#azeroth peace council
jacaela · 2 years
day 4 - favourite character
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Darion Mograine is the leader of the Four Horsemen and the former Highlord of the Knights of the Ebon Blade. The son of Alexandros Mograine, one of the Highlords of the Knights of the Silver Hand and the original wielder of the Ashbringer, Darion was a paladin of the Silver Hand, and later of the Argent Dawn. After his father was murdered by his brother Renault Mograine, he came into possession of the corrupted Ashbringer, and tried to save his father's souls inside. During the First Battle for Light's Hope, Darion used the sword to kill himself, destroying the Scourge forces and releasing his father's soul. Following the battle, the Archlich Kel'Thuzad raised him as an undead, while the Lich King made him the Highlord of Death Knights of Acherus and the ruler of Acherus: The Ebon Hold, once again wielding the corrupted Ashbringer. After defeating the Scarlet Crusade in the Scarlet Enclave, he and his fellow death knights broke free from the Lich King's control during the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel and founded the order of renegade death knights known as the Knights of the Ebon Blade. Under the leadership of Darion, the Ebon Blade spearheaded the attack against the Scourge alongside the Argent Crusade during the war against the Lich King, temporarily allied with them to form the Ashen Verdict and topple the Lich King.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore is the daughter of Daelin and Katherine Proudmoore, and sister of Derek and Tandred. She is considered one of the finest mages in all Azeroth and the most powerful human sorceress alive. She is the Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras, the former leader of the Kirin Tor of Dalaran, and of the port-city of Theramore. Trained as the personal agent of Archmage Antonidas, the late leader of the Kirin Tor and Dalaran, she was sent to investigate the plague of undeath with Prince Arthas Menethil, her childhood friend and one-time romantic interest. She witnessed the first stages of the fall of Lordaeron during the Third War firsthand and, guided by a mysterious prophet later revealed as Medivh, Jaina rallied what survivors she could find and fled across the sea to Kalimdor. There, her expedition forces joined together with the night elves and the New Horde and defeated the Burning Legion during the Battle of Mount Hyjal. The human survivors then founded the port city of Theramore, joining the Alliance led by Varian Wrynn, while maintaining peace with the Horde for several years. Shortly after the fall of Deathwing, the Horde led by Garrosh Hellscream destroyed Theramore. Jaina managed to escape with her life, but the experience transformed her, making her more bellicose and even altering her appearance. Following the death of Rhonin during the attack, and fulfilling a prophecy made by the dragon-mage Korialstrasz, Jaina took the fallen mage's place as leader of the Kirin Tor and head of the Council of Six. In spite of personal tragedies, she attempted to maintain the Kirin Tor's neutrality during the Alliance-Horde war. After the Horde-aligned Sunreavers aided Garrosh to steal the Divine Bell, Jaina exiled the Sunreavers from her city during the Purge of Dalaran and aligned the Kirin Tor with the Alliance. Following the Battle for the Broken Shore, the Council decided unanimously to re-admit the Horde into Dalaran for the greater good. Furious, Jaina left the Kirin Tor. Following the War of the Thorns, Jaina returned to her homeland of Kul Tiras in the name of the Alliance but was imprisoned for treason by her mother at the suggestion of Lady Priscilla Ashvane. After Ashvane's own betrayal was discovered, Jaina reconciled with her mother and brought the lost Kul Tiran fleet back home. Katherine stepped down as Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras and named Jaina in her stead, re-pledging their nation to the Alliance cause and to the Fourth War.
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ao3feed--reylo · 2 years
Cleansed by Fire
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/4n1bthY
by WinglessOne
Continuing the story of Wicked Game, after nearly two decades of bliss in their secluded safe haven, the never-ending war on Azeroth finally catches up with Rey and Kylo in the least expected way. A tragic act of war causes them to become politically involved in the future of their people. Follow them and their family on their journey to restore peace and balance after all seems lost.
  Note: this is the second part of a trilogy. It isn't necessary to read the first installment, however, it is strongly encouraged.
Words: 3574, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Warcraft Crossover Series
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types, Reylo - Fandom, World of Warcraft
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Kylo Ren, Rey (Star Wars), Han Solo, Leia Organa, Illidan Stormrage, Khadgar (Warcraft), Tyrande Whisperwind, Malfurion Stormrage, Kael'thas Sunstrider, The Council of Six (Warcraft), Jaina Proudmoore, Original Characters
Relationships: Kylo Ren/Rey, Leia Organa/Han Solo
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - World of Warcraft Fusion, Kylo Ren is a Demon Hunter, Rey is a Warlock, The World of Warcraft AU no one asked for, Established Relationship, Devoted Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kid Fic, Angst, Heavy Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Family Bonding, Healing, Fantasy, Magic, Force Bond (Star Wars), Cross-Faction Romance, Faction War (Warcraft), Politics, Mention Of Genocide, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/4n1bthY
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sekhisadventures · 6 days
The Timelost Worgen
Once, Nozdormu sent the heroes of Azeroth through time to defeat a powerful being, his equal in every way in the most literal sense. His own future self, fallen to madness, Murazond of the Infinite Dragons.
