Preparing for an interview requires thorough research, a solid understanding of business analysis principles, and the ability to showcase your skills and experience effectively. By following this ultimate guide, you’ll be well-equipped to leave a positive impression on your interviewers and secure your desired role.
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carrion-art · 2 months
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cryptids-and-muses · 1 year
I watched return of the jedi for the first time in 4 years and here are my thoughts:
I know the line between sci-fi and fantasy is already super blurry but Star Wars truly feels like a fantasy movie. It’s in the costumes, the worldbuilding, the vibe, the odd encounters, palpatine’s entire character. And while there is futuristic tech the world of Star Wars doesn’t feel particularly Futuristic™️, if that makes sense.
There’s this one imperial officer Bacar interacts with at the start of the movie who acts his ASS off. Seriously give this man an Oscar. The fear!! The subtly!! The little gulp he does before facing Vadar!!! The palpable terror at the idea of the emperor coming there!!! This dude single handedly sets up palpatine as a threat
PRACTICAL SETS!!! All the practical sets!!! There’s so many sequences, especially in jabba’s palace but they’re throughout, where the characters casually interact with the world around them, and it’s such a small detail but it means so much to me. They really feel like they’re part of the world. My favorites were the Hall of Horrors C-3PO walks through in Jabba’s palace and Luke interacting with his x-wing on dagoba
It’s not all this great though, the green screen to the sarlack pit was awful. I found it endearing.
Also I love how there’s so much this movie doesn’t explain to you. There’s this weird robot spider thing in Jabba’s palace that we see when R2 and C-3PO walk in!!! What does it do!!! There’s a guy who’s super upset when Luke kills that monster!!! Who is he!!! And a bunch of other weird little things that just aren’t elaborated on. On top of that there’s just all these strange aliens just chilling, living their lives, some of which I don’t think we see again. It all comes together to make the world feel so much bigger than what we see.
I’d heard the analysis that Luke wears black in return of the Jedi to allude to a possible fall to the dark side, but that analysis hadn’t really clicked for me until this watch through. Like dude’s introduction was him force choking someone
Honestly like has this kind of subdued confidence this whole movie and I love it. He knows he’s good but doesn’t need to flaunt it.
Like his grin when he says “you should have bargained jabba. It’s the last mistake you’ll ever make” I love it
Luke is actually really subdued this entire movie, which tracks with all the internal conflict he’s dealing with. The biggest displays of emotion we see from him are when he’s reuniting with friends or when he goes OFF on Vadar at the end for threatening leia
Chewbacca and Han’s reunion 😭, they care so much about each other, chewy pets his head
In general everyone is so happy to see each other in this movie, every time someone shows up after being separated everyone is so excited to see them. There’s so many hugs. You can really tell they care about each other.
Due to some of the framing, I don’t think leia slaughtering Jabba was part of the plan. I think she just saw an opportunity and took it. Girlboss.
I noticed Luke’s fighting style with his lightsaber is much tougher around the edges, it’s less elegant, which tracks with him having much less official training with it. I like it
Yoda trying to use dying as a way to avoid Luke’s questions. Iconic.
Yoda’s choked out dying words of “there is another skywalker” become so much funnier when you remember he becomes a force ghost. The man could just peacefully pass then come back 10 minutes later and continue the conversation, he doesn’t need to try this hard to get the words out. Then again that would take some of the drama out of it.
Han is just so great in this movie, he’s got a reputation for being this suave sarcastic outlaw, which to be fair he kind of was in new hope, but here he’s just so sweet. He’s the one telling Luke to be more optimistic! When lando gets his promotion to general he doesn’t tell him about his own, and looks genuinely bashful when it’s brought up in front of the group! He goes to check on leia after she talks with Luke! He gives lando the falcon because he knows it’ll help him even though the ship means so much to him and is scared of it getting destroyed! When he thinks leia has feelings for Luke he offers to step aside and not get in the way! This man cares about his friends!
