#azerothian botany
veresiine · 2 years
3. What makes your character’s skin crawl?
Thank you for the ask!
Verk: Seafood grosses her right out. She will eat almost anything else; sure, she started out as a spoiled noble, but years of army food have worn down her resistance. Seafood, however? Especially shellfish? She will not touch that with a ten-foot pole. Not after she had a bad food poisoning experience, and was also tasked with cleaning up after a battle with the naga.
Eres: Spiders. Bog striders. Really anything with a lot of Leg (we ignore how, as a draenei, she also has more than enough Leg). A lot of creatures that gross out or scare most Azerothians, Eres finds adorable, but spiders are NOT included. She understands how important they are to the ecosystem, but she never wants to be around one.
Tel: Void magic and anything to do with it, thanks to spending the first 40 years of her life fighting trolls. Which is rather unfortunate, seeing as she is (unwillingly) the chosen heir of an eredar arcanist with a penchant for shadow magic and no respect for others' trauma.
Mar: You know, I never really thought of what makes his skin crawl? He's usually so very chill and easygoing; I know what (few) things make him angry, but I never considered this angle. Probably only super morally reprehensible stuff.
Revenis: When food that should be homogeneous in texture is NOT. It doesn't matter if he's trying to eat it or trying to sculpt it; he will Nope right out if there's some mystery objects in his mush.
Rataalis: Fel magic. Even just the concept of it, of chaos, of burning life to fuel itself. Which is unfortunate for him, since he lives with three blood elves, including one (sort-of) demon hunter and one (sort-of) warlock. Anyway, thanks to association, even the smell of sulfur makes his skin crawl now.
Quendri: The concept of the Emerald Nightmare or the Botani. Anything twisting or perverting life or druidic magic.
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Azerothian Botany Masterpost: 100 Herbs of WoW
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Preface: Three years ago, I wrote my very first botany post. Inspired by the dozens upon dozens of herb gathering quests I came across as I leveled, I set out to catalogue every single plant in WoW lore. Three years later, I’ve officially covered 100 and somehow still only barely scratched the surface of Azeroth’s flora. Though I have no plans to stop anytime soon, I figured I’d at least put together a masterpost on what I’ve done so far. 
While this is my main lore blog, I’ve recently switched over to posting my botany posts on azerothianbotany to better organize them. You can find the links to every plant I’ve covered thus far in this post, but if you’re looking for something more specific (e.g. a poisonous plant or a magical plant), azerothianbotany has pages that categorize the plants based on their rarity, edibility, uses, etc.   
Here’s to another 100!
The Eastern Kingdoms
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Akiris Reed
Banshee’s Bells
Bloodberry Bush
Ferocious Doomweed
Flower of Luck
Forest Mushroom
Mudsnout Blossom
Plague Tangle
Rot Blossom
Stillwater Lily
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Death Cap
Emerald Shimmercap
Fel Cone
Flower of Compassion
Forest Mushroom
Laden Mushroom
Living Ire Thyme
Moonpetal Lily
Shimmering Frond
Tar Blossom
Thorned Bloodcup
Burstcap Mushroom
Hellfire Spineleaf
Olemba Tree
Sanguine Hibiscus
Shadowmoon Tuber
Telaari Frond
Death Bloom
Ember Blossom
Zangarium Draenormycota
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Cave Mushroom
Crystalline Heartwood
Dahlia’s Tears
Frostberry Bush
Muddlecap Fungus
Shimmering Snowcap
Lurching Blossom
Kafa’kota Bush
Tidemist Cap
Volatile Bloom
Everglow Seedling
Void-Touched Arinor Blossom
The Broken Isles
Morning Glory Vine
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Bloodlasher Seedling
Bwonsamdi’s Tears
Gnarl Root
Prickly Pear
Prickly Plum Cactus
Krag’wa’s Ire
Sapphire Amaraina
Soothing Lilybud
Whistlebloom Juicy Fruit
Kul Tiras
River Carnations
Coral Lasher
Deepcoral Bud
Kelp Bud
Poisonous Spiral Leaf
The Shadowlands
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Adrima’s Lily
Culex Tree
Midnight Rose
Maiden’s Anguish
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azerothianbotany · 3 years
Azerothian Botany - Sanguine Hibiscus
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The Underbog is home to a plethora of unique plant species that do not grow naturally anywhere else on Outland [NPC: T’shu Dialogue, Quest: Bring Me A Shrubbery!]. The most popular – and perhaps most common – of these is a bright red flower known as sanguine hibiscus [Quest: Bring Me A Shrubbery!].
