#avtorskaya pesnya
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Кони привередливые [Fastidious Steeds] • Она была в Париже [She's Been to Paris] • 07 [07 (Trunk Line)] • Дом хрустальный [Crystal House] • Скалолазка [Peak Mountaineer] • Здесь лапы у елей дрожат на ветру [Here Paws of Fir-Trees Are Shivering] • Ещё не вечер [It's Not Evening Yet] • В холода, в холода... [In a Cold Weather] • Москва - Одесса [Moscow-Odessa] • Вариации на цыганскую тему / Цыганочка [Variations on Gypsy Themes] • Мы вращаем землю [That's Us That Make the Earth Go Round] • Чёрные бушлаты [Black Pea-Jackets] • Як - истребитель [Yak Fighter Plane] • Ну вот, исчезла дрожь в руках [Well, My Hands' Quivering Has Disappeared] • Марш шахтёров [March of the Miners] • Корабли [The Ships Ride and Then Set Course] • Песенка о переселении душ [Song About Transmigration of Souls] • Песенка ни про что, или Что случилось в Африке [Song About Nothing, Or What Has Happened in Africa] • Утренняя гимнастика [Morning Exercises] • Белое безмолвие [White Silence]
Submitter's Note: It's hard to find the full album on the internet especially youtube but I think it's fully available on spotify
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zhanteimi · 2 years
Vladimir Vissotski – Le vol arrêté
Vladimir Vissotski – Le vol arrêté
Russia, 1981, avtorskaya pesnya A giant influence in Russian culture that inevitably spread around the world, not only due to his foreign connections but the compelling way in which he delivers his songs, growled tunes of controlled acoustic chaos. Take the songwriting influence of Jacques Brel, the political and social criticism of Bob Dylan, and the vocals of Louis Armstrong, and you get the…
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zhanteimi · 2 years
Владимир Высоцкий [Vladimir Vysotsky] – Натянутый канат
Владимир Высоцкий [Vladimir Vysotsky] – Натянутый канат
Russia, 1977, avtorskaya pesnya / Russian chanson One of my favorite genres of music is grizzled Russian men with accordions really meaning what they’re singing. Even if I don’t understand it, damn, it’s clear they’re passionate and confident about what they’re chanting/singing. Throw in a splash of cabaret, and I’m lost. Take me to the theater. No. Take me to the circus! Bark at me in Russian;…
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zhanteimi · 2 years
Вера Матвеева [Vera Matveeva] – ...И стану я рекой
Вера Матвеева [Vera Matveeva] – …И стану я рекой
Russia, 1989, avtorskaya pesnya A lonely, expressive voice accompanied only by a single guitar, singing Matveeva’s pastoral poetry with such elegant passion. A true bard whose music transcends language, though if you check lyrics, you’ll find she sings a range of elemental themes, and from rain to dark night, from icicles to palm branches. The seasons play a large role in her poetry, too,…
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zhanteimi · 2 years
Vytautas Kernagis – Vytautas Kernagis
Vytautas Kernagis – Vytautas Kernagis
Lithuania, 1978, contemporary folk / avtorskaya pesnya Exquisite, intimate sung-poetry, the lyrics coming straight from the writings of Lithuanian poets. Amazing how one moment Kernagis can just be sweetly sing-chanting, in his attractive, deep voice, and then go into a full declamation of the message he’s conveying. This recording kind of reminds me of what Fabrizio De André does in his own…
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