#azerothian herbs
diaryofomellas · 2 years
Tag Game: Your Writing Education
Tagged by @late-to-the-fandom and ooh boy here we go.
This is where I SHINE! Research is my absolute favourite thing to do.
I’ve bought a bunch of Warcraft books for the specific purpose of learning as much about the lore as possible. Some I couldn’t find so I printed them myself like Durotan and Paragons. Printed some short stories as well. I also have a literal Warcraft library on my google drive to keep the stuff I couldn’t afford to buy or print, as well as a bunch of the audiobooks. It’s more organized than literally anything else in my entire life ever was. (If anyone wants the link, let me know. I’m happy to share my hoard)
In all my physical books you can find handwritten notes on the margins (both comments to what is being said and theories/headcanons), underlined passages for important stuff (personalities, character quirks, worldbuilding stuff, details I might be able to borrow for my own fics) and a fuckton of sticky notes. I also keep track of relevant questlines and NPCs/NPC lines in a notebook (or three). 
I swear there are always a minimum of five wowpedia pages open on my browser at any given moment. I’m also slowly (very slowly) building a wiki of my own series to keep track of everything in a single place.
So apart from all this lore, I also waste spend a lot of time doing research on other things.
Did research on how fast several animals can walk/run/fly so I could come up with the equivalent speeds for Azerothian creatures. On that same note I also spent an ungodly amount of time trying to figure out how far some important places are from each other and how long it would take for various creatures to go from one place to another using different methods. I don’t math, so it was hell.
I once spent over half an hour reading articles and watching videos on YT about how to steer a horse and make it go faster/slower so I could write one (1) sentence about it. 
I learned where are the perfect places in the torso to get stabbed/shot and not die immediately. Asked an actual doctor about it.
Did research on first aid, how to properly clean and bandage wounds, how to tell old bruises from new ones, how to treat several minor diseases with plant/herb/homemade remedies, etc. On a related note I also did research on using certain types of medication for torture purposes and I can’t even remember what the point of that was now).
Did a disturbing amount of research on the various states of decomposition for corpses.
Due to having an impaired sense of smell I continuously do in-depth research about the smell of different things including, but not limited to, different types of plants, the earth right after it rains, smog, burning human flesh, leather, death and the different schools of magic. (one of those is not like the others, I know, but I do believe magic must have a smell of some kind!)
One time I learned how to make bread in an orange peel in them middle of the woods. Also learned how to desalinate and purify water using common everyday items as well as build a fire without “modern” methods.  Rexxar would be so proud.
Spent SO MUCH TIME doing research on armor, the names of stuff, what people would wear underneath, how to keep warm in cold weather wearing armor.
How to fight and everything to do with combat. Fistfighting, daggers, swords, archery. Parkour and movement. Military vocabulary, strategies, ranks. Jousting tournaments. How long it takes for a grenade to explode. So much archery. Proper stance, vocabulary, types of bows and arrows, how to build your own arrows, how to catch arrows with your hands, my god the research on this never ends!
One time I spent over an hour learning how to skin animals properly. With videos. I did not have fun but my stupid character is a skinner.
Learned how to track different animals and how to tell them apart by the prints of their pawsies.
Wolf and horse sounds and behaviour! I have lists!
Had to do research on what snow sounds like and the different types because it never snows where I live.
... Should I go on? Because I could. xD
Tagging @thereeness​ and @brisaveloz​. What have you learned during your fic research?
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Azerothian Botany Masterpost: 100 Herbs of WoW
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Preface: Three years ago, I wrote my very first botany post. Inspired by the dozens upon dozens of herb gathering quests I came across as I leveled, I set out to catalogue every single plant in WoW lore. Three years later, I’ve officially covered 100 and somehow still only barely scratched the surface of Azeroth’s flora. Though I have no plans to stop anytime soon, I figured I’d at least put together a masterpost on what I’ve done so far. 
While this is my main lore blog, I’ve recently switched over to posting my botany posts on azerothianbotany to better organize them. You can find the links to every plant I’ve covered thus far in this post, but if you’re looking for something more specific (e.g. a poisonous plant or a magical plant), azerothianbotany has pages that categorize the plants based on their rarity, edibility, uses, etc.   
Here’s to another 100!
The Eastern Kingdoms
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Akiris Reed
Banshee’s Bells
Bloodberry Bush
Ferocious Doomweed
Flower of Luck
Forest Mushroom
Mudsnout Blossom
Plague Tangle
Rot Blossom
Stillwater Lily
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Death Cap
Emerald Shimmercap
Fel Cone
Flower of Compassion
Forest Mushroom
Laden Mushroom
Living Ire Thyme
Moonpetal Lily
Shimmering Frond
Tar Blossom
Thorned Bloodcup
Burstcap Mushroom
Hellfire Spineleaf
Olemba Tree
Sanguine Hibiscus
Shadowmoon Tuber
Telaari Frond
Death Bloom
Ember Blossom
Zangarium Draenormycota
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Cave Mushroom
Crystalline Heartwood
Dahlia’s Tears
Frostberry Bush
Muddlecap Fungus
Shimmering Snowcap
Lurching Blossom
Kafa’kota Bush
Tidemist Cap
Volatile Bloom
Everglow Seedling
Void-Touched Arinor Blossom
The Broken Isles
Morning Glory Vine
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Bloodlasher Seedling
Bwonsamdi’s Tears
Gnarl Root
Prickly Pear
Prickly Plum Cactus
Krag’wa’s Ire
Sapphire Amaraina
Soothing Lilybud
Whistlebloom Juicy Fruit
Kul Tiras
River Carnations
Coral Lasher
Deepcoral Bud
Kelp Bud
Poisonous Spiral Leaf
The Shadowlands
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Adrima’s Lily
Culex Tree
Midnight Rose
Maiden’s Anguish
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azerothianbotany · 3 years
Azerothian Botany - Sanguine Hibiscus
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The Underbog is home to a plethora of unique plant species that do not grow naturally anywhere else on Outland [NPC: T’shu Dialogue, Quest: Bring Me A Shrubbery!]. The most popular – and perhaps most common – of these is a bright red flower known as sanguine hibiscus [Quest: Bring Me A Shrubbery!].
