#azure lake asylum
spacepiratericky · 7 years
"Nurse Ricky! Can I ask why there's a baby pram in the hallway?" he asked softly as he had been on new medicine which seemed to have been making him hallucinate alot.
Reese’s brow furrowed in mild concern. “There’s no pram there, dear.” She says very gently. “How long have you been seeing one?” She needed to know these things in order to make new adjustments to his meds if possible. Hallucinations could cause undo stress.
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azurelakeasylum · 7 years
Welcome to Azure Lake Asylum
(If you wish to join this AU please message me <3 , Updated as of 8/24/2018 }
Time Setting: Late 1940s to early 1950s Asylum name: Azure Lake Asylum Location: Azure Lake (State unknown) Patient Types: Criminally Insane / Mentally Unstable Info: The Asylum was made back in the 1930s as a hospital for those terminally ill. Was bought by the Citadel and remade into an Asylum for those who are Criminally insane or those who can not live in the outside world, due to.. violent tendency or have a screw loose. The Doctors use any methods given to them to treat patients given to them. Most Patients are criminals of some kind, from simple thieves, to Serial Killers. —————————— Head Doctor: @emergency-rick - Dr. R. Sanchez
2nd in Command Doctor: @drrictorsanchez - Dr. Rictor
Nurses: (Will be updated when we have more)
-  @spacepiratericky  Head Nurse -  Nurse Spricky (All Nurses report to the Head Nurse, but all Nurses, including the Head, report to the head Doctor ) - @smolrita - Nurse - Nurse Rita - @the-inmate-and-the-nurse - Nurse - Nurse Beta - @godly-morty - Nurse - Nurse Mouse - @surgeonslut - Nurse - Nurse Blue
Orderly’s (Aka, Guards and Muscle to help the nurses) - @satanrick - Muscle/Guard - Lucifer ‘Lue’ Sanchez
Patient List: (Will be updated when we have more)
- ‘Plague” - Richard Sanchez - Admitted for being mentally insane, cannibalistic, and a serial killer. Judge deemed it unsafe to just put him into a prison. He was placed under the care of Dr. Sanchez to see if he can be ‘fixed’. He must wear a half face mask when out in the commons so he doesn’t bite others. He is also required to wear locked gloves as to not claw at others. If he behaves he may go outside on walks with a Nurse or the Head Doctor. Interviews maybe allowed if he is strapped down as to not hurt the outsider. If his muzzle is to be taken off in Common area’s it is only to eat and he must be monitored! He seems like a gentlemen, but that is how he lures others in. Is known for getting others to trust me, or play mind games with others. Night time he must be locked in his room, as this tends to trigger the more aggressive side of Plague. He can be found talking to Shadows in his room, as if they can talk back. Be very cautious when approaching, Nurses are advised to not approach him alone if he is in his room and unrestrained. - “Mort”  Mortimus Sanchez @itstherickestmorty - Admitted for showing signs of early aspd, disregard of human hygiene, multiple murders as well as self inflicted wounds on back and lower waist. has a god-complex, must wear straight jacket and muzzle to avoid biting and mutilation. sociopaths and recovering from a psychotic break. May walk around the commons with others as long as monitored. Muzzled may not be removed unless he is in his room alone. - “Glasses”  Riccardo Sanchez @glassesrick - Admitted for  not only poisoning others with deadly chemicals but also ingesting them himself in small doses to try and “become immune”. Must be with an escort at all times with wrists shackled. Must be watched when taking his medication as he make sure he takes them. If he refuses, he is to be given them as an injection; straight into the neck. At night he is to be strapped down to his bed, no acceptations. May be in commons with others if monitored.
-  “Stock” Mortimer Smith @the-inmate-and-the-nurse -Detained for mass murder. Supposedly was ordered to do it by man in black. Shows minor signs of multiple disorders so no clear diagnosis has been made. Must have hands restrained around others. If found talking to nothing report to Head Nurse. No mirrors allowed near Stock. If needed strap to bed during the night time.  Extreme caution must be exercised when attempting to take the toy he carries around. Avoid removing it from him if possible and sedate him if it is a necessity.
