#azara's agouti
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@dartmoorzoo has over 70 different animal species, including some endangered and critically endangered species. The zoo has a breeding programme with common marmosets, tapir, slender-tailed meerkats, Kafue lechwe, and wallaby. They also have Mammals Amur tiger, African lion, Jaguar, Carpathian lynx, Red-handed tamarin, Gelada, Iberian wolves, Asian short-clawed otters, Raccoon, Vervet monkeys, Common marmosets, Ring-tailed coati, Slender-tailed meerkats, tapir, capybara, Kafue lechwe, Grant's zebra, sugar gliders, lesser hedgehog tenrec, Parma wallabies, Bennett's wallabies, Reeves's muntjac, Fallow deer, domestic rabbits, raccoon dogs, reindeer, Azara's agouti, African pygmy goats and Cloud rat. Birds Ostrich, greater rhea, white-cheeked turaco, avocets, Indian runner ducks, Helmeted guinea fowl, white-naped crane, great horned owl, great grey owl, burrowing owl, European eagle owl, striated caracara, Himalayan Monal, and golden pheasant. Reptiles Red-tailed boa constrictor, royal python, corn snake, milk snake, Western hognose snake, blue spiky lizard, blue-tongued skink, bearded dragon, crested gecko, American alligators, electric blue gecko and yellow-headed day gecko. Amphibians African bullfrog, poison dart frog, golden Mantella frog, axolotl. Invertebrates Sun beetle, leaf insects, Mcklay's spectre, giant thorny stick insect, orange-headed cockroaches, Indian ornamental tarantula, Brazilian black tarantula, Chilean rose tarantula, tailless whip scorpion, and tiger land snails. https://www.dartmoorzoo.org.uk/ (at Dartmoor Zoological Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-9fbvrHJ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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coppercookie · 3 years
My favourite Dasyproctids
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sarahg170194 · 3 years
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Yorkshire Wildlife Park 
April 17 2021 Part 2/3
Part 1 Part 3
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Agouti d'Azara - Il a une excellante ouïe lui permettant de détecter les fruits qui viennent de tomber des arbres. Il suit également les singes susceptibles d'en faire tomber.
Lieu : Zoo de Lille
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Oh you like animals? Name every animal
Uh ok, sure
Aardwolf, Proteles cristatus
Admiral, indian red,Vanessa indica
Adouri (unidentified)unavailable
African black crake, Limnocorax flavirostra
African buffalo,Snycerus caffer
African bush squirrel,Paraxerus cepapi
African clawless otter,Aonyx capensis
African darter,Anhinga rufa
African elephant,Loxodonta africana
African fish eagle,Haliaetus vocifer
African ground squirrel, (unidentified)Xerus sp.
African jacana,Actophilornis africanus
African lion, Panthera leo
African lynx,Felis caracal
African pied wagtail,Motacilla aguimp
African polecat,Ictonyx striatus
African porcupine,Hystrix cristata
African red-eyed bulbul,Pycnonotus nigricans
African skink, Mabuya spilogaster
African snake, (unidentified)unavailable
African wild cat,Felis silvestris lybica
African wild dog,Lycaon pictus
Agama lizard, (unidentified)Agama sp.
Agile wallaby, Macropus agilis
Agouti,Dasyprocta leporina
Albatross, galapagosDiomedea irrorata
Albatross, wavedDiomedea irrorata
Alligator, american,Alligator mississippiensis
Alligator, mississippi,Alligator mississippiensis
Alpaca,Lama pacos
Amazon parrot, (unidentified)Amazona sp.
American Virginia opossum, Didelphis virginiana
American alligator, Alligator mississippiensis
American badger,Taxidea taxus
American beaver, Castor canadensis
American bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensis
American bison, Bison bison
American black bear, Ursus americanus
American buffaloBison bison
American crow, Corvus brachyrhynchos
American marten, Martes americana
American racer, Coluber constrictor
American woodcock, Scolopax minor
Anaconda (unidentified), Eunectes sp.
Andean goose, Chloephaga melanoptera
Ant, (unidentified)unavailable
Anteater, australian spiny, Tachyglossus aculeatus
Anteater, giant, Myrmecophaga tridactyla
Antechinus, brownAntechinus flavipes
Antelope ground squirrelAmmospermophilus nelsoni
Antelope, four-hornedTetracerus quadricornis
Antelope, roanHippotragus equinus
Antelope, sableHippotragus niger
Arboral spiny ratEchimys chrysurus
Arctic foxAlopex lagopus
Arctic ground squirrelSpermophilus parryii
Arctic hareLepus arcticus
Arctic lemmingDicrostonyx groenlandicus
Arctic ternSterna paradisaea
ArgalisOvis ammon
Armadillo, common long-nosedDasypus novemcinctus
Armadillo, giantPriodontes maximus
Armadillo, nine-bandedDasypus novemcinctus
Armadillo, seven-bandedDasypus septemcincus
Asian elephantElephas maximus bengalensis
Asian false vampire batMegaderma spasma
Asian foreset tortoiseManouria emys
Asian lionPanthera leo persica
Asian openbillAnastomus oscitans
Asian red foxVulpes vulpes
Asian water buffaloBubalus arnee
Asian water dragonPhysignathus cocincinus
Asiatic jackalCanis aureus
Asiatic wild assEquus hemionus
Ass, asiatic wildEquus hemionus
Australian brush turkeyAlectura lathami
Australian magpieGymnorhina tibicen
Australian masked owlTyto novaehollandiae
Australian pelicanPelecanus conspicillatus
Australian sea lionNeophoca cinerea
Australian spiny anteaterTachyglossus aculeatus
Avocet, piedRecurvirostra avosetta
Azara's zorroPseudalopex gymnocercus
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kaperkate · 6 years
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Azara's Agouti is today's entry in my #the100dayproject sketchbook 😊 #100daysofsmallmammals Agoutis are one of the only creatues capable of opening Brazil nuts without the aid of tools. Isn't that clever? (Macaws can also do this) They also live for 20 years. That's a log life for a rodent. .. .. #sketchbook #sketching#penandink #carandache #agouti #sketcheveryday (at Manchester, United Kingdom)
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ziyuesketches · 7 years
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Sketches of some animals at Jerusalem Biblical Zoo! It might sound a little crazy but it was quite gratifying to see animals after so long. Besides, I was curious of what they have in Jerusalem and I was particularly drawn to meeting Azara's agouti and barn owl for the first time. I have a story to tell about that Barn Owl - While admiring his pretty, serene face up close, he shredded the dead furry white mouse plenty of times and then swallowed it up. I was filled with horror.) 😳😭#stillachildatheart #sketches
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artscult-com · 7 years
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Azara's agouti - high resolution image from old book.
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crisscrosscutout · 9 years
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Finally got nice pictures of an Azara’s Agouti ;A;
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Agouti (by tim ellis)
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