Sporelings native to Zangarmarsh reportedly use sanguine hibiscus for a number of purposes, though what those uses could be that they value adventurers who provide them with large quantities of the plant so highly is unclear [Quest: Bring Me A Shrubbery!].
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A House Staff Rolecall
Here is a List of the Staff of House Silvenheim that you can interact with on this blog! Read below the cut for all the fun! If you’re looking for Maurussus, Zasalemel, or Adamska, they can be found at their respective blogs. The Staff are seperated based on the type of job they hold, and the type of information you can get from them best! GENERAL, MERCANTILE, and MILITARISTIC
Marilla Frostscythe
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The Right hand of the Owl, Marilla is often considered the Head of the House’s Staff, despite holding no official title. Joining House Silvenheim’s Service as a young girl, this Assassin turned Maid became the Bodyguard, Maid, and Confidant of Zasalemel when he was a boy, her loyalty unquestioned even in his exile. When returning to the House as the new Owl of House Silvenheim, Zas appointed Marilla to run the day to day operations of the Manor.
Thakos Tantellion
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Working as the Right hand to Lady Silvenheim, and then their son, Raphael, Thakos is almost as dedicated as Marilla is, though far less cold. His playful banter is often the highlight of Raphael’s day, but the Butler’s work ethic is never to be questioned either. 
Rowmarn Roweton
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Charming, Suave, and Intelligent, are all words used to describe Rowmarn. As the Gardener to House Silvenheim, Zas entrusted the Gilnean with his family’s prize roses. However, Rowmarn proved himself to be an excellent Gardener, and made the roses bloom bigger and brighter than ever. A Druid of Considerable skill, he is adept at both Botany, and defending his Lord’s Gardens from harm.
Valentine Caserta
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The Valet of Lady Silvenheim, Valentine is an interesting individual. Their gender is kept under wraps but some days it’s near impossible to tell. However, the twin girls of Lord Silvenheim and his wife love their dear Guardian to death, even going as far as to help them in planning out spectacular outfits.
Durvig Brewfeather
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Durvig is a Wildhammer dwarf, in charge of the Stables of House Silvenheim. His skill with Animals is matched only by his shyness, and chivalry. Oftentimes, if the children of the Lord have commited a wrongdoing, Durvig is the one that they’re left with for Punishment, but it never feels like a punishment thanks to his bright personality.
Elias Darkshade
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One of the first Nightfallen to leave Suramar following the fall of the tyrant Elisande, Elias is one of the more magically gifted Shal’dorei around. Unlike most of the family however, he chose to continue the magical schooling, even going as far as teaching, instead of the Wine business like the rest of the family.
Floravel Sunsprite
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Floravel Sunsprite is the illegitimate child of a Noblewoman who wound up in the Employ of Zas after a brief stint working as a model for a certain magazine published for the adults of Silvermoon City. She is flirty, but she is quite shy at times, and easily startled. She and Marilla do not have a good working relationship thanks to Flora’s own clumsiness.
Varja Stormcryer
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One of the two members of the House Staff that use the darker side of Magic, Varjar was hired as a guardian for the last of the Triplets, Mythrius. Her unique Runic Magics, and connection to the darker side of things, give her a unique perspective on the young, soft-toy loving Warlock. Unlike the rest of the staff, she was hired as a Neutral party, having never been once a part of the Horde, or Alliance.
The Titanium Wyvern
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Formerly the captain of a Mercenary Company, the Titanium Wyvern is a Tauren of considerable skill with the blade. He and his company met the young Exile, Zasalemel, during his travels. Zasalemel, needing guards at the time in a world hunting Fel users, challenged the Wyvern to a Game of chess. When Zas returned to his House, he granted the Wyvern the title of Featherguard Commander, and made him the Commander of the House Guard.