-  ‘Ricky/Starry’ - Ricardo Sanchez @rickw-210​ - Admitted for having a mental breakdown, after a suicide attempt, it was believed that Rick had murdered his wife and unborn child as well as 4 other people.. He actually gained extremely bad amnesia from his attempt. He tends to be fairly innocent and avoids contact with people. He is not allowed to be alone and if found alone must be escorted to his room. He must take his pills for depression and should be forced to sleep within his bed then within his blanket pile. But he is usually forced to have to go therapy and hypno therapy.
-    “Mr. Winter” - Ryszard Sanchez @bloodykissboy-   sentenced for committing mass murders, serial homicides, taking part in homosexual acts and orgies, disrespect of corpses, tortures. Took for questioning he admitted his victims were either looking “In the wrong way” at him or “had demons in their gaze”. The most preferable way of taking the others life was choking to death or performing surgeries and harvesting organs for “latter researches”. Mr. Winter is isolated and chained during the social activities for the sake of other fellow prisoners. His hands must be  tied during social activities which don’t involve manual working and chains during activities when he have to use his hands. If he starts to get violent or sexual towards others, put him into a straight jacket right away. -  “Dead Eye” – Rick Sanchez @ask-36-e​ – Admitted after being discovered assaulting multiple individuals by police. It is thought he lost his left eye in a similar situation, but he will not say. Family killed in front of him – has night terrors and sudden mood swings as result – make sure tranquilizers are always at hand. If pushed too far, or asked or told something specific that reminds him of the incident, he can snap and become violent very quickly - towards both fellow patients and staff alike. Often quiet, being either soft spoken or remaining silent. For the most part seems blank, emotionless, tired. More often than not, he treats the staff with respect, mostly due to the fact that they are the 'authority figures'. Won’t participate in group activities unless heavily coerced (which can trigger a violent episode). When outside of room can commonly be found in the day room, seated in the corner or staring out a window. Can only have visitors with staff present. Room alone
-   “Void” Diedrich Sanchez @voidyrick  - Admitted for murder related to cult activity. Displays a persistent grandiose delusion consisting of the belief that they are being inhabited by a ‘living void’, the god of their former cult’s religion. Reported behaviors include hyperphagia and pica. Must be supervised during meal times to prevent harming themselves- as they will not stop eating. Cycles between docile, congenial behavior and wild, animistic outbursts. Has threatened to ‘devour’ other inmates in the past- no known attacks reported. Can be in common areas and taken outside if monitored. -  “Rivet” Rick Sanchez - @traumatizedrick -Admitted for attacking a guard Rick during one of his numerous panic attacks, reported to have clawed the Rick’s eye out with his nails before being apprehended. Rivet is extremely nervous and unpredictable, whether he experiences a hallucination, or has a panic attack, he can often be a danger, although mostly to himself. He is terrified of loud noises, sudden movements, and new people. He is to be taken out at least twice daily for interaction to attempt to ease his paranoia and allow him to become more comfortable interacting with others. Experiences night terrors and is often willing to do anything to get away from someone. Even if it means killing himself. There are a select few that he feels safe with. His Morty was killed by another Rick, whom Rivet murdered gruesomely but was exempted from charges due to the nature of the murder. Should be restrained during any of his episodes, and carefully monitored. He is afraid to take his medication therefore must be administered via injection.
