of Hawai'i.
Biden spoke at the White House Conservation in Action Summit at the Interior Department with Fort Mojave Indian Tribal Chairman Timothy Williams commending him during his introduction.
“Under his leadership we have a seat at the table and we are seeing an unprecedented era and opportunity for our tribal communities,” Williams said. “And we are all grateful to the president for taking historic action to combat the climate crisis and conserve and restore our nation’s land and waters.”
Williams was among the proponents to make Avi Kwa Ame, also known as Spirit Mountain, a national monument. It’s considered sacred to the Mojave people and for the nine other Yuman-speaking tribes along the Colorado River, as well as the Hopi and Chemehuevi Paiute tribes, Williams said.
The site in southern Nevada spans more than 500,000 acres near the Arizona and California state lines. It’s home to bighorn sheep, desert tortoises and a large concentration of Joshua trees, some of which are more than 900 years old. It’s also listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
It took more than three months for Biden to make the announcement.
“It’s a place of reverence, it’s a place of spirituality, it’s a place of healing and now it will be recognized for its significance it holds and be preserved forever,” Biden said. “I look forward to visiting it myself.”
He thanked Williams and the legislative leaders who advocated for Avi Kwa Ame including Nevada Rep. Dina Titus, Democrat, who sponsored a bill to protect the rugged region near the Mojave National Preserve from development, including solar farms and a proposed wind farm.
“To the native people who point to Avi Kwa Ame as their spiritual birthplace, and every Nevadan who knows the value of our cherished public lands: Today is for you,″ Titus tweeted.
The Honor Avi Kwa Ame coalition, which includes tribes, local residents, state lawmakers and conservation groups, said its members were "overjoyed" to learn the site will be a new national monument.
"Together, we will honor Avi Kwa Ame today — from its rich Indigenous history, to its vast and diverse plant and wildlife, to the outdoor recreation opportunities created for local cities and towns in southern Nevada by a new gorgeous monument right in their backyard," the group said.
Interior Secretary Deb Haaland released a press release praising the announcement.
“I am grateful to President Biden for taking this important step in recognition of the decades of advocacy from tribes and the scientific community, who are eager to protect the objects within its boundaries,” Haaland stated.“Together with tribal leaders, outdoor enthusiasts, local elected officials, and other stakeholders, we will manage this new monument for the benefit of current and future generations.”
In Texas, Biden plans to create the Castner Range National Monument in El Paso. It’s the ancestral homeland of the Comanche and Apache people, and its cultural ecology is considered sacred to several Indigenous communities.
The designation will protect the cultural, scientific and historic objects found within the monument's boundaries, honor U.S. veterans, service members and tribal nations, and expand access to outdoor recreation on public lands, the White House said.
Located on Fort Bliss, Castner Range served as a training and testing site for the U.S. Army during World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. The Army ceased training at the site and closed Castner Range in 1966.
The Castner Range monument "will preserve fragile lands already surrounded on three sides by development,'' help ensure access to clean water and protect rare and endangered species, said Rep. Veronica Escobar, Democrat-Texas.
“The people of El Paso have fought to protect this for 50 years. Their work has finally paid off,” Biden said.
Biden designated his first national monument, in Colorado, last year. In 2021, he restored the boundaries for Bears Ears National Monument in Utah after they were significantly narrowed by President Donald Trump, a Republican.
In the Pacific, Biden will direct the Commerce Department to consider initiating a new national marine sanctuary designation within 30 days to protect all U.S. waters around the Pacific Remote Islands. If completed, the 777,000 square miles, southwest of Hawaii, will help ensure the U.S. reaches Biden's goal to conserve at least 30 percent of ocean waters under U.S. jurisdiction by 2030, the White House said.
Among Hawaiian state leaders, Biden thanked Native Hawaiian leaders who “worked tirelessly to protect our oceans. I want to thank you. I genuinely mean it, it wouldn't have happened without you.”
Biden also announced a series of steps to conserve, restore and expand access to public lands and waters across the country, the White House said.
The proposals seek to modernize management of America's public lands, harness the power of the ocean to help fight climate change, and better conserve wildlife corridors. Biden also will announce new spending to improve access to outdoor recreation, promote tribal conservation and reduce wildfire risk.