Sporelings native to Zangarmarsh reportedly use sanguine hibiscus for a number of purposes, though what those uses could be that they value adventurers who provide them with large quantities of the plant so highly is unclear [Quest: Bring Me A Shrubbery!].
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azerothian-details · 4 years
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Kitchen || The Sinposium in Darkhaven, Revendreth
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glaivesong · 4 years
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💀🌿 General
Full Name: Talithor Glaivesong
Nicknames: Talith, Tal
Age: Equivalent of mid-thirties
Birthday: December 30th
Alignment: Neutral Good
Race: Kaldorei
Gender: Male
Orientation: Gay
Marital Status: Single
💀🌿 Physical Traits
Hair: Long, straight, and turquoise, most often tied back in a tight ponytail; paired with a neatly groomed beard
Eyes: Eclipsed solid black with hints of deep blue; previously glowing silver
Height: 7′2″
Build: Lean, willowy
Distinguishing Marks: Scarring along his fingers and under his pecs; fresh scarring on his left cheek resembling a deep knife wound
Tattoos: None currently
Piercings: None currently
Likeness: Tony Thornburg
Flight Form: A large, dark-feathered bird resembling a teroclaw (an in-game bird resembling a bearded vulture)
Mannerisms: Distant, serious, intense, and a bit unsettling
💀🌿 Personal Info
Professions: Druid, healer, herbalist, necrobotanist, spiritual medium, paranormal problem-solver
Skills: Healing, herbalism, alchemy, gardening, shapeshifting
Hobbies & Interests: Gardening, birds (particularly large corvids and other carrion-eating birds such as buzzards and vultures), decay, cultural anthropology (specifically relating to religion, death, and the rituals associated with both), research, poisons, camping, reading poetry
Languages: Fluent Darnassian, Common, Azerothian Sign Language, and Gutterspeak; some understanding of Shalassian, Thalassian, and Orcish
Residence: The Dreamgrove  & Duskfall manor
Birthplace: Mount Hyjal
Affiliations: Duskfall Syndicate, Cenarion Circle, Druids of the Talon, Guardians of Hyjal, Army of the Black Moon (temporarily)
Religion & Beliefs: The Ancients, Elune, the cycle of life and death
💀🌿 Relationships
Parents: Alive and living in a remote corner of Hyjal
Siblings: Several older and younger sisters, many of which joined various Kaldorei military organizations 
Significant Other: N/A
Children: None
Pets: Amandil, a towering rideable swamp heron (rarely seen)
💀🌿 Traits
Extroverted / Introverted / In-Between
Disorganized / Organized / In-Between
Close-Minded / Open-Minded / In-Between
Easygoing / Intolerant / In-Between
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In-Between
Cautious / Reckless / In-Between
Patient / Impatient / In-Between
Outspoken / Reserved / In-Between
Leader / Follower / In-Between
Empathetic / Indifferent / In-Between
Optimistic / Pessimistic / In-Between
Traditional / Modern / In-Between
Hard-Working / Lazy / In-Between
Cultured / Uncultured / In-Between
Loyal / Disloyal / Unknown / In-Between
Assertive / Timid / In-Between
💀🌿 Habits & Vices
Smoking: Never / Sometimes* / Frequently / To Excess
Drugs: Never / Sometimes / Frequently / To Excess
Alcohol: Never / Sometimes / Frequently / To Excess
💀🌿 RP Hooks
The Third War: Talith has been a member of both the Druids of the Talon and the Cenarion Circle for decades and worked as a healer and scout for much of the war. He was particularly involved in the Battle of Mount Hyjal.
The Plaguelands: One of Talith’s long-term assignments was in the Plaguelands, where the Circle was attempting to heal the earth. While there, he did not exclusively have contact with druids and paladins, but also Forsaken, lost spirits, and more. It was in the Plaguelands and after many philosophical discussions with a variety of people (living, dead, and everything in-between) that he began dabbling in necrobotany, making temporary use of the area’s plentiful bones after assisting their spirits in moving on. This use of empty remains as a temporary framework for plants during battle saved his skin several times while in a hostile environment not particularly suited to a healer. While some may view it as desecration, he considers it a way to honor the remains of the forgotten by giving them a new, temporary purpose before he blesses them and returns them to the earth - something that he is always careful to do. He’s also careful not to use ceremonially buried bones or those still tied to lingering spirits out of respect, so he’s taken to performing multiple rituals before animating. It isn’t something he advertises, but it is something that he is very intrigued by. 
Traveling Healer: When not on assignment or on the road to them, Talith has always been willing to lend a hand. He might be a bit intimidating or unsettling, but he generally means well. 
Black Market: As an herbalist with an interest in the macabre, Talithor maintains an extensive garden of rare herbs and fungi, many of which are poisonous, psychoactive, or both. In addition to selling, he also trades for other rare flora.
