#baby rex ikki! baby rex ikki! baby rex ikki!
asknarashikari · 3 months
Now we leave Chikyu and return back to Earth with the Revice cast. All of the assigned Cybertronians are mostly based on their personal Vistamp.
The Revice Cast assigned Cybertronians:
Ikki and Vice: Formerly BW Megatron, now Gigatron due to Megatron's attack is the skillful and tactical T-rex leader of the Predacons in the future, but due to becoming good, he is willing to risk his own life to save his own friends. He's also good with kids and has a rubber ducky named Quackles that he considers his best friend and can transform.
Daiji and Kagerou: Nightscream the troubled but good bat.
Sakura: Colada the arrogant and loner cobra.
Lovekov: The destructive and mindless Abominus, comprised of Hun-Gurrr the brilliant yet gluttonous quadrupedal two-headed dragon, Rippersnapper the superiority obsessed bipedal shark creature, Blot the appallingly disgusting and friendly but dumb hunchbacked monster-thing with an inferiority complex, Sinnertwin the predatory robotic two-headed dragon-ish thing, Cutthroat the overly-violent hawk monster thing, and Cindersaur the not-very-smart bipedal horn-nosed lizard monster thing, who all treat Lovekov like a queen.
Hiromi: Blackarachnia the smart, sly, and dangerous black widow spider and girlfriend to Fuzor Silverbolt.
George: Tarantulas the scheming mad scientist Lycosa tarantula.
Hana: BW Scavenger the master blackmailer and strategist ant who uses fear.
The others (Go, Genta/Papa Igarashi and Orteca): BW Insecticon the creepy and spying stag beetle, Hardshell the hyperactive and extremely chatty rhinoceros beetle who helps Papa and Mama Igarashi with work, and Ikard the much kinder cousin and only friend of Scuba.
Ikki, Vice and Gigatron are taking care of the youngest Igarashi, Koushirou, while the others are away doing something. Ikki and Vice have left to cook lunch and left Gigatron to take care Koushirou.
Gigatron: What's your name little fella?
Koushirou: Koushiwou.
Gigatron: Koushirou is it? I'd like you to meet my best friend, Quackles. Say hi Quackles.
Quackles: *Quack* Hello.
Gigatron and Koushirou have some bonding time like Gigatron carrying Koushirou and playing hide and seek and Koushirou sees Gigatron as a cool uncle.
Gigatron: Koushiro, can you say Gigatron?
Koushirou: Giga-Gigatwon.
Gigatron: Yesss Koushiro, that's right.
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Unbeknownst to both of them, Ikki, with tears of joy and a smile, had been filming the bonding between his youngest brother and his big T-Rex friend, and sends to the Riders and the others.
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What are the Riders and Revice Cast to seeing the video Ikki sent of Koushirou and Gigatron bonding?
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No one can resist the power of Baby Koushirou
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mxbbadperson · 3 years
kamen rider revice: the barid rex vistamp and what it might mean it for ikki
Aaaah! I ADORE this power up!!! Everything about it so good! The design, the story, how it's activated AND its powers. I’ve been thinking of @scoups4lyfe​‘s Kamen Rider Revice & Intentional Writing (Part 1) and it’s inspired-I’m citing parts of it!-to make this. 
It’s design got me wondering if there’s symbolism in it. And if there isn’t, I have wrote it down so I have made it so! I’ll be using the majority of the parts of the power up for this. (Except for the power. But I’ll explain that later!)
What’s the shape of the Vistamp?
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An egg and it opens up to reveal a baby rex inside it! And how is it opened?
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By pressing the Rex Vistamp against it! And hmm... what does that look like? It looks like brooding an action done by animals to keep an egg warm so it the baby inside it grows and hatches!
How was the Vistamp completed? 
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THROUGH TRUST. Through trusting Vice! How is the Vistamp activated? 
But what it could it all possibly mean? Well! Since there’s two parts to it, the Rex Vistamp and the Barid Rex Vistamp, there’s two ways to see this!
The Rex Vistamp is Ikki, right? Not only because he uses it to transform but also because of his relationship with his siblings. “[…] that Ikki is quite literally Daiji and Sakura’s parental figure” and see how the Rex Vistamp is placed? And how brooding works? Ikki is the Parent Rex!
