#awkward shy Jukka has my heart
hotcat37 · 7 months
25 for käkka and/or 46 for stalker!tommy käsh? 💚💚💚
Jere x Jukka real (I'll do the stalker! Tommy one separately and tag u in it!)
25: as a yes
Jukka has been acting a little off all day. Jere wonders if he should maybe ask him about it but he also knows that the younger man has the tendency to put up walls around himself if he's prodded too much. So he tries not to pry, continuing to ramble about everything and nothing, sitting on the floor by Jukka's feet while the other man strums his guitar. It's become a little ritual between them to hang out backstage an hour before a gig. Before Jesse starts getting stressy about the fact that nothing has been set up yet and commands everyone to get off their asses and work.
Allu and Jaakko are nowhere to be seen, leaving just him and Jukka to laze around together. Jere tolerates his own yapping and Jukka's silence for about two more minutes before he gets agitated with the knowledge that something is definitely bothering his friend.
"You okay?" He asks plainly, blunt as ever. Jukka flinches at the question, halting his fiddling, obviously getting flustered. Jere can tell even with the sunglasses covering those warm brown eyes.
"Yeah, fine." Jukka responds immediately. Only to offer a sheepish smile when Jere raises an eyebrow at him. "Or...well....I dunno."
"Tell uncle Jere what's bothering you." Jere turns around until he's leaning his arms on Jukka's legs, staring up at him, trying to decipher the guitarist's expression from underneath his shades.
But alas. Jukka is excellent at keeping a pokerface. He doesn't budge under Jere's intense staring. His body language implies that he's nervous, though, and even without that Jere knows Jukka well enough by now to be able to tell that something is up. They silently gaze at each other for what feels like an eternity before the bald one between them sighs in defeat.
"Uh....if you wanted to ask someone out, how would you do it?" Oh. Jere tries to ignore the instinctive pang of disappointment in his gut at the question.
He takes the time to think about it for a moment, remembering to push his own feelings for the guitarist aside, to be able to answer the question in a helpful way. The last thing Jere wants is to sabotage whatever plans Jukka has to make this certain someone his. As much as it pains him to know that Jukka's got the hots for someone apparently.
Nonetheless, he smiles reassuringly at his friend. "I think....I'd wait until we're alone together. Make it a private moment, y'know?"
Jukka nods slowly in response, hanging off of his every word, Jere feeling himself get a little flustered under the undivided attention. Alright, stay focused.
"Then....I'd take their hand. Like-like this." Jere demonstrates by gently prying Jukka's hands off his guitar and cupping them with his own. "And....well. No point in stalling, right? If you've got enough guts to take their hands like that I'm sure you'll work up the nerve to ask them out. Worst they can say is no, I guess. Or fuck no! Haha."
Another beat of silence. Jukka's face doesn't seem to change at all. Jere starts to wonder if maybe this is garbage advice. Jukka isn't really the type to be so blunt anyways. But Jere isn't sure how to adjust his tips to make them more shy person friendly. Just as the rapper releases his crew member's hands, the previously statue like man abruptly reaches out to firmly take Jere's hands in his.
"Would you...." Jukka trails off, voice barely above a whisper and strained with effort. His face has gone beet red all of a sudden. "....wanna go out with me? S-sometime?"
Oh. What the fuck. For a few seconds Jere is so stunned that he doesn't even realize how his silence might come across until Jukka's clammy hands detach themselves from his and the guitarist starts to shrink in on himself.
"Sorry, I-"
Jere braces his hands on Jukka's knees and pushes himself forward, interrupting the upcoming apology with a sloppy but enthusiastic kiss. Jukka's lips are as soft as ever. The one thing Jere always really looks forward to once he's on the stage is for Huhhahhei to be on the set list. To think that he now has the opportunity to kiss this man without needing an excuse is something that makes him delirious with happiness.
Jukka stammers and repeatedly opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of the water, so Jere deems it necessary to clarify.
"Yeah, sure, sounds like fun."
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