#baachi and anyone else as 'humanity'
magicaldragons · 7 months
even the devil existed once as an angel, solely in devotion to his God.
Varadha is someone who has never wanted to control Deva. Even when he tries to give him direction, it is because he knows that if he doesn't, Deva will unerringly do something for Varadha that cannot be revoked.
and Deva stands in the shadow of Varadha's brilliance only because he chooses to. Otherwise, Varadha holds Deva in equal regard to himself, as if they share the same power – Varadha loves him unconditionally.
but what happens when Deva does something that breaks free from the only rule his God ever sets?
the devil throws himself from the heavens, fleeing the presence of his God, for he'd refused to accept that humanity could come anywhere within reach of the greatness that his God, and by extent, God's angels held.
and we know – Deva would choose Varadha over anybody, seeing them as 'lesser' than Varadha is, regardless of whether Varadha himself requests for Deva to save someone else.
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