#back by unpopular demand ( THE MUNION )
semperardens · 6 years
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tagged by:  More like I stole it from @ofodinn
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
a- age: It’s changing soon. I’ll tell you then.
b- birthplace: Middle of Connecticut
c- current time: 10:06 AM ( if this damn clock’s actually correct )
d- drink you last had: Iced Coffee
e- easiest person to talk to: My best friend Hannah
f- favorite song: I can’t answer this question. I’d have to give you a playlist.
g- grossest memory: Yeah, that’s not going be typed here, sorry.
h- horror yes or horror no: Yes
i- in love?: Indeed
j- jealous of people?: Meh, I suppose right now in a particular way, but it’ll pass just as abruptly as it arrived
k- killed someone?: Not that I’m aware of
l- love at first sight or should I walk by again?: Don’t believe in it really. I think first sightings can be striking and you’ll feel a pull, but I don’t know that it’s love, per se.
m- middle name: J-----. That’s all you get.
n- number of siblings: Three ( An older sister and brother, and one younger brother. )  
o- one wish: I just want to sleep, man.
p- person you called last: My husband...? I don’t know...
q- question you’re always asked: “Bri--Bree--- Bree Ann Uh? It’s that how you say it? Oh no? Oh! Rihanna!”
r- reason to smile: With as much as I complain, with as shitty as I feel or how shitty my life can be, I’m blessed in many ways.
s- song you last sang: It was something weird, I know that much, but now I can’t think of it...
t- time you woke up: ...Which instance?
u- underwear color: Navy
v- vacation destination: St. Lucia again. Bahamas. Australia. Hawaii. Ireland. Just... Get me out of here for a while.
w- worst habit: Being a curmudgeon? Wasting my time? Giving people too many chances?
x- x-rays: Yep. Teeth, ankles, knee, collar bone, wrist... Others I know, but can’t think of.
y- your favorite food: I don’t know that I have one anymore since I eliminated dairy from my diet.
z- zodiac sign: Taurus and you can tell, I’m sure.
Tagging: Anyone
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fullofvoices · 6 years
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johnnysanarchive · 7 years
Tag Dump I (ooc)
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shesboundtoarchive · 7 years
{10 Questions} Meme
Tagged by @ellisindierps ( thank you! ). Repost, don’t reblog.
What do you do to prepare yourself to write (routines? ambiance?)?
Honestly? Try to get some solid sleep and make sure I’ve eaten something substantial. My attention span has been one of my biggest issues lately, so those two things help keep that in line. I also try to just get negativity out of my head. Another muse killer.
Who is your favorite character to write?
This changes per my mood and is dependent on what this question is actually asking--- Who is my favorite muse, or who do I enjoy writing the most? Each one of my too-many muses allows me to explore different things, so dependent on how I’m feeling, each can be a favorite at that given time. As far as who is my favorite muse in general, it’s Eddie Armstrong over at @fullofvoices.
Is there any tense or POV that you struggle to write?
I used to write in first person often and now I feel like I’d have such a difficult time doing that because I want to tell everything. One POV isn’t enough for me!
What book, series, or author do you always read to inspire or motivate you?
Edgar Allan Poe fucks me up and makes me think in different ways.
A favorite moment from one of your pieces (maybe the actual scene itself, or maybe in the way it came to be)?
The last thing that I was remotely proud of was on @semperardens when Jacob Stack finally got what was coming to him. I wasn’t so much proud of the writing, but more so how the muses had evolved and made it to that point ( especially Lou here. She shocked and amazed me in that thread. ).
What are some goals for you & your writing (get published? find your own style?)?
I don’t know that I have any goals. Initially, RPing was a way to develop the characters I had in a three fic series I had going, but I haven’t returned to that in a long time. I honestly don’t know what I’m doing here other than creating some amazing things with other people lol.
Where’s a setting from either a book you read or a piece you’ve written that you’d love to see in real life?
Willy Wonka’s factory or anywhere in Harry Potter, I guess.
Any film adaptations you’d recommend? And/or would you want any of your pieces made into film(s)?
The Outsiders is one of the more faithful adaptations I’ve seen. As far as my own stuff being made into films... Wow. I would cry, but I don’t think anything I write is interesting enough to make it to the big ( or small ) screen.
What was your very first story about?
First one I actually wrote was a story about a female agent sent to a remote island to rescue someone. It was for a writing test the state made fifth graders take and I remember loving what I had come up with in such a short period of time and getting docked points because said agent punched someone in it and the teacher scoring it frowned upon such use of violence.
Do you have any stories that you love but wouldn’t want to write (and would you want to share anything about them)?
I’ve been told that I should write a story based on my life, but I don’t think I ever would. The brutal honesty I would use would inevitably lose me some people in my life and I don’t know that that’s worth it.
