#aye i have a shelf of plushies though
diagonal-queen · 2 years
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so i found this on pinterest a while ago (not mine) and i've noticed that i am lacking in heart cakes and my own ranpo kinnie to love and cherish. this is a scam >:(
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hiremeyuehua · 3 years
Get to know me tag
tagged by @hoseom Can always count on them for some tagging entertainment. (Even if I also forget to do these...)
Thankkyouuuuu. ♡
when is your birthday? - 2nd July baybeeeeeeee which I share with my birthday twin @obligatoryidolblog Hehehe we’re like Seungyoun & Yibo.
what is your favourite colour? - Red.
what’s your lucky number? - 2, 3, 4 & 7... I like to think...
do you have any pets? - Aye, I have 3. A Cat, a Bearded Dragon & a 25 yr old African Grey Parrot.
how tall are you? - 5″5′ aka cute height.
how many pairs of shoes do you own? - I have 5 that I use on the regular, then probably 5 older pairs I keep for different activities. (I use shoes until they have holes in them before throwning them away, or else it’s a waste.)
favourite song? - I have many, I should probably insert a playlist or something... but atm N.Flying- Let Me Show You.
favourite movie? - I’m a cinephile & majored in Film... That question is N/A... but anything by Wes Anderson... also my favourite childhood film is Matilda because I am one with Matilda.
what would be your ideal partner? - ♡ Kang Daniel... ♡ Goofy, foodie, & a highly introverted nerd that likes Spiderman & LEGO... but I can’t just pick someone like him off a supermarket shelf... So I’ll go with soft & trustworthy with a sense of humour. (Preferably a dark haired one, but I’m not picky. As long as we can lounge around reading manga & snacking, we good.)
do you want children? - Nope. However, if I did, I’d like to think I would adopt. Just makes sense. Thought of growing a sprog & popping one out it weird.
have you gotten in trouble with the law? - ...not yet... see A. to Running Q.
what colour socks are you wearing? - Currently none, my feet are warm... Please... No pictures...
bath or shower? - Shower, but occasionally I’ll soak in the bath. (It’s a must as I suffer from Hypermobility.)
favourite type of music? - Hmmm probably Rock/Indie/RnB.
how many pillows do you sleep with? - *sigh* Not enough... but 2 under my head with a memory foam plushie. Then 2 body pillows on either side of me & a shiba plush to hold whilst I sleep. (I can’t sleep without the latter, not for security purposes, hypermobility is just no joke peoples, the act of sleeping is very painful sometimes. & also I have boobs... if you have boobs too, you’ll understand.) 😬😬
which position do you sleep in? - 1 arm under a pillow, the free one holding something, 1 leg straight, 1 bent & sideways. (If I can sleep that is... lmao) 🥴
what don’t you like when you’re sleeping? - Noise. & Light. I’m an extremely light sleeper. I can’t sleep without earplugs & an eye mask or else I will murder someone, so please do not try to talk to me as I fall asleep. Also warmth. If we be hugging whilst sharing a bed, do not be offended if I take breaks. ♡
what do you have for breakfast? - I don’t like breakfast, but it’s important to eat it so I usually have a Nature Valley biscuit & a bottle of water, does me fine til dinnertime. (& by dinnertime, I mean lunch. Not dinner, as I call that tea. Don’t ask questions, I’m from Jon Snow land.)
have you ever tried archery? - Nope, I was banned from ever trying but I’ve always wanted to. It’s badass. (L.S.S: I used to own a paintball gun & was a VERY good aim...)
favourite fruit? - Strawberries & Cherries . My party trick is the thing with the stalk... FYI.
favourite swear word? - B*stard. My family is part Scottish 🇫🇮 so it’s fun to say & hear. Also I grew up watching Sean Bean in ‘Sharpe’ so it feels right as he wasn’t born too far from where I live.
do you have any scars? - Aye. Oh boi do I, but people barely notice them until I bring them up. I have a Harry Potter-esque one from when I split my head open as child that’s mostly covered by freckles... a pretty cool one on my right ear from when I fell into a stack of VHS tapes that I’d made into a castle... several on my knees... a small one above my upper lip & the most recent one is on a boobie from when I had my heart monitor implanted. It sorta looks like a ‘W’ or a little butterfly... Kinda cute I must say.