- “Space” Morty Smith @lostinspacemorty - refused to give a more proper name, and one could not be found, admitted for many murders and taking part in homosexual acts.  He is often oddly calm, but sharp objects can easily send him into a state of panic unless he is the one holding them, and he sometimes attacks others for no ostensible reason.  He was found sitting with his latest victim, watching them die, and he attacked the officers who interrupted his ritual.  He killed most often by disembowelling, though he has been known to slit throats.  His first victim was his Rick.  He is often seen touching his old scars and fights any attempt by anyone else to touch them, though he does occasionally show them to those he trusts.  He may be physically weak, but he is fast and clever, and has overpowered those three times his size and strength.  Soft objects seem to calm him, though not always.  He is not to be allowed outside without an escort, and he should be watched when interacting with others.  If given any medication, avoid syringes if at all possible.  If impossible, restrain the patient as much as possible and sedate.   ___________________ [[ I will also be playing NPCs in the AU, so if you want something to happen that would require one, let me know! ]]
((Thought this would be a fun AU to do, so if you would like to join, please message me! DO NOT RP THIS AU WITH THOSE NOT ON THE LIST. IF YOU WANT TO DO YOUR OWN ASYLUM AU. PLEASE NAME IT SOMETHING DIFFERENT. ))
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drrictorsanchez · 7 years
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Name: Rictor Edgar Sanchez Age: 43 Height: 6'2 Occupation: 2nd in Command Doctor at Azure Lake Asylum Info: Rictor was hired on by Mr.Unknown himself, being the Asylum was becoming more crowded, he felt it fit to have another doctor there. Unlike Dr.Sanchez, Dr.Rictor is corrupted. He is pure evil, but no one knows that. He experiments on inmates, and sometimes even on Nurses who get too nosy around his office. He is manipulative, Corrupt, and will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. The Inmates are nothing more then mere pawns to him. Meat puppets for him to use and toss away.
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spacepiratericky · 7 years
"Excuse me? Nurse Spricky, I was wondering what you'd like me to do currently?" Nurse Rita asks, not having much to do stresses her especially in a place like this. ((For the au))
Reese gives her only a moment’s glance over her clipboard. She was busy with tasks of her own and she expected the nurses to be more autonomous; in short this interaction was annoying to her. Reese did not let that fact show on her face, in fact her voice hardly let on either.
“If you’re asking, I’m assuming that means you’ve completed morning rounds, dear? I’d suggest checking on your fellow nurses first, and if they’re handling their patients well, it would be a good time to start on afternoon meds prep... In the future, I trust you can find the duties list on the nurse’s station? Saves you a trip to me.”
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spacepiratericky · 7 years
You have been avoiding me, Nurse. Did I do something wrong?- voidyrick
“Of course you haven’t, Diedrich…” Reese still remembered the nightmare she had had about a mouth opening up on his stomach - it had to have been a nightmare; such things did not happen in real life. She felt stupid for how much it freaked her out even in daylight hours. And maybe she had been avoiding him… “I would never avoid you dear. I’ve just been very busy lately; I’m being promoted and things are changing.” She smiles, conveying that everything was okay. “Don’t you like the nurse I assigned to you instead?”
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spacepiratericky · 7 years
"Good evening, Nurse Reese." The man greets from his bed, where he was laying, kind of tired looking. - @voidyrick
“How are you feeling tonight, Diedrich?” The nurse enters his room fully under the careful watch of Lue the Orderly.  She has his bedtime meds in one hand, a glass of water in the other. 
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spacepiratericky · 7 years
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Nurse Reese Spricky (for the asylum AU)
The head nurse at the Azure Lake Asylum. It’s her job to oversee the day to day operations of the nurses. All other nurses on staff report to her and must follow her instruction. She reports to the head doctor.
Reese is a generally charismatic person, if somewhat stern. In most ways, she is an ideal candidate for a leadership role... However she can take her charming nature from persuasive to downright manipulative. 
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spacepiratericky · 7 years
[Asylum au] Starry had not been acting himself lately. Mouse had been writing down in his reports that Starry had been closed off, not talking and avoiding meals. It was strange... Originally Starry was very open and talkative with people. He loved talking and being usually happy but now he seemed to have switched off from people as he seemed to just be in his blanket fort holding his dog toy as there was a tray of food near him again.
