#axol jr
lzkvii · 6 months
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duckapus · 10 months
Episode where Lil Coding and Lily petsit for the crew while they're off doing something because they want to prove they're Responsible. Not that the adults don't already think they're responsible, but they're kids, you know? Several of the pets inevitably escape and cause chaos, with Archibald and Axol Jr. being the clear ringleaders.
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Axol Jr. Majora forms:
#1: Majora Jr.
#2: Beta Majora's Wrath ver.
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viral-virus-au · 3 months
Hold on, lemmie just- *Shakes Axol Jr.*
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"Shake me again.. and you're going in the cellar.."
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bear-boi-5 · 4 months
Survivors #2
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So Melony's deity powers have been greatly weakened. Her sword broke and her arm had to be amputated after being attacked by a group of strong infected. Axol Jr is very much alive and well, he's got that Mew pose
Btw, Melony was VERY close to becoming an infected but I couldn't do that to her, so she's the one who had to lose a limb because she got bitten
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wolfmage553 · 1 month
SMG4 Headcanons my mind just spontaneous came up with at 1am
Axol Jr is actually Axol, SMG0 and Niles' son, created spontaneously upon Axol's death thanks to Axol having the power of two Super Meme Guardians and having a desire to make Melony happy. The only reason he isn't anthropomorphic like his dad is because Niles corruption stopped the anthropomorphing process before it began.
Desti's happy dance is the Inkling equivalent to a teabag (turning into her octo form and back repeatedly) and Meggy didn't have the heart to ruin Desti's fun by pointing it out. She still does it in the afterlife.
Spudnick is a little chaos gremlin and everyone in the afterlife crew treats him as a feral child that needs to put on a leash when they actively aren't encouraging the chaos.
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superluigiglitchy · 1 month
the Future Savers
Hope Spletzer (14) - Having been found as an egg in a dumpster by Tari, she's the adopted daughter of Tari and Meggy, tough and stubborn but also kind and compassionate, you can really tell she was raised by those two, her mom ended up giving her the goggles that were apart of her headgear and Hope cherishes these goggles greatly. Out of everyone in the group she's the one with the most military-grade training and the most understanding of what the resistance group did before they were destroyed by the virus's forces, she worries a lot despite how happy-go-lucky she is and is freshly traumatised by how her moms died in an effort to get the kids to the past via the time machine so theres that going on, she mains a Squitter with the Zipcaster kit but mains Splatanas sometimes too
Mariano Mario (10) - Genetically the child of Mario and Peach, he was created by Dr. E. Gadd after the death of Mario as a replacement Avatar to prevent the universe from immediately collapsing in on itself, smarter than his genetic father but still an idiot on his own right he's a sweet kid with a nack for adventure, he also seems to exhibit traits of both canon mario and avatar mario with how he's stupidly smart when he needs to be, he also disturbingly enough has control over demonic goop which easily bends to his will
Beanjamin Mario (10) - The son of Luigi and Prince Peasley some years into the Viralpocalypse, quick witted, noble with a dash of love for the theatrics, Beanjamin is the definition of a kind and noble prince, which often times places him smack dab into trouble when it comes to protecting the innocent and his friends
Hayato Bichitaru (20) - The adopted child of Saiko with a blazing temper, this cat is ready to pounce on any opposition! especially viruses, reckless, angry and tough as nails, Hayato Bichitaru is a cool cat through and through but under his rough skin is a soft heart of glistening gold that is loyal to his friends and family, saiko found him in a soggy old box 2 years into the Viralpocalypse during a patrol and decided to take the kid in, he greatly looks up to both his mom and Uncle Kaizo in his own way of course, he can easily play any intrument but much prefers his axe guitar
Todd Bobowski (18) - Bob's son who he created via mitosis of all things, is shockingly not anything like his father, extremely empathetic with a kind heart and an even gentler soul, he's a poet with a golden heart who also happens to have his father's knack for economics and buisness, he loves his dad but hates his attitude and awful gambling habits, he's not much of a fighter so the gang just leave the financial stuff to him
Axol Jr. (20) - All grown up and now having godly powers and inkweaver on his side, Axol Jr. aka AJ, is ready to rumble with the viruses... at a safe distance of course, cautious, shy and anxious AJ doesn't seem like much at first glance but he's the strongest person in the Past Savers but untrained, Melony unfortunately died early into the Viralpocalypse and dropped her mask which was how AJ ended up inheriting the god powers of the Diety Mask, he hopes dearly to prevent his mothers death despite there being a chance that if they do change the course of the future all of the Past Savers will potentially never exist
SMG7.5 (17) - the daughter of SMG4 and SMG3 and the group's leader, she's a paranoid wreck and far too uptight, having lost her father, SMG4 when she was only 7, she enjoys memes as much as her late father but can't bring herself to enjoy them as she once did, she is willing to do anything to prevent they're awful futre from happening, even if it means sacrificing her own life if the chance of ceasing to exist upon changing the timeline would occur
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dipdopdog · 4 months
Axol holding Axol Jr while Melony is sleeping?