They were sent to one of Azeroth’s possible futures. A bleak and desolate version of their world that Nozdormu referred to as ‘The End Times,’ where the corrupted leader of the black dragonflight, Deathwing the Destroyer, had done exactly as his name implies and had destroyed Azeroth to free his dark gods from their imprisonment.
However, there are many, nigh infinite timelines, and this was not the only one that ended badly for Azeroth.
In one timeline, known by the bronze dragons as Azmourne, when the forces of the Alliance and Horde invaded Icecrown citadel, the Scourge had won. Azeroth had fallen to the forces of Arthas Menethil and became a world of death where all served the Lich King and, through him, his dark master Zovaal the Jailer.
In another, Azewrath, the War of the Ancients was lost and Sargeras claimed Azeroth as his seat of power, Suramar being all that remained free of the iron rule of the Burning Legion as they put the world to the torch.
This world is not one of those… in this world, when Teldrassil Burned, King Wrynn led the forces of the Alliance to the fallen kingdom of Lordaeron in retaliation and breeched the city with Genn Greymane and Alleria Windrunner.
… but without Jaina Proudmoore. For whatever reason, in this timeline, the Daughter of the Sea was not present for the battle.
They fought their way through to the throne room of the late King Terenas to confront the Banshee Queen, who revealed that it was a trap set for them. Sylvannas transformed into her banshee form and unleashed a series of plague-bombs to flood the room with noxious fumes that spelled death for all who were inside.
In our timeline, Jaina Proudmoore teleported them to safety before the fumes could harm them… but she wasn’t there.
Instead, King Wrynn called upon the Light and dove towards the Banshee Queen, driving Shalamayne into her before she could escape. The power of the Light poured into Sylvannas and she cried out in agony as it consumed her, body and soul… but her final death scream blasted apart the throne room and the three heroes within it, killing them as well.
The King of Stormwind was dead without a heir, and the Warchief of the Horde was destroyed.
The reaction from both sides was immediate.
The Horde’s leadership changed to Baine Bloodhoof, who attempted to appeal for peace… but the Alliance would have none of it.
Tyrandae Whisperwind had been denied her prey by these events. The Night Warrior was furious and called upon the leadership of Stormwind to join her in wiping out the Horde forever. Without a king the rulership of the city fell to a hastily formed council of noblemen, many of whom saw the various races of the Horde as nothing but savage monsters worthy only of extermination.
To make matters worse, when Jaina heard of Anduin’s death she immediately sided with Tyrandae. She was still seething with the loss of her own home of Theramore Island, the wounds of that war still fresh in her mind and losing Anduin left her with very little else to care about losing.
The war raged across the lands of Azeroth for many months with neither side gaining ground… but the nobles of Stormwind had been working in secret. Aided by Lady Proudmoore and a cabal of likeminded mages, they managed to recreate the Mana Bomb used by Garrosh Hellscream during the days leading to the war in Pandaria, but much much more powerful.
They unleashed it upon Orgrimmar… but the devastation was beyond even what they had expected.
The resultant blast was a force unlike any seen since the Sundering itself. It annihilated the city and most of the eastern coast of Kalimdor, and the resultant shockwave disrupted the very ley lines of the planet causing a tremendous calamity worse even than the Cataclysm had been.
Storms tore across the land, earthquakes shattered the ground, it was as if Azeroth herself was rebelling against the destruction that had been wrought and was trying to rid herself of her inhabitants in disgust.
Hidden wells of Azerite ignited all over the world, causing ecological devastation on a global scale, and when the dust finally settled… that was all that remained of most of the world. Dust, and ruins.
By the end there was no Horde or Alliance, just the few survivors who managed to eke out an existence in what remained.
Year 2, After Last War, the land that was once known as Westfall.
Once it had been the breadbasket of the Kingdom of Stormwind, rows and rows of fields and farmland covered the region like the pattern of a giant quilt and the bounty of them had fed people from here all the way to Redridge.