Bidden added he’s committed to working with tribal leaders and legislative leaders on bringing “healthy and abundant” salmon run back to the Colorado River system.
“There’s nothing beyond our capacity if we work together,” Biden said.
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horatiovonbecker · 4 months
@lilliankillthisman expressed interest in hearing the outline for Hanged For a Lion, my notional Twig divergence fic. So that's what this post is. Major spoilers for Twig up to Arc 14, and minor ones up through the epilogues.
Arc 4 - Stitch In Time - Early Winter 1921 - Divergence Point
Gordon gets to Fray first, and gives her enough information about Sy's selfdestructive contrarianism - probably going into the backstory thing where he ran away, realized it might get the others killed, and then got his mind wiped when he came back - that Fray manages to pitch Sy effectively on defection. Immediate complications: 1) Gordon doesn't actually understand why Sylvester would have both left (making future escape attempts harder) and also come back (not even getting himself out), which eats at him, and might interfere with pitching. 2) Ashton might get cancelled if the Lambs defect too early.
Not sure how to resolve 1 - I might just have to write it, which I keep putting off because I'd have to reread early Twig first - but for 2, I have two ideas: the Lambs pretend to be loyal for another six months while both sides make preparations, and Fray bribes Sy by promising to make Evette.
Arc 5 - Slip of the Tongue - Late Spring 1922
The Lambs are being deployed more broadly, while they and Fray - and behind the scenes, Hayle - are preparing for their defection. I'm not sure what this means in practice, but probably they kill fewer rebellion doctors and arrange to get some of their support equipment captured.
Mary decides to force the issue with Sy a full arc early; thanks to Fray's example, she actually manages to corner him into admitting he likes her.
The nobles also have a lot more of a presence here than in canon; they're fundamentally battlefield commanders, socially, and the war arc is the obvious place to focus on them.
Arc 6 - Down to the Wire - Summer 1922
Mary is pregnant, Jamie is breaking down, it's time to go. The plan had been to fake their deaths in the field, but there isn't time for that anymore, and the backup plan is somewhat derailed by the revelation that Percy has been kidnapping babies to turn them into ninja prostitutes.
I'm not sure how this arc finishes in practice. The Lambs are more interested in killing Percy and shutting down the Ghosts than in tracking down Avis and blowing her cover, and they also want as many of Jamie's exobrains as they can escape with. Possibly they get separated? Possibly they have to fight a Noble or six on the way out.
Arc 7 - Skin of the Teeth - Summer 1922
Following directly from Arc Six, Radham mounts a chase to capture or destroy the Lambs. The Hangman gets deployed for this. There is a train battle.
I'm also not sure how exactly I want Jamie to work, which is probably one of the things I need to do a reread for.
Maybe there should be an interlude arc or something, to establish the new status quo? Fray's group has very little written about it, is the biggest problem.
Another big question is whether Fray tells the Lambs where little Nobles come from. Given that they were secretly built as next-gen prototype Nobles... maybe? I really need to think about their relationship in this thing.
Arc 8 - Born Unto Trouble - Spring 1923
Fray has followed through on her promise to make Evette, and successfully this time: Evette is a Primordial. Primordial-spawn, theoretically, but she hasn't actually given up her biogenesis powers, just her easy shapeshifting.
Mary's baby is due. Her name is Ruth, as an unsubtle hint about what will happen if anyone hurts her. (I don't know where I'm going with this. It just seems like the natural progression of Sy/Mary being a thing.)
Also, it's just about time for the canonical Brechwell Summit, which might be disrupted by the Lambs having acted differently in Whitney? Playing defense against the assassins sounds like fun, though, and Petey the bodypuppeting rapist baby is... personally a victim on par with the Heartbroken, and also a problem on par with the Heartbroken. Possibly we skip this one; it's the one time Wildbow actually squicked me out.
Also, this is about when Ashton gets decanted. There's a lot going on in this arc. I don't know if he actually gets involved yet?
I can't actually plan past this, since there are too many important unknowns (mostly who the heck Fray is as a character and how she relates to the Lambs). But I do have some neat arc titles and a plotline I very much want to see:
Arc... 9? - Birds of a Feather
Mary meets the Falconer, possibly after tracking her down specifically. The Rebellion becomes a full-on civil war.
