hnwd · 6 months
Second Price of the DTYIS for @laismexx
Two comic pages about the meeting of her adorable Uni and Dream (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
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🌠Shooting stars mwheheh !🌠
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hnwd · 1 year
I missed Them so muchhhh, Part 1&2 Lapis Eyes
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hnwd · 9 months
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Art summary hehe ✨
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hnwd · 1 year
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End Of Time Comic Prologue ( Gonna call it EOT ) !
Page - 1-6
Prologue ( you are already here !)
Next ( Chapter one start)
Chapter 2
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hnwd · 11 months
Here a fanchild Reaper x Ink, live m'y sweet baby now youre in the multiverse haha !
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Physically Ether is not particularly tall, he is 1m69 tall, and has white and black bones mottled with spots or diamonds. On his forehead is a black diamond, his left eye has black eyelashes and black marks (three diamonds decreasing outwards) his right eye has white eyelashes and white marks). He does not have pupils with changing shapes, but his pupils are very colored in one to three colors, or even four, they can be of a single color at a time, the same or different, changing regularly in a fascinating spectacle. Ehter will mostly have his wings out, they are black and white, and their pattern changes according to his desire, we can therefore represent him freely with different wings of a mixture of black / white pattern, or a wing completely of one color and the other different, the two same ect ect, it’s up to you! (although Ether could make himself bigger, he doesn't do it because he feels in an unpleasant position in this case). He is also ambidextrous.
The name Ether, although it came from mutual agreement, came to each of the parents with different meanings that they hoped would influence the child's development. Ether for ink was both supposed to be a material medium filling space, a desire that his child never have the duality of wandering without a soul, but also in a darker sense of a story he had read , summarizing in his story that the Aether was synonymous with a stone of immortality in exchange for the blood of others. On Reaper's side, he accepted this name considering that it refers to the God Ether, god personifying the upper parts of the sky and its light.
Ether is not the first child of Ink and Reaper, they had a life long before with their respective partners, Reaper with Geno, then Geno becoming Error, Error with Ink then separation. However, Ether is the eldest child of this duo, he is rather neutral for children with the other partners.
Ether has a particular character, although he is extremely good at forming relationships, he generally considers himself detached from the crowd, even superior. This comes as much from his abilities as from his natural character, he loves chaos immensely, and appreciates creating and changing the destiny of others for his own amusement, a true free electron with a seductive smile he will rarely play fair against others. In reality he really likes games, board games, logic, although part of his joy comes from the fact that he wins easily by knowing the future, otherwise or he cannot, Ether will prove to be a a player terribly ready to face, with particularly keen logic and determination, we can recognize in his style of play, that of the gods of death and their Plans.
Ether is really chilly, to compensate for that ink created heated clothing for him that covers him completely, that's why Ether wears many layers of clothing, ironically, born on December 13 and loving winter he remains a eternally chilly lover of snowflakes.
Ether draws, although he doesn't have Ink's talent, he really likes drawing and painting, he loves colors and cute things, as much as sobriety and elegance.
Hermaphrodite, There is no preference on pronouns, nor on the fact of being bottom or top, he is a lover just as colorful and sparkling as Ink but also much more polite and gentleman than we think. These are more personal values than a real internet so you have to be careful not to misunderstand the signals it sends you. He has a favorite outfit, but otherwise he likes clothes of one kind or another and has done so since he was little.
Ether has several abilities, his main one which he developed from his birth was that of seeing the future, acts, actions, all this was disconcertingly easy, like a TV where he could move forward or change channels as he wanted. wish, his childhood was disconcertingly easy. Although this demigod does not have the ability to instill death with a simple touch, ether is a shape-shifter, in the most literal sense, being able to change his own bodily and magical structure to take another form, he does not use this power too much, quite simply because the pain he feels is truly terrible and exhausts him, he once described to his mother, Ink, that when he transformed he felt each of his bones break into pieces. middle of the song and his soul is torn in two before reforming into a new body. Aether's wings also come from this ability so he rarely puts them away. His last special ability is that of pact, as long as the person or person makes a pact with him, he can literally force people however he wants.
He also used this power against the gods of Reapertale, after learning that they mainly belittle the role of Reaper. There came a provocation to offer them the bars in a game and if that was the case they would all have to cede their role to Reaper, not having been taken seriously they accepted in an ironic way, pact validated, Ether blocked them in an infinite hour and forced them to play against yes recovering their power one by one, he nevertheless lost the tournament when Reaper arrived sensing that something was wrong, beating Ether he made him give back his powers and made him to apologize. This didn't influence their relationship, but it didn't help the relationship between the other gods either.
It can be considered in any camp whether neutral good bad, satars dances or Bads sanses
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hnwd · 1 year
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Redesign of my baby
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hnwd · 1 year
Small page working on Paperink, a one shot in writing, at the first meeting of the duo in an alternative universe.
