#awful hospital query
fluffnugget16 · 19 days
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I was going to draw Query and fell in love NHFGDGGGGHHH i made her too pretty
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dba-query · 6 months
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hihiii this is the owner of this,, thing. did this blog cuz i enjoy rp aaand i enjoy query as well and i think shes pretty underrated in the fandom. Query here uses she/they!! while i use it/its
whenever Query speaks the text will "look like this". Meanwhile, for her actions it will be something like this.
feel free to drop any garbage(and i mean ANY) in the asks!!! UNLESS its nsfw
oc and any other people not involved with illegal stuff is welcome here!!
also, i dont know 100% of AH lore so forgive me for that. And obvs this blog will have some spoilers
thats all :) have fun
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colubrina · 1 year
what does querying mean
Ah! OK. I forget that normal people don't know what this process entails.
So, if you want to be "trad" published (which basically means the kind of published that gets your book into bookstores) you will probably need a literary agent. Some small presses do not require that writers submit books for consideration through an agent, but pretty much every book you've ever heard of went through both a literary agent and a publisher that requires authors use them. So, how do you get a literary agent? You send a very specialized letter called a 'query letter', often with the first few pages of your novel, for them to read and decide if they want to 'represent' it, which means try to sell it for you in exchange for a 15% commission. The query letter I used for the 6th book I queried was this...
Dear [agent],
NO GOOD WITCHES is a 90,000-word YA speculative that will appeal to readers of A Deadly Education and Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. It’s a ‘girl goes evil and gets shit done while awe-stuck boy holds her purse so she can do the murders’ kind of book with popular tropes including found family, female friendship, dark academia, morally grey characters, power corrupts, and a romance where the boy is bad but the girl is worse (you could save him, I could make him worse; we are not the same).
Seventeen-year-old Calla watches the witch burnings on television along with everyone else in the United States. Witches can move things with their minds. They know what people are thinking. They’re terrifying, and dangerous, and the shows are a nationwide reminder that witches will not be tolerated. Her friends have never suspected Calla is one, and she needs to keep it that way. But when she answers a question before it’s asked in a history class, her future goes up in flames. She can read minds. She’s evil. Game over.
Caught and terrified, Calla is surprised when she isn’t dragged to a pyre, but to a hospital where she’s poked and prodded to find out how powerful she is. Turns out, good witches—compliant witches—don’t get sent to the stake. They get trained in hidden schools and sharpened into weapons. Their ability to manipulate matter powers the electrical plants and their mindreading gets used by the diplomatic corp. Calla doesn’t feel like getting burned alive, so she learns everything she can.
Including how she—and her new witch friends—can burn the system down rather than let powerful men exploit their magic.
By the time she’s done, there won’t be a single good witch left.
I was mentored in both the Pitch Wars and Author Mentor Match programs, and I was previously represented but my agent and I have amicably parted ways and this manuscript has never been on submission. I live in Connecticut with cats, my family, and some unhappy plants. I am not a witch.
Thank you,
I sent 69 versions of this query out, 2 of which were referrals (meaning a current client of the agent recommended me)
17 times the agent ghosted my query.
43 times the agent rejected at the query stage
7 times the agent requested more materials. (This is about a 10% request rate and is not great but not terrible either.)
2 times the agent ghosted the requested materials
3 times the agent rejected the additional materials
Once the agent offered me what's called a "revise and resubmit" where she sent some detailed edits I could do and then she would reconsider whether she wanted to rep it. I disagreed pretty strenuously with one of her suggestions (she wanted me to cut the romance) and so I didn't pursue it.
The whole process is tedious and unfun and pretty much necessary if you want your book to be in, say, Barnes and Noble. I do not enjoy it. I am going to do it for the seventh time starting this fall. Maybe I'll do a 'querying diary' the way I do a log of what I've written. That would be fun.
Ask me anything about querying. I am a bona fide expert on this.
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helicrazy · 1 year
Of all the places to offline someone it had to be his least favorite spot. The hospital, where there can be multiple witnesses and guards posted nearly everywhere. The client's failed attempt is what led the target to wind up there in the first place. Now it's a clean-up mission for the teal copter to complete but hey, they're paying for it so he isn't going to complain. At the end of the day, it's still a simple job compared to some others he had.
His visor dims at the busy crowd as he steps into the building, especially towards the front desk area he will not be approaching to keep his presence on the down low as much as possible. Instead, he finds what he needs after purposely bumping into a nurse, and charming his way into getting them to spill which room his 'friend' is currently in. After that, he manages to slip past any security he stumbles upon on his way to the room, keeping to blind spots like he has mesmerized this hospital inside out, and in a way he has.
The Combaticon's rotors flick when he finds the room and quickly glances around to make sure no one is watching when he slides inside. He turns around to see the mech passed out on the medical berth and approaches it. Then picks up the data pad beside them to read about their condition which results in him chuckling.