The point of this power-up and of episode 13 is trust. So that’s what he needs! For his siblings. For there to be a crack in the egg, he has to learn to trust his siblings and with further encouragement, that'll be the push they need to break out of their shell and be stronger!
An aside (mostly for the scoups4lyfe’s analysis): Please pay attention to what Sakura and her expression. Despite being chased by mama-san earlier, she smiles and nods at Ikki in reassurance!
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A second aside: When Sakura is upset about Kagerou coming back, Ikki comforts her and it feels like parental comfort!
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But considering that  “[…] Ikki’s so deep into his repression/the belief that he is inherently morally wrong [...]” (from Kamen Rider Revice & Intentional Writing (Part 1)), the thing that appears when he transforms and what Vice does to it...
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Ikki is also the rex in the egg! He needs trust to crack the egg-real trust! not blind belief that he'll handle things!-trust in his abilities, trust in who he is and considering what's needed to complete the power up, trust in himself. But Ikki can't do it alone! He needs encouragement so that'll be the push he needs to break out of his shell and maybe, just maybe, become emotionally stronger!
And to go back to trust, there’s what the Barid Rex Vistamp says!  There’s fucking layers of this damn thing!
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The power-up's "crunch crunch" is the onomatopoeia for the sound when walking on ice and… for eating! Which Ikki believed Vice would do!
This means other things too! Consider  “[…] Ikki’s so deep into his repression/the belief that he is inherently morally wrong [...]”. Vice is Ikki’s demon, yes, but it took me this too long to realize what that means. Vice is all of Ikki’s unwanted thoughts and emotions and Ikki repressed them so far down that when Vice gained sentience, he has his own body.
So... When Vice said he changed but Ikki doesn’t believe him, doesn’t that mean that in some small way, Ikki doesn’t believe he himself cannot change? And since Ikki trusts Vice now, doesn’t that mean that in some small way Ikki is starting to believe and trusts himself? If he can believe and trust the being that’s made from the parts he staunchly refused then maybe, just maybe, Ikki can believe and trust himself too!
Where’s the ice power? Well... 
(To use the ice powers in this. I have to bend it so far that it becomes metaphorical and pull out the opposite of it. Ikki shouldn't be iced out. As parent rex, he'll happily provide warmth (and affection) but he still needs to learn trust his siblings. As the rex in the egg, he needs both trust and warmth to flourish.
If the parent and egg thing's used further by taking real life brooding into account. Ikki as the parent rex has the stubbornness to stay with his siblings to provide them with warmth. Often to his and their detriment. Ikki as the rex in the egg needs someone stubborn enough to stay with him to provide him with warmth!)
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tsuki-sennin · 3 years
Hey, Revice fans... Happy Jeanne Debut Day~!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Well of course the main Rider's not gonna have their death stick, Vice! The hell do you think this is, Kabuto!?
-Oh c'mon Vice, don't mock the poor girl.
-Yeah that's right! Trip!
-Oh, you can just... conjure Vistamps?
-I may be misremembering, but I don't really think that Ikki counts as "more people".
-Oh, that's a spicy purple.
-I wonder what kind of extremely marketable character Sakura's inner demon is?
-Ah, a scrapped concept? Somebody's been digging through your trash then.
-Ewwwwwww, it divides. Why does it make that noise!?
-Yep, you're gonna die thinking like that, Counselor Man. Nobody can take the place of Gifu-sama.
-Anxiety really do be like that. :(
-Ikki-nii, you gotta digest a bit before you go running off like that! At least do some stretches!
-Aguilera-sama coming in with the drip, we stan :pray emoji: :fire emoji: :100 emoji:
Not good. That's immensely fucked up
-I guess it's a callback to Golgom tried to prepare Kotaro and Nobuhiko for Century/Creation Kinghood since birth, but like... considering Aguilera's apparently engaged to Gifu this makes me think about things I... really don't wanna think about.
-Is this really the time, Hiromicchi? I mean, I feel for you, lots of us've been there, but there's a whole ass army of skeleton dudes and a creepy counselor guy!
-Huh... you didn't have anyone there for you, so you choose to be someone who'd always be there to fight and protect those who don't have anyone. That's... wonderful of you, why do you keep impressing me?
-Tertiary Rider Gang Rise Up.
