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@ponyoisms // Supernatural 4x18 - "The Monster at the End of This Book" // quote by Julian K. Jarboe // Pomegranate Jews, by Esther Rosen // "Closer to Fine" by the Indigo Girls // poem by Yehuda Amichai (taken from the "Mishkan T'filah for Travelers: A Reform Siddur") // "Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch" by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchet // "Cleopatra and Frankenstein" by Coco Mellors // "The Naval Treaty" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle // photo of La Piccola Gerusalemme, taken by my parents // "JEWISH LESBIANS" Gay Freedom Day Parade, San Francisco, California c. 1978 // "The Two Towers" directed by Peter Jackson // YEHUDIT, by Pinchas EL Segal // Mi Chamochah (taken from the "Mishkan T'filah for Travelers: A Reform Siddur") // Supernatural 8x16 - "Remember the Titans" // Supernatural 5x14 - "My Bloody Valentine" // Fantasy High 1x17 - "Prompocalypse Pt. 2" // "Seven Brief Lessons on Physics" by Carlo Rovelli // "K.-4-1976," by Peter Krasnow // "The Death of Adam: Essays on Modern Thought" by Marilynne Robinson // Pirkei Avot, quote by Rabbi Tarfon // Jacob Wrestling With The Angel, by Ephraim Moses Lilien // photo of Judaica from La Piccola Gerusalemme, taken by my parents // "The Fellowship of the Ring" by J.R.R. Tolkein // Supernatural 6x15 - "Live Free or Twihard" // Kneading Dough, by Katherine Hartel // Neverafter 1x17 - "The Last Wish" // Mirjam, by Ephraim Moses Lilien // "Rosh Hashanah Postcards." Hidden Treasures: Celebrating Jewish Archives in Britain
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anonymousdandelion · 1 year
What happens when an angel and a demon sit down to study Pirkei Avot (Ethics of Our Fathers)?
...Presenting the first in what will hopefully become a series of works about Little Ash and Uriel learning together! This story is set at the very beginning of their partnership, shortly after the events in Rabbi Yisroel's Demon.
Acquire for Thyself a Friend
(Rated G, about 1200 words.)
“Nittai the Arbeli says,” Little Ash read out loud, “keep a distance from an evil neighbor, and do not become attached to the wicked—” He broke off. “Did you hear that? ‘Evil neighbor’ — that’s talking about me, obviously. I’m a neighbor and I’m wicked. And see, Nittai here says you should stay away from me.” The angel, sitting with its tallis-wrapped shoulder pressed close against Little Ash’s, was evidently doing a very poor job indeed of maintaining distance. It looked thoughtfully at the text, then back to Little Ash. “I don’t think so,” the angel currently named Debate said, in the polite way that Little Ash had already learned was a sign that a complete and utter refutation was imminent.
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go-redgirl · 4 years
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By Lawrence Kadish Wednesday, 05 August 2020 02:29 PM Current 
| Bio | Archive Lawrence Kadish is a nation wide developer and investor in commercial and industrial real estate. In the arena of foreign policy Mr. Kadish is on the Board of Governors of Gatestone Institute, has served as a senior advisor to Americans for Victory Over Terrorism (AVOT), and is a founding chairman of the Committee for Security and Peace in the Middle East. Mr. Kadish has also been a sponsor of strategic analysis of terrorism that cautioned on the eve of September 11th that radical Islamic fundamentalism was threatening our nation. He has served as a prior delegate to National Republican Conventions.  He is founder and president of the Museum of American Armor, recognized as a dynamic tribute to our American veterans and a compelling education center.
'Democratic' Party Should Change Name to Reflect a Toxic Ideology
If the meat packing industry is required to offer full disclosure about what goes into sausages why isn’t the Democratic Party held to the same standards?
In the interest of full disclosure, the "Democratic National Committee" needs to rename itself as the DMC or Democratic Marxist Committee for they have become a toxic mix of Marxist ideology, anti-Semitism, class warfare, contempt for capitalism, and disdain for the principles upon which this nation was founded.
Let’s acknowledge that the Democratic Party of JFK, LBJ and even the hapless Jimmy Carter is no more. It has been abducted by a radical left-wing progressive movement that is destroying the party from within.
It is, essentially, a Marxist agenda demonizing successful businessmen and women, job creating corporations, and a strong America.
It's as corrosive as acid to our national fabric and lethal as cancer to our political soul.
Rebranding a party that is already unrecognizable would simply be acknowledging an established fact. Of greater significance, it would allow the American voter to fully appreciate what's at stake in this November’s presidential election.
Every citizen needs to make a decision that separates the personalities from the underlying politics that will determine the future of our nation. The voter needs to recognize that Bernie Sanders and his congressional sleeper-cell have already transformed the Democratic Party into their own image.
Need proof?
"Democratic" House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has endorsed the Jew baiting anti-Semite Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., (part of Bernie’s congressional shock troops known as The Squad) in a contested Democratic primary slated for for Aug. 11.
Obviously Pelosi senses there is already political blood in the water and she doesn’t want it to be hers as well even if it means throwing her Jewish supporters over the side.
She knows the party she represents isn’t the one she joined decades ago and has made the decision that staying in power overrules principles.
The nation now needs to collectively acknowledge the enormous threat this chilling transformation of the former Democratic Party means to our shared future.
It reveals that the stakes are far higher than an election between opposing presidential candidates. It will determine whether the America we cherish will wither under masquerading Marxists or whether it will be able to remain vibrant and strong, able to confront a world of civilization destroyers.
That’s why it’s time for the DNC to tell the American voter what it really is.
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sethshead · 3 years
It's become fashionable in internet and activist circles to fixate superficially on the phrase "tikun olam," deprived of context literary, historical, and cultural. Those words have become a fetish object, separated from their Jewish roots. It has inspired an idealization of a Jewishness reinvented from whole cloth according to the fantasies, the interests and proclivities of the otherwise ignorant individual. People with no other connections to Judaism, who have fulfilled no formal initiation requirements, have taken to identifying as converts because they feel "tikun olam" ought to be the sum total of a newly universalist and bastardized Judaism they now want to redefine and lead.
So when I see someone return to that value (and it is a Jewish value, albeit among many others) through the texts that formulated it, not excerpted and cherry-picked but an archival tome, it gives me hope that we, at least, can repair ourselves.
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