#avoid drinking water
burnt-coffeepot · 10 months
me when i refuse to acknowledge i could be ill and i do all th things you shouldnt do whilw ill
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putting my prediction on record now that the coming decade is going to see the rise of viral-marketed fancy at-home water filtration systems, driving and driven by a drastic reduction in the quality of U.S. tap water (given that we are in a 'replacement era' where our current infrastructure is reaching the end of its lifespan--but isn't being replaced). also guessing that by the 2030s access to drinkable tap water will be a mainstream class issue, with low-income & unstably housed people increasingly forced to rely on expensive bottled water when they can't afford the up-front cost of at-home filtration--and with this being portrayed in media as a "moral failing" and short-sighted "choice," rather than a basic failure of our political & economic systems. really hope i'm just being alarmist, but plenty of this already happens in other countries, and the U.S. is in a state of decline, so. here's praying this post ages into irrelevance. timestamped April 2023
#apollo don't fucking touch this one#serious post#not a shitpost#hope i forget about this post and have no reason to ever look back on it one day#fyi i'm aware that access to potable water is already a major issue in parts of the U.S. yes i know flint michigan exists#i'm saying that this issue is going to GROW unless local & federal governments work together to fix it.#so it's a matter of if we trust them to fix it. And well--do you?#what are the chances the government just denies there's a problem until the water actually turns brown#at which point it's already been common knowledge for years and people have just become resigned and that's our new normal#i'm mean come on. how many of us already believe that we're being exposed to dangerous pollutants we don't know about and can't avoid#like that's pretty much just part of being a modern consumer. accepting that companies will happily endanger your life for a few pennies#and the most you'll get is like a $50 gift card as part of a class action rebate 20 years down the line#probably the history books will look back on Flint as a warning and a harbinger that went ignored#luxury condos will advertise their built-in top-of-the-line filtration systems--live here and you can drink water straight from your tap!#watch the elite professional class putting $700 dyson water filtration systems on their wedding registry#while the rest of us figure out how to fit water delivery into our grocery budget while putting 90% of our paycheck towards rent#also eggs are $15
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It’s wonderful to see you around again! I’m assuming this means you’re getting better?
Slowly ye :D I have the stuff doctor recommended to help with the sick, and I’ve been holding down more food recently. I’m still very hungry but because of how bad things were for a few days I gotta take it slow with how much I eat at a time TwT am definitely getting my energy back though :D
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spookythesillyfella · 5 months
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silly little brebby . silly little song :3
★ song : " colorbars " - Ghost and Pals
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kimquatz · 7 months
do you have any seadweller headcanons? : ]
I do!! SO many, in fact.
I'll say, one of my fave headcanons is that I LOVE the idea that, since it seems kind of implied seadwellers are not on the surface that often, all the violetbloods essentially live in their own underwater city and they just have a COMPLETELY different world goin' on down there. They're so divorced from surface world shenanigans, they essentially have this whole different culture, interpersonal dynamics, etc. goin' on it's just so far removed from what any of the surface trolls are dealing with LMFAO.
Funny enough, i think a majority of it would just be "first-world problems" kinda stuff.... if you've ever watched "Selling Sunset" I feel like it'd be just like that ASLKDJSA
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tbsviovixx · 2 months
Virtual hugs from nexus
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cthulhusstepmom · 1 year
As promised here's a quick guide to the Fae lore I'm using in my Fae!Soap au, most of it is based on some folklore somewhere but there are parts that are exclusively my invention which I'll specify.
The fae are essentially immortal creatures that can split their time between our world and the Other World.
Things that repel fairies: wearing an article of clothing inside out, salt circles, some talismans, horseshoes(if the fae is of the Unseelie Court or has ill intent to your person), tying knots in your hair, etc
Some things depend on the type of Fae(regional differences, what court of Fae they are, where they stand in the hierarchy): most fae are repelled by bread but Scottish fairies love the stuff and accept it as preferred offerings, bells will chase off members of the Unseelie court as well as any Fae that harbors ill intentions towards you (Seelie fae will sometimes wear bells), compliments and gifts have a 50/50 chance of being an effective repellent.