are you a good liar? - I have been known to spin a tale or two for comedic purposes.
what’s your personality type? - INFJ (It hasn’t changed in years, so I stand by it.)
what’s your favourite type of girl? - Human. & Alive & Nerdy.
left or right handed? - Right, but slightly ambi depending on the task.
favourite food? -  Cake. Or an English roast.
are you clean or messy? - Clean, but if I’m stressed, you bet my room will be a mess.
favourite foreign food? - Korean Seafood Pancake & pork buns, basically any kind of sweet or savoury buns. GIMME.
how long does it take you to get ready? - Depends on the day, but 30mins if I’m showering & dressing & drying my hair. (It’s pretty long, I need a haircut)
most used phrase? - “Gotta risk it. To get the biscuit.” Amongst many others.
are you a good singer? - Who knows. I hate Karaoke.
do you sing to yourself? - If no-one is around, then yes. But when with friends you’ll find me singing my own parodies to popular songs for my own amusement. The most popular is Jealousy (KFC) by Monsta X.
biggest fear? - I shall not reveal this incase my enemies are reading... but I’ll say humans. They’re very scary.
do you like long or short hair? - On myself... long, but I am jealous of people that can rock the short hair.
are you into gossip? - Nah, aint got time for it. Have too many films & dramas to watch in my free time & himbos to simp over.
extrovert or introvert? - Ambi, but highly introverted. Humans irk me & drain my mental battery. I need all the juice to get through a single day.
favourite school subject? - Art & Media.
what makes you nervous? - Everything & Nothing.
who was your first real crush? - Ooof. Hard pass.
how many piercings do you have? - I used to have my ears pierced as a kid, but they’re closed up now, I would like the top of my right ear pierced though. I think that looks really cool.
how fast can you run? - Very fast. Faster than The Flash. Probably even faster than Koro Sensei. Definitely Mach 20+. My brain thinks even faster than that. It’s a gift. Fast & Furious who? Fast & Furious Me is what it is.
what makes you angry? - People without manners. Also people who aren’t open minded & do not think before they speak. Words scar.
do you like your own name? - Aye, I do. It means ‘to bind/snare’ & also ‘noose’. In Scottish Gaelic it’s ‘Beathag’ [Bey-ahk] which means ‘Life’. Which I find pretty cool. I like all my names. Middle & last name include. They have nice meanings.
what are your weaknesses? - My own feelings.
what are your strengths? - My own feelings. I’m also extremely loyal. I’ll do anything for my friends.
what is the colour of your bedspread? - Currently black & white. Chic.
colour of your room? - Cream, but I’m moving soon, so who knows.
-le fin-
tagging: @24hoursofdaisy @ceruleansoleil @summerstormsandbacon @wdzday6 @mypansy @lovelyeo & anyone else that wants to join.
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snowmanmelting · 4 years
"You're such an embarrassment" (not you it's the prompt i think you're pretty cool)
AY you think I'm cool THANK U :')
'K so I guess you're a pal from the Frozen fandom bc no one asked me from a prompt till now. So this will be from there. also if we take out Vocaloid I haven't really written any original content since like 2010
I wanted half the fandom to hate me and make this EA from the snippet I wrote where Anna had the Pew Pew pointed at Elsa and she was like :)! But I couldn't make it fit anywhere, so, behold! HansAnna Hanna or however it's called lol.
I hope I was able to meet your expectations :)! Feel free to send me more if you want, this is good writing exercise for me (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
“You aren’t thinking of buying that, are you?”
To a stranger’s ears the tone would have made them think it was a joke. Those light, typical playful comments that both couples and good friends used to make. Nothing to get offended or defensive about (Anna tended to do that sometimes, she could admit it) and, truth to be told, it did sound as such.
However, Anna knew Hans enough to recognize the slight shift in tone between a real joke and disguised judgement. That almost condescending “are you?”, the half smile and that blink-and-you-miss-it up and down of green eyes were a dead giveaway, in this case. 