"Aw. Having the best recharge of your life I see." Vortex places the data pad back down before leaning over the mech, giving a flick to their helm just for fun. "How about I make it permanent for you?" The copter queries while hovering his servo over the mech's throat. His claws slide against the wires and cables, searching for a certain one to snag.
He gets so distracted with his work that he doesn't notice the room has felt chillier.
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
Someone great 💚P20💚
Loki x Divorced! Female Reader
TW: The setting is a hospital and there are mentions of an operation and potentially other medical terms. Also warning Boobs & Bucky 🤮 also angst
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“Y/n, calm down.” Loki spoke reassuringly as you threw your clothes into your bag, wiping tears from your eyes. At a time like this, the last thing you wanted was to be so far away from your baby.
“I can’t calm down!” You exclaimed, glaring at Loki before resuming your desperate packing. As soon as you had gotten off of the phone to Bucky, you were quick to change into some clothes and begin to pack without even so much as drying your hair; you were in a rush.
“Try to breathe okay.” Loki spoke again, hands on your shoulders to ground you as he inhaled and exhaled, prompting you to do the same. You paused for a moment, taking a breath before you broke from his grip and continued to pack. “Look, leave the clothes, I’ll come back for everything okay let’s just get you to the hospital.” He nodded curtly with a small smile as he awaited your response.
“O-okay.” You nodded before Loki began guiding you towards the car. Your legs felt shaky, unsure. Nothing felt real.
One you and Loki were in the car, he began driving as quickly as he could to the hospital whilst you kept trying Bucky’s phone, shouting angrily when your service was low. It was crazy how things could just take a turn. You had gone from lounging about in a jacuzzi with your boyfriend to now rushing to the hospital to see your daughter. You felt nauseous, guilty. You knew something was wrong and yet you still left, you still went away with Loki. Was it a sign that this was wrong, all wrong, that you shouldn’t have gone behind Bucky’s back and slept with Loki, that you were stupid to think you could have it all again, be loved again. You felt awful, consumed with liability. When Loki reached out to squeeze your hand, you pulled it away.
“Buck, what’s going on?” You asked once your call finally went through.
“Y/n—” he answered before the call ended.
“Fuck!” You shouted, the feeling of anger evading you.
“We’re close now anyways.” Loki noted, turning off of the motorway. With your spiralling thoughts and anxiety, you hadn’t realised how long you had been in the car for. Once Loki pulled up outside the busy hospital, he turned your head to face him. “I’ll go park, I’ll be in in a minute okay.” He spoke gently.
“Okay.” You nodded before brushing your lips against his. You didn’t know why.
You practically sprinted through the hospital towards the paediatrics ward in a distressed terror. You felt like you were moving on autopilot, rational thoughts leaving your mind as you pushed passed people, offering a whispered apology as you did so. Crippling thoughts consumed you again. What if this was your fault? Once you finally reached the ward, you went straight towards the reception.
“How can I help y—”
“I’m looking for Olivia Rose Barnes.” You cut the receptionist off, panting as you spoke.
“And you are?” She queried, typing on her keyboard.
“Her mother.” You replied.
“I’m sorry, but I saw her dad with someone else in the—” she began.
“IM Y/N BARNES HER MOTHER! IM THE ONE ON THE EMERGENCY CONTACT LIST, NOT ALEXIS!” You exclaimed, assuming she’s the one Bucky had with her. You began reeling off your contact details too, further proving who you were, unaware of Loki approaching you but stilling as he heard you refer to yourself as y/n Barnes. That’s who you were when you were with James, Mrs Barnes. You were James’s, you had a child with him, that was forever. He felt his heart almost break as he watched James approach you, placing a hand on your shoulder before you turned towards him, burying your head in his chest and freely letting the tears fall that you couldn’t in front of him, the ones that were no doubt begging to fall the whole journey here. He didn’t know what to do. There was something impending about watching the woman you love hugging her ex husband.
“Please come through.” The nurse spoke, interrupting you and Bucky. Lifting your head from his chest, you sniffled as Bucky held your shoulders, trying to calm you.
“Don’t worry y/n, she’ll be—Loki?” He paused, looking over your shoulder to see Loki shifting on his feet.
“Shit.” You whispered, remembering the situation you found yourself in.
“Bro, what are you doing here?” Bucky questioned, stepping towards Loki who blanched.
“Let’s go see Olivia.” You interrupted, standing in front of Bucky.
“Loki, what are you doing here?” He asked again, his head shaking no as if he was piecing together what it was that had happened, exactly what had been going on between you and him.
“I-I.” Loki stuttered, not sure what he should tell Bucky.
“Are you?” Bucky looked down at you before his eyes met Lokis again. There were a few tense moments of silence before you spoke.
“T-this isn’t how I wanted you to find out.”
“You’re. Oh my gosh, you’re seeing someo—you’re seeing him!” Bucky exclaimed angrily before moving past you and charging at Loki. “I’m gonna fucking kill you!”
“Bucky stop!” You shouted, trying to break them apart as the waiting room erupted into a battlefield.