Speaking of that moment with leia after Luke leaves, that’s the one moment we see him being a dick, he lashes out with “but you could tell Luke? Is that who you could tell?!” But then immediately apologizes and comforts her when she asks for it. He loves leia so much and it’s so obvious the entire time
My man thought he was in this love triangle and was doing his best, and was fully prepared to step aside and let leia be happy with Luke. And the face journey he goes on when leia tells him luke is her brother. It’s gold. It’s that math meme but even better.
For the mission to endor, Luke and leia are both in these camo space ponchos and helmets but apparently Han’s outfit was to iconic to change because he just puts on a camo trench coat over his usual outfit
The first speeder chase through the woods of endor struck me as much more low key then it would have been if it was made today. This isn’t a bad thing, but I know if it was made today it would have been much more dramatic, a set piece
When leia goes missing Han, Luke, and chewy immediately peel off from the group to go find her. Good friends but you are LEADING THE MISSION
Leia meeting the ewok is a fun sequence and it’s funny how she just rolls with it. She does not question it, just accepts this little guy is here now and starts following him. It’s funny to contrast this with when Luke, Han, and chewy rescued her in a new hope and she fought every step of the way
In general the Ewoks are such a strange and whimsical inclusion. Like this is part 3 in a space opera and a huge chunk of it has these little furry dudes who live and fight like the lost boys from Peter Pan that we’ve literally never seen before. It’s weird
Luke is so delighted by the Ewoks, from his little smile when the first surround them to trying to hide his laughter at them thinking C-3PO is a god
Also we should not ignore how hilarious his idea to scare the Ewoks into listening was. And the man knew it too, you could tell from his smile. The little shit.
The storytelling sequence!!! I love it!! I love how C-3PO uses the sound effects! I love how everyone is huddled together! I love how we the audience can tell what’s being said from context clues even if we don’t understand all the words!!
Luke peacing out like “it’s time to angst😔”
I do think the bridge scene between luke and leia could have been done a bit better but it wasn’t bad, just a bit flat for the gravity of what was being revealed. Leia and Han are great though
I love luke and vadar’s back and forths even if they can get repetitive
The writers really used “search your feelings” or “your feelings betray you” as shortcuts to avoid hard writing huh
The emperor was such a little gremlin, he did nothing but talk about how luke was going to fall to him, how he knew everything was gonna happen and it’s all according to his plan, he really didn’t do anything but talk shit until the very end with the force lightning
To be fair, Vadar didn’t do anything until the force lightning either
Neither of these points are complaints, palpatine is supposed to be a shadowy scheming villain that others do the dirty work for and the really pull it off. And vadar’s passivity in this movie I think demonstrates the conflict he’s feeling. Despite his words about how he must do his emperor’s will, he’s not really doing that right now, is he? He’s not really defying orders either but something is different
Something I noticed!!! When Han’s team first make it in to the back door, off in the corner as they go inside we see a storm trooper adjusting his armor and taking his position again. One of the rebels stole the storm troopers armor and took their place. This doesn’t lead up to anything but it’s SUCH a cool detail
The true hero’s of this movie are the Ewoks, palpatine had Han’s team captured and the air fleet on the ropes before the Ewoks stepped in and saved Han and co. Palpatine would probably have won if it weren’t for them. It’s great.
I really love luke so much, he’s just so compassionate. For his friends, for his father, for everyone. This is the trait that makes him a hero. It’s literally what palpatine tried to use to turn him, the anger he’d feel at watching his friends die because he loves them so much
“No, you’re wrong. I am a Jedi, like my father before me” not gonna lie, this was kinda hot. It’s that quiet confidence I was talking about earlier. Also the way he nods towards vadar when he mentions his father
“….so be it, Jedi” THIS!!!! THIS!!!! I love this so much!! Because the entire movie palpatine has been talking about how Luke is going to fall to him, how it’s inevitable, how Luke is foolish to think otherwise. But this moment right here, is him acknowledging he’s wrong. He won’t be able to turn Luke, he failed. Luke truly is a Jedi and even palpatine cannot away him. It’s so fucking good
When vadar lifts up palpatine to stop him, we get a reaction shot for Luke who just looks so confused. Appropriate reaction.
