#The Ebony Flask Inn Room
snowy-weather · 9 months
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Have a Ferevyn.
The background is actually supposed to be an inn room in the Ebony Flask in Ebonheart. The one you can have as a player home in ESO. ^^
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So I decided to take a minute and add a little of bit life to my inn room in The Ebony Flask. I didn't do too much since it is such a small space to work with. The only thing that I went out of my way to make is the dark elf bed since all the other furnishings were ones that I had in my storage house. The only thing I don't like about this inn room is how it's off center. Like I lined the bed up with the window in the room but that makes it off center from the door. Plus, the walls are curved inward which just adds to things being off center and it really bugs me lol.
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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A potter's studio & A tailor’s Shop & A total mess
Player: @Vildra
Houses: Mara’s Kiss Public House,  The Ebony Flask Inn Room,  The Rosy Lion
“https://youtu.be/EaVEgnUuNCg, https://youtu.be/NvUmCk3vx34, https://youtu.be/wFKUwncWpzA“
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freya-theirondragon · 7 years
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The Ebony Flask Inn Room
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the-tharns-speak · 3 years
Favorite dessert and favorite example of it? Best and worst inns you've ever stayed at? Favorite play? Weirdest things you've come across while adventuring?
I am fond of toffee. Mirabelle makes excellent toffee. The best toffee, thought, is one that others eat, because it glues their mouths shut for a while.
The Market-Side Meadery, Skywatch, is a good inn. Very good food, decent beds even in the cheap rooms. Beautiful views. The locals are... sort of difficult if you are not an Altmer, but I am very good at ignoring other people’s opinions, so I was fine. As for the worst inn... Ebony Flask. Amazing services, really. But very thin walls. Do try to be entertained by some nimble fingers while from the next room over you hear horrible politic takes on kwama scuttle export taxes. There aren’t many issues that would make me difficult to rise to the occasion, but this was one of them. Ebony Flask needs decent soundproofing. Or less idiotic patrons.
My favorite play would probably be Dead By Teatime by Tangled-in-sentences.
The weirdest thing that I came across while adventuring narrows it down a bit. Cadwell’s cookbook, probably. Which was not weird in itself, just in the context: it was an ordinary and sensible cookbook. As far as cooking with scamps goes anyway.
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grimweaver · 4 years
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Ebony Flask Inn Room (COMPLETE! 8D)
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kinlochhold · 5 years
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The Ebony Flask Inn Room, in Ebonheart.
I still had an inventory full of Dunmer furnishings after finishing the Flaming Nix decoration, so I decided to do the Ebony Flask room, too. I didn’t realize how tiny this space was until I started trying to screen cap it... had to climb on the furniture and hug the walls to take most of the images.
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tt-vision · 7 years
eye106 replied to your photo: “two more paintings 😂”
what is the name of your house and how much does it costs?
It’s the The Ebony Flask Inn Room. You gotta do the quest  “A Friend In Need” to get it.
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snowy-weather · 9 months
WIP whenever
It's Saturday. XD
I was tagged by @falmerbrook (Thank you!! ^^ )
I'm working on several stuff at the same time as usual. Two commissions, a drawing for myself and a doodle comic. And I got many more ideas I'll probably start soon. XD
The regular drawing is a new Ferevyn piece. Ever since I started playing as him in ESO, I've been wanting to draw him.
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This is the flat colours, the shading will probably take quite some time. Also, the background is actually based on the inn room in the Ebony Flask you can have as a player home in ESO. XD Anyway, really pleased with the pose here. ^^ I'm very optimistic this one will; turn out well!
I'm also working on a new doodle comic, focusing on this little dunmer kid and his mom.
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It's just a four panel comic, and it's almost done!
I got nothing new in writing. I'm totally stuck on where I want the story to start. XD I got a short introduction scene that I've already written, then a big gap of nothing and then a ton of ideas I wanna work out into a story. But alas, I gotta fill up that gap first.
I'm always nervous about tagging people but feel free to consider yourself tagged by me if you wanna do a WIP.. whatever day it is over where you are! ^^
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Azhklan’s abodes
Player: @azhklan
House: The Ebony Flask Inn Room, Mara's Kiss Public House, Saint Delyn Penthouse
“Mara's Kiss Private Tea Room:  Mara's Kiss is the smallest house in-game, but size doesn't matter. I turned the place into a cozy little tea room where you can retreat with a friend. Delicious snacks, hot tea and nobody to overhear or bother you! St. Delyn City Suite: A complete suite for the enterprising visitor or pilgrim to Vivec City. Copious amounts of storage for your luggage and your souvenirs and a writing desk to send out postcards to your friends. The Ebony Flask Inn Room: The Ebony Flask is a most peculiar tavern, catering to many different tastes. What would a room inside look like? Well, probably with lots of cushions, some skooma and a small shrine to lord Vivec. After all, as a book in game says: 'You'll find it all in Morrowind.”