Reese was concerned by this change in behavior. Shifts like this all too often resulted in attempts at self harm or worse. She would have to assess him herself before she could adjust his medication, possibly recommend him a different therapy group.
She stands outside the blanket fort patiently. “Starry, dear… I would like to talk to you.”
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spacepiratericky · 7 years
Who hasn't gotten a chance to meet Nurse Reese?(asylum AU)
Like this and I'll send a starter or send me an ask and I will respond
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azurelakeasylum · 7 years
Mental Ward AU
(If you wish to join this AU please message me <3 , Updated as of 8/23/2018 }
Time Setting: Late 1940s to early 1950s Asylum name: Azure Lake Asylum Location: Azure Lake (State unknown) Patient Types: Criminally Insane / Mentally Unstable Info: The Asylum was made back in the 1930s as a hospital for those terminally ill. Was bought by the Citadel and remade into an Asylum for those who are Criminally insane or those who can not live in the outside world, due to.. violent tendency or have a screw loose. The Doctors use any methods given to them to treat patients given to them. Most Patients are criminals of some kind, from simple thieves, to Serial Killers. —————————— Head Doctor: @emergency-rick - Dr. R. Sanchez
2nd in Command Doctor: @drrictorsanchez  - Dr. Rictor
Nurses: (Will be updated when we have more)
-  @spacepiratericky  Head Nurse -  Nurse Spricky (All Nurses report to the Head Nurse, but all Nurses, including the Head, report to the head Doctor ) - @smolrita - Nurse - Nurse Rita - @the-inmate-and-the-nurse - Nurse - Nurse Beta - @godly-morty - Nurse - Nurse Mouse - @surgeonslut - Nurse - Nurse Blue
Orderly’s (Aka, Guards and Muscle to help the nurses) - @satanrick - Muscle/Guard - Lucifer ‘Lue’ Sanchez
Patient List: (Will be updated when we have more)
- ‘Plague” - Richard Sanchez - Admitted for being mentally insane, cannibalistic, and a serial killer. Judge deemed it unsafe to just put him into a prison. He was placed under the care of Dr. Sanchez to see if he can be ‘fixed’. He must wear a half face mask when out in the commons so he doesn’t bite others. He is also required to wear locked gloves as to not claw at others. If he behaves he may go outside on walks with a Nurse or the Head Doctor. Interviews maybe allowed if he is strapped down as to not hurt the outsider. If his muzzle is to be taken off in Common area’s it is only to eat and he must be monitored! He seems like a gentlemen, but that is how he lures others in. Is known for getting others to trust me, or play mind games with others. Night time he must be locked in his room, as this tends to trigger the more aggressive side of Plague. He can be found talking to Shadows in his room, as if they can talk back. Be very cautious when approaching, Nurses are advised to not approach him alone if he is in his room and unrestrained.  - “Mort”  Mortimus Sanchez @itstherickestmorty - Admitted for showing signs of early aspd, disregard of human hygiene, multiple murders as well as self inflicted wounds on back and lower waist. has a god-complex, must wear straight jacket and muzzle to avoid biting and mutilation. sociopaths and recovering from a psychotic break. May walk around the commons with others as long as monitored. Muzzled may not be removed unless he is in his room alone. - “Glasses”  Riccardo Sanchez @glassesrick - Admitted for  not only poisoning others with deadly chemicals but also ingesting them himself in small doses to try and “become immune”. Must be with an escort at all times with wrists shackled. Must be watched when taking his medication as he make sure he takes them. If he refuses, he is to be given them as an injection; straight into the neck. At night he is to be strapped down to his bed, no acceptations. May be in commons with others if monitored.
