#azulas is more complicated bc shes very much a victim of child abuse but in a very different way than zuko
heliianth · 1 year
taking a break to atla post i really do believe the way azulas arc / story ended was appropriate. maybe not on the script level (aaron wrote some pretty misogynistic stuff) but azula in the final episodes was a perfect thematic conclusion of both her and zukos stories. anytime anyone says she was Supposed to be redeemed or the writers pussied out of it or whatever i kind of think they dont rlly know what the Point of her character was .
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bloodbenderz · 3 years
hey so sorry for ranting but you're the only blog i know that seems to understand that azula was an abuse victim and i just saw a post that got me pissed. like, why everytime they talk about her and her past people ignore that, despite her horrible actions, she was still a child? i feel there's a dissonance regarding how old the character are and how old the fandom perceives them as in general but she was still 14!!!! of course she deserves a redemption arc, she never even got the chance to have a normal childhood and now people want to deny her character the chance to heal? the way everyone ignores that a lot of what made her that was a reaction to an enviroment that encouraged violence and not an active choice to "be evil" is a fucking joke. and also the erasure of the fact that ursa was, in fact, biased towards zuko and that very obviously made azula gravitate towards the parent that liked her more makes me so fucking angry because even if the show portrayed ursa as having good intentions, it still was negligence on her part and no one aknowlodges that. just... fandom in general hates when abused characters are shown to have been impacted in a way that doesn't make them the fans sweet cinammon roll and i shouldn't so mad after so much time but i do
yeah its just...its very silly like azula is obviously very complicated and she’s done a lot of evil but the fact that she looks and acts older than she is makes people not realize that she literally is an abused child soldier. which is ironic bc her looking and acting older than she is is like...on purpose. the whole point is that she projects an image of adult competence in order to subordinate the people around her and satisfy her father. its crazy cuz like child soldiers exist and are rehabilitated all the time but people have a grudge against a fake little girl from a cartoon so they pretend like thats not true...idk
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