#awful deliveries in FEH; as I mentioned before with Todd Haberkorn and Antony Del Rio
childofaura · 1 year
Any thoughts you have on Wendee Lee?
She did Veronica, Lyn, Sophia and the new voice for Emmeryn (replacing Erin Fitzgerald).
Outside of it, she’s Athena from Ace Attorney and Melony in Pokèmon Masters EX
So fun fact, a couple of hours ago I was LITERALLY 95% done typing the review to this ask... and then Tumblr deleted ALL of it after I switched from one tab to another on my phone.
This is partially why I usually try to answer these on my computer. ;w;
BUT ANYWAYS, let's see if I can't rebuild what I mostly typed up.
Ok so... I LIKE Wendee Lee. But when it comes to FEH, I have some issues with her work in FEH. 50% of it isn't her, honestly; it's being cast as characters who are pretty similar in energy, so I get that it's hard to differentiate. I like some of her work outside of FEH, I haven't been able to play it (RIP) but from the clips I've seen, I enjoyed her role as Trish from DMC 5.
I'll try to break it down a bit. Wendee Lee plays Veronica, Lyn, Maria, Sophia, and now plays Emmeryn.
So performance is... all right. But sometimes it feels like her line deliveries are repetitive. Especially her lines as Emmeryn, two of them start off as "I am" and I swore I thought they were the same line until the rest of the audio played out. But Veronica, Sofia, and Emmeryn are very dead-pan in their delivery; I get it, Veronica is supposed to be disconnected. It's just that if you mixed their audio lines and asked me to guess who's speaking which line, I wouldn't be able to tell you because their deliveries sound so similar. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt in that it's the notoriously inconsistent voice directing that happens in FEH, but that's only a part of it. I will say though that with Maria and Lyn, their deliveries are a little more up-beat at the least, and I think Easter Maria's line where she gushes about her outfit is cute. And I DO like Brave Veronica's "There, there", like she's trying to be a good ally to the Order, but she's super awkward about it. Part of the issues though, at least with Lyn and Emmeryn, is that I tend to lean more towards what I've initially heard with them, Awakening with Emmeryn and Smash Bros with Lyn. I know Lyn's supposed to be a teenager and that Smash Bros voice was probably WAY too mature, but if Wendee could have compromised a little by leaning into her Trish voice, I could see that working out better for the performance.
I do think she fits everyone she played, though I also remember your ask with Lizzie Freeman, and I still stand by that she would have been a better fit for Veronica. But Wendee's not a BAD choice for Veronica, just... not the best when you hear Thrasir.
I have to be honest, there's not a whole lot of range going on with Wendee's characters. She's kind of got the Greg Chun issue where all her performances sound the same. Again, part of that I blame on the voice directing for not catching that and just going "Yeah that's good" instead of having her switch it up a bit, but that reasoning only goes so far.
I hate doing this, but for Wendee I'd have to give her a 7/10. Again, outside of FEH her work is stellar and I like it, but I think it's FEH's format that kind of holds her back.
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