Other arc titles: Bite the Bullet, Belly of the Beast, Elephant in the Room, Dog in the Manger, Body of Evidence.
Things to address: The Academy's insane scorched-earth tactics, the macroscale politics, possibly who made the Exorcist rifles.
Epilogue - A Hundred Years a Sheep
To be honest a lot of my vision for this story is directly because the arc naming scheme allows for some amazing wordplay, and inverting that Mussolini quote I learned about from a Tumblr recounting of a Twitter account tricking Donald Trump into quoting Mussolini definitely counts.
Thematically, though, it's got to be about prioritizing long life and happiness over ambition, and also a peek into the future of the setting. I like it. :)
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aboutdancers · 8 months
what studio would you want to dance at in each of these states:
california (pick 2 lol), arizona, utah, minnesota, illinois, new york, florida
California: studio x or avi’s dp, but mostly studio x
Arizona: club or dance connection
Utah: center stage
Minnesota: Larkin or summit
Illinois: no idea tbh
New York: in an ideal world where I would have money and talent, Joffrey
Florida: dance town or adrenaline
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rhianna · 1 year
The Magic of the Middle Ages
See:   https://rhianna.tumblr.com/search/The+Magic+of+the+Middle+Ages  
“My knowledge is not of myself. Far, far away behind these hills, behind the snowy summits of the Alps, behind the mountains of the ‘farthest-dwelling Garamantes,’ on nameless heights which disappear among the clouds, the temple of truth was built long ago over the fountain from which life flows. That this temple is demolished we well know; only the first human pair has wandered through its sacred halls. But he who desires, who yearns and has patience, can sit down by the margin of the stream of Time and grasp and draw ashore some of the cedar-beams from the ruined temple drifting upon the billows, and from the form of the fragments may determine the structure of the whole. All wisdom has its roots in the past, and the farther we penetrate antiquity, the richer the remains we find of a highest human wisdom. What is Albertus Magnus with his profound knowledge in comparison with the angelic wisdom of Dionysius Areopagita, and what is the latter compared with that of the prophet[Pg 113] who denounced his woes over Nineveh and Babylon? And yet these divinely commissioned men would gladly have been taught by the seventy elders who were allowed with Moses to approach the mountain where God chose to reveal himself, there receiving the mystic knowledge of the Cabala. On Sinai, however, God’s secret was veiled in clouds, lightnings and terror; Moses himself was permitted to see him only ‘from behind’—did not obtain a morning-knowledge (a knowledge a priori, an analogy-seeking pupil of Schelling would have called it), but an evening-knowledge (knowledge a posteriori, he would have added). The morning-knowledge was shown only to the man of the dawn of time and was extinguished at the first sin. From that time every successive generation has deteriorated from its predecessor:
“‘Aetas parentum, pejor avis, tulit Nos nequiores, mox daturos Progeniem vitiosiorem,’
and with the darkness of sin reason is plunged[Pg 114] into constantly blacker depths. The individual seeker after truth may gain enlightenment, but for himself alone, not for humanity. Therefore a magician confines the wisdom he acquires to his own bosom, or imparts it to a single pupil, or buries it under obscure expressions which he commits to parchment; but he neither can nor will impart it without reserve to humanity whose path appears to lead downward into a constantly deeper night.  [112-14]