The Battle of Darkshore: Despite being largely faction neutral for the majority of his life, Talith was temporarily called back to the Alliance war effort after the burning of Teldrassil and was involved in the battle for Darkshore as a field healer. He did not involve himself with the violence directly, but he did defend himself and others under his care as was required of him.
Duskfall Syndicate: Since Sylvanas’ abandonment of the Horde, Talithor has backed down from the war effort once more and has spent the time following trying to clear his head. In that time, he found a mysterious flyer asking for help in locating a missing woman in the Plaguelands. Ever since, he’s found himself a part of a rag-tag, faction-neutral group of paranormal problem solvers.
💀🌿 Contact
Feel free to contact me here on Tumblr if you’re interested in RPing, but I periodically forget this site exists and am way more active elsewhere! If you’d like to set something up, feel free to shoot me a message on:
Discord: Neophaim#0465
Twitter: @neophaim
Toyhouse: Character Profile (ft. Art Gallery)
In-Game: Talithor-WyrmrestAccord (Alliance)
While I’m most comfortable with RP in-game, I’m also open to RPing through Discord and Google Docs as long as you approach me OOC beforehand.
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roselyn-ravenblade · 6 years
{ Some collaborative Rp with @asharinhun with Miss Rose here. Thank you for reading if you do! }
"Hey, are you alright?" The druid asked with concern as he hurried over where she sat at the bottom of a tree, bandaging herself. "What happened?"
The artist’s sigh quivered, shaking her head as the Druid rushed in to assist her. It was an embarrassing enough situation that she just wanted to be done with, wrapping up her slung arm even faster as he questioned her. “I…I don’t know,” Rose mumbled, not looking up, though the bruised portion just above her right eye made an dark, ugly contusion. “…was…just sketching a bit like usual and…they just came out’ve...nowhere.” She clenched her teeth as she touched the tender bruise, bringing back her fingers – at least there had been no blood.
“…two…I think three of them. They just…tried to run off with my things. And I…”
They had went after her carpenter bag first, snatching it away before Roselyn stood up from her stool to stare on in shock. ‘…hey!’ Her voice had felt a weak crack from her vocal chords, and she resigned to shut up as they told her to, gripped by the momentary fear of the growl in the large one’s guttaral sneer.
But the moment her precious easel was grabbed for, a leg snapped under the violence of the uncaring hands. It was strange, the turn of her anger, how it didn’t stem from the robbery itself, but the treatment of the easel. It had been a one-of-a-kind piece from the Grandmaster Loremaster to her, one that gave her art its animated magic if she wished, and they snapped it, like kindling!
She was not sure what sound came from her in that moment, seeing only red, but the thorns of the earth rose from the peaceful grass to whip up around the one who’d broken her easel, causing him to howl in pain. Tighter, and tighter her anger built, and tighter and tighter did the thorns wind around his legs, like nature’s own barbed wire, tearing through boots, trousers, scraping and jabbing itself against skin for the bleeding. Her anger dissuaded ever so slightly for wonder, as she saw the thorn’s movements merge in time with her thoughts. She was in control of them! A revelation!
A revelation that birthed a perverse, vengeful cruelty, as she wondered how long it would take for the thorns to wrap below his waist and castrate what little nothing must have been there, stooping so low as to steal from a starving artist. The thinner, more agile one ripped her broken easel out of the captured thief’s hands and cracked it against her head before she could do much else damage. And she’d landed ungracefully on her arm, because of course she did. “Just…rotten, rotten luck. They…they took everything. My life…” Roselyn spoke of herself, eyeing the boot that the vines had managed to tear off the offending thief before he had broken away with the other two with her belongings. And tearing off a bit of bandage with her teeth to tie it in place around her slung arm and keep it there, she finally let her amber gaze find the Druid’s face. Teary-eyed, her hair a fly-away mess, bruised and battered, it did not take away one final, tremulous, but determined announcement: “I want it all back.”
Asharin looked at the woman with concern, he wasn't an expert, but her arm was in a bad shape. The huge, purple lump on her eyebrow didn't look reassuring either, the swelling will likely go down to her eye eventually.  "Those bastards...!" He cursed, lightning flashed in his eyes for a second. Hopefully Rose didn't see that. "I will get your item back, don't worry. Those bastards will pay for what they did." The druid growled, helping Rose to her feet gently. "But maybe we should get you to the cathedral so a healer can have a look at you. I'd offer to heal you myself, but I'm afraid that my expertise lay in shapeshifting, not restorative druidic magic."
Roselyn stared at the Druid with a slowly curdling expression at the mention of going to the Cathedral for healing. She peered down to tighten the make shift splint she'd created with a branch and some of her painting smock, shaking her head with some defiance. Roselyn pressed against the tree, as Asharin began helpning her, using the tree more as leverage to try to help herself up, intending on retrieving her scattered belongings. "...no. Not...not doing that. It's...okay. Just need some salves to, ehm. To fix the pain." She was noticeably heavy, not the delicately made, nor the trained form of a warrior or an athelete. ‘Strong boned’, or ‘curvy’ were the friendly terms for not looking like the fantasy of an Azerothian model. But soon enough she was stumbling softly to the scattered vials and herbs that the thieves had loosed when trying to pilifer her carpenter bag. "...but you know druid magic, right?"
"Are you sure about that?" Asha asked, concern obviously written on his face. "Then don't be surprised if that huge swelling moves down to your eye in a few hours' time, likely closing it. " He unclasped his thin cloak and tore off a part of it to use as a sling for Rose's arm.  "There, that should keep your arm a bit more secure. And no, don't worry, that was an old cloak." He reassured her before she could start fussing about the cloth. "I am a druid, so I think it's a safe bet that I do know nature magic, a type of at least." Asha chuckled as he said that. "You see, I'm most proficient in shapeshifting, taking on different animal forms., and... and nature based spells that are destructive in effect, like a lightning bolt. Can you specify what sort of druidic magic you meant?"
