#b2b flickr
grusik · 4 months
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Mr Easy by soulroach
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honeypurog · 1 year
Scaling Up: Strategies for Business Development in Rapidly Growing Companies by Account Send Via Flickr: Unlock the secrets to navigating the exhilarating realm of rapid business growth with our comprehensive guide. "Read the full article here! From embracing cutting-edge technology to cultivating strategic partnerships , this article delves into seven powerful strategies that will illuminate your path to success. Discover how automation and big data insights can streamline your operations while fostering customer relationships that transcend transactions. Venture into new markets with confidence, armed with market research insights, and witness the transformation of your brand as you evolve alongside your business. Regularly revisiting and adapting your strategy ensures your agility in a dynamic market landscape. With the potency of verified B2B emails and sales leads , these strategies become your compass, guiding you toward achieving new heights in your growth journey. To learn more about how we can help you Prospect, Connect, and Convert by accessing our database of USA decision makers with accurate B2B contact info of email, phone, job title, location, company size, and more, visit AccountSend.com. Visit our Socials to get more data tips and tricks to grow your business: Blogger Facebook Flickr Imgur Instagram Issuu LinkedIn ​​LivePositively Medium pPinterest Quora Reddit SlideShare Threads TikTok Tumblr Twitter Vimeo WIkiData wikiHow Youtube
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b2bfixeddeparture · 2 years
B2B Fixed Departure by B2B Fixed Departure Via Flickr: Now save up to 50% on your flight tickets with B2b Fixed Departure of SETURTRIP. Call us now to book your flight tickets. Visit at:- www.b2bfixeddeparture.com/
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adflex122 · 2 years
Making Sense of Social Media Advertising
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Must advertise my business on social media? That's a question countless small businesses are wrestling with today. The answer is - this will depend. Specifically, it depends on your target audience and your marketing goals. A good number of small businesses can benefit from a well-designed social media advertising strategy. It is critical to make sure that you use the right social media platform for your customer base.
Any platform has its advantages and disadvantages and people use them for different purposes. For example , people who regularly use LinkedIn may not be on The facebook and vice versa. Also, options for targeting paid ads have different for each platform. So don't make the mistake of homing a "one size fits all" social media advertising program. Instead, research your customer base to find out which social media types they use and how they use them. Then figure out how advertising at those platforms fits in with your overall online marketing plan.
Facebook itself
Facebook advertising can be a great way to grow your Facebook group of fans. During the vetting process, many people will check out your Facebook or twitter page, and when people "like" you on Facebook, early aging to build your credibility. For example , if you have hundreds of "likes" and your resistance only have a few dozen, it makes you look more connected even more entrenched in the community.
Another advantage of Facebook is that it allows you to address itself to people based on age, relationship status, interest, or geographic region. Keep in mind, however , that Facebook tends to be more recreational and personal relationship oriented, and Facebook users don't intend or expect a hard sell. To get the best results, keep your listing simple, make your product or service stand out, and have a clear call to action.
Twitter tends to be faster-paced and more news/current events oriented. You'll want to curate compelling content, as it positions you as a notion leader. Twitter ads allow you to draw attention to your reflected leadership and promote your account to others could similar interests. You can also pay to promote specific tweets to be able to who aren't following you. Currently, people can't connection your website through Twitter ads, which is why it helps to use Flickr in conjunction with other social media platforms. However , you can get a lot of bargain by getting people to retweet your Twitter posts.
Two-points to remember with Twitter: people will only follow you and even interact with your tweets if they're interesting and useful, and there's no value in advertising on Twitter in the event that you're actually using your account.
This is probably the best stage for B2B advertising because people are more ready to do business anytime they're on LinkedIn. It also allows you to target individuals depending on companies they work for, specific job titles, or rankings. Plus, targeting by job title allows you to narrow your individual ads to exactly the people who would be most interested in your company B2B products or services.
Another benefit is that LinkedIn has its own self-service craigslist ad network, called DirectAds, with options for display ads together with sponsorships. To use LinkedIn most effectively, target your customers carefully, and create short, relevant ads with a specific proactive approach.