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wqbytop100 · 23 days
Top 120* for the week ending May 12, 2024
Lighter --Galantis, David Guetta, 5 Seconds of Summer - 1
Sleep Tonight (This Is the Life) --Switch Disco, R3HAB, Sam Feldt -2
Love & Pain --Enrique Iglesias -3
What If We Met --Ali Gatie -4
Beat of Your Love --Ownboss, LAWRENT, Ekko -6
Jet Plane --R3HAB, VIZE, JP Cooper -5
Buscando Money --Twenty-Six, Tayson Kryss -15
Fallin Luv --Gordo, Jeria -16
Weight of the World --Bonnie X Clyde -7
Heaven Or Not --Diplo, Riva Starr, Kareem Lomax -12
Eyes Closed --Imagine Dragons -87
Kissing Strangers --USHER -8
Make Me Your Mrs --Mae Stephens -9
Young & Foolish --Loud Luxury, Charlieonafriday -10
Before You Go --Seeb -13
Reckless Child --Milky Chance -14
Low Again --Bakermat -20
Outlaw Love --Brooke Eden (Dave Aude Remix) -18
Without You --Disco Fries, Lavish Life -11
When I Wake Up --Lucas & Steve, Skinny Days -19
Hell Together --David Archuleta -21
One, Two & 3 --Galantis -22
Addicted --Zerb, The Chainsmokers feat/INK -38
Anthem --Diplo, Shram, Pony -59
Feel This Way --Victoria Nadine, R3HAB -
Electricity --Fast Boy, R3HAB -23
Monster --A7S, ALOK -24
The Moves --NEIKED, Muni Long, Nile Rodgers -29
Glad I Found You --Elderbrook & George Fitzgerald -60
The Afterhours --Kyle Watson -25
Save You A Seat --Alex Warren -31
Take A Moment --ATB, David Frank -39
My Body --Illusionize, Y&M -42
Underwater --Dubvision, Afrojack -43
Houdini --Dua Lipa -35
One On One --Robin Schulz, Oaks, Topic -36
We Ain't Good At Breaking Up --Brothers Osborne -50
Slide Out --Life On Planets -27
Lonely Dancer --Conan Gray -26
Waterslides --Tiesto, Rudimental, Absolutely -28
Lil Tune --Gus Dapperton -Electric Guest -37
Never Be Friends --Jost, Minogue -32
She's On My Mind --Romy -34
Cutting Loose --Disco Lines, J. Worra, Anabel Englund -30
Don't You Cry --Sunday Scaries, Discrete -41
Public --Mike. -44
Love Me --INNA -45
Loose Ends --Lucas Estrada, Syn Cole -46
Come With Me --Claptone -47
Monster --Don Diablo, Felix Jaehn -48
Home --CamelPhatt, RHODE (Vintage Culture Remix) -51
Mas Que Nada --Oliver Heldens, Ian Asher, Sergio Mendez -40
Anyone --Morgan Page -33
Do You Feel It --VAMERO, Cyril M. Mougleta -49
Level Up --Wolfgang Gartner, Scrufizzer -103
In Your Arms --Jess Bays, Jem Cooke -66
Triumph --Bishop Briggs -52 >>>
Murder on the Dancefloor --Sophie Ellis-Bextor -55
Undone --Forest Blakk -69
Enhancer --Northeast Party House -70
Nothing Ever Changes --Vintage Culture, MAGNUS -79
My Favorite Drug --Justin Timberlake -101
Eat The Bass --John Summit -73
Raccoons --Caravan Palace -57 >>>
Fantasy --Cosmo's Midnight, Frank Moody -58
Never Ending Song --Conan Gray -75
In The Cards --Jamie Miller -77 >>>
Wish I Never Felt --Nate Smith -80
***Shadow --Trixie Mattel -(new)
Yellow --Jxdn -71
Karma --JoJo Siwa -74
Same Drunk --Walker Hayes -72 >>>
The Weekend --Anti-Up -76
Lil Freak --bbno$ -78 >>>
Business As Usual --Eliza Rose, MJ Cole (Night Shift Remix) -81 >>>
Illusion --Dua Lipa -94
Good As It Gets --Blanco Brown -82
***Animal --R3HAB, Jason Derulo -(new)
Soultrain --Tripolism, Nandu, Radeckt -63
Mine --Michael Gerow -88 >>>
Everybody Knows I'm High --SHAED -56 >>>
Weak --Vintage Culture, Maverick Sabre, Tom Breu -54
Dirty Desire --Vicetone -53
Shipwreck --Mount Kimbie -83 >>>
Keep Your Head Up --We Are Messengers -89 >>>
I Hate You In The Morning --Otha -90 >>>
Kettle's Up --Mahmut Orhan, Axelax, Botin -86
I Don't Wanna Worry --NEEDTOBREATHE -68 >>>