"Thorns...?" Roselyn asked with very much an expression of someone that had no idea what they were on about. She blinked a few times as the druid supplied his cloak for her splint, and after re-adjusting the way her arm hung, the thin lipped smile worked wryly to her face with embarrassed gratitude. "Would've been....nice to be a bear....probly wouldnt've got attacked so easy," she mumbled.
Asha raised an eyebrow in surprise at her question, but nodded. "Yes, some of us are able to call upon certain plants with thorns, or even make the nearby roots erupt to entangle our opponents, making them growing thorns in the process." He explained, and gestured with a hand towards a nearby tree. A single thorny root burst forth, staying still for a few seconds before returning into the earth. The druid chuckled at her words. "Well, a huge bear can certainly be intimidating, but that alone is not necessarily enough to avoid being attacked. Though I admit, having thick fur and barkskin to cull upon makes us far mroe resilient in such a shape." He replied, becoming a bit more serious towards the end. "Still, a druid in training needs lots of practice and concentration  to shapeshift initially. And speaking of bears..." Asha suddenly turned into his bear form, a huge black, furred animal. "Our noses are keener than most humans or elves give us credit for!" His voice a lot deeper, almost a growl, but still understandable. "Yes... I got a scent. You can climb up on my back if you prefer, but maybe it would be safer if you stayed on my left side, so there are no surprises when your eye gets shut, something that will happen really soon at this rate. Giving it hours was a generous estimation it seems."
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shamanofthewilds · 6 years
Does he prefer tea then? Some other drink, perhaps?
Oh yes, Gotosh loves tea! He even makes his own with special Azerothian herbs for medical use and regular relaxing. He also loves trying different types and learning what he can about new types of mixtures. “There is never a bad time for tea. In shamanic culture, there are teas specific for rituals. They do not taste good, but some of them helped my ancestors commune with the spirits of their ancestors. There is even a mixture to help aid in projecting our vision through the eyes of another creature such as a falcon.”
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theredmoon · 7 years
Save the Date - The Blooming
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@wraconnect, @thedragonlorenews, @wowrpevents
Current list of Guilds Participating:
The Red Moon Cabaret & Bordello The Heart of the Raven Tavern The Nearly Departed The Rainbow Connection Succulent Tart House Ventorum
We’ve much more room and hope to see you all there!
More information and links for Individual and Guild registration under the cut.
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(( We’re going to go a little OOC here, just so we can clarify and refine the plans for this event. We figured, it would help a lot of folks to know if they are interested in bringing their guilds or their wares or even attending if they had some idea what to expect.)) So, for us, the idea behind “The Blooming,” is Something like Burning Man meets Beltane; Come to Azeroth. It is a Late Spring/Early Summer (depending upon your geographic location of course) festival that is focused on Pleasure, Beauty, Creativity, Energy and Fertility. It will embrace Mystic Culture, Warrior Culture, Creator Culture and have some acknowledgement of the reality that from Destruction, comes Creation. In essence it is about renewal and joy. With that in mind, it is going to be much less centered around war and militarism (Though we’d love for the RPPVP/RPPVE) guilds to show some creativity here, and perhaps plan some events around healing after war, on skill development and the spiritual side of Warrior Culture, and more so about what we fight for, when we fight. So with this in mind, we’re looking for a grocery list of performances, artists, and events that riff off this theme of Renewal. The following is by no means meant to be a finite list, but a representative one, one that you can take inspiration from and find a way to incorporate if you intend on being a part of it as either a guild, an artist, a mystic, a performer, or a food and drink vendor. Militarism - Healing after Combat Warrior Ethics Leadership Storytelling Skill Building - Arms skills, non-armed combat, etc. Sages & Mystics - Herbalism for holistic purposes The Spiritual Uses of Herbs and Magic Divination On-Site Triage for the treatment of any number of festival related illnesses: including; bug bites, sun burn, hang overs, etc. Comparative Mythos Storytelling Artists - Face Painting Body Mod Whimsical Clothing, Hair decorations Braiding Sandals (this is like tailor made for a small guild with few resources) Soul Paintings - (could be mood boards/aesthetics) Actual Artists taking In Game Gold for Commissions of OCs. Boho Clothing - sun dresses, loin cloths, all that. Performers - Mimes Jugglers Storytellers Singer/Songwriters Sketch Comedy Dancers Sword tricks/Knife Tricks Card Tricks Food and Drink Vendors - Beer Wine Fruit Juice Water “Thistle” and other “mind altering substances” Cook Out Fare like - Dogs, Burgers, whatever… Vegan Food Kabob Cool sweets like Ice Cream, Popsicles etc. As you can see, it is slightly different in focus than a lot of the other festivals on offer and we aim to keep it that way. We won’t be doing kissing booths, pet battles, “Prettiest” contests or anything of the like. It is about unleashing creativity, building community and taking our characters, our writing and our story-lines to places we may have not yet thought of.