You’re such an embarrassment, Anna, was the true meaning behind those words.
“Pfff! Of course not,” she played along, making her best for her voice to sound as inofensive as the unicorn plush she held in her hands. “I just think it's cute, that's all.”
Half a meter of lilac and pink cuteness to cuddle with when you remembered how much you would like to have a pet but your apartment had a strict no-pet policy. Or when she had a horrible day and needed to indulge in the comfort of her childhood, or just because she wanted to hug something warm and Hans had his back turned on her.
“It’s an oval with legs.”
With a small eye roll, Anna put it back in the pile of stuffed animals along with more unicorns, bears, frogs, and ducks. Children’s Day was around the corner, so several islands with pyramids of toys were arranged all over the main hall of the supermarket, discount posters hanging like pennants everywhere.
“That adds to its charm, I guess. Kids like things like this.”
Was it her fault this place had good marketing strategies and she ended up considering buying a stuffed animal rather than keep walking to the shampoo aisle? Anna wasn’t going to, but it was the thought that counted, right? Hans wouldn’t like that idea, though. He never liked the idea of Anna decorating the bed with childish plushies. Real adults had boring black comforters to match their seriousness and maturity as human beings that paid the bills every month and worked from 9 to 6.
(Even if that comforter was super warm for this cold weather and Anna loved snuggling under it).
Maybe she could ask Elsa to buy it for her and keep it at her house for when Anna visited?
“Whatever, let’s get going,” he placed a hand on her lower back and pushed on their mini shopping cart. “This place is crowded and we don't have time to be fooling around.”
Anna bit back an answer. When she asked him to help with the house chores, that didn’t necessarily mean coming along to buying groceries when they clearly had different ways of shopping. Hans liked to go X section, grab specific Y item from Z shelf and move on to the next one on the list as quickly as possible. Anna took time to consider the available choices, check prices and get the best option. Yes, they had a car now, and yes, taking a taxi was kind of expensive lately, but still. 
Have you realised that you’re always the one who has to adapt to the situation? Her sister’s words echoed in her head. They had that conversation (a real one, without Elsa nervously trying to explain her point like a mother too afraid to tell her child Santa didn't exist) a month ago, yet that question never left her. Popping up more and more often in moments like this. 
It was expected, right? To adapt to situations or do things the way you didn't like once or twice for the other person. To do sacrifices for the relationship as a whole thing that's built between two people.
Perhaps Elsa's phrases and lists and charts were starting to get to her head.
"Anna, are you even listening?"
She blinked, suddenly coming back to reality, "Uh, yes, sorry."
Perhaps her sister was right. 
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A better life (Chapter 9, Avengers x reader)
ay, here’s another chapter, i’m trying to wrap this fic up quickly but also in a way that makes sense, so like,, bear with me here,,, so i can move on to the next ones because this has been going for months (i’m gonna do a one chaptered one first because i need a break, but then i’ll jump into a multi-chaptered fic that anon wanted me to write)
i hope you enjoy this
also i’m gonna post chapter 10 on the 13th of October, so there’s that
as usual, please like/reblog/comment if you enjoy, tell me if you’ve got any tips (just please don’t be mean, that won’t help in any way, constructive criticism is a thing), tell me if i made a mistake
When you walked in, Peter and Clint were already practicing. Clint saw that Peter was close to perfecting his skills and encouraged him when he needed it. You really loved that Clint was so calm but also happy about this progress.
You went over to grab your bow and arrows when you heard Clint come up behind you. You turned to him and greeted him, shrinking into yourself because you weren’t sure of what he would say of your actions. You didn’t want to disappoint him. Looking to the floor, you mumbled and signed an apology. 
You shifted your gaze to his face for a few seconds, and to your surprise, he smiled and expressed to you that it’s okay. He then put his hand in his pocket, pulling out a black leather case. Your lock picks. He handed the case over to you with a smirk.
“Here. I think this belongs to you.” He nodded at it.
You hesitated, but took it, stuffing it in your own pocket.