Augustine Roweton
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The Twin brother of Rowmarn, Augustine doesn’t have his twin’s charm, but does share his looks. While his brother was afflicted when the Worgen infestation took over Gilneas, Augustine had been sent away by their parents, to join the secretive Order of the Crimson Moon. Tasked with hunting down witches, warlocks, and worgen, Augustine rose fast, until his unit was tasked with destroying a Worgen that he recognized. He helped his twin brother rejoin the kingdom of Gilneas, and recieve his cure, but was Exiled from his Order. Following the call of the Silver Hand, the Order of the Crimson Moon was found to have been infiltrated by a Dreadlord, and the last Lord Seeker sent away the Blade of the Crimson Moon to the Order of the Silver Hand. There the Squire found Augustine and presented him with the Letter, naming him the new Lord Seeker of the Crimson Moon. Augustine brought the Crimson Moon to heel, and had them join House Silvenheim’s Featherguard, working as elite spellbreakers and warriors for the Guard.
Darien Leyspyer
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Darien Leyspyer is a Mage of the Kirin Tor, and a Sin’dorei. His snarky, arrogant attitude, is well earned, having graduated top of his class, and proven to be an exceptional mage. His Job, officially, is to study Magic for the House, and work as a Liaison between House Silvenheim and the Kirin Tor of Dalaran. He is also in charge of ensuring that the Featherguard, and the Order of the Crimson Moon, can get to wear Lord Silvenheim orders them during times of war.
Polxena Dawnsinger
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Working as both the Field Medic of the Featherguard, and as the assistant to Doctor Shaedanath, Polxena has a unique quality that the family physician does not have, which is mostly the ability to leave the Manor at will. Her knowledge of potions and medical procedure leaves her more than capable of patching up the Featherguard and the Order of the Crimson Moon.
Fluerinelle Darkshade
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Otherwise known as “The Lady Winemaker” Fluerinelle is the elder sister of Elias Darkshade. Coming to Silvermoon after her brother had been in the Lord’s Employ for some time, Fluerinelle was hired when Zas tried to expand his house’s business portfolio, by adding in a supply of Arcwine, and other libations.
Mixxy and Markus Cogcollar
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A Gnome and Goblin Husband and Wife pair, Mixxy and Markus enjoy the finer things, traveling from land to land, performing while selling the wares of House Silvenheim. Their lives as traveling merchants however, is a fairly recent change, having traded their services in exchange for continued freedom. Once a notorious pair of Cons, they enjoyed scamming hardworking Azerothians out of well earned coin, and when their attempts to con a man named Maurussus failed, they were turned over to Zas, who gave them the chance at redemption via work.
Ana Moltenmantle
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With the Dark Iron Dwarves joining the Alliance, Ana Moltenmantle was put in contact with the Lord Seeker of the Order of the Crimson Moon, offering up Dark Iron craftsmanship for his men. Little did she know that Augustine would put her in contact with someone with far more influence. When the Dark Iron met with the Lord Seeker, he was accompanied by a Raven haired Elf, who offered her a position as the House Blacksmith for House Silvenheim. Thinking it was a trick, the Dwarf laughed, and called Augustine a traitor to his faction, only to be challenged to a duel. It was Augustine’s conviction to the man that intrigued Ana into agreeing to serve House Silvenheim, and she found that the Man’s conviction, was well placed.
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azerothianbotany · 3 years
Azerothian Botany - Midnight Rose
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The Venthyr’s love of gaudy ornamentation makes it no surprise that they cultivate a variety of beautiful flowers. Of these, one of the most popular seems to be the midnight rose, a lilac-colored bloom commonly seen all over Revendreth [NPC: Lord Silviu Dialogue]. This flower is more than just pretty decoration, however; midnight roses enable the Venthyr to move through the shadows quicker than normal [Buff: Midnight Rose]. That said, exactly how such an effect is achieved – whether via smell, ingestion, or some other means – is unclear.
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azerothianbotany · 4 years
Azerothian Botany - Rotberry
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Though the Plaguelands’ native flora has started to regrow in thanks to the combined efforts of the Cenarion Circle and the Argent Crusade, much of the region’s wildlife still suffers from the plague’s influence today [Quest: Zen’kiki, the Druid, Quest: Postponing the Inevitable]. The Plaguewood, located just outside Stratholme, is home to all sorts of blighted vegetation, including a bright red fruit inauspiciously known as the rotberry. While many species of wild berries found on Azeroth are edible, it is probably safe to assume that rotberries are not fit for human consumption [Item: Rotberry].    
A Forsaken apothecary once experimented with rotberries – among several other reagents – in search of a counter-plague agent, though it is unclear if he ever succeeded [Quest: Counter-Plague Research].