Guild participation isn’t required for anyone to join us as any of the above. In fact, we’d like to encourage individuals and small IC, but non-guild groups to also register. Just because you are just “you: or just “us,” you shouldn’t feel discouraged or marginalized. Everyone, guild or individual who has any interest in The Blooming should follow the links provided in this flyer and register. While the event will be PG-13, we would like to encourage in the spirit of things like Burning Man, for folks to feel free to be as scantily clad on their pixels as they’d like, as the jungle calls for. Be creative with your outfits. Some areas, like the Red Moon’s Pavilion may well be clothing optional after sundown (6-PM) However, we all know the limitations of WoW, so the worst anyone is going to see is red bra and panties.
So, to sum-up TL:DR - It is a Happy Hippie Fest for the Azerothian Horde.
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Some of the Guilds already signed on to participate: The Heart of the Raven Tavern The Nearly Departed Succulent Tart The Rainbow Connection House Ventorum
Join us here! Registration Links!
Guild Registrations! Merchant Registrations!
Solo & Ensemble Performer Registration!
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herbalcompendium · 7 years
Colloquial names: Mercury Drinker, Madness Stem
Physical Description: Heartblossom is one of the only plants currently known on Azeroth that cannot grow in Azerothian soil. This plant grows in the sunless, windless, and waterless elemental plane of Deepholm, and can be found nowhere else in known existence. Curiously, Heartblossom cannot survive in environments and conditions outside of the elemental plane. When trying to take root in the various types of Azerothian soil, the plant only survives for a recorded thirty six hours before wilting. The theory surrounding it is that the chemical compositions found in the soil and rock in Deepholm have no match to ones on Azeroth. The plant’s primary sources of nourishment are veins of liquid mercury, which are quite abundant there. The plant itself is beautiful and alien, having huge, dinner-plate sized orange blooms that grow in two tiers of frilly orange and red petals. The flowers are anemone-like, and seem to “wave” as the petals undulate in and out. It is thought that this movement earned them their name, as it is somewhat resemblant of a beating heart. Under the plants stems are a nest of yellow and green leaves, tinged read and the ends and sides. The flowers have long, white, and fragrant filaments, attracting insects to feed on their nectar.
Described Usage: Heartblossom is, unfortunately, known to be used as a poison. The mercury that cradles the bloom to life kisses its petals and leaves. In a high enough dosage, this can be incredibly lethal. It is not a poison one uses when they wish their victim to suffer- it is a poison one uses when they wish their victim to die. For this reason, any Heartblossom collected should be stored safely and innocuously. If one can manage to ignore this rather sinister knowledge, they may learn that Heartblossom flowers can be used to create some truly wonderful potions. Therazane’s earth elementals imparted some knowledge about the bloom to elementalists in the Temple of Earth. One of the things recovered is the knowledge of how to transmute various stones. Combined with Volatile Life, Cinderbloom, and sometimes Azshara’s veil, once can create some useful alchemist stones. These are things that simply require experimentation, as each alchemist needs a different stone. The herb can also be used to make two notable potions. The rough translation gathered from the elementals was “two rock, five stone.” This made little sense until two Heartblossom blooms were combined with seawater, producing a deep purple tonic that made the skin resemble that of a rock. The five blossom potion is more complex, requiring seawater gathered from any point in the ocean where no land can be seen. When combined, the imbiber is teleported to Deepholm. This rather surprising result led the elementalists to realize they had mistranslated the elemental’s words: they were not saying “stone”, but “home”.
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💞 :3c
Calculine quickly cottoned onto the fact that one of the things Poppy loves to do is eat, so she always tries to make sure that Poppy’s basically got as many square meals a day as possible when she’s at home. Calc’s had great success at translating Azerothian recipes to Runeterran ingredients, and if she’s feeling particularly evil, she insinuates that Poppy will have to choose between her fresh-baked herb bread… or cuddles.
(Spoilers: she never actually has to choose, Calculine just enjoys seeing the brief moment of torment.)
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A Guide to Azerothian Herbs
Credit to Dobinson from EU, server unknown
Herbs and their Uses By: Gavin A. Dobinson
Part I: Herbs of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms
Peacebloom-- Peacebloom is a very common and useful plant, often found in sunny, open areas. Its flowers have smooth, white petals and a yellow center. These flowers can be crushed into a poultice that encourages wounds to heal more quickly and discourages infection, and its leaves make a delicious tea that helps ward against minor illness, such as colds.
Silverleaf-- Silverleaf is also a very useful common plant; it grows in shaded areas, and has broad, blue-silver leaves. Silverleaf is a mild stimulant, and its leaves can be made into a tea that increases mental awareness and reflexes. It also seems to enhance the potency of certain other herbs.
Bloodthistle-- This plant is isolated to the far northern part of the Eastern Kingdoms, and cannot grow elsewhere. It is a variety of ordinary thistle that has been changed over thousands of years of exposure to the arcane power of the Sunwell. It has bright green leaves with a soft, flexible spine at the tip and a bright red flower, the color of blood. Normally, ingesting the leaves of the bloodthistle only causes an upset stomach and a severe headache; while it is highly unpleasant, there are generally no lasting ill effects. However, the sin'dorei can process the arcane residue; this creates a brief state of euphoria that also enhances magical power slightly, followed by a period of moderate depression. To the sin'dorei, bloodthistle can be highly addictive. This plant seems to have only one possible practical use. In the case of a sin'dorei being cut off from the Sunwell, a preparation of bloodthistle might be used to stave off arcane withdrawal. However, the magic within these leaves is only an impure residue; it would only work for a short time, and the withdraw from the bloodthistle would make the arcane withdrawal much worse once the preparation wore off.