“You’re a fucking dick, you’re fucking my wife!” Bucky continued to yell as he exchanged punches with Loki.
“She’s not your wife!” Loki yelled, landing a blow to Bucky’s abdomen.
“Guys stop!” You clamoured, still trying to break them up as the receptionist called for security. “Stop!” You said again before you were pushed out of the way harshly sending you barrelling to the floor causing Bucky to break apart from Loki as he rushed to your side.
“Y/n—” Loki began.
“Leave!” You ordered.
“Y/n I—”
“I said leave.”
Lokis brow furrowed, lip trembling slightly before he composed himself, nodding his head before departing, pushing past the security who had finally showed up. When they approached you and Bucky, you explained that he was Olivia’s dad and that the fight was over and they luckily let him stay. The two of you headed to the room Olivia was in, asleep with Alexis sitting in the chair next to her bed. Seeing you walk in with Bucky who’s nose was bleeding, she was quick to stand up, allowing you the chair as you sat down, reaching for Olivia’s hand, careful not to wake her. After a while, a doctor came in with forms for you and Bucky to sign as well as an explanation to exactly what was wrong with her. Tomorrow morning she’d undergo a laparoscopy to remove her appendix. He explained the procedure putting you at ease a little.
Considering you were here now, Bucky told Alexis she was free to leave considering how tired she was. He kissed her goodbye before she left. When visiting hours were over, you couldn’t bring yourself to leave the hospital but after some convincing, one of the nurses told you you could both stay in one of the accommodation rooms considering Olivia was under the age of eighteen and was having an operation in the morning. Leaving Olivia, you both headed down to make some coffee ahead of your long night.
“So, you two fucking?” Bucky asked as the machine whirred. You sighed, half expecting this question sooner or later.
“Don’t be so crude.” You huffed.
“Are you?”
“That’s nothing to do with you.” You replied.
“So you are.”
“Yes for fuck sake, we’re fucking.” You whisper shouted, feeling embarrassed when an elderly lady passed you both, looking at you perplexed. “Happy now?” You asked Bucky.
“You could have told me you know.” Was his answer.
“I didn’t feel the need to tell my ex husband that I am sleeping with somebody else.”
“But it’s not just someone else though is it? It’s Loki fucking Laufeyson. Of all people, it had to be my friend.” Bucky tuttted, looking down.
“It wasn’t like that.” You tried to explain.
“Were you fucking before, behind my back?” He demanded, looking at you again.
“No go on, tell me!”
“Bucky sit down.” You ordered, dragging him towards the seating area as he began to raise his voice. “You will not make me feel bad you fucking cheating prick. YOU were the one that cheated in our marriage not me! Not once! I was loyal to you, I loved you. Only you. All I asked in return was—was the same treatment from you. But no! You fuck someone in our bed. Our fucking bed. You’re pathetic. I have spared my own happiness trying to make sure you were alright. You don’t deserve it! You don’t fucking deserve it. I accepted your girlfriend who quite frankly is boring and half your age, I still speak to your family. I still let liv see” you finally paused, taking a deep breath as your lip trembled. “Liv” you started again, tears brimming in the corners of your eyes, guilt consuming you again. “She had been ill the whole week, if only I’d—” You began to cry, Bucky holding you against him as you did so.
“You didn’t know.” He soothed, rubbing circles on your back. “She’ll be fine, it’s a routine procedure okay. It’s common. I’m here y/n, I’ll be here every step of the way for my girls okay.” He cooed, holding you tighter as you cried. He understood, he was the only one who understood what you were going through right now. You remembered when Olivia was first born, he made that same promise, that he’d be there for his girls. He was the only one who could understand the hurt you felt, the fear, the helplessness. He was the only one and he knew you were the only one who shared his emotion right now. You were the only ones who could truly sympathise with one another, truly comfort one another. He understood you and before you knew it, his lips were brushing against your own.
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I guess it’s a good thing bucky knows now? Finally, buckys reaction was this gif 😂 I’m gonna go ahead and apologise because why is Bucky and y/n kissinggggg?!?!!???!?!?,!,!!,!,!,’djdndbdhsnamsieuebebsbdbd
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sarvodayaholiday · 3 months
Unveiling Bali's Must-Visit Gems: A Traveler's Guide
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Embark on your journey hassle-free! For any travel-related query, trust Sarvodaya Holiday. Visit us at www.sarvodayaholiday.com today!
Bali, often hailed as the "Island of the Gods," is a mesmerizing destination that offers a blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and adventure. With its lush landscapes, stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality, Bali beckons travelers from across the globe. If you're planning a trip to this Indonesian paradise, here's a curated list of top places to explore to make your Bali experience truly unforgettable.
1. Ubud: Cultural Heart of Bali
Nestled amidst terraced rice paddies and lush rainforests, Ubud is a haven for art lovers, nature enthusiasts, and spiritual seekers. Explore the town's vibrant markets, where you can shop for handmade crafts, textiles, and intricate artwork. Visit the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary to observe playful macaques in their natural habitat, or rejuvenate your body and soul with a yoga class or traditional Balinese spa treatment.