You Know It --Gorgon City -67 >>>
Good For You --Dimitri Vegas, Chapter & Verse, Goodboys -65 >>>
Dance Alone --SIA feat/Kylie Minogue -93
End Of Time --Lucas & Steve, LAWRENT, Jordan Shaw -150
***Wake Up --Young Franco, Master Peace -(new)
***Why Should I --Z3LLA -(new)
***Stereo --Two Colors, Roe Byrne -(new)
***Don't Look Down --Lucas Estrada, James TW, SUPER Hi -(new)
Regret The Morning --SILK, Mali Koa -100
Better Me --Micheal Schulte, R3HAB -118
Whatever --KYGO feat/Ava Max -125
Outside Of Love --Becky Hill -112
Everything You Do --AFRONKI, Afrojack, Steve Aoki, Aviella -99 >>
Higher Ground --Purple Disco Machine, Roosevelt -98 >>>
Give Me --Will Clarke, BURNS -62 >>>
Fire --Alan Walker, YUQI, JVKE, (G)I -DLE -84 >>>
Sweet Love --Myles Smith -92 >>>
What Do You Do For A Living? I Do My Best --Iamnotshane, EMME -64 >>>
Forever (Stay Like This) --Armin Van Buuren -61 >>>
Lie To Me --Jubel, KIDDO -85 >>>
Me Voy Acostumbrando --Enrique Iglesias -106 >>>
20m Something --Jessica Baio -91 >>>
Out Loud --Cage the Elephant -97 >>>
Premedicated --FETISH -123 >>>
<>Life Goes On --HU - (re-entry) >>>
Mr. Useless --Shygirl, SG Lewis -82 >>>
Texas Hold 'Em --Beyonce -105 >>>
You're Hired --NEIKED, Ayra Starr -103 >>>
Close Your Eyes --Lucas Estrada -102 >>>
Bad Blood --Theresa Rex -76 >>>
Spicy Margarita --Jason Derulo, Michael Bublé -81 >>>
***Willing To Let You Go --Diplo, Anella Herim, Abby Anderson -(new)
*(Due to Character limitations on this platform, The List has been shortened to 120 as of this week) (If your interested in the full list, it can be found on WQBY's page on Spotify)
7 -New this week @# 69 Shadow @# 78 Animal @# 93 Wake Up @# 94 Why Should I @# 95 Stereo @# 96 Don't Look Down @# 120 Willing To Let You Go
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leehamwriting · 6 months
Summit - Mo MALO - 2022 - Ed. Points
Quatrième de couverture Au Groenland, les plus grands flics scandinaves se sont réunis. Le chef de la police locale, Qaanaaq Adriensen, est chargé de les conduire dans le désert glacé de l’inlandsis pour un trek qui doit éprouver leur solidarité. Mais un flic disparaît bientôt, un autre est pris pour cible… Le grand continent blanc se referme sur eux comme un piège. Mon Avis Regrouper des…
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angelitam · 2 years
Summit de Mo Malo
Summit de Mo Malo
Summit de Mo Malo – Editions de La Martinière Summit de Mo Malo, présentation A son arrivée à l’aéroport, il s’effondre. Il se réveille, il est loin de tout et de tous. Il est au milieu de nulle part. Qaanaq est encore plus uni à sa femme. Il attend une délégation de policiers étrangers mais un homme a disparu. Sa femme refuse qu’il parte. Avis Summit de Mo Malo En ces temps de canicule, cela…
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nicolasraybaud · 10 months
Au Val Tho Summit Games, j'ai passé 3 jours à courir (vite) !
Au Val Tho Summit Games, j'ai passé 3 jours à courir (vite) !
Ce mois d’Août ce tenait la 8é édition du Val Tho Summit Games. Si Val Thorens est une destination de notoriété en hiver, j’ai découvert une station plus qu’attrayante l’été. Ce festival du trail m’a confirmé mon avis sur la station des 3 vallées. Retour sur ces 3 jours d’altitude en collaboration avec le Hameau du Kashmir et l’office de Val Thorens. default Où tout a commencé. C’était lors de…
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brandedcities · 1 year
Biden to create national monuments in Nevada, Texas at conservation summit
Biden named Avi Kwa Ame National Monument in Nevada and Castner Range National Monument in Texas as the nation's newest monuments.