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Azerothian Botany - Doomshroom
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Although the elemental earth realm, Deepholm, is largely made up of rocks and crystals, a meager amount of flora does currently grow there. Most of it appeared only in the past few years, having been caused by the rift Deathwing inadvertently opened when he burst out of the elemental plane and back into the mortal world of Azeroth [NPC: Slate Quicksand Dialogue, Quest: Doomshrooms]. The rift, however, was not entirely to blame for all of Deepholm’s newly sprouted plant life. Other flora, magically cultivated by a stone trogg fungalmancer known as Glop, started to appear in the Crimson Expanse, the easternmost part of the region [Quest: A Head Full of Wind, Quest: Unnatural Causes, Quest: Wrath of the Fungalmancer].
Of the many different species of mushrooms he grew, the inauspiciously named doomshroom is one of the most notable. This particular strain of fungi is easily identifiable by its bright glow and the fact that it grows much more rapidly than other vegetation in the area [Quest: Doomshrooms].
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Azerothian Botany - Murkweed
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There are but a handful of plants and herbs on Azeroth that give the ability to commune with the spirits and, in some extreme cases, even traverse the realm of the dead. One of the rarer plant species with these unique properties, murkweed, has toxins so potent that it can separate one’s own spirit from their body and allow them to temporarily enter the afterlife [Quest: The Forgotten Tale, Item: Murkweed Elixir].
As a rare plant, murkweed only grows in one place: the most southeastern part of Dragonblight, close to the Forgotten Shore where restless spirits still wander to this day [Quest: The Murkweed Elixir].  
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Azerothian Botany - Aethril
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Azeroth is home to innumerable flora with innate magical properties. One particularly remarkable species is aethril, a semi-translucent flower largely indigenous to Azsuna [Item: Aethril Sample].
In spite of its markedly fragile appearance, the aethril plant is actually quite resilient [Item: Aethril Sample, Quest: Aethril Sample]. Not only does it have strong roots, it also mainly survives by feeding off of magical ley energy from the surrounding land, something which is plentiful in Azsuna [Item: Stainless Stamen, Quest: Aethril Sample, World Quest: Oculus Preparations: Ley Them Down]. Supposedly, so long as the plant has access to a source of magic to draw from, it can survive in many different environments – including underwater – for an indefinite period of time [Item: Aqueous Aethril].
Additionally, aethril is one of few flowers that reproduces through self-pollination [Quest: A Slip of the Hand].
Similar to dreamleaf – another flower native to the Broken Isles –, aethril is a polymorph organism, meaning it has many variants that differ slightly from one another in structure and appearance. Known types of aethril include iridescent aethril, lively aethril, flourishing aethril, and bushy aethril [Page: Aethril]. While slight visual characteristics separate both the iridescent and lively variants from typical aethril plants, flourishing aethril and bushy aethril are set apart by more substantial differences. For example, flourishing aethril reproduces much more quickly than standard aethril plants [Item: Flourishing Aethril]. Bushy aethril, on the other hand, sports an unusually large number of leaves when compared to others of the same species [Item: Bushy Aethril].
Most aethril plants produce a sharp crystalline fiber known as an aethrem crystal in the center of their flower [Quest: Aethrem Crystal, Item: Aethrem Crystal]. That said, it is unclear what, if any, properties the crystal has.
Aethril is perfectly safe to ingest. Some Nightfallen will actually go so far as to eat the plant to feed off of its stored magic [Item: Chewed Aethril Stem].
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Azerothian Botany - Banshee’s Bells
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Both the flora and fauna of the Plaguelands have been deeply ravaged by the Scourge – even today, undead constructs work to continuously re-plague the land, polluting and killing much of the region’s plant life [Quest: Postponing the Inevitable]. That said, a small variety of vegetation still naturally grows in the Plaguelands, undeterred by the undead’s efforts. One such plant, called banshee’s bells, grows along the eastern bank of the Thondroril River [Quest: Greasing the Wheel]. This flower’s tenacity in spite of its environment is particularly fascinating as the only thing banshee’s bells are known for is their delicate nature [Item: Banshee’s Bells].
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Azerothian Botany - Stonebloom (Zandalar)
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The Nazmani swamp is home to a diverse ecology of flora. Although the local trolls consider the region to be incredibly dangerous – and with good reason, too, given the number of hostile creatures residing within it – much of the swamp’s native vegetation is actually safe to eat. One edible plant species common in Nazmir is stonebloom, which grows near roads and stone structures [Page: Stonebloom]. The plant has properties that, when ingested, makes one hardier for a short period of time [Buff: Stonebloom].