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hnwd · 1 year
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Another moment of the story ! ( Still in writing )
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hnwd · 1 year
Astra ! Dust Ref !
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Plague is of the three members of the apocalypse, the one who comes closest mentally to Nigthmare. Before his corruption, Plague lived in a large tribe under the order of light, so yes it was a joy to see the light bearers illuminating their village... But Plague realized that all this light had a terrible shadow. , when his younger brother was recognized as a bringer of light, and began to grow surprisingly quickly. He who was very religious, Plague asked one of the members why, and this one, since he was so faithful and brother of a bearer of light, explained the reason to him.
Which I remind you that the light was born from the love and the magic of the priests of light, but to consume their life as quickly as a flame and its candle... Plague found himself panicked, and shaken by realizing that this order was much less idyllic who believed it. He began to dwell, again and again and again... The more he did, the more the order became Machiavellian, the more he lent them lights seemed to be angels in the slaughterhouse who deserved a softer death.
Like a madness, it developed in him, he had to eliminate these poor souls to spare their suffering, the tribe I did not deserve their sacrifice. It started with a few stealth killings, causing panic and terror in the tribe. Then, his brother found out about Plague, and tried to reason with him, but Plague was sure he was doing it for them, to save them all that pain. This discussion ends in the death of the cadet, and after that, Plague was convinced that it was the right choice. It wasn't him who was sick, no it was the order.
It was on the same day of the death of his younger brother that the reign of darkness came, Plague was corrupted, but Moonnight, feeling even in his madness, that he hated the order of light just as much as he did, allowed him to absorb its corruption and become a member of the Trio.
Plague attacked the order with violence and it was mainly thanks to him that the order ended up dying out and becoming a sub-branch then which had just as much trouble surviving. The member of the Trio is also the only one who does not affect the Hero, because accompanied by Daylight, he did not want to hurt the one he complains about carrying the light.
Plague spreads darkness and madness like a disease, and it is because of him that once upon a time genocide appeared in the reign of darkness by the most innocent of all. He can also actually spread disease and other viruses, but after a fierce battle against U, he no longer uses this power in this universe.
Plague is convinced that his familiar is the reincarnation of his younger brother, nothing is less certain... His familiar is a kind of electric elementary animal that is nicknamed "phantom beasts" but they are indeed creatures alive, feeding only on energy. Be careful, these creatures can be dangerous and feed on the magic of others or their souls. Syrus feeds on the magic of Plague and the victims he makes, he becomes invisible inside the cities, only his icy presence specific to his species proves that he is present.
His character is direct, he speaks frankly, without filter and calmly, he is not afraid of contact with people. He is sure of himself and has a playful side as much on the threat as on the flirtation.
In combat Plague is balanced in magic and body power, he tends his bones to look feathery and terribly sharp. He can also create feathers directly on his body or talons to get rid of enemies.
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hnwd · 1 year
Are you ready for the battle?
I'll try to make an animation with this drawing and if I can't, well, you'll have the art xD
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hnwd · 1 year
a human wanders around town, seemingly looking for someone in the crowd. One moment he took his phone and called someone *
Lucas: Where is he? I've been looking for it for an hour!
Historia: Are you talking about Adonis?
Lucas: Nah, I'm looking for a unicorn
Story: Oh?
Lucas: Low yes it's him!
Historia: Oh don't yell at me!
Lucas: Anyway- what does he look like?
History: um…
Lucas: Don't tell me…
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Lucas: That you've never seen her! And you tell me to look for his parchment!
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Historia: Yes, so what?! I'm your boss, don't forget that!
[ Sorry the text is long ;w; but i wanted to do it so much XDDD ]
xD it's what's called irony when he's only a few meters away from him
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hnwd · 1 year
*Cristal emerges from the forest and goes to Reitem's temple accompanied by some cats, the wolf is holding in her arms a big old white cat with blue eyes, the poor cat seems to be very sick and without strength to move or meow. she remains silent and looking around*
.... lord death? are you there..?
*she puts the old cat down carefully, she lowers her head and the other cats form a circle around Cristal and the cat*
... this cat is very sick, I already did everything to save him and everything was in vain... he is suffering a lot and I was wondering if...
*she stops for a moment before some tears fall*
could you put him out of this misery and give him a peaceful and painless death?
*she asks in a sad tone*
She waited..., the god of death always comes on time, but you never know when. She ended up falling asleep against a pillar, the cats around her rolling around patiently. At nightfall the old cat painfully left his arms, the god of death came to shorten the life of the soul who had begged him to take it
(PS Reitem doesn't have a temple, the pillars are there only physical consideration of his "religion" even though they weren't made for, so I placed Cristal at a pillar circle that exists in a few places around the world. )
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