tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Azhklan’s abodes
Player: @azhklan
House: The Ebony Flask Inn Room, Mara's Kiss Public House, Saint Delyn Penthouse
“Mara's Kiss Private Tea Room:  Mara's Kiss is the smallest house in-game, but size doesn't matter. I turned the place into a cozy little tea room where you can retreat with a friend. Delicious snacks, hot tea and nobody to overhear or bother you! St. Delyn City Suite: A complete suite for the enterprising visitor or pilgrim to Vivec City. Copious amounts of storage for your luggage and your souvenirs and a writing desk to send out postcards to your friends. The Ebony Flask Inn Room: The Ebony Flask is a most peculiar tavern, catering to many different tastes. What would a room inside look like? Well, probably with lots of cushions, some skooma and a small shrine to lord Vivec. After all, as a book in game says: 'You'll find it all in Morrowind.”
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