2. Uluwatu Temple: Cliffside Serenity
Perched on the edge of dramatic cliffs overlooking the Indian Ocean, Uluwatu Temple is renowned for its breathtaking sunset views and traditional Kecak dance performances. Explore the temple grounds, adorned with intricate stone carvings, and witness the mesmerizing sight of the sun sinking below the horizon as the waves crash against the cliffs below.
3. Tanah Lot: Iconic Sea Temple
A symbol of Bali's spiritual heritage, Tanah Lot is a majestic sea temple perched atop a rocky outcrop, surrounded by the shimmering waters of the Indian Ocean. Marvel at the temple's timeless beauty as it appears to float on the horizon, especially during sunset when the sky is painted in hues of orange and gold. Don't forget to explore the surrounding area, where you'll find local markets and cultural performances.
4. Tegallalang Rice Terraces: Picturesque Landscapes
Located just north of Ubud, the Tegallalang Rice Terraces offer a glimpse into Bali's agrarian heritage with their intricate system of stepped rice paddies. Trek through the emerald-green fields, marveling at the stunning vistas and interacting with local farmers as they tend to their crops. Capture postcard-perfect photos of this iconic landscape, which has graced the covers of countless travel magazines.
5. Nusa Penida: Untouched Paradise
Escape the crowds and discover the raw beauty of Nusa Penida, a rugged island located southeast of Bali. With its pristine beaches, towering cliffs, and crystal-clear waters teeming with marine life, Nusa Penida is a paradise for snorkelers, divers, and nature lovers. Visit iconic landmarks such as Kelingking Beach and Angel's Billabong, or embark on a scenic hike to explore hidden waterfalls and secluded coves.
6. Seminyak: Chic Beachside Retreat
Indulge in luxury and relaxation in Seminyak, Bali's upscale beach resort town known for its trendy beach clubs, boutique shops, and world-class dining scene. Lounge on pristine beaches, sip cocktails at stylish beachfront bars, or pamper yourself with a spa day at one of the many luxury resorts. After dark, experience Seminyak's vibrant nightlife with live music, DJ sets, and beach bonfires under the stars.
7. Mount Batur: Sunrise Trekking Adventure
For outdoor enthusiasts seeking adventure, a sunrise trek to the summit of Mount Batur is a must-do experience. Begin your journey in the early hours of the morning, hiking through the darkness to reach the summit in time for sunrise. As the first light of dawn illuminates the landscape, revel in panoramic views of the surrounding mountains, crater lakes, and distant islands—a truly awe-inspiring moment that will stay with you forever.
From the verdant rice terraces of Ubud to the pristine beaches of Nusa Penida, Bali offers a diverse array of experiences that cater to every traveler's preferences. Whether you're seeking cultural immersion, outdoor adventure, or simply relaxation in a tropical paradise, Bali's top attractions promise an unforgettable journey filled with beauty, adventure, and enchantment. So pack your bags, embark on a Bali trip, and prepare to be enchanted by the magic of this timeless island destination.
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Simplify Your Kedarnath Pilgrimage: A Guide to Booking a Stay at Agrabhawan | Kedarnath Hotel Booking | Agrabhawan
Nestled amidst the awe-inspiring Himalayan peaks, Kedarnath holds a special place in the hearts of pilgrims and travelers alike. As you embark on your spiritual journey to this sacred destination, one of the key considerations is finding the perfect accommodation that offers comfort, convenience, and a serene ambiance. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the tranquil retreat of Agrabhawan, a beacon of hospitality in Kedarnath, and provide insights into booking your stay for an unforgettable pilgrimage experience.
Unveiling Agrabhawan: Agrabhawan emerges as a haven of tranquility amid the rugged terrain of Kedarnath. Situated in close proximity to the revered Kedarnath Temple, this humble abode welcomes pilgrims with open arms, offering a blend of warmth, comfort, and spirituality. Whether you're seeking solace after a day of spiritual exploration or a cozy sanctuary amidst the Himalayan wilderness, Agrabhawan promises an enriching stay that rejuvenates the mind, body, and soul.
A Sanctuary of Comfort: Step into the realm of Agrabhawan and immerse yourself in a world of comfort and serenity. The accommodations at Agrabhawan are designed to cater to the diverse needs of pilgrims and travelers, ranging from cozy rooms to dormitories. Each room is thoughtfully furnished, providing a peaceful retreat where you can unwind and recharge amidst the pristine surroundings of Kedarnath. With essential amenities and attentive service, Agrabhawan ensures a hassle-free stay, allowing you to focus on your spiritual journey with peace of mind.