They are beholden to the laws of hospitality, names, invitations etc
Never ever accept a gift from a fae as it is an invitation into your space and they will take full advantage of it.
Iron, specifically in a shape of significance, will protect you from the powers of the Fae and will repel their touch.
Unless I specifically strike it down it's pretty much all folklore accurate
From here down is all my own lore that I've made.
Now gifts in this universe, this little bit is entirely my own thing. (I didn't find much folklore about people wanting to bone the Good Neighbors beyond the occasional pretty boy stolen by a fairie queen). Gifts can be taken by the fae in question one of these ways: they'll find offense in it and leave you alone, they'll accept it as an offering and stick around(mostly in actual folklore this applies to Brownies in Scottish and Irish tradition), or (in specifically Soap's case because I don't think any other member of the Fae would ever allow a human to court them and homeboy is down bad) they'll take it as a courting gesture.
Fae courting is a rather understated affair, a gift is given and amiably received and then they're officially an item. It is highly unusual for most of the Fae to be monogamous and they'll usually drift from partner to partner during their long lives. It is somewhat more common for stricter monogamy to be observed among royalty and they'll more often choose one partner for life.
When Fae mate they essentially have a ton of sex and release magical energy into the world at large, this magic will latch onto a plant and develop the plant spirit into an autonomous fae spirit over time in a pseudo-gestational period. When the spirit of the new fae has fully matured, the magical energy that has been stored within the plant converts into their body and they are born as a functioning, if like basically a baby in most ways, adult. These new fae are sheltered in the Otherworld for the first several hundred years of their existence.
While they don't really die of old age or sickness there are a few things that can kill and injure them. Direct contact with Iron, severe physical wounds(getting shot in vital areas or having limbs removed), Bleach and some other chemicals, etc.
They are omnivores however they cannot process grains, preservatives, or cooked meat very well. They are immune to natural toxins though there are a few herbs that they find distasteful and avoid.
These are some of the major tenets and mainly just my specific lore, there's definitely more and if anyone has specific questions just shoot me an ask or a comment and I'll get you.
The reason the subtext is weird is because I completely made that part up lol
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probably tmi but its so fucking hot, and sometimes i just wanna go outside with those cute little spaghetti strap tops. But i always forget i got massive badon-badonkers, and those shits end up being basically another bra
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maebymine · 5 months
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kedreeva · 2 years
Steve and Eddie reunite 15 years later. mood: bittersweet. >:)
(My askbox is open for ST prompts!)(Previous Prompts)
You think you're real stinking cute huh
Eddie nervously attaches the sticker with his name on it to his chest. He'd kind of expected they could write their own, but someone had already filled them all out with the approved guest list. Something to keep their hands busy, maybe. He regrets not bringing his own. He kind of regrets coming here at all, except that he's already here, and it would feel worse to run, bring up even more bad memories.
So he doesn't. He sticks his hello my name is sticker to his shirt and he strides into the school gym, and he holds his head up like he practiced. He notices the stares he promised himself he wouldn't, but he ignores them like he promised himself he would, and that's enough for now. That's enough bravery to count.
Nancy is already by the punch on the long refreshment table. She's got a bottle of water in her hands and her eyes meet his across the room, and she nods. She's not there to have any- she's there to guard the bowl. She's there to make sure people only take things out, not put things in. He sidles over between groups of chatting folks, and comes to a stop beside her.
"Wheeler," he greets.
"Munson. I didn't think you'd actually show."
He shrugs, one shouldered. "You either, hotshot."
Even in the low light he catches the pink in her ears. He hasn't seen her in a few years, not since she rabbited off to New York for her big reporting gig, and he'd finally caught a break, moved away from Hawkins. He still calls sometimes, leaves messages for her to let her know how things are, and she leaves the same kinds of messages for him. It's hard to talk, when he doesn't know what to say. It's harder not to talk, when there are so few who understand, when he knows how much they all need each other.