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newswireml · 1 year
Biden to designate national monuments in Nevada and Texas#Biden #designate #national #monuments #Nevada #Texas
WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden is establishing national monuments in Nevada and Texas and creating a marine sanctuary in U.S. waters near the Pacific Remote Islands southwest of Hawaii. The Democratic president is set to announce the measures Tuesday at a White House summit on conservation action at the Interior Department. Biden said in November that he intends to designate Avi Kwa Ame, a…
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greatreawakening · 1 year
Rebel News Grill Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer
Ezra Levant, CEO of Rebel News, and independent journalist Avi Yemini ask the hard questions the mainstream media is paid not to ask of Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, at the 2023 World Economic Forum summit in Davos, Switzerland. This is real journalism. Any who wonder why their trusted news sources aren’t asking these kinds of questions need only recall all the news segments sponsored by…
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jeffhirsch · 1 year
Be My Guest in New York City with a Special President's Day Discount!
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I’m incredibly excited about an upcoming opportunity for you and I to meet personally, talk investing strategies, and answer any in-depth questions you might have (not to mention I can save you $200 in the process)!
Specifically, I am speaking at MoneyShow’s landmark Global Portfolio Strategy Summit. It runs from Feb. 19-21, 2023 at the New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge, and it’s going to be an amazing, interactive, educational, and enjoyable conference.
For one thing, MoneyShow is creating an intimate, exclusive environment that emphasizes small-group and 1-on-1 conversations, abundant networking opportunities, and three full days of wealth-building guidance and insights. For another, they’ve pulled out all the stops when it comes to talent.
I will be presenting my latest market analysis and advice alongside 50+ world-class financial experts and living legends – including Steve Forbes, Dan Fuss, Ed Yardeni, Barry Ritholtz, Jon Najarian, and James Grant of Wall Street Week fame. And I will be joined by top trading experts like Larry McMillan, Alexander Elder, Avi Gilburt, and Steve Strazza.
Here is my event schedule:
Stock Trader's Almanac Bullish January Indicator Trifecta
Sunday, February 19, 2023 | 1:30 pm - 2:15 pm EST
Bargain Hunting Stocks
Monday, February 20, 2023 | 5:05 pm - 5:35 pm EST
Because I consider you a friend – and have enjoyed the opportunity to guide you in this volatile market environment – MoneyShow is offering you, as my guest, the opportunity to join me for $99 – a savings of $200 on your Symposium pass.
Register to attend by clicking here. Or you can simply call the MoneyShow team at 1-800-970-4355 and tell them you are a guest of Jeffrey Hirsch.
I look forward to you joining me and a lineup of 50+ other world-class financial and trading experts in New York City!
Jeffrey Hirsch Editor-in-Chief
P.S. You will receive all of the following benefits by attending the Symposium – So, won’t you join me as my guest?
Three Full Days of In-Depth Education with Top Market & Alternative Investing Experts
Welcome Reception with Speakers, Sponsors, & Your Peers
Complimentary Refreshments During the Event
Networking Opportunities with Fellow Accredited Investors, Speakers, & Sponsors
Second-to-None Wealth-Building Strategies for 2023
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arun-pratap-singh · 1 year
Why Colorado draft AI insurance rules are a "major leap forward" for AI governance
Check out all the on-demand sessions from the Intelligent Security Summit here. Two weeks ago, Avi Gesser, partner at Debevoise & Plimpton and co-chair of the firm’s cybersecurity, privacy and artificial intelligence practice group, emailed me a note that said: “Here is where the AI governance laws really start.” He linked to the Colorado Division of Insurance’s draft Algorithm and Predictive…
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gtssidata4 · 1 year
From Data Annotators To Data Developers In AI
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There's an ongoing debate about whether or not to use the off-the-shelf database to build advanced artificial intelligence applications for businesses. Off-the-shelf datasets for training are a great option for companies that don't have an in-house expert team comprising engineers, data scientists and AI Annotation Service in their arsenal.
Even when organizations have teams to handle huge-scale ML deployments may struggle to collect the top-quality information needed for the model.
Furthermore speed of development and deployment is essential for gaining a competitive edge in the marketplace, requiring numerous companies to use off-the-shelf data. Let's look at off-theshelf shelves data and then look at the advantages and drawbacks prior to making a decision to use these.