Embracing Spiritual Connectivity: Beyond its physical comforts, Agrabhawan fosters a profound sense of spiritual connectivity that resonates with the ethos of Kedarnath. The ambiance exudes tranquility, inviting guests to immerse themselves in prayer, meditation, and introspection. Whether you choose to marvel at the majestic peaks from the comfort of your room or participate in the evening aarti ceremony, Agrabhawan offers myriad opportunities to deepen your spiritual experience and forge a lasting connection with the divine.
A Culinary Delight: No pilgrimage is complete without savoring the flavors of local cuisine, and Agrabhawan ensures a culinary journey that tantalizes the taste buds. Indulge in wholesome meals prepared with love and care, featuring traditional delicacies that showcase the rich culinary heritage of the region. From piping hot meals to refreshing beverages, every culinary offering at Agrabhawan is crafted to nourish both body and soul, leaving you satiated and content after a day of exploration and devotion.
Exploring the Surroundings: While the primary allure of Kedarnath lies in its spiritual significance, the region also beckons adventurers with its scenic beauty and natural wonders. Agrabhawan serves as an ideal basecamp for exploring the pristine landscapes and embarking on treks to nearby attractions such as Vasuki Tal, Chorabari Tal, and Gandhi Sarovar. Whether you're an avid trekker or a nature enthusiast, Agrabhawan offers a gateway to adventure, allowing you to discover the hidden gems of Kedarnath at your own pace.
Booking Your Stay: Planning your pilgrimage to Kedarnath and securing accommodation at Agrabhawan is a seamless process that can be conveniently done online. Simply visit the official website of Agrabhawan or trusted booking platforms to check availability, browse room options, and make reservations with ease. For those seeking personalized assistance, Agrabhawan's dedicated customer support team is readily available to address any queries or special requests, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free booking experience. contact us: +919897646171.
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The whole family is here
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bhartiyaair2023 · 1 year
Meghalaya Tour Package
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Meghalaya, often referred to as the "Abode of Clouds," is a mesmerizing gem nestled in the northeastern part of India. It is a land of lush greenery, cascading waterfalls, and enchanting caves, making it a paradise for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts. Bhartiya Airways, renowned for its impeccable service and commitment to customer satisfaction, offers an extraordinary Meghalaya Tour Package that combines the best of adventure activities and world-class customer service. Join us on a journey to explore the breathtaking landscapes and unique culture of Meghalaya.
The Meghalaya Tour Package:
Bhartiya Airways has crafted an all-inclusive Meghalaya Tour Package that ensures an unforgettable experience for travelers of all interests. This package not only covers the must-visit destinations but also provides an opportunity to engage in thrilling adventure activities amidst the serene beauty of Meghalaya.
1. Shillong - The Scotland of the East: Your journey begins in Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya. Known as the "Scotland of the East," Shillong welcomes you with its pleasant climate and picturesque surroundings. Bhartiya Airways ensures your comfort and convenience from the moment you step on board, with top-notch in-flight services.
2. Cherrapunji - The Wettest Place on Earth: A visit to Meghalaya is incomplete without experiencing the wonder of Cherrapunji, which holds the record for being the wettest place on Earth. Bhartiya Airways' Meghalaya Tour Package takes you to explore the living root bridges, breathtaking waterfalls, and lush green landscapes of Cherrapunji.
3. Mawsynram - The Rain Capital of the World: Mawsynram, the nearby neighbor to Cherrapunji, is another fascinating destination included in this tour. Known as the "Rain Capital of the World," it offers unique experiences, such as a walk through the awe-inspiring Mawjymbuin Cave and interacting with the warm and hospitable local Khasi people.
4. Dawki - The Crystal-Clear Waters: Meghalaya Tour Package A highlight of the trip is a visit to Dawki, a small border town famous for its crystal-clear waters of the Umngot River. Here, you can enjoy a serene boat ride and even witness the riverbed through the clear waters. Bhartiya Airways ensures that your journey is seamless, from flight bookings to on-ground transportation.
5. Adventure Activities: For the adventure seekers, this tour offers exciting activities such as trekking through dense forests, zip-lining over lush valleys, and caving adventures in the stunning limestone caves of Meghalaya. Bhartiya Airways prioritizes your safety and comfort, making sure you're in the hands of experienced guides and outfitters.
6. Best Customer Service: What sets Bhartiya Airways apart is its unwavering commitment to providing the best customer service in the industry. From booking your tour to ensuring your comfort during the flight, Bhartiya Airways goes above and beyond to make your journey hassle-free and enjoyable. The dedicated customer service team is always ready to assist you with any queries or concerns.
Conclusion: Meghalaya, with its enchanting landscapes and rich cultural heritage, is a destination that should be on every traveler's bucket list. Bhartiya Airways' Meghalaya Tour Package offers the perfect blend of adventure, natural beauty, and exceptional customer service. Embark on this incredible journey to Meghalaya with Bhartiya Airways, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Experience the magic of the "Abode of Clouds" like never before!
