#baby fefe: if I smile everyone forgets I tormented them!
superloves4 · 8 months
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The Flame we Held (Fëanor son of Melkor AU) - Chapter 5
Relationships: Melkor/Mairon, Melkor & Fëanor, Mairon & Fëanor, Fëanor/Nerdanel Summary: Miriel made a deal with Melkor, she'd be able to bear children but in return the dark lord asked for her firstborn. When he gets imprisoned she believes herself to be free of her promise but Melkor shall claim his prize. TW: none! A/N: Mairon: Christianity? Near my child?? Are you crazy?!
Masterlist and on Ao3
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Fëanor was crying, it was the third time that month. Melkor was looking at him with a shit eating grin and Mairon was doing his best to ignore it.
Perhaps he had taken some measure of pride that the child never cried with him, and perhaps this was far more humiliating than he cared for, and perhaps it was a great pain to the ears. Mairon hated to admit to it, but he had no idea what to do now.
“I’m just waiting for your words, precious,” Melkor said, holding back the laughter.
He bit his tongue but through his teeth he hissed “I need help”
Melkor’s laughter bellowed through the halls of Angband as he clapped his hands in delight, rushing to grab the nearest orc he could find.
The orc came back with one of the elven thralls, a shivering thing who thought their end was nigh, and it would, if they didn’t make Fëanor stop crying. Mairon’s eyes must’ve betrayed his irritation for the thrall stopped dead in their track at the door.
Mairon sighed, honey, not vinegar, he reminded himself.
He beckoned the prisoner closer and the orc dragged them whenever needed “If you are able to solve my problem, you and the others of your company shall receive an additional loaf of bread for a week.”
“Oh, you’re truly desperate.”
Mairon ignored his lover.
The thrall gulped, staring ahead, trying to ignore being under the scrutiny of the Dark Lord himself, noticing then the cries they’d heard came from a crib, a very well made, with very expensive covers, new crib. Was that the Lord of werewolves and the Dark Lord’s child? Had their terrible romance born a new abomination? They took a step forward, only to see a child, a normal child, if it wasn’t for the people presenting him, Sùlben would’ve thought it was elven.
“Have, have you fed him?” they asked, withering under the lord’s glare.
Mairon’s voice echoed in the palace “Do you take me for a fool?! The child has been fed and changed and yet has not stopped crying in days! What is the cause?!”
Sùlben was no healer but there was nothing that they could tell to be wrong with the baby and if all his needs had been met, maybe. They reached towards the baby but their hands were grabbed by the Dark Lord.
“I can kill you faster than you can do anything,”
Sùlben shivered again “N-no! I didn’t want to hurt the child! I just-”
“Let them, love.”
Sùlben thanked all the Valar’s they could think of, watching as the two lords stared at each other instead of them.
“Are you sure?” the Dark Lord looked at his lover, waiting for his permission, it was almost strange to be able to pry as such on their relationship, to see as the Dark Lord acted not so differently from the wolves waiting for their masters command. It was almost normal in a way, Sùlben thought maybe that was why the child was so normal.
Mairon nodded and Melkor let the thrall go.
Sùlben cowered a little but once more reached into the crib, taking the baby into their arms and just rocking him, they would’ve liked to have a child once, alas they’d never found the one for them but it was nice to know that holding one was as soft as they always imagined. Singing a little ditty from the Journey they never finished, choosing to remain for king Thingol instead.
Mairon watched in confusion as the prisoner seemingly stupid actions did, in fact, yield results, Fëanor’s cries diminishing to nothing, and the thrall hadn’t even used songs of power! Mairon didn’t want to use too much power on Fëanor, he had no idea what consequences it could have, but with the constant crying he had, so he could at least have some peace, so why had he been forced to do so but not this lowly thrall?
“What are you doing?”
“You do not hold your child much, do you?” the prisoner asked cheekily, too cheekily, they quickly changed their tune at another glare “All children want to be held by their parents”
Mairon would have disagreed on the parent part, he was merely the overseer of his lord’s prize, but the elf didn’t need to know that much.
“It is unnecessary,” he answered, holding his head higher, ignoring Melkor’s snickering.
The thrall bit their lower lip before continuing “Babies do need to be held, they could die without it, besides,” they hesitated again but Mairon ordered them to continue “Babies want to bond with their parents, do not deny your child as much, lord.”
He scoffed, for all his knowledge, elven children had that kind of weakness? That was something he never took in consideration before, but with elven babies being so helpless, the forming of a strong bond with the caretaker was an advantage to help them survive, yes, it made sense, he had to write it down later. To think the answer was so close all along… did that make him the mother? Mairon shook that image from his mind.
“Give me,” he ordered.
Sùlben gulped and grudgingly handed over the baby.
They then hesitantly said “Do not forget the rocking, it soothes children.”
Fëanor stared at him, not a tear in sight for the first time in a week, Mairon could cry, it was almost funny and it appeared to amuse the child as well, for Fëanor chose than moment to smile for the first time, the screaming little beast finally appeased. He’d gladly fight Manwë’s champion instead.
“Very well,” Mairon proclaimed “You are dismissed.”
Sùlben was quickly approached by the orc that had brought them there and they knew they were expected to run along and not to disturb but they gathered whatever courage they still had to ask “The bread, shall you keep your word, master?”
They squirmed under Mairon flaming look but amidst the pounding of their heart in their ear, they heard:
“So be it, be gone now.”
And gone they were, as quickly as their legs could carry them.
Melkor intently watched the elf leave before leaving to stand closer to Mairon, who seemed more preoccupied with letting Fëanor play with his fingers, it was something he was noticing more and more lately, Mairon would pay more attention to Fëanor than their projects and it displeased him, the child had been his idea but he never meant for that to become a priority.
“Should I kill them?” Melkor asked, taking back Mairon’s gaze.
The lieutenant thought about it for a moment, before shaking his head “No, I see there is still much I don’t understand about the eldar, that prisoner will be good for my studies” his flaming eyes sparkling for the project to come.
“You could just leave Fëanor with them, you won’t have to see to it so,” he shrugged “personally.”
Mairon rolled his eyes while in his arms, Fëanor cooed “And let his elven ideals poison the child? Next you see, he will be worshiping the damned Valar”
Melkor pouted.
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