In the GTS MLDataOps Summit 2022, Avi Yashar, co-founder and CPO at Dataloop, Chris Karlin, Director of Sales for Superb AI, and Michael Hazard who is the Director of Product of Applied Intuition unveil what makes an enterprise-grade tool, the reasons data tools require super-users realizing that no one tool is a tool for all, and what's to come in the tooling for data ecosystem. As GTS Vice President of Strategic Business Development, Jai Natarajan moderates the session, participants will gain these insights:
Collaboration in data workflows as well as a highly skilled workforce for tooling are essential to create the highest-quality AI training data
Industry leaders generally employ authentic data sources, it's crucial to comprehend the ways that synthetic data could be used to enhance.
Data annotation tools are becoming experts in data, while data tools companies are working to avoid quality issues.
High Availability of System Stability
As per Dataloop's Avi Yasnar, over the coming two to five years, several companies will move their AI solutions from research to production. Thus, having a tool that is able to easily scale without compromising quality is essential. Furthermore, businesses continue to search for customized options for their workflows by employing their highly skilled staff to ensure that their data is of high quality through the use of the platform. Following strictly SLAs is a key component of bringing a product to enterprise-grade.
Working with larger customers
Since data tooling companies collaborate with larger organizations in the market, it's becoming standard to need to incorporate safety procedures in addition to the technology. In the words of Michael Hazard at Applied Intuition the technology must be verified and must be proved to work in the actual world. This is what makes investing in tools businesses beneficial.
Collaboration is also becoming more crucial in these large companies. There are specific tasks assigned to specific people instead of having a generalist in the team. Transferring issues through the process, from those who discover the issue to those who manage and resolve the issue is essential to scale up.
What are Off-the-Shelf Datasets?
A training dataset that is available off the shelf is an ideal option for companies seeking to rapidly create and implement AI solutions, even if they don't have the time nor the resources to create custom data.
Off-the-shelf training data like the name implies is a set of data that has been collected cleaned, categorized and is now ready for use. Although the benefits of customized data is unquestionable however, the best alternative is an off-the-shelf database.
How does this relate to?
Jai Natarajan follows up the discussion by asking how series A firms manage to balance their many requirements to meet the large customer's needs. The three members of the panel dive into the discussion to share their views that can be summed into the following paragraphs:
Be aware of your market
If you're looking to justify every cent you spend and place everything into a plan for the future that you must know your customers very well and understand their needs and be confident in what you can offer. It's not enough to just know what you're doing now but you must also think about what's to be expected in the coming phase.
Allowing different flows of users
Based on the type of business you're working with the design may differ. For example working with an experienced Video Data Annotation  firm, such as GTS is a different experience from working with engineers or data scientists who would like to utilize their software.
Different stakeholders are attracted to certain characteristics of a tool. The ability to design an application that is utilized by a variety of stakeholders is the thing that sets a data-tooling firm apart from other companies that cannot or won't use enterprise-grade clients.
From Data Annotators to Data Developers
Avi explains his thought process on how data analysts will move to a job that involves data development. Much like software developers data developers could end up creating pipelines due to the same level of knowledge of data.
The next stage in the field of deep-learning. Data developers will become the key players over the next three to five years.
Moving forward with high-quality AI Training Data
In the case of creating quality AI learning data utilizing an experienced and reliable company for data annotation is an ideal initial step. As a leading company in GTS, the company is a company that combines the latest technology, talents and methodologies to offer quality data with precision to the level of production needed.
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insideusnet · 2 years
Biden commits to protect Nevada sacred tribal lands as administration moves forward with new national monument | CNN Politics : Inside US
Biden commits to protect Nevada sacred tribal lands as administration moves forward with new national monument | CNN Politics : Inside US
CNN  —  President Joe Biden on Wednesday committed to protecting Spirit Mountain and the surrounding area in Nevada, a sacred site for the Fort Mojave and other Native American tribal nations. Biden’s announcement during Wednesday’s White House Tribal Nations Summit is part of an ongoing process to designate the site as a new national monument, known as the Avi Kwa Ame National Monument,…
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