YouTube offers a unique advertising opportunity in that your company's ads can appear within videos or alongside these products. Because the ads combine video and sound, they can be a tad bit more engaging than other advertising platforms allow for. YouTube provides a number of resources to help you advertise more effectively on their site.
But don't forget that viewers have short attention spans. If you advertise utilizing videos, keep them short, to the point, and entertaining as well as enlightening. Be sure to deliver your key messages early, as audience tend to tune out after only a few seconds.
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websitsedesign · 2 years
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MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Oracle based on the Structured Query Language (SQL). MySQL is an integral part of many popular software stacks for building and maintaining robust, data-driven B2B services from customer-facing web applications. Its open-source nature, stability and rich feature set, coupled with ongoing development and support from Oracle, means that Internet-critical organizations like Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, Wikipedia and YouTube all employ MySQL backends.
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vastlikes22 · 2 years
Anti-Social Media Marketing
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Marketing experts are hotly fixated on "social media marketing." Social media incorporates sites where enormous quantities of clients give their own substance and make associations and connections by sharing data and following each other's updates. There are handfuls, and maybe many these destinations like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, MySpace, Talked, ecademy, Classmates.com, Friendster and Flickr, where individuals trade business and individual data, notices, photos, recordings, news stories, political perspectives, resumes, sexual interests, sports conclusions, recipes, wellbeing realities and vast measures of different information.
It doesn't end there. Social media marketing additionally incorporates the utilization of web journals, online recordings, conversation discussions and making ways of permitting clients to give criticism and appraisals on the pages of your sites. Furthermore, significantly more. It's hugely important and a few associations have worked effectively getting genuine worth out of their social media marketing endeavors. please visit here https://www.vastlikes.com   for more details.
Beyond question, there are enormous marketing benefits accessible to advertisers who can sort out some way to tackle the consideration and inclinations of crowds utilizing social media devices. Wherever you turn in the marketing scene, individuals are advancing the benefit of drawing in social media for organizations purposes. I immediately went during a time of messages to track down solicitations to join in or view whitepapers, online classes and gatherings. Here is an inspecting of what I've gotten throughout the course of recent days:
The most effective method to Foster a Social Media System That Works For Your Image
Interfacing Steady Contact and Social Media for Web Marketing Achievement
Free online course - Webcasting + Social Media Increment Participation: An UNLEASH09 Contextual investigation
The Smartest possible scenario: How to Actually Use Social Media Associations with Ongoing Cooperation Devices
Email Turned into a web sensation: How To Broaden Email Arrive at Through Social Sharing
2009 B2B Social Media Benchmarketing Study
Administration in the Hour of the Social Client
Grasping Your Web-based Reach
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Produce a Buzz for Your Business Through Social Media Marketing. Convert that Buzz into Income.
5 Executioner Ways Of advancing Your Facebook Fan Page
Presently, I buy into a few marketing bulletins, yet there are many others and this rundown addresses simply seven days of messages - - and I presumably missed some. Marketing by means of social media is white hot - - the degree of fervor is out of this world. visit vastlikes.com for more info
Social media, notwithstanding, can't yet substitute altogether for other, more customary types of marketing. As of late, I was on an "specialist board " at a marketing occasion and the crowd was energetically amped up for social media. At a certain point, we all specialists were requested to remark on the worth from this new channel and when it was my move, I expressed that while I figured social media would sometime give tremendous marketing esteem, I was worried that individuals were centering a lot of exertion and consideration on it. That's what I said, in my view, there was likely no colossal "first mover advantage" in sorting out some way to showcase effectively through social media and that it meant a lot to keep on using email, standard mail, direct deals, telesales, publicizing and different stations for the time being. I said that individuals ought to ensure they remained current with what was occurring in social media and they ought to be continually testing, however, since nobody has yet figured out the code on estimating the aftereffects of these new open doors, it was significant not to get occupied from interest age strategies we right now utilize that we know are viable.