-  “Stock” Mortimer Smith @the-inmate-and-the-nurse -Detained for mass murder. Supposedly was ordered to do it by man in black. Shows minor signs of multiple disorders so no clear diagnosis has been made. Must have hands restrained around others. If found talking to nothing report to Head Nurse. No mirrors allowed near Stock. If needed strap to bed during the night time.  Extreme caution must be exercised when attempting to take the toy he carries around. Avoid removing it from him if possible and sedate him if it is a necessity.
-  ‘Ricky/Starry’ - Ricardo Sanchez @rickw-210 - Admitted for having a mental breakdown, after a suicide attempt, it was believed that Rick had murdered his wife and unborn child as well as 4 other people.. He actually gained extremely bad amnesia from his attempt. He tends to be fairly innocent and avoids contact with people. He is not allowed to be alone and if found alone must be escorted to his room. He must take his pills for depression and should be forced to sleep within his bed then within his blanket pile. But he is usually forced to have to go therapy and hypno therapy.
-    “Mr. Winter” - Ryszard Sanchez @bloodykissboy-   sentenced for committing mass murders, serial homicides, taking part in homosexual acts and orgies, disrespect of corpses, tortures. Took for questioning he admitted his victims were either looking “In the wrong way” at him or “had demons in their gaze”. The most preferable way of taking the others life was choking to death or performing surgeries and harvesting organs for “latter researches”. Mr. Winter is isolated and chained during the social activities for the sake of other fellow prisoners. His hands must be  tied during social activities which don’t involve manual working and chains during activities when he have to use his hands. If he starts to get violent or sexual towards others, put him into a straight jacket right away. -  “Dead Eye” – Rick Sanchez @ask-36-e​ – Admitted after being discovered assaulting multiple individuals by police. It is thought he lost his left eye in a similar situation, but he will not say. Family killed in front of him – has night terrors and sudden mood swings as result – make sure tranquilizers are always at hand. If pushed too far, or asked or told something specific that reminds him of the incident, he can snap and become violent very quickly - towards both fellow patients and staff alike. Often quiet, being either soft spoken or remaining silent. For the most part seems blank, emotionless, tired. More often than not, he treats the staff with respect, mostly due to the fact that they are the 'authority figures'. Won’t participate in group activities unless heavily coerced (which can trigger a violent episode). When outside of room can commonly be found in the day room, seated in the corner or staring out a window. Can only have visitors with staff present. Room alone 
-    “Void” Diedrich Sanchez @voidyrick  - Admitted for murder related to cult activity. Displays a persistent grandiose delusion consisting of the belief that they are being inhabited by a ‘living void’, the god of their former cult’s religion. Reported behaviors include hyperphagia and pica. Must be supervised during meal times to prevent harming themselves- as they will not stop eating. Cycles between docile, congenial behavior and wild, animistic outbursts. Has threatened to ‘devour’ other inmates in the past- no known attacks reported. Can be in common areas and taken outside if monitored. -  “Rivet” Rick Sanchez - @traumatizedrick -Admitted for attacking a guard Rick during one of his numerous panic attacks, reported to have clawed the Rick’s eye out with his nails before being apprehended. Rivet is extremely nervous and unpredictable, whether he experiences a hallucination, or has a panic attack, he can often be a danger, although mostly to himself. He is terrified of loud noises, sudden movements, and new people. He is to be taken out at least twice daily for interaction to attempt to ease his paranoia and allow him to become more comfortable interacting with others. Experiences night terrors and is often willing to do anything to get away from someone. Even if it means killing himself. There are a select few that he feels safe with. His Morty was killed by another Rick, whom Rivet murdered gruesomely but was exempted from charges due to the nature of the murder. Should be restrained during any of his episodes, and carefully monitored. He is afraid to take his medication therefore must be administered via injection. 