"It's been enough time," she says, smiling in her quiet way. "I guess I wanted to see if the scars were still here. Make sure they're still healing."
Eddie nods, knows the feeling. It's not about the healing, not entirely; it's about the festering. It's about making sure the infection stays gone, that it hasn't come back. That they did save the world, save this town, and that it stays saved. That no other children have to go through what they go through.
"Have you... seen anyone else yet?" she asks, attention turning to the group approaching her punch bowl. "Is he...?"
He shakes his head. If Steve's here, he hasn't found Eddie yet. "You?"
She nods in indication, and Eddie twists to see Robin across the room, hands around a red solo cup of punch, leaning close to a woman Eddie doesn't recognize. He wonders what happened to Rachel; the last new year's letter from Robin - a staged photo of her in a terrible sweater beside her girlfriend in an equally terrible sweater - he'd hung on the fridge so he'd remember her face. In vain, it appears.
"Jonathan's around somewhere," she adds, doling out punch still. "I think he was taking Argyle on a tour."
Eddie isn't sure if that means an actual tour, or a tour to someplace quiet to make out- it's hard to tell with Argyle. He'd love either option. Maybe it's both. Eddie smiles.
"How long are you in town?" he asks, accepting a cup of punch from her. She'd made one too many for the group moving away, or maybe she'd just made one for him on autopilot. It's not bad, a bit zingy.
"A few days." She picks up her own drink like a shield. "Visiting my family. Mike's back for the weekend, too, if you want to see him. He heard we were all coming back for the reunion and planned for it."
"Oh," Eddie manages. He'd expected to see Nancy and Robin, and even Jonathan and Argyle a little, but not- "Any of the others?"
Nancy shrugs, but there's an apology in it. "I only found out a couple hours ago that Mike was coming in."
Eddie nods, smiles. He opens one arm and she skirts the table to hug him, both of them careful of their drinks. She's as small as she ever was, and just as big. It feels like hugging sunlight, of touching the only good memories of this place. He kisses the top of her head because he can, because it's been so long since he got to, and lets her go.
"You should talk to Robin," she tells him as she returns to guard duty. He's pretty sure she's not even actually part of the volunteering group.
He nods, holds up his glass in thanks, and ambles back into the crowd. It's a few years worth of graduates; the devastation of the Upside Down the year he'd graduated had left very few of his classmates alive, and the lowerclassmen, either. Their years had been grouped, to even make the event worthwhile- one more healing scar in Hawkins, he supposes.
Robin sees him before he can get to her, and she practically launches herself at him from several feet away. He catches her, because there's no other choice, and lets the momentum of her hug spin them part way around. She squeezes almost tight enough to wind him, and smooches both his cheeks loudly.
"Can't believe you made it!" she exclaims gleefully. "I thought for sure you'd have a gig or an interview, or whatever the hell rock stars do these days."
Eddie blushes, the way he always does when friends make a point about his job, and doesn't correct her about the truth of the matter. "And miss a chance to see you?"
"Sweet," Robin tells him, "but I know who you're here for. I haven't seen him yet... Did you...?"
"I don't think he's here yet," Eddie says for the second time.
He's supposed to be, but just like the rest of them, coming back to this place after leaving it... Eddie hears of people saying they're homesick, hears people talk about how some things feel like coming home like that's a good thing. Coming back to Hawkins doesn't feel good. It feels terrifying. It feels like walking on thin ice in the spring, waiting for the drop, the icy chill of another disaster. It isn't a home- it's a pursuit predator, stalking after every step they take no matter where they go, and turning to face it - even for these people, even for the ones who fought side by side through it - is terrifying. He wouldn't blame Steve for skipping it.
He won't, because Steve's never turns away from terrifying things, but Eddie won't blame him if he does this time.
"Who's your friend?" he says, instead, and sees the flash of hurt in Robin's eyes that tells him Rachel hadn't ended well. He twitches a sympathetic smile before she turns away.
"Jessie," Robin calls, and the woman turns, eyes bright at hearing her name. She takes in Eddie, must recognize him, because she excuses herself from the couple she'd been entertaining in Robin's absence, and joins her in front of Eddie.