-Hyper Muteki Sakura, pass it on
-There's a good big brother right there :)
-C'mon, Sakura-chan~! Show those hell freaks what for!
-Oh, so trying to create a nightmare chimera hellspawn demon Rider Spider-Man results in getting booted out of the transformation! Good to know~! If I had to see Demons Entire Goddamn Animal Kingdom Genomes so early in the show, the CGI alone would've been its own nightmare.
-Lot of POV shots this season, I noticed.
-Wolf Man and Squid Devil are joining the battle, I see!
-Okay, whatever I may end up feeling about Revice by the end of the season, this is a good goddamn scene right here, but I'm sure as to whether or not I like it. The lighting is absolutely gorgeous, I love the quiet underscoring soundtrack, it's a really good raw character moment from someone I've been rooting for all this time... but it feels a bit awkward, you feel me? The camera's way too close to her face, and it feels like I'm invading her personal space.
-So, Aguilera definitely took the Libera Driver.
-Even Aguilera's proud of you!
-Toei, if you do not let this girl go crazy whenever she wants, I am going to be very mad at you.
-I really hope she doesn't become a liability though
-Oh goddammit, she's gone already
-Ah, a ponytail whip! Classy~!
-The Libera Driver's jingles fucking rip holy shit they're so good
-The babby's part of the finisher, I'm dying
-Yeah get fucked Counselor Dude whose name I'll learn eventually, maybe.
-So like, is Kagero the only Igarashi demon who's not a good boy? ...relatively speaking. I do think that'll change eventually, since I doubt Toei'd drop a two-form gimmick like that and only use half of it. ...oh wait, they did that with the Gear Gashat Dual Beta back in Ex-Aid.
-Actually, I really hope that Lovekov does show you up, Vice. For no real reason other than the fact I think it'd be funny.
-Man, we've really almost got 'em all, huh? We're filling out that 50.
-Aw hell yeah, Mid-Season Upgrade next episode! Seems like a fairly direct evolution of Rex, as to be expected, but I'm unsure about how I feel about the colors. I'll definitely come around if we don't bench anybody though.
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toku-explained · 3 years
The Human and Akuma T-Rex pair.
Trigger: In another universe, Barossa Seijin IV has stolen King Joe STORAGE Custom, pursued by Ultraman Z Delta Rise Claw and Uchu Sevengar, it throws various weapons at them before fusing Bullton, which opens a space time distortion, absorbing everyone but Sevengar, who Z shields. In the distortion, Barossa and his pet Baby Zandrias Kedamya damage the Z Riser and steal the Medals. A portal opens over Trigger's earth, dropping King Joe. TPU orders GUTS-SELECT to secure, analyse and hopefully recover it, Marluru notes the resemblance to the Pedan Seijin's robot. On scene, Akito can tell it's been modified by human technology, even though they're the only ones on earth capable of such a thing, and investigates with Yuna and Kengo confronting inside a masked figure who turns out to be Haruki. On the Nursedessei he explains who he is, Ignis appearing to offer the Other Universe explanation to GUTS-SELECT, when Haruki is able to recognise Kengo as this world's Ultraman, Kengo and Akito dragging him away to interrogate before he spills the beans. Haruki tells them he's also Ultraman, Z letting them all in his little room so they can share the cliff notes, Z notes that Kengo is literally the Ultra, and explain they can't transform right now, Kengo volunteers Akito to repair the Z Riser, while Ignis, listening in, is interested in the Ultra Medals. The Dark Giants observe the otherworldly alien hoping it causes chaos to bring Yuzare out more. Barossa and Kedamya are missing a Juran Seed needed to grow large, when Ignis appears, after arguing over whether Treasure Hunting or Piracy is better, Ignis shows off a Vampire Ball, Barossa shows off Kodaigon The Other's Sea Breem, Ignis a Bugdalas Feather, Barossa a really small Desimonia, and so on. Kengo and Haruki discuss Akito's equipment and his skill, annoying him, until he has tge idea to transfer the Z Riser's energy to a blank key. Ignis eventually stole the Medals, Barossa tackles him and spots the Juran Seed, eating it to grow, drawing GUTS-SELECT's attention. Kengo goes out, as GUTS Falcon launches, as Falcon is hit he becomes Trigger, and starts being overwhelmed. Akito finishes a GUTS Sparklence and Ultraman Z Original key for Haruki, who initially tries to use the gun mode and Zestium to change before Z spots that it opens. After a struggle Ignis gets away and Beliarok arrives, after a struggle to locate them, and they defeat Barossa. Ignis approaches the pair and returns the Medals, getting harassed by Kedamya.