Oddly, I really am extremely amped up for the capability of social media marketing and we use it in my organization regular. I simply feel that its worth as a type of interest age isn't plainly seen at this point and, since it's not entirely quantifiable, it contradicts capable marketing for most organizations to give unreasonable measures of assets to it.
Something almost identical is probably going to happen to social media marketing and I believe it's now begun. For instance, I receive many messages letting me know that individuals have begun to follow me on Twitter. These messages contain no data about my new fans, simply a secretive client name, which I can tap on if I need to see what its identity is. What I have found is that a developing number of these "devotees" are suppliers of pornography and are presumably joining to follow a huge number of clueless Twitter clients like me. you can go here for more vastlikes
My own organization still can't seem to produce any business from our social media endeavors. "Old" strategies like calls, messages, talking at meetings and systems administration actually drive the vast majority of our business. At the point when I began Genuine Outcomes Marketing five and a half quite a while back, I made plans to go through my contacts and either email or phone individuals in my organization consistently. Right up to the present day, the vast majority of the business open doors we uncover occur through this sort of work and previous associates are as yet the most extravagant wellspring of counseling bargains. It's a genuine battle in some cases to make myself remove time from a bustling day to settle on those decisions or send those messages, however they've demonstrated so fundamentally vital to our income stream that I wouldn't even come close to easing up on these endeavors.
I understand that most organizations can't depend on the organizer's expert organization as an essential type of interest age. Greater organizations have their own dependable techniques for driving development. Your organization might use a deals force, telesales staff, promoting efforts, complex data set marketing drives and different devices for setting out deals open doors and I'd contend that the significance of those approaches hasn't decreased the slightest bit in that frame of mind of social media development.
Sometime in the future, somebody will dominate how to advertise successfully and quantifiably by means of social media. When that occurs, we all in marketing should figure out how to adjust those disclosures to our www.vastlikes.com organizations and use them to drive deals and benefits. Until that time, in any case, advertisers ought to zero in a large portion of their assets on the devices they see so they can satisfy their essential obligation of driving beneficial, long haul development for their managers.
I have kidded that I have turned into the main promoter for "antisocial media marketing." I'm really a major ally of these thrilling new channels - - only not to the detriment of marketing methods that have been demonstrated to work. Regardless, my less outrageous situation regarding the matter presumably implies I will not be casted a ballot the most famous speaker at marketing gatherings later on. I'll just to must be certain I stay one stride in front of the lynch horde and continue settling on my systems administration decisions many months.
I trust your business is flourishing. You might be hearing from me soon.
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ramcharancopvtltd · 2 years
Ram Charan Co Pvt Ltd- B2B Chemical Distribution by Ram Charan Co Pvt Ltd Via Flickr: Those who are in the commerce industry have come across B2B marketplaces in one way or the other. Some industry experts have even used B2B marketplaces because such places help them reduce their money and time. For those who don’t know, B2B marketplaces are actually digital platforms for distributing or selling products. Lots of B2B marketplaces have made millions or billions of profits annually. Examples of such marketplaces include Amazon B2B, Alibaba, and so on.
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adalidda · 2 years
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Illustration Photo: Derek Dean, M.S. student in horticulture, screens spinach germplasm for disease resistance in a vertical farm system. (credits: Ark. Agricultural Experiment Station / U of A System Division of Agriculture photo by Fred Miller / Flickr Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0))
IFA/UM6P Africa AgTech Startup Showcase
Soil Health & Plant Nutrition
Healthy soils are critically important to thriving crops and forests, quality pastures, diverse landscapes and wildlife. Entrepreneurs who develop solutions to protect and improve the vitality and productivity of soil quality can apply for the competition under this heading. Startups that provide solutions in the field of plant nutrition enabling crops to acquire the necessary nutrients to carry out their various physiological functions are also welcome to apply to the IFA/UM6P Africa Agtech Startup Showcase.