As luke is dragging vadar to his ship we see imperial officers and storm troopers running around to try and escape and I just want to know what the fuck was going through their heads when they saw Luke and vadar
I know the falcon surviving doesn’t make sense but it makes me happy
Something important I realized towards the end: AT NO POINT IN THIS MOVIE DID ANYONE TELL HAN VADAR WAS LUKE’S DAD
Presumably they were told later but holy fuck why is no one talking about this.
Again….those reunions, hugs all around, everyone is so happy and relieved and I love it
I know it doesn’t end here, which makes be kinda sad, because this is such a beautiful and hopeful ending
All in all, with all the Star Wars fatigue and what Disney has been doing, this really reminded me what I love about Star Wars. I felt like I could appreciate the movie a lot more on this watch through and had a wonderful time
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usersh · 9 months
2023 mənə öyrətdi:
- Ən sevincli an daim deyil, həmçinin ən kədərli an daim deyil. Qaranlıqda işığı gör və işıqda gözün qamaşmasın.
- ⁠Dost düşmən, düşmən də dost ola bilər. Verdiyin sevgi və göstərdiyin önyarğıda ölçülü ol.
- ⁠”Sabah zəng edərəm”, “Sonra danışaram”, “Bu təzədir, indi geyinməyim” - sadəcə keçmiş və gələcəyin illuziya olduğu fərqindəliyində bugünü yaşa.
- ⁠Nəticəyə fokuslansan, getdiyin yoldakı gözəlllikləri qaçıracaqsan. Nəticə həmin yolda təcrübə etdiklərindir, hər mərhələdən zövq al.
- ⁠Dünyanı özünü fəda edərək qurtara bilməzsən. İnsanlar üçün əlindən gələni et, amma özünü unutma.
- ⁠Xoşbəxtlik üçün bəhanələrdən yararlan, yoxdursa da yeni bəhanələr yarat. Çünki həyat gerçəkdən də sadəcə o anlıq yaşadıqların duyğulardan ibarətdir.
- Heç kimi gözündə mübaliğə etmə. Bir nöqtədə qarşındakı xarakterlərin çox hissəsini sənin baxış bucağın və davranışın müəyyən edir.
- Emosional olma, sakit qalmağı, susmağı bacar. Özün bacarmırsansa da bunun üçün dəstək al.
- Möcüzələrə, gözəl şeylərə inan.
- Hər nə olur-olsun, ən pis anında belə, dərindən nəfəs al və şükür etməyə tək bir səbəbin belə olsa şükür et.
- Sevgini göstər. Hansı sevgi dili ilə olur-olsun.
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esger1i · 4 months
Həyatda nə olursa olsun, heç bir zaman özünüzə məğlub olmayın. Əksinə məğlubedilməz olmağa çalışın. Sizə qarşı yaranan hər fikri önəmsəməyinizə ehtiyac yoxdur. Əsas olan, sizin özünüzə qarşı olan fikirlərinizdir. Özünüzə heyran olun, özünüzü daha fərqli hiss etməyə çalışın. Hər gün fərqli bir işlə məşğul olub, maraqlı kitablar oxuyun, filmlərə baxın və ən əsasda özünüzə güvənin. İnsan oğlu beşikdən qəbrə qədər fikirlə yaşayır. Hansı ki, çox zaman bizə maneə törədən, lazımsız şübhələrdən ibarət fikirlərdir. Yaşadığımız bu kürədə, bu ölkədə, bu şəhərdə fərqli olmağı bacarmalıyıq. Cəmiyyətin bir üzvü ola bilərik, amma seçilməyimiz üçün bu kifayət etmir. Həyatda yaşadığımız sürə, hər zaman var olmağı bacarmalıyıq. Yoxsulluğun içində yaşamaq, boşluqların içində diyirlənmək kimi bir şeydir. Var olmağı bacar ki, bir gün dünyadan köçərkən, varlığın daşlarda deyil, düşüncələrdə yaşamağı bacarsın.