Earthroot-- The Earthroot is a strange plant; it has rather small, thick evergreen leaves growing out of a dense, gnarled root system that protrudes above the ground, and usually is found in rocky soil. The root is the most useful part of the plant. It has a pleasant, if strong, flavor, and is often ground to be used as a seasoning-- it is too tough to eat whole. Earthroot increases fortitude and stamina, and can even delay physical exhaustion for a time when properly prepared, although doing so has a high cost afterward. It can also be used along with an extract of peacebloom to make a potent elixir that accelerates the natural healing process slightly.
Mageroyal-- Mageroyal is a small shrub with small, purple leaves. It loves magic, and seems to grow best in areas where magic has been used in the past. However, unlike the bloodthistle, it is not harmful; it does not retain tainted magical residue. The flowers and leaves of this plant have a sweet, delicate flavor. They are often used in cooking, and can even be eaten raw. Its roots have a greater concentration of magical energy; the extracted juice, when drank, restores mana to those who are capable of using it, and the root can also be dried and used in a preparation that sharpens the mind. Combined with wild steelbloom, it actually wards against magic, deflecting arcane energy.
Swiftthistle-- Swiftthistle is a symbiotic plant; it grows only in the shadow of other plants, and appears to help them grow. It has succulent, broad, green leaves, and grows very near to the ground. As its name suggests, it is an extremely potent stimulant, much stronger than silverleaf. Used in moderation, it increases reflexes and short-term endurance, and can even block pain for a short time. However, an overdose or regular use over a long period of time can stress the heart, and even cause it to give out. It is said that the wardens of Hyjal make an invigorating tea of this leaf that can substitute for a night's sleep, however, the exact recipe is a closely guarded secret. In my opinion, such a thing would be highly unhealthful, and should only be used in dire circumstances.
Briarthorn-- Briarthorn is a shrub that grows in densely knotted, thorn-covered vines with a thick, woody outer coating. It prefers shady, dark areas, and has no leaves; it is often mistaken for being dead. In the center of the vine is a gooey sap that has incredible medicinal properties. It relieves pain and reduces inflammation when applied to wounds-- it is incredible when used on burns. If ingested-- it has a very unpleasant, bitter taste-- it soothes the stomach and relieves internal swelling. According to legend, briarthorn grows in the places where the Ancient Agamaggan's blood was spilled ten thousand years ago, during the War of the Ancients.
Stranglekelp-- Stranglekelp is a tough vine that grows in salt water, with small compound leaves. Its vines can easily ensnare and drown swimmers and even small boats, which is how it got its name. Stranglekelp leaves are considered a delicacy in some coastal regions, although its strong, earthy, green flavor is something of an acquired taste. Its vines are also sometimes dried and used as ropes. When eaten, stranglekelp helps soothe the pain of arthritis and other maladies of the joints, and increases flexibility. It is also an essential component of an elixir that allows the drinker to breathe water as if it were air for a short time.
Bruiseweed-- Bruiseweed is a tall, thin plant with purple, thistle-like flowers. Its sap attracts blood with enough force that it causes small blood vessels to break on contact with skin, resulting in severe bruising. It must be handled very carefully, and should never be harvested by an amateur. Properly applied, bruiseweed can be used to draw toxins and infection out of wounds, and in tiny amounts bruiseweed sap can boost the efficacy of certain elixirs and tonics without causing harm. This plant is often deadly if eaten, as it will cause significant internal bleeding, but the taste is usually bad enough to prevent anyone from accidentally swallowing it. Liferoot extract can be used as an antidote if administered within five minutes of ingestion.
Wild Steelbloom-- Wild steelbloom, much like its cousin, is a bush with tiny white or yellow flowers. However, unlike the common garden steelbloom, wild steelbloom has potent medicinal properties. It is a tenacious plant, and tends to grow high on steep, rocky slopes. Both varieties of steelbloom are said to ward against evil, which is why garden steelbloom is often planted along the edges of the property. Wild steelbloom relieves pain when its stems are dried and used for tea, and its flowers are often used in potions that ward against magic or negate it.
Grave Moss-- As its name suggests, grave moss is a gray-green moss that grows in graveyards and other places where the dead are laid to rest. It is a very strange and useful plant; it feeds on stray necromantic energy, thus reducing the chances that the dead will accidentally rise. As a result of this stored energy, it is somewhat dangerous to work with until cleansed. However, properly prepared, it can be used in an elixir that wards against shadow energy.
Kingsblood-- Kingsblood appears to be a large, spherical flower; in reality it is made up of many tiny purple blossoms in a spherical shape. According to legend, this flower grows where the blood of kings was once spilled. It is a stimulant. Its roots enhance physical strength and aggression, and its flowers are said to be a potent aphrodisiac.
Dragon’s Teeth-- Dragon’s Teeth is a strange plant. It only grows in a specific region called the Worldbreaker’s Scar, in the Badlands. This valley was carved by Deathwing during his initial assault upon Azeroth, and these strange, white and red plants sprung up in his wake. Oddly, they have a strong link to the element of frost; they are cool to the touch, and can be used to ward against frost or to enhance frost magic.
Firebloom-- Firebloom is a flower that flourishes in hot, dry terrain that would not support most other plant life. It is bright red and orange in color, and easily visible. Firebloom is extremely spicy; in small amounts it can be used as a seasoning, but it can also cause blistering and pain if it touches sensitive skin in large amounts. It is used in some alchemical preparations that call upon fire, but its use as a spice is more common.
Purple Lotus-- Lotuses are a famous and powerful plant, of almost legendary repute. Purple lotuses, while the most common, are still relatively rare, and very potent. They are a small, purple flower with dark purple leaves, and often found near the ruins of troll and Kaldorei cities, as they were used and cultivated by both cultures for shamanistic and druidic rituals, respectively. Purple lotus is said to bring visions and sleep, and can indeed be used in alchemy to either encourage a waking dream, or a dreamless, peaceful sleep. It is also used to create the philosopher’s stone, a needed tool for transmutations.
