cgoodin · 5 years
Live Drawing - final session
In our final session of live drawing, we have handed in our work that we have done. Stephen Dee had explained to us that there is hardly any work left to do, so we can basically just do what ever we want in our spare time. We were also told to meet in the Victoria building because I thought our usual room had been occupied by another lecturer.
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matt-animation · 2 years
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Here are a few pictures of my final model, I attached the walls together using wood glue and with the help of a classmate nailed each piece of wood into each other, the combo of both of these has provided enough strength for the walls to hold themselves together. I also added some black lines to the base coming out from the direction of the explosion to create the illusion of scorch marks which you will see at the location of explosions. In general I really enjoyed this project and I am happy that I tackled it and in the future I think I will attempt this again as this made me feel very out of my depth which has helped me improve my creative process and thinking.
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nconlon1 · 2 years
Video Reference
This shows the lizard close up allowing me to see all the small details and the different markings on the head
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petersanimation · 6 years
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This are some of the spiders that are seen in games or films that helped inspire the overall personality of my spider these being.
Shelob- Lord of the Rings Return of the King
Frostbite spider- Skyrim
Spider- Witcher 3
Aragog- Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets
The two main inspirations came from “Shelob (and other spiders seen in LOTR)” in how she would wrap up her victims in her web and hang them leaving her prey to decay. Aragog was more inspiration for how intelligent the creature would be and the ability to understand humans mainly how they feel and how to read them along with my “Wendigo and Skinwalker” inspiration allowing the creature to be able to know what voices to use that would be attract a victim. 
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jollyfoxanimations2 · 3 years
AX2222 Portrait drawing week 1
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Today in my lesson with Steve we had a portrait drawing class, The first image is of different students in my class, the first two were of the same student. The first image was a quick 3 minute sketch which was basically a warm up and the others were all 15 minute sketches. I felt the lesson went quite well and i even helped out by doing some posing (which went terribly by the way as i decided to do a pose that eventually really ached my back) (i certainly don't feel as spry as i used to). the final image didn't turn out as well as i would have hoped because there was someone sat directly in front of me blocking my line of sight and the girl who was posing was moving a lot (but i cant say much as when i was posing i really couldn't stay still for more than 2 minutes), but overall i had great fun today, it has been quite some time since i have been able to draw someone in front of me rather than off a computer screen plus it was very refreshing to see how some of the other students in my class address the project, some of them have some real talent when it comes to drawing were as some of the other students lack confidence when putting pencil to paper. For todays lesson i used an A2  sketchpad which a variety of pencils ranging from F to 3B and even a 9B graphite pencil which i used for smudging.     
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leadsuniblog · 3 years
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Some concept pieces of Krawl on different sets of varying sizes. I also did some facial tests to see how the mandibles on Theos face would work.
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teodoraveselinovic · 3 years
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yoonichi · 3 years
Woodlands - Final Pictures
I decided to take the sculpt outside, honestly I seen others doing this and I thought it looked really nice. Originally, I was going to make a scene from card, I was going to do two pieces, one urban and the other nature, I then was going to cut them out so I could layer them by having one sheet in the background, one midground and of course the characters in the foreground. I ended up deciding against this due to the size of the sculpture, it just wouldn’t work and I feel it wouldn’t look as good as I imagined.
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These were the first sketches of the two backgrounds.
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After the first sketches I moved onto doing the ‘final’ drawings. However, it was half way through this when I realised it wouldn’t work.
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These were some of the final pictures taken. 
Overall, I think the sculpt turned out rather well. I think a different pose might have made it more interesting but, considering it’s my first time working with clay I’m pretty happy with it. I think this was a great experience and I really enjoyed experimenting with clay.
I feel like I avoided the whole environment design and making of it, which is pretty disappointing but, I really like how the pictures came out, I feel that having the sculpture in a real, natural environment really makes it stand out which is why I wanted to take the pictures outside. However, I feel I would have definitely have benefitted from making my own environment as well. 