Now, those fields lay farrow, nothing but cracked and dried dirt with the occasional hardy plants that still managed to survive somehow, and bones scattered about as well. Some were farm animals who had been left to starve as the farmers abandoned the fields, some were the farmers themselves who didn’t abandon them fast enough.
A pair of feet made their way through the desolate landscape, a nose sniffing at the air.
A worgen woman stood there, wearing armor that was piecemeal leather and metal strapped together, along with a tattered cloak over her shoulders. In her hand was a makeshift spear made of scrap metal strapped securely to a sturdy length of wood. “Hmm…” she murmured, then she glanced up at a loud cawing sound, holding out her arm.
A raven flapped down from the sky and landed there, cocking its head at her. “Find anyfin’ ta eat Morri?” she asked, her voice raspy.
The crow cawed at her, the worgen chuckled, “Eh, thought not…” she frowned, “I think Westfall’s ‘bout had it. We should ‘prolly ‘ead south aye? Mebbe some o’ Stranglethorn still got some life left…” she nodded as another bird flapped down next to her.
This one was different however. While the first one was an ordinary raven, this bird was an owl with feathers as white as snow and oddly enough a pair of long thin antlers growing from it's head… though it had clearly seen better days. They all had. The worgen, raven, and owl all looked close to starvation… barely hanging on only by hunting together.
The worgen stroked over the owl’s head gently, then she paused as she noticed something.
Flecks of sand were drifting off the raven’s wings, the bird having not noticed them yet.
“Oi, Morri? Yez been diggin’ in th’ beach again?” she grunted, reaching out to brush them off its feathers… then froze.
Sand was falling off her as well, the worgen noticing that her claws were trailing a rain of the small grains as she moved. The owl hooted in alarm as it flapped it’s wings, sand drifting off them as well!
“Wot th’ fel?! This some sorta magicky shite?!” she growled as her bird cawed loudly, sensing her agitation as she looked around. “WHO’S TRYIN’ TA DO SOME SPELLIN’ ON ME! SHOW YERSELF SO I CAN GUT YEZ PROPER!” she snarled.
But there was nobody around, at least, nobody alive… but then, nobody undead either. She and the birds were alone and within moments the sand was swirling around them!
The worgen cursed and tried to flail it away with her spear, but in a burst of sand the trio vanished… but nobody saw them go, there was nobody left to see it.
Next Story (Coming Soon!)
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lotusmoonbunni · 4 years
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Commission for @frostwolfshaman
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azerothpeacecouncil · 6 years
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The Azeroth Peace Council Presents: Skate at the Lake
A Neutral Gathering of Friends and Loved ones during Love is in the Air, to skate and enjoy the company of like-minded individuals during the holidays. Hosted by The Azeroth Peace Council, WrA server.
Have fun skating on the Lake Kel’Theril located in Winterspring, on February 16th, and enjoy a wide selection of food & drink as you do- all baked and made fresh by the associates of the Peace Council.
Also Join us for a chance to win some fabulous prizes, by signing up for our free raffle! No purchase necessary for entry, though if you’re in need of skates, The APC will be offering Skate Rentals!
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Event: Skate at the Lake- An Ice Skating RP event Where: Lake Kel’theril, Winterspring- in Northern Kalimdor. When: February 16th, 2019 - 5:30PM Server (WrA)
Who’s Allowed to Come?:
Horde/Alliance/Neutral are invited to come! Spend time with your families, loved ones, sweethearts and friends, in-faction or cross in a space to celebrate in.
Since this is a neutral event, you will need the Elixir of Tongues, an item that lasts 1 hour you can get in Dalaran or on the AH that allows you to speak to the opposing faction, but both sides need to drink it to understand!  And to make Cross Faction RP even smoother, you can also download the Cross RP addon, which works with the elixir and helps with the /emote issue!
See our Drink and Snack Menu here! More on the Raffle and Entry Details below.
Raffle will be available to Horde and Alliance Members. Signup will take place between 6:00PM - 7:15PM ST, Winners will be announced at 7:35PM ST. Please see Rules for entry details.
-Raffle Prizes Include...-
First Place: A Captured Dune Scavenger Mount Second Place: A Mechano-Hog Mount Third Place: The Reins of Poseidus
-Rules for Entry-
1. One Entry Per Person. Multiple entries will be found in forfeit.
2. Must sign up with the Azeroth Peace Council Raffle Representative onsite during the event in order to enter. Please provide the full name of the character you are attending on.
3. In order to participate you must be onsite and present to claim your prize. Should you not be present, raffle will be redrawn and win will be forfeited to second-runner up.