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c4tto626 · 7 years
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my argonian healer moved into the ebony flask inn room in ebonheart, stonefalls and made that tiny room look as argonian as possible 👌🐍🦎
featuring lei-ja the baby netch, and pebbles the freckled guar
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bethabunnywrites · 8 years
A little on Nak’tah
Okay, so a few months ago I wrote about my warrior, Nak’tah, and I actually liked it enough that I haven’t since deleted it.  That’s quite a feat for me.  This was back when he almost sort of kind of had a boyfriend (that didn’t work out), and he was still staying in Orgrimmar.  So, I dunno, have some PTSD.  Tagging with trigger warnings, because suicidal thoughts and other not at all lovely stuff.
The quiet little room with hardly more than a cot and scattered armor was bathed in the soft sunlight of the late morning, a few soft rays poking through the drawn shutters of the solitary window, but more than enough to set the meager room ablaze.  Still, it was not enough to wake a warrior from a deep sleep; or at least, it had not yet pierced through the pillow pulled over his face.  
The sleep was far from restful, however - his hooves kicked and tangled in the blankets, his breathing was harsh and quick, with even a few muffled whimpers escaping his throat.  Whatever terror disturbed his rest was cut short as he sat bolt upright, his breath catching in his lungs as the pillow fell forgotten to the floor.  Steel grey eyes scanned the room urgently, searching for a threat that he was certain would be there, only to find nothing but the few things he could actually call his possessions.  Still, the bull trembled as he pulled the sheets free of his hooves and brought them over the side of the cot to touch the scuffed wood of the floor, resting his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands, a futile attempt to gather himself.  He could recite that it was only a dream until he had forgotten all other words, but it simply did not dispel the knots in his stomach, nor bring the air back to his desperate lungs.
Gods, when had he ever been this afraid, before?  He had nearly forgotten what true fear felt like - anxiety, yes, but this was something new.  He had not been this frightened since…
That dream.  It was the same one he had a few nights ago, one he was becoming increasingly familiar with as it came with more frequency.  Simply attempting to recollect it made him ill, and he reached for the flask on his bedside table as if it held the very key to life itself.  Key to life or ticket to an early grave, it was no matter.  The lid screwed off and the mouth of the bottle pressed to his lips yielded naught but an exasperated groan as only air touched his lustful tongue.  His pulse began to slow without the liquid courage, though, his breaths becoming deeper and slower.  This was not the first time that he had been left with his unclouded thoughts, and he had some confidence that he could at least make it down to the inn despite the utter torture of sobriety.
He stood to do exactly that, tugging a worn and moth-eaten shirt over his scarred chest.  He was desperate enough to consider leaving without even dressing in his armor, but for some reason the thought of being bare in the city caused another flutter in his abdomen, his hands still not alleviated of their shaking from before.  Practiced and precise, if scarred and calloused, hands dressed him in the plate composing his second skin, buckles snapping and straps tightened before he reaches to the axes leaned against the wall.  His hand paused, hesitating between the larger and the smaller, but finally settling on the second and scooping up a shield to be strapped alongside it.  The presence of the blade on his hip brought him some comfort, at least; enough to get him down to the tavern for the rest of his throat-burning relaxation.
Heavy hoofsteps carried him to the door with two beats of bone on wood, but the gauntleted hand he raised to the latch paused there.  He willed it to move, but to no avail, and the palm pressed against the worn wood was quickly followed by his forehead as he leaned against it.  It was just a staircase, then a street, then a tavern that would have little to no other business at so early an hour.  His stomach churned, the serpents of his anxiety writhing around and hissing their disapproval of such a simple activity.  The deep breaths he took in an attempt to settle them did no good, that open palm against the door curling into a fist that beat against the wood, dust cascading from the frame inside and out as it strained against its hinges.  He had not meant to hit it so hard, but that phrase alone could explain much of his life.
Another deep breath and he uncurled the hand, having to command it to do so and to come back to rest on the latch.  He tugged it with his eyes closed, the light of the morning warming the umber fur of his face as his nostrils took in the unmistakable odor of the Horde capital.  A focused effort brought his lids up and the city gradually into focus, his tongue dragging across his dry lips as he remembered his reasons for leaving the quiet of his rented room.  His long strides carried him quickly and easily to the tavern, his entire will bent on putting one leg forward, then the other.  His pale eyes scanned from side to side as he walked, narrowed suspiciously as he tried desperately to control his breathing.  Something was wrong, he could feel it - they must have found him, it could not have been hard.  Would the Horde even protect him if they came to claim their property?
He shook his head in hopes of knocking that thought loose, this breath shuddering in his lungs as he tried to will the fear away.  He had not been this paranoid about it in so long, but that dream...That dream brought it fresh to the surface of his mind, so vivid that he could almost feel the shackles on his wrists and ankles, rubbing gauntleted fingers over the bracers that had never before felt so constrictive on his flesh.