Tagging: @ofcharisma, @queenxfthorns, @notimminent, @ladoblevida, @viiiolent, and you.
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shesboundtoarchive · 7 years
TAGGED BY: Technically @insomniacsmuses & @allroundlostcause
I TAG: Anyone / no one / everyone
RULES: answer the questions in a NEW POST and tag some blogs you wanna get to know better!
A - age: You’re only as old as you feel right? *sobs* B - birthplace: The middle of Connecticut C - current time: 5:39am D - drink you had last: Coffee E - easiest person to talk to: This is a tough question. F - favorite song: 'You’re My Best Friend’ by Queen  G - grossest memory: The only one coming to mind is when I got groped by some dudebro at a bar who thought he had some right to do so.  H - horror yes or horror no: Yes. I - in love?: I am. J - jealous of people: Not really. K - killed someone: Nope. L - love at first sight or should i walk back by again?: Nice one. M - middle name: Starts with a J and I’m not terribly fond of it. That’s all you get. N - number of siblings: Three. O - one wish: To have a normalish sleep cycle someday.  P - person you called last: Voicemail. Q - question you’re always asked: How are you not dead? R - reason to smile: My dog and her adorable little ears. S - song you sang last: I belted out some Beauty and the Beast to make my husband laugh... T - top 3 fictional characters: Rogue, Jo March, I can’t think of another beside Batman and that’s not true. U - underwear color: Blue, maybe? V - vacation: I’m going on one in October to the DR... If all works out anyway. It’s planned and paid for, but there might be some... issues. W - when’s your birthday: April. X - x-rays: Hand for my middle finger. Z - zodiac sign: Taurus.
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shesboundtoarchive · 7 years
•   NAME : Rhiannon, or Rhi if you’re nasty •   PRONOUNS : She/Her •   SEXUALITY : Straight •   TAKEN OR SINGLE : Taken and it’s been a long time. dang.
I love to learn.
A very strange kind of insomnia owns my ass.
Color coordination makes me incredibly happy.
•   HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?) : Uh... Five years now? Four? I’m not particularly sure. I’m fairly ‘new’. •   PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED : Chatzy, message boards, AIM, here, k!k, Skype, sort of Discord •   BEST EXPERIENCE : Just being able to build things with people.
•   FEMALE OR MALE : Both. •   FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT :  All, but I excel at angst and I’ll play to that strength if you let me. •   PLOTS OR MEMES : Both. Plots hold my attention better though. •  LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : I enjoy replies on the longer side. Short things get dropped quickly. •   BEST TIME TO WRITE : *sighs* when I have time •   ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : I think each of my muses has a little bit of me sprinkled in. Write what you know, right? Except Jacob Stack. I... No. I don’t think there’s any of me in that devil.
Tagged by: @redwoodteller
tagging: Have at it, dudes.
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shesboundtoarchive · 7 years
10, 11 and 23.
MUN STUFF || Accepting [ @allroundlostcause ]
10: Last thing you did before logging in?TMI time - Threw up. Hence why I’m currently in bed lol.11: What is the most precious thing you own?I’ve spoken about this before, but there’s this gift my husband made me for our first year anniversary that is still the kindest thing anyone has ever done. I had told him about my depression, among other things, so he made this tiny box and filled it with little scraps of paper with quotes and inside jokes and things that we both liked, memories of our time together, etc.. He said that when I was feeling alone and down, I should take that box out and go through it until I felt better. It hasn’t always worked the way he wanted, but it is still so precious to me.23: Last book the mun read.Something about Jack the Ripper essentially theorizing that multiple people were responsible for those crimes in White Chapel and not just one man. Just a little light bedtime reading…
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shesboundtoarchive · 7 years
Name three things you love about roleplaying, two pet peeves and one true pairing then send this to the next five people on your dash or your five favorite blogs to spread the love!
[ @allroundlostcause - hi, bb! ]
Forging relationships not only between muses, but between muns. I’ve met some fabulous people through RP ( yourself included ).
The creativity I’ve been able to express here. Before being introduced to RP, I was in a bit of a rut creatively and when that happens to me, I get into a bad state. I’m an artistic person and an introvert, and my mind works in weird ways, so if I lack an avenue like this, I become incredibly unhappy. RP, overall, usually, is now a format for me to be able to exercise my brain.
Exploring the human psyche through my muses. The psychology behind things is really important to me, and I get to see reasoning and such in a whole new way through these idiots.
Pet Peeves:
The rampant immaturity, particularly of some grown ass adults here. Seriously, it’s astounding.
The breakdown of communication in all its forms, for all its reasons. I can’t stand it. This place would be so much better if people were willing to not only speak up, but listen.