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akshita14 · 1 year
Explore the Magical Land of Jaisalmer with Jaisalmer Taxi: Your Gateway to Unforgettable Experiences
When it comes to experiencing the enchanting beauty and rich cultural heritage of India, few places can compare to the majestic city of Jaisalmer. Nestled in the heart of the Thar Desert in the state of Rajasthan, Jaisalmer boasts a mesmerizing blend of ancient forts, ornate temples, and a vibrant local culture that leaves every visitor spellbound. To make the most of your Jaisalmer adventure, there is no better way to navigate the city than with Jaisalmer Taxi, the premier taxi service in jaisalmer that provides a plethora of options to cater to all your travel needs.
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Taxi Service in Jaisalmer: Your Reliable Companion
Traveling in an unfamiliar city can often be overwhelming, but with Jaisalmer Taxi, you can leave all your worries behind. Our reliable and professional taxi service is designed to make your journeys comfortable, safe, and hassle-free. Whether you are arriving at Jaisalmer Railway Station or the nearby airport, our dedicated drivers will be there to greet you with warm hospitality and take you to your desired destination in and around Jaisalmer.
Best Wedding Planner in Jaisalmer: Turning Dreams into Reality
Apart from being a captivating tourist destination, Jaisalmer has emerged as one of the most sought-after wedding venues in India. Its palatial forts, serene sand dunes, and traditional havelis create an idyllic backdrop for a fairytale wedding. At Jaisalmer Taxi, we take pride in not just being a taxi service but also the best wedding planner in Jaisalmer. We understand that a wedding is a momentous occasion, and we go the extra mile to ensure that every detail is taken care of, from transportation to venue arrangements, so that you can enjoy your special day without any worries.
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Jaisalmer is replete with historical marvels that are sure to leave history buffs in awe. Our Jaisalmer Sightseeing Taxi Service is tailored to give you a comprehensive tour of the city's iconic landmarks, including the majestic Jaisalmer Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its intricate architecture and breathtaking views of the city. Explore the intricately carved Jain temples like the Lodurva Temple and the Patwon Ki Haveli, which stand as a testament to the city's rich heritage and artistic excellence.
Jaisalmer Desert Safari: A Thrilling Adventure
No trip to Jaisalmer is complete without experiencing the magic of Jaisalmer Desert Safari. At Jaisalmer Taxi, we offer thrilling desert safari tours that take you on an unforgettable journey through the golden sand dunes. Witness the stunning sunset over the desert horizon, ride a camel like a true nomad, and immerse yourself in the traditional Rajasthani folk music and dance performances around the bonfire. Our desert safari tours promise an exhilarating adventure that will remain etched in your memories forever.
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Safety and Comfort: Our Top Priorities
At Jaisalmer Taxi, your safety and comfort are our utmost priorities. All our vehicles are well-maintained and equipped with modern amenities to ensure a smooth and enjoyable ride. Our drivers are experienced and knowledgeable about the city, making them excellent guides for your sightseeing tours. We follow strict safety protocols to provide you with a worry-free experience, and our customer support team is available round-the-clock to assist you with any queries or concerns.
Easy Booking and Affordable Prices
Booking a taxi with us is quick and convenient. You can make a reservation through our website or simply give us a call. Our transparent pricing policy ensures that you get the best value for your money, and we offer a range of packages to suit different budgets and preferences. Whether you are traveling solo, with family, or in a group, Jaisalmer Taxi has the perfect solution to cater to all your travel needs.
In conclusion, Jaisalmer is a city that promises a unique blend of history, culture, and adventure. To make the most of your trip and experience the best that this magical city has to offer, Jaisalmer Taxi is your perfect partner. With our reliable taxi service, exceptional sightseeing tours, and thrilling desert safaris, we are committed to creating unforgettable memories for every traveler. Whether you are exploring the ancient forts, planning a destination wedding, or embarking on a desert adventure, Jaisalmer Taxi is here to make your journey remarkable. So, get ready to immerse yourself in the beauty of Jaisalmer and let us take you on an extraordinary ride through this enchanting city of Rajasthan.
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lookbookfly21 · 1 year
Exploring Enchanting Russia: Unveiling Incredible Tour Packages from India with Airfare
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Introduction :
Russia, with its rich history, diverse culture, and breathtaking landscapes, is a dream destination for travelers worldwide. For those eager to embark on an unforgettable journey to this enchanting land, Look Book Fly brings you exclusive Russia tour packages from India with airfare. Our meticulously crafted itineraries promise to immerse you in the splendor of Russia, taking care of all your travel needs from start to finish. In this blog, we will delve into the extraordinary experience of traveling to Russia with Look Book Fly, highlighting the enticing attractions, seamless planning, and exceptional service that await you on your Russian escapade.
 Awe-Inspiring Russia: A Glimpse of the Land of Contrasts :
Russia is a land of contrasts, where vibrant cities coexist with serene countryside, and ancient history blends with modernity. From the majestic domes of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow to the tranquil waters of Lake Baikal in Siberia, every corner of Russia has its unique charm. Whether you wish to stroll through the grandeur of the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg or witness the timeless beauty of the Trans-Siberian Railway, our Russia tour packages promise a diverse and enriching experience.