His steps were gathering speed as he resisted his panic, moving quickly as if to somehow escape his very mind, or at least in hope that the booze would allow him to do so.  The bartender started at the sound of the plated bull all but storming into the darkened room, but he saw the far too familiar face and pulled a bottle from beneath the bar.  Coins were exchanged with looks their only companions, and the warrior turned on a heel without so much as opening his mouth.  He knew.  They all knew, really.  All of Orgrimmar probably knew his face by now, which was about the least comforting thought he could bring to mind.  
Mindless steps carried him toward the rear exit of the city as he yanked at the cork of the bottle with his teeth, a practiced motion that quickly yielded him the spoils of his journey.  He tipped the bottle up without a moment’s hesitation, paying no mind to any who stopped to stare at the overlarge bull trying his damnedest to achieve drunkenness before afternoon tea.  His tolerance was building far beyond what it had ever been, but that came as no surprise as he gradually eased his way from one bottle a day to two and three.  Whatever it took to stop thinking about it, to stop looking around for signs of attack, signs that a random passerby may be more than that.  He had not taken a deep breath since he had left his room, and his chest and lungs began to ache beneath the weight of his breastplate.
He turned outside of the gate, walking almost subconsciously toward the cliffs overlooking the sea.  His steps came with more ease outside of the city, but far less than he needed to function like a normal, living, breathing Shu’halo, his muscles tensed and the fingers clutching his bottle far more fearfully than affectionately.  This was the worst it had ever been, by far, his night terrors typically something dismissed upon waking and not thought of anymore for sake of his sanity.  Worrying about worrying was a damned stupid thing to do, but he supposed he must be damned stupid, at this point.
The sound of waves breaking on rocks brought him some relief from the din between his ears, and he quickened his already fast pace, nearly jogging until he reached the very edge and causing himself to skid to a stop just short of going over.  Somehow the thought of that terrified him worlds less than anything else had that day, and he found himself pondering it again.  Sure, his sister would miss him, if she ever found out.  His brother would, of course, once she passed the news along.  But, really, what else held him in this life?  Family that he was estranged from?  What had the Earthmother blessed him with in his twenty years, aside from physical and emotional torture to the point that it was still excruciating several years later?  The bartenders would miss him practically handing over his wallet, but who…
He closed his eyes as ebony fur enters his mind’s eye, the hoof that had lifted itself from the rocky edge to move forward suddenly remembering itself and planting itself back a step, the other quickly following it.  Of course he would care, wouldn’t he?  That thought only seemed to worsen the clenching of his stomach, and he let his knees buckle and bring him to the ground.  Once there he at least had the presence of mind to make himself comfortable, scooting forward just enough to let his hooves hang over the ledge as he nursed his bottle.  Gods, some days those blue eyes had been the only thing that kept him from coming here, for this exact reason...so many times he had considered it, but not once had he had the balls to do it.  Whether he still had some vague sense of self preservation or he simply could not inflict more pain on himself, he was unsure, but neither had stopped him today.
He could not tell the other bull, of course.  That would get him nothing but a constant watch, or some sort of calfsitter for drunken suicidal adults - if such a thing existed, he would definitely know of it.  But, then again, there was always the war.  He didn’t even care where he was shipped off to, at this point, if there was a chance to swing an axe with the less and less secretive hope that another would be swung at him with more skill.  Letting that thought flow through his mind so clearly, so unashamedly felt odd, being so typically one that he shoved to the back of his conscious in strict denial that he actually did want to die.  
Impending doom or not, it would not occur today.  He gave himself a little nod in agreement as that decision was set in stone, the bottle raised to his lips once more.  Not today, nor tomorrow.  Perhaps not even anytime soon, and certainly not of his own hand.  He was too damn proud for that.
But...perhaps he could sit a bit longer.
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coldharbourcupcakes · 6 years
Houses - Sizes and Release Date
House Sizes:
Manor:  24 people, 350 standard furnishing slots(700 with ESO+), 5 Special Furnishings(10 with ESO+), 40 collectible Furnishings(80 with ESO+)
Large:  12 people, 300 standard furnishings slots(600 with ESO+), 4 Special furnishings(8 with ESO+), 20 collectible Furnishings(40 with ESO+).
Medium:  12 people, 200 standard furnishing slots(400 with ESO+), 3 Special Furnishings(6 with ESO+), 10 collectible furnishings(20 with ESO+).