Loosevelt. ( For anyone new, that’s Lou and her car Roosevelt ). I’ve never, ever taken that car from her. That should tell you how much it means to her.
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shesboundtoarchive · 7 years
MUN STUFF. remember to repost, not reblog.
TAGGED BY: @zimniyxsoldat
TAGGING: No one. Everyone.
NAME:  Rhiannon / Rhi GENDER:   Female EYE COLOR:  Darker blue HAIR COLOR:  Light brown   RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Married ZODIAC:  Taurus FAVORITE COLOR:   Cerulean  FAVORITE SEASON:   Autumn FAVORITE PLACE:   St. Lucia FAVORITE HOLIDAY:  Christmas ( I get really excited about giving gifts... ) FAVORITE VIDEO GAME:  Sega Bass Fishing for Dreamcast. I’m not even joking. LAST SHOW YOU WATCHED:  Currently half-watching SNL WHAT’S YOUR HONEST OPINION ABOUT YOUR MUSE?: I love her in all the mess she is. I hate her for the things she does to destroy herself. I admire her drive to live and be better than what she was told she’d be. WOULD YOU DATE YOUR MUSE?:  No. That’d be messy. WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE KINDS OF THREADS?:   I excel at really deep, emotional things that explore the psychologies of the muses involved. Real, human things. Anything in which the muses can use to grow from. ARE YOU A SELECTIVE ROLEPLAYER?:  I am. It’s more comfortable for me for a multitude of reasons. DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE MUSE?:  Yes ( Eddie at @fullofvoices, but shhh ) WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO JOIN THE FANDOM?: Not in a fandom. Well, mostly not. DO YOU SEE YOURSELF STAYING WITH THE FANDOM FOR A LONG TIME?: Fandoms freak me out. Okay. I said it.
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shesboundtoarchive · 7 years
TAGGED BY:   @ofodinn
ONE SONG:   Wolf Like Me - TV On the Radio ( I go through times in which I’m obsessed with this song. This is one of those times. )
TWO MOVIES:  T2 (Trainspotting, not Terminator) and Brick  ( these are current loves, not all-time favorites, though those would be on the list )
THREE SHOWS:  Arrested Development, American Justice, Breaking Bad
FOUR PEOPLE:   My husband, my best friend, my sister-in-law’s been a peach lately, and all of you for putting up with my ass.
FIVE FOODS:   I don’t even know honestly. Does Naked juice count?
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shesboundtoarchive · 8 years
TAGGED BY: Technically speaking, @rationedwell​ TAGGING: Whoever.
Sunglasses ( my eyes are v. sensitive. damn blue. )
Five notebooks, each with an intended purpose, all with pages missing so I could dispose of my chewed gum in a polite manner
A ridiculous amount of pens
Pepper spray
Far too many adorable things created by Funko
The best mattress I’ve ever had
Pillows. Lots of pillows.
More notebooks... With different purposes...
Swim with whale sharks
Run for some sort of office
Study marine biology
Go to Australia
Make people happy, particularly those that compose my family
True crime podcasts
Dog psychology ( don’t ask )
Putting my hair up in a bun
Making people uncomfortable by challenging them to think outside their bubbles
Help my dog find her chill
Become a better person
Go back to school
Finish literally anything I’ve ever begun
Find my own chill
I dropped out of college after my freshman year, not because I hated it, but because my life sort of... Fell apart at the seams. I spent the next three months after that decision being someone I am not. I needed that time though, to realize who I truly am.
I’m one of 45 grandchildren on my father’s side and somehow, I stand out.
I had to write an autobiography when I was in third grade and when I asked my mother to proof-read it, she pointed out that I had neglected to mention her anywhere. No big deal; she only gave birth to me and raised me haha.
I’m naturally artistically inclined and won a scholarship to attend an art school Problem was... I wanted to pursue a career in the sciences. I blew that too.
My family likes to call me the ‘black sheep golden child.’ I’m the only one of my immediate family who moved out of my hometown, and not only that, the state and region. I just... Really needed to spread those proverbial wings, you know?
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shesboundtoarchive · 7 years
tagged by @ofodinn ( a long time ago )
Tagging: @ u
Four Similarities between Mun and Muse
1. April babies / zodiac sign is Taurus. 2. We’re both incredibly stubborn. 3. Love and appreciation for the ocean. 4. We both possess distinct defense mechanisms.
Four Differences between Mun and Muse
1. Her car is way cooler than mine in every way ( I drive a Rav4 named Potato ). 2. I have three siblings and a large extended family. Lou does not. 3. I can control my temper better and use my anger in better ways than she. 4. Lou actually knows how to play piano. I just hit keys that make the sounds I want.
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