Galaxy Rescue Force: Sora arrives just as Kenis has been telling Ribut about his covert work, and discuss the various skills present within the Galaxy Rescue Force, Ribut asks to be taught more, being taught the skill of negotiation and bluffing when discovered during an infiltration, and standing firm against tough guys. As they head off, Sora questions how important those skills really are.
Revice: In South America, 1971, a mysterious stamp is found by an archaeologist and forces him to stamp himself, bringing the Deadmans into the world. Lead by Giff, his fiance Aguilera, and lieutenants Olteca and Julio. They recently stole more ViStamps from Fenix, the organisation combating them. Fortunately, Wakabayashi Yujiro is informed by George Karizaki, that he has a perfect candidate for the Revice system, Igarashi Daiji. At the family bathhouse, Daiji's elder brother Ikki, throughout his day, starts seeing the Akuma Vice, and reacting to him, while no one else sees him. Enjoying a bath the night before Daiji starts in the role of captain at Fenix, he asks Ikki why he didn't follow his dream of going pro in soccer, he evades the question. The Deadmans abduct the criminal Harada, using a ViStamp on him to summon the Mammoth Deadman. At the ceremony, Commander Kadota Hiromi, and Karizaki compete in explaining Fenix's mission, the ViStamps developed by George's father, and the Revice system. Aguilera leads the Deadmans in attacking, summoning Giff Junior's to attack the officers. Kadota attempts to use the Revice System, but can't control his Akuma and just creates a Rex Deadman. Aguilera delivers a message to the world before the leaders leave, George calls on Daiji to use the Revice system, but fear gets to him, Ikki having to tackle him. Vice explains what he is, offering a contract as the Rex Deadman attacks Ikki's mother, saying if he stamps himself with the ViStamp he'll become physical and handle the Deadmans. Vice manifests and takes care of the Deadmans, but wants to eat Ikki's mum himself, George tells Ikki to use the Driver to control Vice. Putting the belt on sucks Vice back into Ikki's body, and using Rex transforms them into Kamen Riders Revi & Vice Rex Genomes. After some fighting, George throws a stamp that when activated becomes the Ouin Buster. After each using a few of their abilities they finish the two Deadmans by each using a Rex Stamping Finish Rider Kick. Afterwards Ikki returns the gear to George, intending to just stay at the bathhouse.
Zenkaiger: Stacey awakens in Ijirude's lab, who explains he saved him and upgraded him. In a new outfit he appears to Kaito, whose genuinely glad to see him, but Stacey is still intent on fighting, unveiling his upgraded form as Stacaesar, with a shield and wrist mounted rocket launcher, he leaves when the others arrive. Boccowaus is now happy with Ijirude's work. At dinner everyone tries to avoid mentioning they were fighting Stacey to Yatchan, but she doesn't realise he'sctge same person as Satoshi. Stacey storms into Ijirude's lab, but is distracted on seeing the pod containing Mitsuko, recognising her from the photos, Ijirude says he's been using her knowledge, and also used her to give Stacey a blood transfusion. After Ijirude leaves, Stacey, remembering Yatsude, brings the pod back out. Kaito is debating explaining about Stacey to Zyuran, when Zox appears, recommending defeating Stacey once and for all and telling her nothing. Stacey appears again, using two new gears to summon black copies of ZyuranTyranno and GaonLion, which combine into Black ZyuraGaon. Twokai-Oh Riki challenges the copy, while the others arrive to battle Stacaesar, who summons Super GoseiRed and AbareMax to handle them while he fights Kaito. Black ZyuraGaon matches Twokai-Oh Riki, who switches for Katana. Stacey's mentioning of being determined to fulfill his goal reminds Kaito of his parents advising always heading straight for your goal, he resolves to fight for his own goal, getting Stacey to change and come back to Colourful. He becomes Super Zenkaiser, handling the copies. In the lab Mitsuko wakes up, remembers she was kidnapped by Kikaitopia, and starts perusing the database to find Isao when Ijirude enters, and she runs. On Secchan's advice Gaon uses Carranger, allowing him to disassemble Stacaesar's missiles, he switches to a Dark Chest Cannon, but before he can fire a Kudakk appears with immediate orders to seek out the missing Mitsuko, who has used a Parallel World Gate. Stacey confirms the missing woman us probably Kaito's mother, but says nothing else. Kaito is stunned, but the battle gets him to focus on forming Zenkaijuoh with Zox to face Black ZyuraGaon, but it uses a black hole power to attack and leave. Immediately after Kaito runs home calling for his mother, she isn't there, but Secchan gas told Yatsude, and he keeps looking.