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head-post · 30 days
Lynch yacht’s captain James Catfield under investigation
Bayesian yacht captain James Catfield is under investigation on suspicion of shipwreck and manslaughter in the deaths of seven people, Italian media reported on Monday.
Investigators allegedly questioned Catfield for the second time on August 25 to hear explanations as to how the ship, which was considered unsinkable, could have sunk.
The captain was also asked for an address where court documents could be sent. Normally such a step would precede a notice of investigation. Corriere della Sera suggests that Catfield’s deputy and watchman on duty that night may also have received notices.
Earlier this week, Giovanni Costantino, the owner of Bayesian, the company that built the superyacht, said that crew errors led to the tragedy. In particular, he said, the storm was predictable, the yacht should not have been anchored and there should have been no people on board.
Given the severe weather warning, it was “inappropriate” to have a party on the yacht, Costantino noted. However, he described the vessel as “virtually unsinkable,” one of the safest in the world.
The 56-metre British-flagged yacht Bayesian sank due to a storm off the coast of Palermo in Italy on August 19. A total of 22 people were on board, including 10 crew members. 15 passengers were rescued, among them Lynch’s wife Angela Bacares. Seven people died, including British technology tycoon Michael Lynch, Jonathan Bloomer, chairman of the board of directors of Morgan Stanley International, one of the world’s largest investment banks, and Clifford Chance lawyer Chris Morvillo.
Read more HERE
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On May 12, 2023, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that it had extradited from the United Kingdom, Michael Lynch, the former CEO of Autonomy Corporation, to stand trial in the Northern District Court of California, alongside the former Vice President of Finance at Autonomy, Stephen Chamberlain.
Among the numerous charges brought by the Justice Department were these:
“…between 2009 and 2011, Lynch and Chamberlain, and other co-conspirators, (1) artificially inflated Autonomy’s revenues by backdating written agreements to record revenue in prior periods; recorded revenue on contracts that were subject to side letters or other contingencies that impacted revenue recognition; and improperly recorded revenue for reciprocal or roundtrip transactions…”
As part of this alleged scheme to defraud, according to the Justice Department, “…Lynch and Chamberlain caused Autonomy to make materially false and misleading statements directly to HP [Hewlett-Packard] regarding Autonomy’s financial condition, performance, and business during the negotiations between HP and Autonomy leading up to the August 18, 2011, announcement by HP to acquire Autonomy for approximately $11 billion.”
It has been reported that Lynch made approximately $800 million on the sale of Autonomy to HP.
Both Lynch and Chamberlain were acquitted on all charges on June 7, following a jury trial that lasted three months.
Less than two months following the trial, on Saturday, August 17, Chamberlain was out running in Cambridgeshire, England and was hit by a car. Chamberlain died of his injuries after being hospitalized.
Two days later, on Monday, August 19, Mike Lynch, Chamberlain’s co-defendant in the Justice Department trial, died when his “unsinkable” 184-foot sailing yacht sunk to the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Sicily during a storm that failed to harm other nearby yachts.
Making these deaths all the more suspicious, two other individuals involved in the criminal trial died in the sinking of the yacht: the Chair of Morgan Stanley International, Jonathan Bloomer, who had been a witness for the defense; and the attorney for Mike Lynch during the trial, Chris Morvillo, of law firm Clifford Chance.
The statistical improbability of four people connected to one criminal case dying within 72 hours in two separate unusual events is raising eyebrows.
