paradarala · 7 months
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Put a gun to my head, cuz I like it rough!
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ixtaek · 4 years
Once a city of majesty, mystery, gold and gods, war and wishes…
Now long lost, sunken from the height of its power to the bottom of the sea. For centuries it has lain, quiet, forgotten, but the legends still persist, whispered in high academic circles and over quiet campfires on the beach. Some say the city still holds great wealth, others claim that it holds the magic of the ancients, or guards some terrible evil. Whatever tale you may have heard, the city is calling to you.
Be warned, once you enter this city, the way out will be treacherous. Few survived the cataclysm that left Azlantec in ruins, the few sources of light and air dismiss by the day, and the barrier protecting what remains even now surrenders to the relentless pressures of the sea. If you find what you are looking for, greatness may be yours. But if you fall here, then your legend will surely fade.
Welcome to the City of the Sun…
Welcome, traveler, to Azlantec.
(An ad for a non-elim original character tournament I’m helping host on Discord! All skill levels welcome—this tournament is a great way to grow your comic storytelling!)
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az-jacky-lantern · 4 years
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spacedorky · 4 years
Hey this is a little late for posting on here, but this is my audition for Azlantec OCT. Links and stuff to the tournament in the youtube video’s description!
It’s a little janky in some places, but I’m still very proud on getting it done! It’s pretty much my first approx. 15 minute video so.... yee!
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skullharestudios · 3 years
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Some fake screenshots I did!
Top one is for a current project I’m pumping out called Tallyho! and it’s meant to mimic Netflix-
and the second one is old, and is supposed to mimic cel animation from the 80s/90s. The large creature belongs to @xrsjaru and the lyrics are from Avalanche by ghost.
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chocomony · 3 years
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So here it is again, my art summary of 2021, don’t think I did one last year so wanted to catch up this time.
In this one I included art from both my Deviantart (MoxieMooo) and Tumblr (Chocomony) accounts. Even though I didn’t make great pieces every month I am glad that I was able to keep myself constantly working all year in many different subjects.
I hope next year I can do better, even if I’ll have to focus on a few projects at the time.
Original template by AsterianMonarch
List of all the art
January: Azlantec OCT - Round 1 Part 2
February: Welcome to remembrance OCT
March: UNITED – Chapter 3
April: A Dragon for Week 105 – Thornridge
May: Toothy the Rebel (redesign)
June: Azlantec OCT – Round 3 Part 1
July: A Dragon for Week 115 – Stinger
August: Skydiving into the void
September: A Dragon for Week 125 - Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus
October: Candy team
November: A man of many talents
December: UNITED – Chapter 3 Page 34
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arthurazlanteccomic · 3 years
TRIGGER WARNING FOR ROUND: Blood, Slight body horror, Dissociation/Panic attacks/Heavy mental health topics, Some suicidal thoughts mention  
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skullharestudios · 4 years
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First cleaned hand drawn thing!! 
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skullharestudios · 4 years
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More Art done for Azlantec OCT, Character featured is Thana, who belongs to  TheKingOfSpears on our discord. 
@arthurazlanteccomic IS the comic, please read!
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skullharestudios · 4 years
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@arthurazlanteccomic​ https://arthurazlanteccomic.tumblr.com/
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skullharestudios · 4 years
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Secret Santa for MarcheTowers on Twitter! Done for Azlantec OCT.
Please read our comic here! 
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chocomony · 3 years
A sad but necesary decision
What I’m going to say here affects mostly my UNITED webcomic, but it could also affect my other art projects as well.
Let me get straight to the point, I won’t be able to update regularly my UNITED webcomic and it will become an “I’ll-post-it-when-it’s-done” deal. I’ll still try to upload something on the weekend but it will be like 1 or 2 pages, or none depending on how I feel.
Yes I said that I would go faster to reach chapter 4 by the end of the year, but this is no longer the case and there are three main reasons why I’m making this decision:
1) My last project, Azlantec OCT left me more burned out than I expected. I thought just because I was done with that OCT that I could go straight back to UNITED, but as you can see this is not the case.
2) Drawing is becoming physically uncomfortable for me. Both my arm and lower body aches when drawing, I mostly blame the chair and desk and until I get a new one drawing isn’t fun right now.
3) The most important reason, today I realized I have been neglecting important responsibilities and projects of my real life. Projects that, if I don’t give them priority right now, will have a negative impact on my career.
Again, I’m not giving up on the comic, but it is no longer a priority of mine. I’m disappointed in myself for promising more than I could do and sad to disappoint you, but I believe this is the best decision in the long run and I know once I get everything sorted out I will be able to invest more time in this comic.
I hope you understand and thanks for reading this.
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skullharestudios · 4 years
Special announcement!
I’ll be teaming up with @jooploopin​ for another OCT! This time around it’s Azlantec! It will be posted up on tumblr probably, but not on my page. You can find updates at my character Arthur’s side blog @pppandect
Watch the trailer it’s so fucking good.
If you want to join us in the fun, or help spread this around. Here’s a link to the discord! https://discord.gg/BNqARhA 
It’s an entirely discord run OCT (Original Character Tournament) You can find more information there!
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