 Convenient Airfare Inclusions: Stress-Free Planning :
Look Book Fly takes the hassle out of planning your trip to Russia by including airfare in our tour packages. Our travel experts collaborate with leading airlines to ensure you enjoy a comfortable and convenient flight experience from India to Russia. With airfare covered, you can focus on immersing yourself in the wonders of Russia without worrying about flight bookings or travel logistics.
 Tailored Itineraries for a Memorable Journey :
At Look Book Fly, we understand that every traveler has unique preferences and interests. Therefore, we offer a range of russia tour packages from india with airfare that cater to different travel styles. Whether you're a history enthusiast, nature lover, or seeking cultural experiences, our meticulously crafted itineraries are designed to cater to your specific interests. Explore the iconic landmarks, savor local cuisines, and interact with friendly locals - all under the guidance of our experienced tour guides.
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Exceptional Accommodations: Unwind in Comfort :
We believe that comfortable accommodations play a vital role in making your trip memorable. Our tour packages include stays at renowned hotels and resorts that offer modern amenities and exceptional hospitality. After a day of exploration, you can relax and rejuvenate in the cozy comfort of your chosen accommodation, ensuring you are refreshed for the next day's adventure.
 Expert Tour Guides: Discover the Hidden Gems :
Our team of expert tour guides are passionate about Russia and its rich history. With their extensive knowledge and local insights, they will take you beyond the tourist hotspots to explore the hidden gems and lesser-known treasures of this vast country. Be it the historic Kremlin in Moscow or the mystical Golden Ring towns, our tour guides will enrich your journey with captivating stories and fascinating anecdotes.
 Seamless Travel Arrangements: Worry-Free Exploration :
Look Book Fly takes pride in ensuring a seamless travel experience for our customers. From visa assistance to ground transportation, we take care of all travel arrangements, allowing you to focus solely on creating cherished memories in Russia. Our dedicated customer support team is available round-the-clock to address any queries or concerns, ensuring your journey is stress-free and enjoyable.
 Conclusion :
Embark on an unforgettable adventure to Russia with Look Book Fly's Russia tour packages from India with airfare. Immerse yourself in the culture, history, and natural wonders of this magnificent country while we take care of all the logistics. Get ready to explore the wonders of Russia with Look Book Fly!
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colubrina · 2 years
Hi! I'm not great at Tumblr and normally send anon love but do you have an email list i could join for any of your upcoming work whether it be tomorrow or ten years from now? You've always been in my top authors ever and i would genuinely be so so excited to buy any book from you whenever it comes out, but I'm worried I'll stop being on Tumblr and miss something you wrote.
Oh hello! Thank you and yes!!!
if you sign up for this newsletter, I will totally ignore your email until I have a pre-order link for something original you can buy. I'm giving this round of querying until the summer, then I'll start prepping my witch book to self-publish.
My loose pitch to people who've read my fic is that if you liked Green Girl and Lady of the Lake, you'll probably like this. It's very 'overpowered girl goes evil and gets shit done while slightly less evil boy holds her purse and looks on in awe.') My pitch to agents is a little more professional...
NO GOOD WITCHES: Seventeen-year-old Calla watches the witch burnings on television along with everyone else in the United States. The shows are a nationwide reminder that witches are dangerous and will not be tolerated. Her friends have never suspected Calla is one, and she needs to keep it that way. But when she answers a question before it’s asked in a history class, her future goes up in flames. She can read minds. She’s evil. Game over.
Caught and terrified, Calla is surprised when she isn’t dragged to a pyre, but to a hospital where she’s poked and prodded to find out how powerful she is. Turns out, good witches—compliant witches—don’t get sent to the stake. They get trained in hidden schools and sharpened into weapons. Calla doesn’t feel like getting burned alive, so she learns everything she can.
Including how she—and her new witch friends—can burn the system down rather than let powerful men exploit their magic.
By the time she’s done, there won’t be a single good witch left.
The fairy book, the fake-dating-in-space book, and the forced proximity bodyguard romance will get queued up after that.