Equally suspect, there were 22 people on board the yacht with 15 people surviving, including 9 members of the 10-member crew, who made it to a life boat. Other survivors in the life boat included Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares; the Managing Partner of Lynch’s venture capital firm, Invoke Capital, Charlotte Golunshi and her one-year old daughter; and Clifford Chance lawyer Ayla Ronald and her partner, Matthew Fletcher.
The seven deceased victims from the sinking of the yacht were Lynch; his 18-year old daughter, Hannah; Bloomer and his wife, Judy; Morvillo and his wife, Neda; and the yacht’s chef, Recaldo Thomas.
To put that more starkly, the crew had a 90 percent survival rate while the other passengers had a 58 percent survival rate.
Reuters is reporting this morning that Italian prosecutors have opened an investigation and have conducted multiple interviews with the Captain of the yacht, James Cutfield. Maritime law places the safety of the ship, crew and all passengers as the responsibility of the Captain.
For unknown reasons, the Captain was able to make it to the lifeboat while six of the seven who died were trapped below deck in cabins or hallways, where their bodies were eventually located by divers. The chef was reportedly found floating in the water.
Lynch’s life had been a living hell for the five years before the tragedy on the yacht. Prior to his acquittal in June, he had been living under house arrest for a year in a townhouse in San Francisco, with guards watching his every move.
On April 30, 2018, the former CFO of Autonomy, Sushovan Hussain, was separately tried and convicted by the U.S. Department of Justice in the same U.S. District Court that heard the case against Lynch and Chamberlain. Hussain was convicted of one count of conspiracy, fourteen counts of wire fraud and one count of securities fraud involving Autonomy’s sale to Hewlett-Packard. Hussain served five years in prison.
Another company in which Lynch’s venture capital firm had invested money following the sale of Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard was Darktrace, a cyber-security firm which was packed with people from the U.K.’s intelligence agency MI5 and the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA). In 2023, the short-seller, Quintessential Capital Management, published a lengthy report alleging claims against Darktrace that had a familiar ring to some of the charges brought by the Justice Department against Autonomy executives.
Quintessential Capital’s researchers wrote this about Darktrace:
“Our opinion is based primarily on numerous transactions we detected during the period leading to DT’s [Darktrace’s] IPO seemingly involving simulated or anticipated sales to phantom end-users through a network of willing resellers. Darktrace seems to have repeatedly used marketing activities to channel funds back into its partners as payment for apparently fictitious purchases. These alleged channel stuffing and round-tripping activities seem to have even involved shell companies in offshore jurisdictions….”
Hewlett-Packard is no boy scout either. The company was scandalized in 2006 when Newsweek broke the story that it had spied on its own Board of Directors and journalists, illegally obtaining their phone records in some cases to ascertain with whom they had been in contact.
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arcieree · 1 year
Həyat qısadı! Qaydaları poz! Bağışlamağı bacar! Daima gül! Fasiləsiz öp! Rəqs et, sanki heç kim səni görmür! Oxu, sanki heç kim səni eşitmir! Sev, sanki heç kim heç vaxt sənin qəlbini incitməyib! Rəsmini xəyal et və sonra xəyalını boya. Həyat insana bir dəfə verilir. Gələcək və keçmiş üçün üzülmə, bu günki xoşbəxtliyin qiymətini bil. Gedəni saxlama, gələnisə qovma. Bax o zaman əsl xoşbəxtlik özü səni tapacaq. Əsl sevgiyə inan, keçmiş sevgililərin sənin ürəyini qırmış olsa belə.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
"Very difficult to understand what could have overwhelmed a vessel of that size."
John Leake
Aug 22, 2024
A tornadic waterspout, or “tornado over water” is being widely reported as the culprit that sank the Bayesian, a 184 ft sailing super yacht, on the morning of August 16 while it was anchored off Porticello near the town of Santa Flavia.
Most news reporting is also taking the opportunity to claim that tornadic waterspouts are an increasingly common event in the Mediterranean due to global warming. A Google search for the literature on tornados in Italy—Biblioteca italiana sulle Trombe d'aria—reveals regular reporting on such meteorological events going back to the 17th century.