Small:  6 people, 100 standard furnishings slots(200 with ESO+), 2 Special Furnishings(4 with ESO+), 5 collectible furnishings(10 with ESO+)
Apartment:  6 people, 50 standard furnsihings slots(100 with ESO+), 1 Special Furnishing(2 with ESO+), 1 collectible furnishing(2 with ESO+)
Inn Room:  2 people, 15 standard furnsihings slots(30 with ESO+), 1 Special Furnishing(2 with ESO+), 1 collectible furnishing(2 with ESO+) 
Quick note:  If the house has reached capacity but the owner is not there, the owner will be able to teleport in without kicking anyone, so the max number of people is raised by one if this trick is used.
Autumn's-Gate(Small, gold and crowns)
Barbed Hook Private Room(Apartment, gold and crowns)
Black Vine Villa(Small, gold and crowns)
Bouldertree Refuge(Medium, gold and crowns)
Captain Margaux's Place(Small, gold and crowns)
Cliffshade(Medium, gold and crowns)
Cyrodilic Jungle House(Small, gold and crowns)
Daggerfall Overlook(Manor, gold and crowns)
Dawnshadow(Large, gold and crowns)
Domus Phrasticus(Medium, gold and crowns)
Earthtear Cavern(Manor, Crown only, was available )
Ebonheart Chateau(Manor, gold and crowns)
Flaming Nix Deluxe Garret(Apartment, gold and crowns)
Forsaken Stronghold(Large, gold and crowns)
Gardner House(Large, gold and crowns)
Grymharth's Woe(Medium, gold and crowns)
Hammerdeath Bungalow(Small, gold and crowns)
House of the Silent Magnifico(Medium, gold and crowns)
Humblemud(Small, gold and crowns)
Hunding's Palatial Hall(Large, gold and crowns)
Kragenhome(Small, gold and crowns)
Mara's Kiss Public House(Inn Room, quest or gold)
Mathiisen Manor(Large, gold and crowns)
Moonmirth House(Small, gold and crowns)
Mournoth Keep(Medium, gold and crowns)
Old Mistveil Manor(Large, gold and crowns)
Quondam Indorilia(Large, gold and crowns)
Ravenhurst(Medium, gold and crowns)
Serenity Falls Estate(Manor, gold and crowns)
Sisters of the Sands Inn(Apartment, gold and crowns)
Sleek Creek House(Medium, gold and crowns)
Snugpod(Small, gold and crowns)
Stay-Moist Mansion(Large, gold and crowns)
Strident Springs Demense(Large, gold and crowns)
The Ample Domicile(Medium, gold and crowns)
The Ebony Flask Inn Room(Inn Room, quest or gold)
The Gorinir Estate(Inn Room, quest or gold)
The Rosy Lion(Inn Room, gold and crowns)
Twin Arches(Small, gold and crowns)
Velothi Reverie(Medium, gold and crowns)
Amaya Lake Lodge(Medium, gold and crowns)
Ald Velothi Harbor House(Large, gold and crowns)
Saint Delyn Penthouse(Inn Room, quest or gold)
Horns of the Reach
Hakkvild's High Hall(Manor, gold and crowns)
Clockwork City
The Orbservatory Prior(Manor, Crown only)
Alinor Crest Townhouse(Large, gold and crowns)
Golden Gryphon Garrett(Inn room, quest and gold)
Coldharbour Surreal Estate(Large, gold and crowns, not limited time.  Put in for the 2018 ESO anniversary)
Exorcised Coven Cottage(Medium, gold and crowns, limited time during 2017 Witch's Festival, only allows 6 people.)
Enchanted Snow Globe(Large, crown only, limited time during/shortly before 2018 New Life for 4.2k/5.25k crowns).
Limited Time
Grand Topal Hideaway(Manor, Crown only, was available April 27 - May 1, 2017 for 15k/18k crowns)
Tel Galen Tower(Manor, Crown only, was available June 15-19, 2017 for 8/10k crowns)
Linchal Grand Manor(Manor, Crown only, was available September 14-18, 2017 for 14/17.5k crowns)
Pariah's Pinnacle(Manor, Crown only, was available December 7, 2017 - January 2, 2018 for 13k/16.25k crowns)
The Erstwhile Sanctuary(Manor, Crown only, was available March 8-12, 2018 for 13k-16.25k crowns)
Princely Dawnlight Palace(Manor, Crown only, was available May 10 - May14, 2018 for 14k/17k crowns)
Colossal Aldmeri Grotto(Manor, Crown Only, was available July 5-16, 2018  for 15k- 18.75k crowns)
Hunter’s Glade(Manor, Crown Only, was available October 4 - 14, 2018 for 8k-10k crowns)
Lakemire Xanmeer Manor(Manor, Crown Only, was available January 17-31, 2019 for 15-17.5k crowns)
Grand Psijic Villa(Manor, Free as part of their summerset promotional event(Summerfall) from September 20-28th).
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grimweaver · 4 years
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The Ebony Flask Inn Room (Ebonheart, Morrowind)
(I could add more, but sometimes minimalism is best, especially in small rooms)
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