She holds out a hand, and Eddie even takes it politely; she's new enough not to hug him, then. "You must be Eddie. I've heard a lot about you.
"Ah, it's all true," he says with an open grin, the sort he gives after gigs when he's tired but friendly. The sort Robin clocks immediately and rolls her eyes at, though she doesn't call him on it.
"Even the bad stuff?" Jessie asks, but it's light. The sort of joke that doesn't know what bad stuff even is, and Eddie knows this one won't work either. It never does, not with someone that doesn't know.
"Especially the bad stuff," he says, just as light, and gives a little wink. "I'm sure I could tell you a story or two about Robin, later."
She smiles, looking at Robin like there might be a scandal. There's not, at least not one Eddie can actually tell her, but they'd had a few easier years after high school. They'd had a few good times, to sweeten the bad stuff. The road trip they'd all taken together around the US in '87, living in one another's pockets and getting into trouble, has a few good tales tucked into it.
Robin smiles back, and then tucks her drink into Jessie's free hand as if something's caught fire, and Eddie turns just in time to see him before Robin shouts over the crowd: "STEVE!"
He's standing at the entrance, sticking his little name tag where it used to sit at Family Video, and he looks up at the sound of her voice. Eddie sees his glance flick sideways, clocking Eddie, before he breaks into a broad smile for Robin and hurries to meet her in the middle. She pounces him worse than she'd pounced Eddie, and Steve catches her even more surely, still more than strong enough to hold her up, keep her feet off the ground entirely as he squeezes right back.
She laughs as he sets her down, and together they walk back to Eddie and Jessica. Eddie watches Steve glance over Jessica, come to the same conclusions as Eddie, and smile politely. She doesn't offer her hand to him, and he doesn't offer his, too busy looking at Eddie. Robin murmurs something to Jessie, who nods and leaves them, heading for the punch table.
"You came," Steve says, like he's actually surprised.
"You, too."
"Almost didn't." Steve shakes his head and looks around like an indication. "Coming back here..."
Eddie nods. "What changed your mind?"
"Dustin," Steve said, smile a little helpless even after all this time. "Said we couldn't hang out until I hung out with the rest of you."
"Maybe they made a pact," comes a familiar voice from behind Eddie, and he opens their small circle to include Nancy as she joins them. He glances over, sees Jessie is manning the guard post now. "Mike said the same thing to me. Pretty sure Will sent Jonathan."
"Am I the only one who wanted to come just to see all of you?" Robin quips, but her smile is genuine, and a little bit of a relief to see.
"We wanted to see you, Rob," Steve says, exasperated. "It's just..."
"We got away," Eddie says. "It wasn't all in one piece, but we all got away alive. Hard to come back when that almost wasn't the case."
She nods, looks down. "I know. But, there was good, too, wasn't there? We all found each other."
Steve takes her hand and squeezes gently, smiles over at Eddie and Nancy. "Yeah, we did. One good thing to come out of this place."
They stand quietly, palms on the open wounds of their shared past. Eddie's always appreciated visiting with the others here or there, the reminder that he hadn't imagined all of it. The scars are a strong reminder, but not a good one, not one he wants. But this? This he could do forever, even if it always leaves an ache in his chest, seeing even one of them. It's been fifteen years since they'd all last gathered in the same place. Too long.
"We should grab Jon and Argyle," he says, almost an impulse, definitely a desire. "Ditch school and grab dinner out together, like old times."
Nancy smiles, glancing between Steve and Eddie, and then holds out a hand to Robin. "I have an idea where the boys are. Come help?"
Robin takes her hand too quickly, and Eddie has to hide a smile. Still a thing, then. He nods his thanks to Nancy, and watches as they sneak off to the areas of the school they're not supposed to be in. Eddie laughs softly, runs a hand through his hair, and leans toward Steve.
"Maybe this time it'll take?"
Steve snorts, and nudges at Eddie's arm. "Robin won't go to New York, and Nance won't leave it."
"Ah, well," Eddie laments. He's not as convinced, but Steve knows Robin better than anyone.