Advisory & Information Services
Entrepreneurs applying under this heading must be developing digital solutions that provide relevant information or advice to one or more actors in African agriculture value chains. Anything related to agricultural best practices, agricultural software, pest and disease information, weather forecasts, and market prices could fall under this category. Startups that provide information and advisory services help African smallholder farmers increase yields, optimize input use, and stay informed about weather predictions and market conditions, resulting in increased income and lower production costs.
Access to Markets
Market Access is a broad term that refers to solutions developed by start-ups in Africa and elsewhere that allow small-scale farmers to sell their crops but also to access a wide variety of markets such as those for seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and agricultural machinery. Through these solutions, farmers are not only able to obtain the necessary means to carry out their agricultural activity, but also to reach one or several agricultural downstream actors, including distributors, wholesalers, retailers as well as the final consumer.
Supply Chain Services
Entrepreneurs wishing to apply to the IFA/UM6P Africa Agtech Startup Showcase in the supply chain category must be developing digital or non-digital solutions that facilitate the management of different flows along the agricultural value chain: physical flows, information flows and financial and administrative flows. Supply chain services are primarily business-to-business services that enable agribusinesses, cooperatives, agricultural input distributors and other intermediaries in the agricultural value chain to manage their relationships and facilitate the conduct of their bilateral activities.
Financial Services
Startups active in this sector provide financial services to African smallholder farmers or the financial institutions that serve them. B2C services include payments, savings, credit, and insurance products, among others. They enable underbanked smallholder farmers to manage their businesses and invest in their long-term growth. B2B services include digital tools or data analytics solutions that financial institutions can use to better manage their operations and better meet the needs of African farmers.
Are you an Agtech entrepreneur?
Do you have a solution for one of the problems facing African agriculture?
Do you want to connect with professionals in plant nutrition and farming?  
Would you like to be more  actively  engaged in the transformation of African agriculture at a time when we need to produce more, more efficiently?  
If so, then do not wait any longer!
Apply now to the African Agtech Showcase co-organized by the International Fertilizer Association (IFA) and Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P).
Application Deadline: 30 November 2022
Check more https://adalidda.com/posts/JfXbAWHwSSKRoasWn/ifa-um6p-africa-agtech-startup-showcase/call
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fabricatingcontent · 2 years
All About Social Media Marketing
The Growing Trend
Over the past few years, social media has become an integral part of marketing for many small and large companies. Companies use social media to reach and interact with their target audiences, often at no or minimal cost. This has led to rapid growth in the social media marketing industry, with companies expanding their reach, gaining new customers, and building their brands. This has also led to an increase in the size and complexity of social media platforms, which have made it harder for companies to manage their social media presence, particularly when it comes to content creation and publishing.
What is social media marketing?
Social media marketing involves leveraging social media platforms to build and grow a customer base. Different social media platforms have evolved in different ways, which have led to the development of various types of social media marketing strategies. This platform is used for a variety of purposes, ranging from brand awareness to customer acquisition. In general, social media platforms are used for two purposes, building and maintaining a social media presence and marketing products and services. 
Today, there are many different types of social media marketing, which are used to target different audiences and generate different types of revenue. Some of the most common types of social media marketing include advertisements on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google search, LinkedIn, YouTube, 
Blogging, Podcasting, Email marketing, and other forms of marketing. 
As the use of social media marketing has become more and more common, more and more businesses have used social media to build and expand their customer base. Nowadays, almost every business uses some form of social media to market its products and services. However, each social media platform is unique, and this has led to the development of various social media marketing strategies. Let us analyze the top social media platforms.
Also, see Digital marketing courses in Chennai
Top social media platforms
Traditional marketing is taking a back seat and most businesses prefer digital marketing. Here are the top 7 social marketing platforms digital marketing offers.
1.      Face book  
With over 2 billion active users Face book is the best platform to connect with family and friends through, pictures, videos, chats, and posts.
Marketing on this platform builds trust with the users.
Marketing through Facebook includes posts on-page, promotion of page, sharing video, interests, location, and demography based on the target customer. 
Paid models can be opted for boosting pages and ads.