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100-sentimentos · 7 years
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15 as super gatinhas
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15 professor utônio
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15 tartarugas ninja
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16 a bruxinha sabrina
16 aaahh!!! monstros
16 brandy e sr bigodes
16 carangos e motocas
16 coelho ricochete
16 cowboys the moo mesa
16 dora a aventureira
16 happy tree friends
16 harvey, o advogado
16 josie e as gatinhas
16 penélope charmosa
16 penelope pussycat
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16 quadrilha de morte
16 surfista prateado
16 três espiãs demais
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17 bicudo, o lobisomem
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17 dennis o pimentinha
17 esquadrilha abutre
17 galinha pintadinha
17 inspetor bugiganga
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17 olho vivo e faro fino          
17 o poderoso hércules
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18 a família camundongo
18 beavis and butt-head
18 escola pra cachorro
18 fullmetal alchemist
18 os cãezinhos do canil
18 plic, ploc e chuvisco
18 shura de capricórnio (cdz)
18 uma robô adolescente
18 ursinhos carinhosos
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19 a vida moderna de rocko
19 as aventuras de tintim
19 coragem, o cão covarde
19 o acampamento de lazlo
19 o quarteto fantástico
19 os defensores da terra
19 professor dingle dong
19 sheep na cidade grande
19 valentino troca-tapa
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20 a pantera cor-de-rosa
20 aventuras com os kratts
20 george o rei da floresta
20 historinhas de dragões
20 o laboratório de dexter
20 os meninos desordeiros
21  letras
21 os cavaleiros do zodíaco
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22 a nova escola do imperador
22 os pinguins de madagascar
23 letras
23 as aventuras de jackie chan
23 as meninas superpoderosas
23 as trapalhadas de flapjack
23 o fantástico mundo de bobby
25 letras
25 harry e o balde de dinossauros
26 letras
26 mosquito, mosquete e moscardo
29 letras
29 super esquadrão dos macacos robôs
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Revice 38:
Papa-San decides to risk himself to perfect Giffard Rex.
Ikki, Vice, and Sakura's trio go to hold off an attack by Juniors and Giffterians.
Vail reveals to Ikki that Papa-San is in danger.
Ikki breaks the containment of Giffard Rex, and it decides to GTFO to Giff.
Ikki justifaizes his way into getting it, and we get the Tranaformation Sequence.
Revi and Vice, fully Seperated.
The opposite of how it worked until now.
This ain't even the same type of Phase 4 Doc Olt was.
However, with Ultimate Revi and Ultimate Vice, there's now a chance of defeating Giff.
Revice 39:
Hikaru beware, you know what happened to the last guy those teo hung out with.
Weekend has much more resources then We've seen.
Much of the populace is believing in the Kamen Riders, that's good.
George made Mass Produced Demons Driver.
He says he's sorry because he's impressed by Hiromi's mental Strength. Not the same thing as actually being sorry.
Hikaru's fake mom's dead.
Now I'm convinced Hikaru grew up in Weekend, and his fake parents mentored him before the fake family thing.
Daiji'll never convince those under weekend's proteftion that Giff is unbeatable.
Honestly, worst case scenario, all rider kick.
Revice canonically takes place in an all rider world.
Daiji has completely lost his sanity.
Revice 40:
Ikki and Daiji duel in this one.
And we get a scene of Sakura as a Main Rider with her secondary and territary.
Hikaru's fake dad died.
He lost his real family to the Deadmans.
And he did see Hikaru as a son, affirming my theory from the previous episode.