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efrost · 2 years
Speech Analytics Market Is Likely to Experience a Tremendous Growth in Near Future
Global Speech Analytics Market Report from AMA Research highlights deep analysis on market characteristics, sizing, estimates and growth by segmentation, regional breakdowns & country along with competitive landscape, players market shares, and strategies that are key in the market. The exploration provides a 360° view and insights, highlighting major outcomes of the industry. These insights help the business decision-makers to formulate better business plans and make informed decisions to improved profitability. In addition, the study helps venture or private players in understanding the companies in more detail to make better informed decisions. Major Players in This Report Include
NICE (Israel)
Verint  (United States)
Micro Focus (United Kingdom)
Avaya  (United States)
Genesys  (United States)
Google  (United States)
AWS  (United States)
Vonage  (United States)
OpenText (Canada)
Calabrio  (United States)
Speech analytics solutions can convert call recordings to actionable data, and then translate the data into valuable insights that are effective across the enterprise. These solutions are used to handle a broad range of interactions with customers. Enterprises across the globe have incorporated speech analytics through a combination of internally recorded data, social media as well as external syndicated data primarily to create a cutting -edge solution, to gain a better understanding of their customer requirements and reduce churn. Market Drivers  Increasing need to improve the customer journey and overall experience
Growing demand to monitor and improve agent performance
Market Trend  Adherence to regulatory and compliance standards
Rising need to predict customer intent and monitor agent behavior
Opportunities  Use of AI and ML-based technologies to facilitate real-time actionable customer insights
The growing need for cloud-based speech analytics solutions to bolster customer retention
Challenges  Complex data ecosystem leading to data breaches and security issues
The Speech Analytics market study is being classified by Type (Solutions (Speech Engine, Indexing and Query Tools, Reporting and Visualization Tools, Workforce Optimization, Others, Services (Professional Services, Managed Services)), Application (Customer Experience Management, Call Monitoring, Agent Performance Monitoring, Sales and Marketing Management, Competitive Intelligence, Risk and Compliance Management, Others), Deployment Mode (Cloud, On-premises), Organization Size (SMEs, Large Enterprises), Industry Vertical (BFSI, Retail and eCommerce, IT and Telecom, Energy and Utilities, Travel and Hospitality, Government, Healthcare and Life Sciences, Media and Entertainment, Others) Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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sarvodayaholiday · 3 months
Discover the Magic: Why Should Nepal Be Your Next Travel Destination?
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For Any Travel Related Query: Visit - www.sarvodayaholiday.com
Are you yearning for a travel experience that transcends the ordinary? Look no further than Nepal, a country where nature, culture, and adventure seamlessly blend to offer a truly unparalleled journey. Here’s why Nepal should top your travel bucket list.
1. Majestic Mountain Scenery
Nepal is home to eight of the world’s fourteen highest peaks, including the iconic Mount Everest. Whether you're an avid trekker aiming for Everest Base Camp or someone who simply wants to marvel at the majestic Himalayas from a comfortable vantage point, the breathtaking mountain scenery in Nepal is second to none.
2. Rich Cultural Heritage
Steeped in history, Nepal boasts a rich tapestry of cultures and traditions. The Kathmandu Valley alone is a treasure trove of ancient temples, palaces, and courtyards, including seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Festivals like Dashain, Tihar, and Holi offer vibrant displays of local customs, music, and dance.
3. Thrilling Adventure Activities
Nepal is a playground for adventure enthusiasts. From white-water rafting on the roaring rivers, paragliding over scenic landscapes, bungee jumping into deep gorges, to jungle safaris in Chitwan National Park, the country offers an adrenaline rush for every adventurer.
4. Spiritual Serenity
For those seeking spiritual enlightenment, Nepal is a sacred haven. Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha, attracts pilgrims from around the globe. The serene monasteries and meditation centers scattered across the country provide the perfect retreat for inner peace and spiritual growth.
5. Warm and Welcoming People
The warmth and hospitality of the Nepali people make any visit memorable. Despite the diverse ethnicities and languages, Nepalis share a common trait of friendliness and a willingness to share their culture with visitors. Home-stay programs in rural areas offer an authentic glimpse into local life.
6. Diverse Wildlife and Nature
Nepal’s national parks and conservation areas are teeming with diverse flora and fauna. Spot the elusive Bengal tiger or one-horned rhinoceros in Chitwan, or the exotic red panda in the lush forests of the Langtang region. The country's biodiversity is a paradise for nature lovers and wildlife photographers.
7. Unique Culinary Delights
Nepal’s cuisine is a delightful mix of flavors and influences. From the savory momos (dumplings) and spicy thukpa (noodle soup) to the traditional dal bhat (lentil soup with rice) and sel roti (rice doughnut), Nepali food is a gastronomic adventure that tantalizes the taste buds.
8. Affordable Travel Destination
Compared to many other popular tourist destinations, Nepal is relatively affordable. Accommodation, food, and transportation offer great value for money, making it possible for budget travelers to experience luxury without breaking the bank.
9. Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Tourism
Nepal is increasingly focusing on sustainable tourism practices. Many trekking agencies and lodges are adopting eco-friendly measures to preserve the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the region. Travelers can participate in community-based tourism initiatives that benefit local communities and the environment.
10. Gateway to Peace and Adventure
Nepal’s serene landscapes and thrilling adventures provide a unique blend of peace and excitement. Whether you're meditating in a tranquil monastery or embarking on a challenging trek, Nepal offers an escape from the mundane and a chance to rediscover yourself amidst nature's grandeur.
Nepal is more than just a travel destination; it’s an experience that stays with you long after your journey ends. Its awe-inspiring mountains, rich culture, spiritual serenity, and warm hospitality make it an unparalleled destination for travelers seeking both adventure and peace. Pack your bags and set your sights on Nepal – the Land of the Himalayas awaits!
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