2.      WhatsApp
WhatsApp has over 1300 million active users.
This platform allows free messaging to individuals and groups.
Is mostly used for E-commerce, travel companies, banks, and individual service providers.
It study’s the user's behavior with the help of a data repository by Facebook. The data is collected and is used to generate relevant product leads. 
Businesses can directly communicate with their end-users.
3.      LinkedIn
This is a business networking site with over 500 monthly users.
It is a perfect platform for B2B, corporate clients, MNCs, and small to medium-sized companies.
The marketing model consists of boosting a post and the use of top menu bar ads.
4.      Twitter
This is a micro-blogging site where one can connect with the world through tweets (below 140 words) and videos. 
The platform allows freedom of expression of thought on current issues.
This is a great platform for skilled B2B and B2C professionals.
5.      Instagram
With over 700 million users per month, it is used for picture sharing and is interlinked with other social media platforms like Twitter, face book, and Flickr.
This is a great platform for growing local businesses.
6.      YouTube
With over 1.5 billion monthly active users YouTube is the best platform for video sharing. It is used by local businesses, the education industry, the entertainment industry, and other businesses of all sizes.
The marketing model is to make videos that could be entertaining or educating. The more the views the higher the money paid.  
7.      Quora
This is a social forum for people to ask questions and exchange views and answers.
This is an ideal place for educational institutes, professors, and teachers as it is a place for knowledge sharing
      I.         What is social media marketing?
When you choose social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc to market your products and services it is referred to as social media marketing. This is a part of digital marketing and is used to increase sales, website traffic, etc.
   II.         How difficult is it to learn social media marketing?
Although it is quite easy to learn social media marketing as most of us are using social media tools, it is important to keep up with the changing trends of the platform. Once the concepts are clear, understanding the changing patterns would be relatively easy.
 III.         Which is the best social media platform?
It is difficult to say which platform is the best; it depends on what you want to achieve. For example, if you want to sell something then Facebook and Instagram are better choices. For anything to do with business professionals LinkedIn is a better option. Therefore it is difficult to say which the best one is. Sometimes marketers use more than one platform to advertise their products.
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airmanisr · 3 years
Brantley B2B 'G-ATFG'
Brantley B2B 'G-ATFG' by Alan Wilson Via Flickr: msn 448. International Helicopter Museum. Weston-Super-Mare. 15-6-2011
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grusik · 4 months
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Mr Easy by soulroach
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honeypurog · 1 year
The Human Touch: Building Personalized Relationships with B2B Contacts by Account Send Via Flickr: Elevate your B2B marketing strategy with the transformative power of genuine human connections. Read the full article here! Discover how to nurture authentic relationships with B2B contacts through our comprehensive guide. From understanding your customers' unique needs to leveraging social media insights and exceeding expectations, these expert strategies will not only enhance your sales pipeline but also forge lasting partnerships that stand the test of time. Unveil the secrets to personalized communication, advocacy for their business success, and the art of consistent engagement. Embrace the human touch and reshape your B2B approach for unparalleled growth and customer loyalty. To learn more about how we can help you Prospect, Connect, and Convert by accessing our database of USA decision makers with accurate B2B contact info of email, phone, job title, location, company size, and more, visit AccountSend.com. Visit our Socials to get more data tips and tricks to grow your business: Blogger Facebook Flickr Imgur Instagram Issuu LinkedIn ​​LivePositively Medium pPinterest Quora Reddit SlideShare Threads TikTok Tumblr Twitter Vimeo WIkiData wikiHow Youtube
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seomasterpressblog · 3 years
Anti-Social Media Marketing
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Marketing professionals are feverishly obsessed with "social media marketing." Social media includes websites where huge numbers of users provide their own content and create connections and relationships by sharing information and following each other's updates. There are dozens, and perhaps hundreds of these sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, MySpace, Spoke, ecademy, Classmates.com, Friendster and Flickr, where people exchange business and personal information, status updates, photographs, videos, news articles, political views, resumes, sexual interests, sports opinions, recipes, health facts and endless amounts of other data.
