kaynzee · 1 year
Chapter 48
Chapter 48 Time, some may say, is perceived as an abstract dimension of the universe. A corridor that exists inside and outside all things in simultaneity. However, the consensus in these parts perceived reality as many different processes, some complete, some that were still unfolding, and some that had yet to be. When he first arrived at Marin Village. It was summer, and the air was heavy. The…
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kaynzee · 2 years
Chapter 47
Chapter 47 Emsie once wrote. That, He had no notion of how the armies of acrimony would wage the upcoming war, but the war after, they’d fight with sticks and stones in the wreckage of what remained. It gave grounds for current thinking, to abstain from using the weaponry of former times. . The Banshee, wholly machine and only partly alive, was a relic from the days of yester. It hovered…
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kaynzee · 2 years
chapter 46
Chapter 46 “We should not linger here!” protested Ash Vani tremulously. She looked around with dread.   The small threesome crossed a knot of old, broken trees. As the natural light dwindled. They trampled through ferns, breathing in the air thick with pollen. They well knew it to flummox minds, and it weighed heavily on their lungs as they felt more jaded than perhaps they should have…
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kaynzee · 3 years
Chapter 45
Chapter 45   “Are you sure this will succeed?” asked Jai in an ambiguous tone. “Not really, no!” replied Vee, throwing on a shade of the intellectual in the mundane hope that his remarks could fork some lightning.   Una, the not yet fully mended, was quieter than was customary. As all she managed to contribute was “I’m with him,” in a mumble, vaguely not-deliberating who the HIM was she was…
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kaynzee · 4 years
Chapter 44
Chapter 44 Cold and sweaty, the man woke. He sat bolt upright in the still of the quiet night. There was silence. It wasn’t just the fact that it was hushed. It was the peculiar realisation that there were no other sounds at all. He gazed upon his bedsheets; they were Saturated with perspiration and a fragrance that persisted like the delicate aroma of something sharp-tasting, long-lasting, and…
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kaynzee · 4 years
Chapter 43
Chapter 43
  As they gaped into the new morn. Momentarily the party were fooled into assuming it was the moon goddess.
  Yet, as the firmament of their eyes readjusted, they plainly perceived the figure of Grozette looking back at them from the bow of the ship. Her image subsided like a theophany that was merely observed for the duration of three breaths.
  And then was completed.
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kaynzee · 4 years
Chapter 42
Chapter 42
My beloved is the most beautiful, amongst thousands and thousands.
A stray thought. She contemplated her navel for a time. She may have imagined hearing a distant voice as Eulin flickered above her head.
She couldn’t be sure. It was far away and unreachable, and washed-out by other sounds.
The quartet
un~vanished from nothingness and now emerged beneath the Grand central Dome, as an…
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kaynzee · 4 years
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kaynzee · 4 years
Chapter 41
Chapter 41
Moon blossoms peppered the air as Min paddled the makeshift kayak toward the coastline.
The surface of the lake was exceedingly still and reflected the cloud strewn pink sky, heavens most faithful of mirror.
They ploughed slowly beneath the tresses of some river-willows and were snared by an outcrop of reeds that held them lovingly.
As Ash Vani splashed into the shallows, fording the…
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kaynzee · 4 years
Chapter 40
Chapter 40
  It starts with one.
  One with the desire to endure beyond prudence. A lone blade of grass that refuses to lie down in the breeze, as the wind boisterous and undaunting is tested.
  Deep within the caverns of Lifrin, two forgotten burial mounds of stones remained overlooked amongst the craggy shale that no human hand had placed. One immense and one much smaller.
  Inside, the heap…
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kaynzee · 5 years
Chapter 39
Chapter 39.
  Darkness can be lonely.
  Tal found herself,
Her authentic self alone in the pitch ambience of the occasion.
The numerous glossy eyes of Joro stared back at her, as she took a glimpse of her reflection, though terrible it was.
This place now stood Barren, melancholy and necropolitan,
As a brisk wind hailed them and chilled the very marrow of their bones. Candles flickered, and the…
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kaynzee · 5 years
Chapter 38
Chapter 38 The sand in the hourglass was almost spilt as the dusk began to seep in. On the breeze, they overheard the distant wail of irate Gulls hail from across the bay and the chime of prayer bells. Jan Jiri they peeled as they rang in distress for troubles that would soon appear. The streets lay cold, desolate, as the municipal lighting illuminated the walkways and the promenade in hues of dim…
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kaynzee · 5 years
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Quietude, an uncomplicated word. Esmie once wrote That the beginning of wisdom is the ability to state facts precisely. If words are not correct, and what is spoke, is not what is meant. Then what remains is fractured. Morals, Art and Justice, the people’s perception of them, is damaged. Make no mistake, the little Sprite’s body was a dead husk devoid of any life.
She lay upon the…
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kaynzee · 5 years
Chapter 36
Chapter 36
Faraway overlooking Mārin village, a small coven con-gregated. descant figures in black robes, wearing conical hoods. The noir shapes wore terrifying occult masks and flocked queerly for a black mass.
They held their lanterns aloft and softly chanted their de-monic whisperings as they trafficked their light onward into the bleakness of the night, where the fire itself writhed like a…
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kaynzee · 6 years
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One of artalacarte character I did this for the draw in your own style challenge
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kaynzee · 7 years
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Brownie & Eulin escape the Calamity at Mārin village... story at www.themartianfairytales.com free chapters under the Blog Tab
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kaynzee · 7 years
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