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griffin550 · 3 years
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This is my final model with the background, I had trouble keeping the background together as it didn’t seem to like staying together. But for the most part it works, if I had more time I would glue it together again or have something behind it to keep it together better. And I think the model works well with the background.
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sammerrickblog · 3 years
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This is my finished model of rowan I believe that it came out really well. It took me a long time to make all the scales that cover his body but I believe that it was worth it. This really brings the model together and I believe that the consistent pattern is really eye catching. I wanted him to look worn especially in the places that where armour and his sword to show how beat up the character is. Finally I believe that the helmet of rowan came out exactly as I wanted it also it’s really the Center piece of the sculpt and the smooth texture stands out against the ridged scales.
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erwilson-uclan · 3 years
Modelling: Complete
After my ideas and research were approved, I moved onto creating a turnaround reference sheet for my model. I experimented with a number of ideas for poses, keeping in mind the balancing and proportions of the model.
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I took my favourite idea and pose, and created a fully coloured turnaround. I wasn’t planning to paint my model, but adding colour gave the character more life and realism.
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After this, I gathered my materials and began modelling. I have never handled clay before, and have never made an armature or model, so I found tutorials on YouTube and tried them out. They worked very successfully, and I found myself enjoying the modelling process more than I imagined. I photographed each step, and the model took me around two weeks of consistent work, with multiple hours per day spent on the model. I wrapped some wire around the legs and punctured them into a box to keep the balance. During the addition of the head, the model became more top-heavy and often fell over, so I used two glasses cases as support until I could add more support from beneath and balance the clay more.
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I textured the model with a ball sculpting tool, giving the illusion of fur. I also used this effect to blend the clay more and make it look like one piece rather than a jigsaw of clay. I made the compass, hands, and bag separately with no foil nor wire, and added them to the body later. The ears were made with a bent wire hooked into the tinfoil of the head. The fur on the head and cheeks were interesting to experiment with, and I kept in mind to make it look effective from all angles.
When creating the set, I used pieces of woodland collected from my garden. Since I’m using a woodland character, I figured it would be ridiculous to not use the resources right on my doorstep. I used stones, twigs, moss, dirt, and leaves around the base, and arranged some of the nature to set up a more detailed backdrop.
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Overall, I am very proud of my work. This is the first time I have ever used clay, and the model turned out better than I expected. I’m extremely happy with the outcome of the project, and will continue to experiment with modelling and clay in my spare time, as I really enjoyed the process.
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cgoodin · 5 years
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I had to do another live drawing session and use both pen and pencil to sketch. In one of my sheets, I have done a human figure carrying a blanket and we had to do a walk cycle of the figure walking with the blanket in different places. Last, just for fun, we drew our human figure in a superhero pose and experimented with it to design our character. I made mine into my 2 minute film character Dasher because he is the best that I have thought of.
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matt-animation · 2 years
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Here is the exploding wall behind my character, I decide to paint the walls black and I then added fluff from inside a pillow going up from the wall to create the idea of smoke billowing out as a result of the explosion. The only thing I need to do is attach all three walls together but I'm not sure how I will do it, I will use the next week to think of ideas on how to safely attach the walls so that they will be stable.
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nconlon1 · 2 years
Video Reference
Here the lizard is eating, it is nice to see how the mouth moves and how fast the lizards reactions are and that it hides before it pounces showing that they are sneaky. Not a lot to gain from this video overall.
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petersanimation · 6 years
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Week 1 of modelling
This is the progress I have made so far the so far things are going fine. My only concern being the back however, I think this will be fixed when I add more plasticine to the front as I need to thicken out the body (as well as add the head and arms.) 
My plan if this doesn't help is I will likely add a hole into the stand and create a way for the left arm to sit in it this might be a nail or and extension in the hand that will sit in the hole. 
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leadsuniblog · 3 years
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Some coloured concepts of some bugs for a themed sculpting project. Each insectoid with their own backstory, all spanning from the same universe, were bug like them live their everyday lives.
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