Anyway, Akaishi actually cares about Daiji in his own way. Which is a much less fucked up way than Vail or even Kagero.
Revice 41:
Hikaru must've lost his real parents too, and at a very young age.
He was reliving his trauma after tasuke died.
Vail, and thus Papa-San, is dying.
Papa-san decides to become a rider again.
After A battle between our heroes and Akaishi and Vail, Masumi appears, to try, and fail, to transform.
And at this point, Tamaki not being a Rider is a Running Gag.
Next time, Destream!
Revice 42:
And thus concludes the Story of Kamen Rider Vail.
But Revice's endgame is upon us.
Crimson Vail and Destream looked pretty cool.
Vail's ed theme featured in this episode.
It really was the end of Papa-San's story with Vail.
Daiji rejoined the heroes.
So I assume Evility Live is in the Next one.
Revice 43:
Okay, so, I was wrong.
Daiji is still not exactly there.
But Evility is definitely next episode, alongside the return of SpiderDemons!
Hiromi Parker, one last time.
But before that....
Hikaru went further than any user of the Demons System ever has before. Full Genomix.
And Daiji straight up headshotted Akaishi. Well done.
Oh, and Regarding Masumi's Demon.
As Masumi said, His Demon *influenced* George's personality. There's not a question of "how much of George is George", there's a question of "is Masumi's Demon now a part of George" and "how heavily was George influenced". Some stuff, like his Rider Obsession, seem to have Nothing to do with Masumi, so it's probably just the level of amorality George is at. But it's still his free will. He was just influenced because he was injected with it before he was a preteen, and brains are easy to influence until late teens.
Revice 44:
Okay, so Giff is an Alien Demon that feeds on Lower Demons. And he finally has a Voice. Oh, And Olteca's alive.
George has too much respect for Hiromi to allow him to keep saying he'll lay down his life.
And Hiromi Parker's Back baby, the Incredible SpiderDemons, one last Time!
HiroDai hug, how romantic.
Kagerou's fragmented Remains inside the Holy Wing ViStamp have been restored into Kagerou! Perfect Wing, one Angelic, One Demonic, HE! IS! BATMAAAAAAAANNN!!!!!
The Sankyoudai and Hiromi, all together once again. Our First Four Riders.
Meanwhile, George missed Saying Goodbye to his Father. Causing the mental Anguish that would cause him to spiral and Go Insane after Giff is Defeated.
Revice 45:
Olteca's back.
Hana makes it clear she intends to serve Jailtime once they're done saving the world.
Lovekov's molting.
Sakura sees her as a pet.
Tamaki can't stand being sidelined anymore.
Clone Deadmen.
Return of Evil Bat, Live Bat, and Live Jackal.
And Red. Eyed. Vice.
Revice 46:
Hiromi Barton, Kagerou&Daiji, MAGNIFICENT.
HikaGo, Great!
Over Demons Tamaki, Great as well!
But Kamen Rider Julio needs to happen, post series.
Sakura and Lovekov, Invibcible Jeanne, GOOD, GREAT, OUTSTANDING, AMAZING!!
did not expect the return of the Giff Statue, but it was good.
Oh, and when this ep came out, I had the Mental Image of Tamaki and Hikaru calling Sakura "Sakura-Ohsama", because King Cobra.
The Revice Rider Kick at both Giff bodies with split screen, just Mwahh!
Then the six, three humans and three demons, Sankyoudai delivering a Speech at Giff and a Sankyoudai Rider Kick, MOST INCREDIBLE!!
Honestly, could've been a Good actual Finale with a Crossover Epilogue instead of the segway into two epilogues we got.
By that I mean, this wasn't anticlimactic at all. Could've been better slower, taking at least one more episode, but still.
Next Time, Girls Remix!
You just made me want to rewatch all the Hiromi scenes from this arc so that I can simp and swoon over him all over again. This was the arc that got me pumped to write again, and it's all thanks to Kadota Hiromi being the MVP.
HiroDaiji was strong in this arc. Episode 44 had Build/W/OOO level of heated drama between men. Hiromi being 200% romantic on main. "I will devote my life to helping you change" is this season's "Banjou/Sento and I are the Best Match" and "You are my one and only partner". And Hiromi being Daiji/Kagerou's guardian angel shooting down demons from high above to protect him was just.... dreamy...