“But won’t mister Stark be mad? He’ll probably be looking for this. He kept it for a reason.”
“Y/N, Tony gave this to me when we were on the other end of the mirror. It’s okay. He wanted me to give it back to you.” You furrowed your brows, confused by what Clint had said. He continued: “When we were there, he was completely aware that you could just pick the lock of the room and just escape. You decided not to do that. He really appreciated that, and it made him trust you not to do it again. Don’t do it again, by the way. Also, I’m pretty sure he didn’t want you to have spent your money on this set just to have it taken away.”
You thanked Clint. His face lit up for a few moments, and he signed again: “By the way, Tony says that you have Nat and I to thank for being able to stay here, but honestly, he likes you a lot. You’re a good kid, Y/N. He really likes that you and Peter are friends. He just sometimes doesn’t like to admit that he’s actually really nice.”
You nodded and thanked him again, pleasantly surprised by what you had just found out. Clint smiled again and walked off, grabbing his bow from the table a few meters away from where you were standing. Then, in quick succession and while running around the room, he shot a couple dozen of arrows at different targets, showing you a quick routine you can practice. You didn’t need him to tell you that he wanted you to try it out.
You tried to do the same thing, but it took you way more time to complete it: you needed to position yourself properly and efficiently for each target. You specialized in moving quietly to escape people, not quickly, usually. Being quiet used to be enough: avoiding creaking floorboards, opening doors silently, breathing and barely making any sound. Now that you were training here, even though it was for fun, you needed to become faster. Hopefully, Natasha could help you with that on Monday. After all, fighting requires speed.
You glanced at your watch: 4:52pm. You still had about 40 minutes left until you had to take your stuff and go back to where you lived.
The time passed quickly as you repeated the routine Clint showed you, trying to do it in different ways each time, trying to concentrate on getting it right instead of improving your timing.
Noticing it was already 5:30, you quietly approached Peter and gently touched his shoulder with a finger, indicating you wanted to say something. He lowered his bow and turned to you, a look of concern on his face.
“Hey, Y/N! What’s up? I noticed you didn’t come with us immediately when mister Stark told us to go, are you okay? Did he say something? Like, did he -“
“I’m okay. I just wanted to say, uh, I’m gonna have to.. go now.. so, yeah. Didn’t want to leave without saying that.” You lowered your gaze.
“Alright. I’m thinking of going home too in a minute. Maybe I can accompany you?”
After a moment of hesitation, you agreed. You went back to the room Tony gave you to take your backpack. Peter met you in the lobby a minute later. The two of you walked, you immediately starting to walk fast and Peter catching up. You nervously glanced at your watch every minute, but you quickly stopped by at the dollar store to get some cheap food for yourself. You got yourself a few small boxes of ramen noodles, each costing you less than a dollar.
You didn’t remember how you got to a conversation, but Peter began talking about his crush again, MJ. You weren’t looking at him much, too concerned about getting back on time, but you could hear how happy he was. You listened to him speak and occasionally said small words to indicate you were still listening.
When you got to your building, you told Peter you were here.
“Hey, I live just a few blocks away!” He beamed, telling you exactly which building, and told you the apartment number. “Feel free to come by, alright? Just text me first so aunt May and I know to expect you.”
You nodded shyly and thanked him, nervously checking your watch again. You still had ten minutes.
“Hey, Peter,” you started with an unsure voice. “If I.. if I don’t text you within half an hour, could you please.. uh, could you, like, could you maybe..” You took a deep breath: sometimes it was hard for you to ask for help.
He seemed to catch on to what you were trying to say, because he finished your sentence: “.. tell mister Stark to get here?” His voice was soft.
You nodded and exhaled shakily. “I gotta go. Thank you. Half an hour.” You then hugged and went on to your separate ways.
As you were unlocking the door to the apartment, there were five minutes left. The first thing you noticed when you walked through the door was the complete silence. Not even as much as a floorboard creaking or a breath being taken or released. It was deafening, in a way.