Whether stonebloom gets its name from its unique effects or the places in which it grows is unclear.
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Azerothian Botany - Darkblossom
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Few plants are as versatile as the darkblossom, a small purple flower that can be used for anything from treating wounds to seasoning food. The plant’s usefulness, combined with the fact that it grows all over Darkmoon Island, makes it highly valuable to members of the Darkmoon Faire [Quest: Herbs for Healing].
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Azerothian Botany - Flower of Compassion
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There are several plant species that only bloom during the Lunar Festival, a two-week-long celebration commemorating the Burning Legion’s defeat during the War of the Ancients ten thousand years ago [Quest: Elune’s Blessing, Quest: Crown of Dark Blossoms]. It is believed that each of the short-lived flowers has a special connection to the elven moon deity, Elune, and that their connection to her gives them unique properties [Quest: Crown of Dark Blossoms]. 
One of the plants, the flower of compassion, is commonly associated with peace and sympathy, hence its name [Item: Flower of Compassion]. Although it only grows for a brief period of time, the flower of compassion can be found in the Cenarion Wildlands in Desolace, just outside of Karnum’s Glade [Quest: Crown of Dark Blossoms].
Those who celebrate Lunar Festival traditionally weave the flower of compassion and other blossoms into flower crowns to wear during the holiday [Quest: Crown of Dark Blossoms, Item: Crown of Eternal Memorial].
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Azerothian Botany - Akiris Reed
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Akiris reeds are a type of marine plant coveted by both the naga and goblins. While it is unclear why the former value the plant, some goblins collect akiris reeds in order to turn a profit by selling them to merchants overseas. Always ones to capitalize on an opportunity, a few goblin-run resorts in southern Stranglethorn Vale have found an additional use for the reed by stuffing their visitors’ mattresses with them [Quest: Akiris by the Bundle].
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Azerothian Botany - Hellfire Spineleaf
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Much of Outland’s native plant life has a reputation for being particularly dangerous – and for good reason, too, considering that most of the planet’s flora evolved from the Sporemounds, a highly invasive plant species that once sought to dominate all of Draenor [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume II, pg. 12-14, 19-21]. Not every flower on Outland is inherently toxic or deadly, however. For example, a small plant that grows in the southeastern part of Hellfire Peninsula has anesthetic properties. Known as the hellfire spineleaf, it can either be made into a salve or simply ingested directly to temporarily dull one’s pain [Quest: Preparing the Salve, Item: Hellfire Spineleaf].
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Azerothian Botany - Dreamleaf
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The dreamleaf is a sticky, paper-thin plant that is indigenous to both Val’sharah and the Valley of the Four Winds [Quest: Dreamleaf Sample].
Dreamleaf is a polymorph, meaning it has several different forms, or morphs, that differ slightly from one another in structure and appearance. Known morphs include, but are not limited to, the fragrant dreamleaf, bushy dreamleaf, iridescent dreamleaf, flourishing dreamleaf, and lively dreamleaf [Page: Dreamleaf]. While dreamleaf can be found all over Val’sharah, its morphs only grow in specific areas of the region. The fragrant dreamleaf, which is characterized by its particularly pleasant smell, is exclusive to the area around Ashamane’s Fall [Page: Fragrant Dreamleaf]. On the other hand, the bushy dreamleaf, which has far more leaves than a standard dreamleaf plant, grows in the Dreadroot, whereas the glowing iridescent morph is endemic to the Smoldering Thicket in southern Val’sharah [Page: Bushy Dreamleaf, Page: Iridescent Dreamleaf]. Lastly, the flourishing dreamleaf grows near Bradensbrook [Page: Flourishing Dreamleaf].
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Pictured: Corrupted Dreamleaf
The dreamleaf is also highly sensitive; only trained herbalists can separate its leaves without killing the plant [Item: Dreamleaf Sample]. Unfortunately, its sensitive nature means it is especially susceptible to the Emerald Nightmare’s taint. Corrupted dreamleaf, much like land visibly affected by the Nightmare, is easy to identify from its deep red color and gnarled appearance. Even though it is tainted, herbalists prize it above pure dreamleaf because it contains a significant amount of herbaceous extract [Quest: An Empathetic Herb].  
Dreamleaf is one of the key ingredients in Azshari Salad [Recipe: Azshari Salad].  
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