Steve looks over at him, a fond smile on his face. "Look at you. You really are a hopeless romantic."
Eddie glances around, but they're off to the side, out of the way, out from under the lights. There's no one here that would look twice at them that hasn't already, so Eddie leans in close and murmurs quietly: "And whose fault is that?"
Steve turns his head enough to kiss the blush on Eddie's cheek, and gives him a wink as he puts his hands in his own pockets. "Pretty sure you were a sap way before you married me. Tried to set me up with Nancy because you thought-"
"Okay, okay, enough," Eddie laughs, shoving at him. "Flight was okay, though?"
"Yeah," Steve agrees. "Checked into the hotel. Big enough to take everyone back to, if we want to hang out."
Eddie nodded. He'd booked a suite, just on the hope they could all stay at least one night together. "They'll come," he says. "They miss us just as much as we miss them."
Steve smiles, not quite as bright as Eddie's used to, but better than Eddie had thought he'd get here. "I know. Let's go find them."
He holds out his hand, the gold band on it glinting in the shifting glow of the reunion lighting, and Eddie takes it with a smile. Together, they sneak off into the darkness to join their friends.
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indig0trolls · 13 hours
i was about to sit down and try to work for real for the first time since monday and then
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take care <3
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lynnbutlertron · 1 year
I'm v drunk right now but I feel that mr b might lije scudworth but he doesn't like to show it- do u have any headcanons or thoughts about them
SO TRUE ANON i also tend to think about scudlertron while drunk. Hope you are safe and well atm… but let me throw some Thoughts at you. Thank you for asking me because i indeed have many thoughts…… so many. Too many. Trying to stay in theme with “mr b doesn’t like to show it” but i may go off track, apologies…
I have so many more general thoughts than this, but it’s quite a lot so i’ll put it under a readmore… i am so sorry i’m not the best at articulating my ideas, hope this is good….
-> scud and lynn are literally married but for these i’m thinking more mr b having a crush on him
-> since mr b doesn’t have hands, a mouth, etc, he would much rather show affection in other ways that don’t include having them (like kissing) . so like, i have the headcanon he loves to bake and will absolutely show his affection via baking. scudworth has no idea how much time and effort lynn puts into his bakes, how much time he spends thinking up new recipes playing on ingredients he knows scudworth likes. He is very talented and he will come up with some of the most intricate beautiful designs and scud will just wharf them and be like Thanks bee!!! You outdid yourself on those!!! and that’s enough for him.
-> This idea absolutely kills me- mr b is a robot and as a result is able to basically hide all of his attraction + his big fat crush on scudworth since he knows how to act normal (most of the time.) BUT… he cannot deny that when scudworth gets close to him, holds him, etc, he heats up like fuckin crazy (like hot to the touch) and you can hear the fans inside him trying to cool himself down (sounds like my computer when i try to play minecraft with shaders on) so scudworth could pick him up and give him a hug and b would be able to act completely normal aside from being *weirdly warm* and there being a quiet whirr from within him.
-> scudworth (i have the hc that he made him) knows this is weird and is observant enough to realise what’s going on to some extent, so i feel like he would tease him about it at one point. Which would just make him even more hot. Leave the poor robot alone he could explode at that rate.
-> After the scangrade fight (and all of the times mr bs become roughed up in season 2, which is a lot) he needs repairs, scudworth is happy to do it as he knows how, but if we’re talking about mr b having a huge crush on him, i feel like he would get so hot it would be basically impossible to touch him without hurting your hands, even with dish gloves on… I feel like in the end scudworth would have to turn mr b off (which is like the worst thing ever for the both of them) in order to repair him because he’s just squirmy and hot and he would definitely complain a lot and try and pretend nothing is wrong. And maybe it’s at that point scudworth realises there��s absolutely nothing wrong with his circuits, his fans, all the physical stuff, so he knows something is weird in the fact that he keeps getting hot to the touch. I haven’t decided if he’s smart enough to realise it’s because lynn has a huge crush on him though fhdh
-> random but the thought that mr b has seen every single side of scudworth- him at home, late at night on the couch watching fucking Jay Leno, him without his gloves, him being upset (different to the meltdown we saw in season 1) - and he’s just Fascinated with him. He feels all weird and fuzzy at the thought of being the only person trusted enough to see the different sides of him, as a result he tries to be as supportive as possible whenever he can at home. scudworth really does trust lynn and wouldn’t have it any other way ..