A recent paper titled An overview of tornado and waterspout events in Catalonia (2000–2019) points out the following:
Due to their small spatiotemporal scale, tornado detection is strongly linked to visual observations. Therefore, social networks have become one of the most important sources of severe weather reports during the present century, including tornadoes, improving their detection and increasing the number of observed cases compared to previous decades.
The Bayesian was built by Perini Navi at Viareggio, Italy, and delivered in 2008. The ship was last refitted in 2020 and was in the beneficial ownership of Angela Bacares, wife of the technology entrepreneur Mike Lynch, when it sank on August 19, 2024. The ship ranked as one of the most technically advanced sailing vessels ever built, designed to sail in open oceans in the heaviest of weather.
Even if the Bayesian was indeed struck by a full tornadic waterspout, it is still an astonishing fact that the vessel sank. As reported in BOAT International:
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hastalavistabyebye · 3 months
My Ponds/Bacare au really became my comfort au huh. Even when I'm not very proud of a ficlet it still feels super nice to write a small tidbit in it.
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unwelcome-ozian · 3 months
Things to search.
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Becoming a business analyst (BA) is an excellent career choice for those who enjoy problem-solving, have a knack for understanding business processes, and possess strong communication skills. Business analysts play a crucial role in bridging the gap between IT and the business, ensuring that organizational processes align with strategic goals. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you embark on this rewarding career path.
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leehamwriting · 3 months
La dernière Barge - Yoanne TILLIER - 2022 - Ed. L'harmattan
Quatrième de couverture À Mayotte, le vieux capitaine Bacar prend sa retraite. Ce soir, après son dernier service, il ne commandera plus « La Barge », ce bateau légendaire qui relie Petite-Terre à Grande-Terre. Mais l’homme semble perturbé, n’hésitant pas à inviter des inconnus à sa fête d’adieux, qui aura lieu le soir même. Alors, qui va embarquer sur cette barge spéciale ? Et pour quel genre…
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jacob77 · 2 years
indiyə kimi heç kimi bağışlamamışam.bir dəfə səhv edən insan yenə səhv edər.eləcə də xəyanət də belədi.insanlar təəssüf ki,dəyişmir.bunu qəbullanmaq lazımdı.mükəmməl insan yoxdu bağışlamağı bacar deyəcəksən amma olmur bağışlasam,özümü bağışlaya bilmərəm.mən də bunu istəmirəm.
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madinaa17 · 2 years
keçənlərdə anonim olan şəxs yazmışdı ki, "anı yaşamağı bacar, Mədinə". həmin anonimin dediklərini silməmişəm. səbəbi isə daim gözümün önündə olsun, özümə xatırladım deyədir. onu demək istəyirəm ki, əziz anonim, dediyini etməyə çalışdım zənnimcə. yaxın dediyim dostum isə mənə dedi ki, "çox soyuqsan mənə, bizə qarşı". halbuki mən sırf onların üzünü güldürə bilmək üçün əyləncəli olmağa çalışdım, dediklərinə güldüm. amma günün sonunda bu cavabı aldım. bunu anladım ki, nə etsəm də yarana bilmirəm onlara. qısaca, tısbağa olub öz dünyama çəkilmək ən yaxşısıdır anonim. çünki, burada heç olmasa özüm özümü başa düşə bilirəm. ümid edirəm bu yazımı oxuyarsan ))
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onsrablogg1 · 7 months
İncinən qadın olmaq istəmirsənsə gül - çiçək olmağı burax və kirpi qadın ol. Tikanlarını çıxarmaq bəs eləməsin, onu batırmağı da bacar. Hər təhlükəli kəs üçün qəlbin qırılmadan batır və uzaqlaş. Qəlbinin həddini bildir. Nə hər xoş sözə axsın, nə hər pis sözdən küssün.
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