It doesn't end there. Social media marketing also includes the use of blogs, online videos, discussion forums and creating ways to allow customers to provide feedback and ratings on the pages of your websites. And a lot more. It's tremendously valuable and some organizations have done a great job getting real value out of their seo panel efforts.
Without a doubt, there are massive marketing benefits available to marketers who can figure out how to harness the attention and preferences of audiences using social media tools. Everywhere you turn in the marketing world, people are promoting the value of engaging social media for businesses purposes. I quickly went through a week's worth of emails to find invitations to attend or view whitepapers, webinars and conferences. Here is a sampling of what I've received over the last seven days:
How to Develop a Social Media Strategy That Works For Your Brand
Connecting Constant Contact and Social Media for Internet Marketing Success
Free webinar - Webcasting + Social Media Increase Attendance: An UNLEASH09 Case Study
The Best of Both Worlds: How to Effectively Leverage Social Media Relationships with Real-Time Collaboration Tools
Email Gone Viral: How To Extend Email Reach Through Social Sharing
2009 B2B Social Media Benchmarketing Study
Service in the Time of the Social Customer
Understanding Your Online Reach
Generate a Buzz for Your Business Through Social Media Marketing. Convert that Buzz into Revenue.
5 Killer Ways to Promote Your Facebook Fan Page
Now, I subscribe to several marketing newsletters, but there are hundreds of others and this list represents just a week of emails -- and I probably missed some. Marketing via social media is white hot -- the level of excitement is off the charts.
Social media, however, cannot yet substitute entirely for other, more traditional forms of marketing. Recently, I was on an "expert panel " at a marketing event and the audience was breathlessly excited about social media. At one point, all of us panelists were asked to comment on the value of this new channel and when it was my turn, I stated that while I thought social media would someday provide enormous marketing value, I was concerned that people were focusing too much effort and attention on it. I said that, in my view, there was probably no huge "first mover advantage" in figuring out how to market successfully via social media and that it was important to continue to utilize email, direct mail, direct sales, telesales, advertising and other channels for now. I said that people should make sure they stayed current with what was happening in social media and they should be constantly experimenting, but, since no one has yet cracked the code on measuring the results of these new opportunities, it was important not to get distracted from demand generation methods we currently use that we know are effective.
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gtelocalize · 4 years
GTE Localize
GTE Localize is a fast-growing translation and localization agency, providing services for all major languages in the world. We also offer other language services including Media Localization, Interpretation, Data Collection and Annotation.
Established in 2017, GTE Localize has grown quickly from an Asian-language-focused vendor to a global one through continuously expanding our network of reliable linguists to cover Asian, European, and South American languages. By 2021, GTE localize has three offices in Singapore, Vietnam, and Indonesia, with about 40 full-time staff and a network of 1200+ native linguists around the globe.
GTE Localize is ISO 9001:2015 certified for Quality Management Systems and a member of the Globalization & Localization Association (GALA). By understanding the value of technology, GTE Localize has developed our own management system called G-One, with an integrated translation management system (TMS), vendor portal (VP), and customer relationship management (CRM) tool. G-One is aimed at enhancing our quality control and production process while optimizing translation costs for our clients.
Our clients are global companies with businesses in multiple foreign markets. We are willing to go the extra mile, sometimes even more than asked for, to provide the best solutions for our clients. With our constant hard work, GTE Localize has become a go-to language service partner for hundreds of B2B clients worldwide and 80% of our clients come back to us after our initial contract has been completed.