-> i feel like scud isn’t nearly as solitary as he appears to be- at home, he enjoys lynn’s company and asks him to watch leno with him… (scud puts it under the premise that lynn needs to make notes on all the jokes he comes up with, so he can send them to leno) but they end up kinda just snuggled into eachother. Scudworth enjoys all the heat mr b gives off like a big old radiator, and mr b is just sitting there trying to stop his circuits from frying because of how worked up he is from all the affection fhshfhd!!!
man they are everything to me. Thank you for letting me talk about them, i hope this makes sense to some extent shfhdh!!
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awakenthebeing · 1 year
that D result screen, goddamn
you’ve mentioned that the subtitles with the rating are her inner thoughts, so now i’m just imagining them looking like That and hissing out those words
trying SO hard to be patient w/ you. bless
Like. She's a gentle and kind creacher. She recognizes that not everyone is good at something first try, so she makes an effort to sound supporting! However, it's body language does NOT convey calm and they are very much about to like. Strangle something(not you though).
Piepoe very much recognizes the person who plays as the creacher that allows them to progress, and that they are something living just as he is. So he must treat them with the same amount of respect any other creacher deserves!
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 10 months
I folded laundry fresh outta the dryer tonight!!! I had folded a couple of big shirts for myself, but then got into A Zone because ADHD. If I walked away or sat down, the folding wouldn't happen. Seeing as I just had dinner and won't be able to lay down comfortably*, I opted for just folding laundry.
Two big loads, another in the dryer, and one more that needs drying.
My ADHD let me fold laundry. Just...wow. Folks with ADHD will know how amazing this is.
Now it's late, and I get up early**, so time for sleep. I hope I can fold the last loads tomorrow. That would be fucking impressive.
#chaosfay talks#*I have GERD and can't take meds for it. the meds do something that makes my seizure medicine not work. the seizure med#comes out more or less looking the same as it did when i took the med. this means my body wasn't doing anything with the pills. i was#basically getting no seizure meds at all. i was on the GERD med for a week before i said fuck this i don't wanna die. any other med that#treats it will likely have the same effect. plus the diarrhea was very unpleasant. i trained myself to sleep on my left side and back to#keep the heartburn from happening and fucking with my asthma. if you have heartburn and find yourself coughing a lot#especially when you lay down the coughing is caused by your stomach acid getting into your trachea/windpipe. this is very bad.#laying on the left pinches the stomach closed. avoid laying on your right especially if you have a full belly. i've found it also helps to#go for a walk to do some upright physical activity to help with digestion and reduce trapped gas. if my heartburn is especially bad i drink#sodium bicarbonate in water (recipe is on the baking soda box) and my dr gave me the okay for it. it's basically baking soda poured into#vinegar but less violent and consideable burping. never do this with a full stomach because it can really fuck you up.#**i accidentally took my seizure med in the morning because i kept reminding myself to take my vitamins and my brain went into#autopilot and i grabbed the wrong med. rather than correct this i opted to get up early. my med requires i have food in my belly and#that means i must eat. sooooo i get up at around 8AM. i'm starting ADHD med soon (#my insurance refused to cover the first med my dr)#my adhd med has to be taken in thr morning and again at mid-day so again i need to get up early. my dr suggested i have nothing to eat#because citric acid/vitamin c cancels out adhd meds. so empty belly for an hour before and an hour after. 8AM and then around noon.
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myfluorescentgods · 28 days
amusement parks when you’re a kid: FUCK yes this is the best day of my life I’m having so much fun I’m gonna ride every ride and spend all day in an adrenaline high
amusement parks when you’re over 25: I can have little a head trauma, as a treat
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