Sigh, Daiji if you won't have him hand him over, because I need a man like that in my life
Also, Hiromi was just fucking hot as an archer.
Invincible Jeanne was the shit. And Lovekov was bamf. She truly is the best of the inner demons. The only bad thing is that they didn't use the part of her RAPPING when they used Cherry-ish! as an insert theme. That would've been epic.
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tsuki-sennin · 3 years
Heyooooo, Tsuki here! And BOY are we in a big pickle!
Uh, my computer's quite literally falling apart on me lmao, so it's probably got the whole month of March at most before it dies on me. I'm not gonna ask for money or anything like that, because I can do basically everything this shitty ass Chromebook can do, I can do on my phone, although I will miss having a keyboard.
In other news, Pokemon Gen 9 is a thing! I love all the new starters, the new region looks gorgeous, and we're kicking it in the Mediterranean! I love these international settings, they're so fun to explore~!
But enough about that, it's time to laugh and feel in Kamen Rider Revice!
-Oh my god, Ikki's doing the 4th wall thing. ...is he still wearing his manzai outfit? Without the duck? Ruined forever!
-So, does just being a weird wispy ghost cloud turn you into Pinkie Pie or Deadpool?
-Thank God Vice doesn't work in food service. He'd be in supermax before the end of his first shift.
-Georgie, please.
-Couldn't Vice stamp himself with the Rex Vistamp to get Ikki to come out? Or is that not really an option?
-Oh god, bath time.
-Ah, the Ushijima Weekenders have been promoted to the intro!
-Karizaki, c'mon.
-Oooooooh, that's a big scratch. I used to have a big scar on my foot, which I got when I was a kid and a shelf fell on top of me in my bedroom while my mom was out. That really hurt lol
-Oh god, why did the camera obscure that-
-Hello, Demonsy Driver! I think I'm gonna call you Kenjiro until we learn your real name.
-Olteca, you're really not in any position to order her around anymore.
-Yeah, you should probably go.
-Well, starving to death as a ghost unable to eat a damn thing sounds absolutely horrible, so...
-Get this man a big curry burger.
-Ikki repaint.
-Karizaki Masumi. You're a bad lad.
-Too bad he was able to accept his Shadow and gain the power of Persona, huh Masumi?
-So far God
-Oh c'mon Sakura. They could be like the Secret Saturdays! ...except assholes.
-So easy~!
-Your father was an average Rider, but a brilliant scientist.
-Go, Jeanne!
-Oh, it's okay, she can go up the wall.
-Awww, Vice :)
-Squid Man took Science Man!
-Really going through it.
-"I want you to patch my main and make him not suck."
-I mean, I thought it was kinda weird
-And here we see Revice's surprisingly strong emotional core rear its beautiful head once again.
-Fuck you, Masumi.
-I'm calling it now, Karizaki made it suck.
-Oh, the full transformation again.
-Damn, you're kickin it!
-Believe in me who believes in you who believes in me who believes in Karizaki-san.
-He's got a lot of sass for a ghost man.
-Don't worry Vice, I don't trust George either!
-Jack Revice! Ikki mode?
-We could do that!?
-Now that's a punch!
-I think you just kinda suck, Olteca.
-He bacc
-Yeah Olteca, I'm shocked that the guy who you kidnapped tricked you. Good job, idiot.
-Oh, Kenjiro Tsuda doesn't care.
-Oh, okay! Bye!
-Now that's a goddamn demon! He looks like a rhino beetle and a space marine.
-Okay, apparently the wiki calls him "Veil"? And he's got the Demons Driver!? Well, that was a short stint, huh Squid Boy? And yeah, it seems like this is the Demons Driver's true... Demons part. Voiced by Kenjiro Tsuda and everything! ...the Driver looks pretty different. Is that a retool? Or is it just like a separate faceplate thing like the Swordriver Seiken emblems?
-Goddammit, now I gotta wait till next week again.
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mxbbadperson · 3 years
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mxbbadperson · 3 years
...with the barid rex... which one is ikki? the rex on top of the egg needed to hatch it (caretaker!!) or the rex hatching from the egg (vulnerable baby!! or maybe... [breathes in] breaking out of his repression shell!!) or is he... both?
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