- “Space” Morty Smith @lostinspacemorty - refused to give a more proper name, and one could not be found, admitted for many murders and taking part in homosexual acts.  He is often oddly calm, but sharp objects can easily send him into a state of panic unless he is the one holding them, and he sometimes attacks others for no ostensible reason.  He was found sitting with his latest victim, watching them die, and he attacked the officers who interrupted his ritual.  He killed most often by disembowelling, though he has been known to slit throats.  His first victim was his Rick.  He is often seen touching his old scars and fights any attempt by anyone else to touch them, though he does occasionally show them to those he trusts.  He may be physically weak, but he is fast and clever, and has overpowered those three times his size and strength.  Soft objects seem to calm him, though not always.  He is not to be allowed outside without an escort, and he should be watched when interacting with others.  If given any medication, avoid syringes if at all possible.  If impossible, restrain the patient as much as possible and sedate.    ___________________ [[ I will also be playing NPCs in the AU, so if you want something to happen that would require one, let me know! ]]
((Thought this would be a fun AU to do, so if you would like to join, please message me! ))
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azurelakeasylum · 7 years
Letter from the Owner
Dear Staff and Inmates at Azure Lake Asylum,
Good Evening. This is Mr. Unknown. The owner of this Asylum. I am writing to you all to make some notes. Those of you who seemed to be able to use 'magic', Will now notice you cannot. This is because I have put an anti-magic sheild around the Asylum. Can't have any of you acting like you are Gods or try and escape, now can I?
The world has given you all over to me. You have no one anymore on the outside. You belong to the Asylum. This excludes the Staff, you are free to go home everyday when your shift is over. Inmates, you on the other hand, are always home.
You may think the way you are treated is unfair. Well its not. You all got what you deserved. You were given over to me because you are a threat to the world, and a threat to yourselves. So in the place, you will be safe. And Others will be safe from you.
Some of you may improve, and be evaluated, by Me. If I deem you Worthy of the outside world. I will persoannly escort you to a paid Taxi, and have you sent home. That is, if you wish to return to the outside. You never know, you may grow accustom to this place.
Staff, I would like to inform you, anyone caught trying to help an Inmate escape will be punished. Any Inmate caught trying to escape will be punished and locked in solitary for a week, or untill I say they can come out.
If you have questions, I have given Dr.Sanchez a small wooden box in which you may write to me. I will give him my responses back by letter.
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azurelakeasylum · 7 years
Welcome to Azure Lake Asylum.
Founded back in the 1930s. It was remade into an Asylum in 1939. It now is home to those who are mentally insane. Owned by Mr.Unknown. He hired @emergency-rick Dr. R Sanchez to be his head of Staff. No one know who Mr.Unknown is. Not even his Head Doctor. He lives in a house a few miles away from the Asylum, on Azure Lake itself.  Those who are admitted to Azure Lake have been done so either by a Court of Law, or a medical institution. Here they are tended to by Staff for their needs.  Many things are not allowed at Azure Lake.  -------------------------------------------------------------  - Inmates are not allowed to have silverware of any kind, they must eat with their hands or be fed by staff. - Masturbation or Sex is FORBIDDEN. Those caught in the act will be punished.  - You are now allowed visitors, as we do not wish them to be exposed to your madness. - There are no unlocked windows at Azure Lake. Windows are made of bullet proof plastics. As we do not allow Glass at Azure Lake - Some inmates are not even allowed rooms with windows. These are the ones who are most likely on deaths row, or sunlight could cause more insanity. - No left over food shall be left in inmates rooms, as it can attract RATS. - NO PETS - If you are seen being violent towards others you shall be punished Welcome to Azure Lake.
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azurelakeasylum · 7 years
Just so you know
There are 2 owners of Azure Lake Asylum. Aka, people who run this blog. Mr.Unkown and Mr.Flare. We will not say who Mr.Flare is played by as they wish to remain Anonymous. But Mr.Unknown’s Writer will draw a face for Mr.Flare later on. ]]
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azurelakeasylum · 7 years
Hello! I was wondering if Azure Lake was a good fit for my grandpa. What kind of therapy do you offer?
“We an an Asylum for those who are Criminals. Is your grandfather a Criminal?” 
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