Arthas’ Tears-- Once known as Stratholme Lilies, this purple flower once grew densely near the city of Strathholme. Although they survived the Culling and the plague-born corruption of the land, the climate changes of the Sundering killed most of them. A few still linger, in remote corners of the world, but it seems that this plant will soon be only a memory. They are best known for their great beauty, but their main alchemical use is for a draught that allows the user to sense the closeness of undead. The irony of this has not gone unheeded.
Sungrass-- Sungrass is a thin, stiff grass that grows in sunny areas; the leaves are sharp enough to leave thin, stinging cuts on the hands, so using gloves when harvesting it is recommended. It is a bright yellow-green in color. Sungrass is most often used to preserve foods and potions-- its essence prevents or discourages rot for a time-- and can also be used in a poultice to prevent necrosis from setting into a wound. Fresh, tender sungrass shoots can also be eaten; they have a lemony acid tang to them.
Blindweed-- Blindweed is a plant with a blue flower; its green leaves have a rough edge. It grows rampant in warm, damp, marshy areas. Its stems and leaves contain a toxin that causes permanent blindness if consumed. However its bulbous, garlic-like root, when properly prepared, has strong magic-amplifying and conducting properties.
Ghost Mushroom-- This incredibly rare mushroom is a pure white, and glows faintly in the dark. It originated in the Zangarmarsh region of Outland, but spores were brought over in the First War, these mushrooms being among the orcish casters' reagents. Ghost mushrooms can now be found in several regions of Azeroth. These mushrooms can only be found in caves; they cannot stand sunlight, or any other bright illumination. They are inedible, but very powerful alchemically, having strong ties to shadows and spirits. They can be used for potions that render the drinker invisible for a short time, or enhances their ability to use the power of spirits.
Gromsblood-- Named for the orc Grom Hellscream, This spry, leafy plant grows in areas affected by fel taint; its leaves start out crimson and turn fel green as they grow and absorb the demonic energy. Some theorize this plant actually works to cleanse the affected lands by drawing out the fel, and are experimenting with this thesis in mind. Gromsblood is extremely potent, and can be used in elixirs that increase physical strength, or as an anti-demonic reagent. However, even when correctly prepared the leaves cannot be entirely cleansed of the fel taint. Therefore, products of Gromsblood should be used sparingly and with great caution.
Golden Sansam-- Golden Sansam is a relatively rare, extremely powerful herb, known to some cultures as the cure-all root. It can take up to six years to fully mature, and is easy to over-harvest. The above-ground leaves look much like the leaves of a carrot and blend in very well with background foliage. Underneath, the root is pointed, somewhat rounded, and the flesh beneath the gold skin is white and somewhat dry. Golden Sansam has incredible healing and restorative properties that fully live up to the plant's reputation. Dried and ground, it can be used by a skilled alchemist in potions that greatly increase resistance to disease and pain, or in an ointment that can instantly heal some wounds.
Dreamfoil-- Dreamfoil is a plant with emerald green leaves. According to the Kaldorei druids, this plant is closely linked to the power of the Emerald Dream. Strangely, it also grows rather well in certain regions of Outland. Dreamfoil has powerful warding properties; dried and hung in a doorway, it drives away vengeful spirits, and it can be used in a variety of alchemical warding potions, as well as elixirs that enhance one's spiritual focus, if the drinker is so inclined.
Mountain Silversage-- As the name suggests, this bush-- the leaves and stems of which are covered with fine silvery 'hairs'-- grows high in the mountains, and is often clinging to the sides of sheer cliffs. Silversage is very difficult to harvest, but extremely valuable and useful. Oil of silversage is a critical ingredient in potions that relieve paralysis, and the leaves can also be used as a component in potions that increase reflex times. It has a distinctive, pungent aroma when crushed or burned.
Sorrowmoss-- This deep purple, water-loving moss is most commonly in the Swamp of Sorrows, in the southern part of the Eastern Kingdom, which is why it is called sorrowmoss. It is an effective detoxification agent; placing a chunk of sorrowmoss in a flask of water will slowly render the water clean and drinkable, for example. It is used as a reagent in a rare and powerful potion that can cure some diseases and even break weak curses. However, it does not grow well outside of the Swamp of Sorrows.
Icecap-- The icecap grows in the far northern part of Kalimdor, mostly in the Winterspring region. It blends into the snow rather well; its flower resembles a downy puff, and its leaves are a dull silvery-green. Icecap is a strongly magical plant, possibly for the sake of surviving in such a cold region. It stays icy cold to the touch, even when taken into a warmer climate; the live plants cannot live in temperatures above freezing for more than a few days. Icecaps are used as an alchemical preserving agent, their innate chill keeping other components from overheating and degrading.
Black Lotus-- The black lotus is a legendary plant. It is said to bloom only once a century, on the night of the new moon. The flower is said to be as black as ink, and venomous. Only a truly gifted alchemist could distill its essence, and with that essence create an elixir of legendary power-- granting, for example, enough fortitude that one could be run through with a sword unflinching and live to tell the tale, the wisdom to solve an riddle thought unsolvable, or the raw power to burn a city to the ground with a mere snap of the fingers. I have yet to meet anyone who has worked with one of these rare plants, so I can neither confirm nor deny these rumors. I suspect, however, that the claims might be a little exaggerated.