The second thing you noticed was your mother, in the kitchen. She didn’t even look at you as you walked by. *Good*, you thought, *at least I won’t have to deal with explosive anger today, or right now, anyway.*
You quickly went and hid away in your room and took a book out of your shelf. You could barely hear noise of kitchen supplies as your mother made food you knew wasn’t for you. Before you had the chance to forget, you texted Peter, stating that everything was okay. He replied seconds later, asking you once again to tell him if you needed help or if anything happened. You assured him that you would, and you were telling the truth for this one. A few minutes later, putting your phone away, you completely forgot about the real world as the book you began reading absorbed you.
Five hours later, you woke up: you had fallen asleep while reading again. The book was interesting, but you were exhausted. You were less than halfway done. *Not too bad.* You checked the time on your phone: it was around midnight. For several minutes, you listened, scanning for any noise that wasn’t supposed to be there coming from the hallway: footsteps, breathing, humming. There was nothing. You could hear your own heartbeat.
You quietly took took one of the small ramen noodle boxes and took the cover off, and then slid over to the kitchen. You could easily do things in the darkness by now: you wouldn’t want to wake anyone up by turning lights on. After boiling some water, you poured it into the box of ramen noodles and put the contents of the vegetable bag and the powder taste bag into the water. Then, you made your way to your room, taking utensils on your way and closing your door behind you.
After having finished eating and making sure you were the only person awake, you opened your curtains. Thought it was pitch black outside right now, you knew that just in a few hours, the sky would start becoming clearer from the early summer sunrise. Night and very early morning was the only time you could feel peaceful when living here. It was quiet, for once.
You found yourself thinking of the Avengers. *Maybe they could help me,* you hoped. But you knew that if you wanted help, you’d need to tell them about the things that have happened, and you were far too scared to do that. Because if your mother found out you told them, and somehow she always managed to find out, things would get so much worse in so little time. And after all, your mother has threatened to kill you before, and you could definitely imagine her doing that. If she tried to, she’d have just said that she was “just trying to help” and burst into tears, immediately turning you into the bad person for trying to defend yourself. She was unpredictable and manipulative and you hated that sometimes, she could convince you that she did nothing wrong and that you did something bad.
Pulling yourself back to what was happening, you moved the empty ramen box to the trash bin, putting the utensils in a hidden corner of your work table. You closed the curtains, changed into your pyjamas, and lowered yourself into your bed, hugging a small plushy as your back faced the wall.
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rex101111 · 7 years
What would class 1-A react when they finally see Hero Merch of themselves??? And What kind of Deku merchandise willOchako secretly buy ??
I think they would all really love it! To varying dagrees at least. I mean, they all grew up with some kind of hero merch, so them having merch of their own would feel like they really “hit the big time.”
Izuku would be over the moon. Considering how much All Might stuff he’s bought over the years, the first time he walks into a shop and sees Deku Merch would be amazing. He’d probably call his mom with a picture of a Deku plush with the caption: Mom look at this!! (she’d do the same if she found it first, and becomes the biggest collector of Deku merch in no time at all)
Ochako probably made sure she would get the lion’s share of the royalties from her Uravity stuff. She’d send most of it to her parents along with whatever new thing that gets released. Her parents have a whole shelf of Uravity merch. She herself is really happy with it too! (she also makes sure there are plenty of extra cheap stuff for kids whose parents can’t afford some of the higher end things)
I’m guessing the Iida family has kind of a “line” of toys based on each member of the family, with the same toy company making the toys for a few generations now. Like, when Iida becomes a full fledged hero his parents take him to the office of the company CEO so he could have a bigger say in how his merch is made. He cries a little when a special edition figure of his gets released that includes him posing with the previous Ingenium, his brother.
Bakugou is really smug about his merch…on the inside, like hell is he going to go out and actually say that he’s happy about it. He’s a bit pissed that they’ve made a few plushies of him though. (sqeeze them and a high pitched “die!” or other related Bakugou-isim comes out) He’s a bit cooler with it when a few kids walk up to him with those plushies asking for an autograph.