Further information on GTE Localize services is available at https://www.gtelocalize.com
BLOG: https://gtelocalize.blogspot.com/ LInkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gtelocalize/ Tumblr: https://gtelocalize.tumblr.com/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/gtelocalize Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/people/gtelocalize/ Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/gtelocalize Gavatar: https: //vi.gravatar. com / gtelocalize About: https://about.me/gtelocalize/ Wordpress: https://gtelocalize.wordpress.com/ angellist: https://angel.co/u/gtelocalize behance https://www.behance.net / gtelocalize_com Dribble: https://dribbble.com/gtelocalize/about flipboard: https://flipboard.com/@gtelocalize/gte-localize-urj2emfsy Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/gtelocalizecom producthunt: https://www.producthunt.com/@localize_gte skillshare: https://www.skillshare.com/user/gtelocalize Quora: https: // en.quora.com/profile/GTE-Localize
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Website SEO & Marketing for Gloucestershire, Bristol & the UK - The Traffic SEO
The Traffic SEO is a website SEO and marketing agency offering personal (B2B) local SEO, marketing and WordPress services for businesses in Gloucestershire, Bristol, and remotely for UK and International businesses.
Our local Gloucestershire & Bristol SEO marketing services includes: * Local UK Citations & Directories: Secure your brand, boost your Google maps ranking and your website DA / PA by adding up to 160 UK Citations directory profiles such as: Yelp, Yell, Scoot, Hotfrog, and local direc such as: The Bristol Post, Gazette Live, Gloucestershire Live many more. * Google My Business: If you have or haven't claimed and verified your Google My Business Listing yet let us either set it up or optimize it ready for UK local SEO, and a must if you want to be seen locally.
* Social Media: Secure your brand and boost your PA / DA with 100 social media profiles. Then post weekly / monthly updates to the TOP social media sites to boost your exposure, site visitors and web rank.
* Video Sharing: We can set-up accounts on the TOP 85+ video sharing sites & submit your video's weekly or monthly. Sites include: Flickr, YouTube, Vimeo, Photobucket, DailyMotion etc.
* Press Release: We will distribute your press release to up to 100+ UK & International news related websites (Including Google, ASK and BING News) delivering brand awareness, visibility and enhancing your websites authority.
* UK Newspaper directories: Your company details (Name, descriotion, telephone and website etc) will be added to over 200+ newspaper directories around the UK. Sites such as: 'Bristol post', Gazette Live', Gloucestershire Live, Wilts Glos Standard etc etc.
* WordPress: We offer WordPress website design, audits, on-page optimization and fixes. From in-depth website analysis & reports to website speed tests, image compression and meta tag optimization.
We also offer auto RSS feed to social up-dates and optimization on an ongoing monthly basis.
Locally our SEO & website Marketing services can help businesses in towns in South Gloucestershire including: Berkeley, Sharpness, Dursley, Thornbury, Wotton-Under-Edge, Cam, Charfield and surrounding Towns & Villages, and then down to Yate and North Bristol and also up to Stroud, Gloucester and Cheltenham. We can also help businesses all over the UK remotely.
Visit us: https://www.thetrafficseo.com Other sites: https://www.hoteldealsphuket.com & http://www.maltaholiday.online
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adalidda · 4 years
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Illustration Photo: Autonomous delivery robot at Oregon State University campus (credits: Blake Brown, UHDS marketing manager / Oregon State University / Flickr Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0))
Future Hub - Accelerator program for Sustainability Startups - Mobility
Future Hub is an open innovation accelerator program for sustainability startups and the most innovative companies and public sector organizations. We match startup solutions with enterprise challenges to create mutually successful and tangible partnerships.
With us, startups grow through co-creation. Together with enterprises, they test their pilot market alliances solutions in target technologies and industries. Future Hub strives to form long-term partnerships that accelerate startup growth and bring innovative solutions to enterprises.
Future Hub is scouting for B2B, B2C, and B2B2C startups in five sustainability and greentech areas. We are looking for dedicated early-stage teams ready to join Future Hub and find potential clients and grow through open innovation.
Track: Mobility
We are looking for startups with solutions in such areas as:
Autonomous Transport
Shared Economy
Industry 4.0
Last Mile Logistics
Hardware & Sensors
Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
Edge Computing & Data Analytics
Application Deadline: February 16, 2021
Check more https://adalidda.com/posts/GnQ7hh7c8r7yBwSeJ/future-hub-accelerator-program-for-sustainability-startups
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