4. Any Alliance Participants who win (As the Azeroth Peace Council is a WrA-H guild primarily) should contact the Azeroth Peace Council  Raffle Representative after the  Winner Announcement is over to organize meeting on an H-side toon, in order claim prize.
Please come join us for a night of skating and good company!
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woofling · 6 years
for the love of god let Gotosh REST.............
A really silly and quickly done animatic to test out how vegas pro works! featuring some member of the Azeroth Peace Council.
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itsjustbeek · 6 years
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Thank you all again for attending the Honoring of Teldrassil held by @azerothpeacecouncil ! We were floored by the turnout and greatly appreciate those who came and made it a wonderful, memorable experience!
Many beautiful speeches and many of the displaced animals of Teldrassil and Darkshore had found great homes last night.
Hayden was happy to be apart of such an occasion! Now its time for him to return to his aiding efforts in Zuldazar again!
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armont · 6 years
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I had to bail early, but it was a great event and a lovely message. The very end when the majority of the group came forward and made their own offerings was really touching. 
(Sorry nameplates are up. I’m a heathen)
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everglow-botanicals · 6 years
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((Thank you to @azerothpeacecouncil for a beautiful event tonight-- Still ongoing!))
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starry-plum · 7 years
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Azeroth Gay Council
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yung-rage · 7 years
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@tokidokifish 🌸
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shamanofthewilds · 6 years
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Our rylak flight from Shattrath City to our camping spot in Nagrand for Azeroth Peace Council’s @azerothpeacecouncil heritage camping trip. It was a blast and I’m sad it’s already over. Here are some shots I got of our scenic route through the air.
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aussielight · 6 years
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"The Soul of our people, now a desecrated font of decay. It worsens with each sunrise.” - Kael’Thas Sunstrider
After Arthas used the Sunwell to resurrect Kel’Thuzad as a powerful Lich & corrupting its waters. The Thalassian heroes decided with heavy hearts, to destroy the Sunwell, which altered the destiny & hearts of their people - Forever.
From that day, the Quel’Dorei decided to name their people Sin’Dorei - The children of blood, in honour of the fallen & all those who fought for their people.
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tokidokifish · 6 years
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lotusmoonbunni · 4 years
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No one ever believes him when he says he loves the sea. Maybe it's his fear of fish. Surprise surprise Katamar is joining Team Surf! Sea giant and lionfish inspiration were used for his outfit. #STVBB2020 !!!
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azerothpeacecouncil · 6 years
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                    The Azeroth Peace Council presents the                                       APC SOUP KITCHEN! 
WHEN: Janurary 24th at 4:45 WERE: Ratchet, just left of the docks 
WHY: Because everyone deserves to rest
The APC proudly presents our current home that is accessible to both Horde AND Alliance: Ratchet in Kalimador just east of the Cross Road’s along side the river! 
We think this less as a ship port full of goblin activity ad more of a neutral area that will allow us to provide food for lost, needy and struggling travelers. No matter what the reason is, The APC will be happy to provide food, water and supplies for those who need it. We also promote a friendly atmosphere, connections and peace among people who just need to rest. 
Since this is a neutral event, you will need the Elixir of Tongues , an item that lasts 2 hours you can get in Dalaran or on the AH that allows you to speak to the opposing faction, but both sides need to drink it to understand!  And to make Cross Faction RP even smoother, you can also download the Cross RP addon , which works with the elixir and helps with the /emote issue! 
Some come join us on Thursday the 24th for a time of rest and relaxation away from the chaos and get some food from our normal menu!
Below is additional information (Map, Questions and Menu!)
If you’re a newer character and don’t quite know how to get to Ratchet here are a few easy ways if you don’t have the flight path or a friend to help: If you’re Horde, take the west path leading out of Razor Hill until you the Northern Barrens and then just run south along the river until you reach Ratchet. You’ll know it for the docks and all of the steam powered machines and goblins!  If you’re Alliance, the quickest route would be to get to Booty Bay and take the ship that sets off there. That ship takes you straight to Ratchet! Don’t forget to get the flight path while you’re there. --
-As some general ground rules, the Soup Kitchens are sanctuaries no matter where they are. In our space, there is no violence , stress or hate. If you wouldn’t do it at a real homeless shelter you shouldn’t do it here! Please respect the people there who are there enjoying themselves and this goes for both you and your characters.
- There is no level or faction cut off. We are in a neutral spot so that can provide food for all, since that is what APC is all about. So all are welcome! Be you Alliance, Horde or ICly in between or neither!  And last but not least , our usual menu! Especially for those Alliance side. But as long as you have the elixir of tongues you should be able to see when our members link the menu:
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