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Azerothian Botany - Aethril
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Azeroth is home to innumerable flora with innate magical properties. One particularly remarkable species is aethril, a semi-translucent flower largely indigenous to Azsuna [Item: Aethril Sample].
In spite of its markedly fragile appearance, the aethril plant is actually quite resilient [Item: Aethril Sample, Quest: Aethril Sample]. Not only does it have strong roots, it also mainly survives by feeding off of magical ley energy from the surrounding land, something which is plentiful in Azsuna [Item: Stainless Stamen, Quest: Aethril Sample, World Quest: Oculus Preparations: Ley Them Down]. Supposedly, so long as the plant has access to a source of magic to draw from, it can survive in many different environments – including underwater – for an indefinite period of time [Item: Aqueous Aethril].
Additionally, aethril is one of few flowers that reproduces through self-pollination [Quest: A Slip of the Hand].
Similar to dreamleaf – another flower native to the Broken Isles –, aethril is a polymorph organism, meaning it has many variants that differ slightly from one another in structure and appearance. Known types of aethril include iridescent aethril, lively aethril, flourishing aethril, and bushy aethril [Page: Aethril]. While slight visual characteristics separate both the iridescent and lively variants from typical aethril plants, flourishing aethril and bushy aethril are set apart by more substantial differences. For example, flourishing aethril reproduces much more quickly than standard aethril plants [Item: Flourishing Aethril]. Bushy aethril, on the other hand, sports an unusually large number of leaves when compared to others of the same species [Item: Bushy Aethril].
Most aethril plants produce a sharp crystalline fiber known as an aethrem crystal in the center of their flower [Quest: Aethrem Crystal, Item: Aethrem Crystal]. That said, it is unclear what, if any, properties the crystal has.
Aethril is perfectly safe to ingest. Some Nightfallen will actually go so far as to eat the plant to feed off of its stored magic [Item: Chewed Aethril Stem].
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azerothianbotany · 3 years
Azerothian Botany - Midnight Rose
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The Venthyr’s love of gaudy ornamentation makes it no surprise that they cultivate a variety of beautiful flowers. Of these, one of the most popular seems to be the midnight rose, a lilac-colored bloom commonly seen all over Revendreth [NPC: Lord Silviu Dialogue]. This flower is more than just pretty decoration, however; midnight roses enable the Venthyr to move through the shadows quicker than normal [Buff: Midnight Rose]. That said, exactly how such an effect is achieved – whether via smell, ingestion, or some other means – is unclear.
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azerothian-details · 5 years
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Aesthetic || Blood Magic
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deadderelf · 7 years
A beautiful rose-like flower that grows in areas of high magical activity.
Colloquial names: Manablossom, Wizard’s Friend, Sweetrose
Physical Description: Mageroyal grows most prevalently in areas of magical activity, most notably along the leylines of Azeroth. It is a beautiful shrub-like herb with waxy, compound oval leaves that seem to glimmer in any source of light, and large dewy pink or red rose-like blooms. Many blooms can be found on each plant year-round, growing in fractaled clusters. The petals, when touched, leave a shimmering pink dust on the fingers. The whole shrub has been described as “glistening” in appearance in Azerothian literature, and this description rings true. It is most prominently found in the Barrens, Westfall, and Silverpine forest.
Described usage: Mageroyal’s blossoms are edible by themselves, having a sweet and dusky taste one would expect of a candied rose petal. It is said to grow most prominently in the Barrens due to feeding off the magical waters of the Wailing Caverns springs via underground aqueducts, and this is by far the best place to find the herb. It is easily distilled; a simple milling of the blooms combined with fresh water will produce a pink-tinged liquid that tastes and smells of sweetened rosewater. Combining this with a paste of Stranglekelp or Silverleaf will restore magical energies, whereas combining it with a tincture of Briarthorn roots produces insight and wisdom for the imbiber. All of the aforementioned seem to be a popular amongst magic users, and in general this herb is one of the more pleasant upon the palate. Mageroyal is also used in a cherished Stormwind cake recipe. A  freshly crushed paste of the blooms is combined with Stormwind Tawny, a weak and pleasantly sweet alcohol. This is added to a standard cake batter of flour, eggs, milk, and spices to create a wonderful chocolate cake. The cake is typically adorned with additional Mageroyal blossoms, dipped in a solution of the blooms themselves and coated with sugar. The cake, when ingested, is said to provide great happiness. It is commonly baked to celebrate good times and cure something known as “the blues”, which I’m told is a human colloquialism for a period of sadness.
Inscription note: When milling Mageroyal, remember to separate the petals from the stem and leaves. Both the petals and the greens can be ground separately into different types of pigment. A few moments of mashing the petals will yield a thick paste that can best be described as resembling the sky during the very final moments of the sunset.
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azerothianbotany · 4 years
Azerothian Botany - Rotberry
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Though the Plaguelands’ native flora has started to regrow in thanks to the combined efforts of the Cenarion Circle and the Argent Crusade, much of the region’s wildlife still suffers from the plague’s influence today [Quest: Zen’kiki, the Druid, Quest: Postponing the Inevitable]. The Plaguewood, located just outside Stratholme, is home to all sorts of blighted vegetation, including a bright red fruit inauspiciously known as the rotberry. While many species of wild berries found on Azeroth are edible, it is probably safe to assume that rotberries are not fit for human consumption [Item: Rotberry].    
A Forsaken apothecary once experimented with rotberries – among several other reagents – in search of a counter-plague agent, though it is unclear if he ever succeeded [Quest: Counter-Plague Research].
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