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poggieking3 · 2 months
piping hot take! i do not really like PTSD being thrown around with the main 4 (mario, 3, 4, and meggy). i have C-PTSD so i can say shit on this. 4 nearly DIED in that castle and was left traumatized, meggy was mentally AND psychologically tortured for AT LEAST a month straight, mario has his own demons i'm SURE, and 3 is on his way getting more trauma. give these guys a BREAKKK they've gone through way too much, how much else are they going to take.
whole fucking rant under the cut
like, okay please don't get me wrong here. i like puzzlevision, i actually really like him. he is interesting, his character his interesting, i love his character design, his personality. i fear that this mini series will end up having 1 or multiple of the main 4 getting traumatized, and then have it never touched on again. this happened to meggy DEADASS like her trauma was never mentioned again after western spaghetti. wren easily fucked her up for LIFE. and it's just? forgotten...?
like holy shit i wish PTSD was handled more accurately in this series, especially as of recently. i like how melony's was handled. she was grieving deeply for axol and helped herself cope by adopting her pet axol jr and taking care of it, and keeping axol's memory alive. meggy was grieving deeply for desti and trained hard to fulfill desti's wish and win the splatfest, also keeping desti's memory alive. 4's castle trauma also was done right. bro was having a whole bipolar manic episode and was SUFFERING from his own nonexistent self-worth and self-esteem, and was taken advantage of completely by puzzlevision. he watched EVERYTHING around him crumble. he watched HIMSELF crumble and was an outside witness to it, with no control. then, meggy being tortured and killed over and over and OVER again is quickly forgotten about, just like that???
i love PTSD representation in media. i cherish it. it makes me feel seen. i'm just. upset how wren fucking RUINED meggy's life by torturing her over and over, killing her, making her lose her sanity and trust, and then it's. never mentioned again. she has hands down gone through THE WORST of the entire cast. i fucking know what it's like to have my life ruined by people, multiple people in my damn case. i did not go through what she did, but if my trauma was cast off to the side after the movie it occurred in i'd be MAD for sure!
i've talked about how i'd handle meggy's trauma. after wren broke her fucking mind, she'd be coping EXTREMELY poorly because of how much she endured. she'd be inconsolable. she'd be emotionally unstable and lash out. she'd feel threatened by tiny inconveniences because they'd remind her of what wren put her through. she'd be terrified of male inklings. she'd have CONSTANT nightmares since every day in that simulation, she woke up in bed remembering each fashion wren killed her in. she'd pat her chest and stomach, scared she got shot again. she'd have panic attacks hearing guns go off. something as small as a southern accent could set alarms off in her head.
if i had a nickel for every time meggy's life was threatened by a villainous man hellbent on scarring her for life, i'd have 2 nickels, which is weird how it happened twice. she wasn't even safe ON HER OWN VACATION?
i just don't get how the movie pretty much made her suffer repeatedly and there's nothing as small as a reference to her trauma in the current episodes? we saw her fight off wren in that tier list 3 and 4 made together because 3 said she has plot armor. but that's it!
put the solar system bitches in a series of happy, wholesome filler episodes and PRONTO. give these guys a trillion dollars in compensation each. imma be real upset if, after the puzzlevision series, the trauma relating to it is never heard of again, ESPECIALLY given that puzzlevision's been a prominent threat for a solid year now
luke and kevin i love you both saur much i just. clenches fist to myself.
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chaoticlad · 5 months
I dunno I'll write some head cannons down
I have a crap ton of head cannons I've never told ya'll about, so hi 👍
-Smg3 still has his powers after the youtube arc, though he can't control it
-Smg4 sleep-talks frequently
-Meggy's favorite type of candy are cotten candy, cookies and candy canes
-Melony looks at the comic Axol drew for her every night and shows Axol Jr. some nights
-Smg3 hates hugs but Meggy and Smg4 do it a lot to annoy him
-Bob and Swag hate each other but would actually be great friends if they called peace
-Smg2 likes sweets- a lot
-Saiko and Kaizo are sliblings
-Between smg3 and smg4, Smg4 tends to be the flirty one
-Melony secretly swears
-Smg3 gives free drinks to Smg4, Smg2 and Smg1
-Depresso lives in the dumpster behind smg3's cafe
-Smg3 and Tari treat each other like siblings
andddd that's about all. I'll update this every once in a while.
I'll see ya'll later!
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poly-star-trio · 4 months
This might sound odd, but I feel like maryo is kinda becoming a scapegoat.
Like in the way where he is blamed a lot more than the others and such. Not saying it's exactly what's happening, but it feels similar.
you know what I mean?
No yeah that does make sense 🤔 Off the top of my head i know maryo gets punished for stuff a lot more than the other guys
And aslo that christmas special where bob harmed axol jr nd maryo got the blame for it..... ....
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lzkvii · 24 days
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cheesy-bagels · 1 year
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this years christmas special sure was something!
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glad we got more interaction with these two, as well as some meme guardian stuff
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Axol Jr. Needs help!
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viral-virus-au · 4 months
Is... Is Axol Jr.... does Axol Jr have Fierce Deity powers now????
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flacotheskinnyman · 2 months
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SMG4: Melony & Axol Jr.
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