Kirishima is fucking pumped the first time he sees Red Riot merch. He actually poses for a lot of the figures and posters. Whenever a fan shows up for an autograph while wearing his costume he makes a point of posing with them for a picture too.
Tsuyu just smiles the first time she sees Froppy merch. She buys a few figures for her little brother and a plushie for her little sister, but other wise she’s actually rather chill about it. (then she hears about the body pillows some are making in her image and comes down on them like the wrath of God. The less said about what happens when she hears about the body pillows people are making of her friends, the better)
Aoyama inspects every single piece of Can’t Stop Twinkling Merchendice that comes out, every single one, even some of the racier stuff. Bootleg stuff of his is really easy to spot because it doesn’t shine as brightly as possible. He releases a Japanese-French-Japanese dictionary under his name, barely anyone buys it.
Mina is giddy as all hell whenever she sees Pinky stuff. Her most popular items are fake horns and black contacts. Her personal favorite is a squirt gun that colors the water like her acid, she uses it all the time in pranks and such.
Ojiro probably releases a bunch of Tailman brand “Karate lesson” discs and such. As well as Gi and gloves and such. More or less all of his stuff that isn’t figures or plushies (an infamously popular plushie that was just his tail haunts him to this day) are sports equipment. He’s probably the least hyped about it, he’s happy, but mostly he considers it to be purely buissness.
Kaminari has a bunch of stereotypical cool stuff, like skateboards and roller blades and shit. Also he has a bunch of Chargebolt brand shit. Chargebolt shampo, Chargebolt hair dye (to put some charge in your static!™), Chargbolt soda, you name it he’s allowed his name to be put on it.
Kyouka has more music stuff with the Earphone Jack name on it then is probably possible. Like honestly. Obviously the most popular item are ear buds shaped like her Jacks. Some of the other basic stuff, like figures, are kinda embarrassing to her honestly.
Kouda has a punch of pet products with his hero name on it. A lot of pet stores and animal shelters have his image on the front with him surrounded by animals along with the caption, “Animal loved, Anima approved!” Obviously a lot of shady places have this banner up without his premission, which brings out the very rare angry side of him when he finds out.
Sato has a bunch of cooking and baking stuff with the Sugerman logo on it. He’s really happy the first time he gets a letter from a kid who bought one of his easy-bake ovens that said he’s inspired the kid to be a cook.
Shoji is pretty damn happy to see kids running around with a bunch of fake tentacles strapped to them. His figures are actually some of the cooler ones, with really dynamic poses using all of his limbs. Otherwise he’s pretty chill about it.
Sero is kinda miffed that the first piece of merch he has is…a tape dispenser. It takes a long time for him to get any actually shit made of him and when they do finally make some cellophone merch, he ecstatic.
Tokoyami does not like the fact that his most popular item is a plushie of dark shadow. Honestly, there are a bunch of cooler stuff, like figures of him in a fighting pose are posters of him and dark shadow beating down their enemies, and the one thing people buy more then anything else is this 300 yen black bird toy that goes, Ay-o!, when you squeeze it? Some people honestly…
Todoroki only really has figures of him in cool poses. He likes it but he thinks its getting a bit old. The first time he gets a plushie made of him he actually smiles because finally something that isn’t him looking cool! 
As for Tooru…gloves, that is literally it. Just gloves and and boots. It really bums her out. She actually almost stopped Tsuyu from getting rid of her body pillows because at least that’s something. 
Momo loves every single thing made of her, plushies, figures, you name it. She even buys some of the rarer and expensive stuff for herself because she thinks they did a really good job on it. She put out a few Creati brand study guides for every grade from grade school to senior year in high school that sell like hot cakes.
Grape juice brand grape juice. That’s it. Mineta is outraged, his class is not surprised.
Bonus: There’s a super rare Deku plush of him in his very first costume. Nobody really knows how the people that made it knew how it looked it, since he only wore it once when he fought Bakugou before it got nearly destroyed, but those who were there can tell it is completely accurate.
Ochako has actually bought it right under everyone’s nose. She keeps it somewhere safe where nobody can find it. Every now and again if she’s having a bad day she takes it out and hugs it as she sleeps.
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