starheart-blog · 8 hours
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mormezarlik · 11 hours
Her ne kadar ayrı dünyanın insanları olsakta..görünmez bir iple birbirimize bağlıyız..
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jeehtaylor · 4 days
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nerd-cat-rambles · 7 days
watch this goddam movie. PLEASE.
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Your Name:
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frasimangaanime · 8 days
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Taki: Mitsuha! Sei qui vero? Dentro il mio corpo!Mitsuha: Taki! Dove sei?Taki: E’ Mitsuha! Posso sentirla però..Mitsuha: Taki! Taki..tu sei..qui? Kimi no Na wa - Your Name)
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starheart-blog · 1 day
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choujinx · 11 days
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KIMI NO NA WA. (2016-2017) by shinkai makoto & kotone ranmaru
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melon-nyan · 12 days
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dira333 · 13 days
Babysitting or, as I call it, getting introduced to some banger movies.
The kids love anime and Ghibli movies, so we watched "Your name", "Whispers of the heart", "Pom Poko" and "Kingdom of the Cats"
Maybe a bit much for a weekend but I am the cool friend.
@alienaiver can we talk about those movies? I am dying to share my thoughts with grown-ups
Everyone else who saw those moves is invited to chime in
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manukoda · 15 days
Maybe I love Suzume more than I love Your Name. I don’t know how I feel about this but I can’t stop crying.
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angeldust1004 · 15 days
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Your Name✨✨
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starheart-blog · 6 days
Female Reader/Y/N The Cat in Picrew.
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hemorrhage · 17 days
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ofsappho · 18 days
Me trying to explain how Your Name (2016) is actually the best Orpheus & Eurydice retelling ever that gives them a happy ending:
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oddygaul · 18 days
Your Name
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I think I actually liked this a lot more the second time.
In particular, the ending worked a lot better for me this go-around.
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I always get frustrated when character-focused works involving timeline / dimensional fuckery contrive it so that the people you’ve watched build a relationship over diegetic months or years have their memory of that relationship erased. Whether it’s someone planeswalking alone into an alternate timeline, time-travel-related amnesia, or even just your classic memory zapping gun, it feels like a gut punch to know a relationship you’re genuinely invested in functionally did not happen for those characters anymore.
Now, I understand that the usual idea behind this is the appealing, elegant notion that some people are simply meant to be together - that no matter what obstacles, physical or psychological, might get between them, they’ll find each other again and mean just as much to each other as they did before.
I am not that idealistic.
I think establishing a close bond (be it friendship or romantic love) with someone who was once a stranger is an incredible, mercurial series of events that is so hard to replicate, it’s a small miracle that anyone has found the friends and loved ones they have.
I regularly think about the decisions, chain of events, and random happenstance that led me to my closest friends, and how a different choice made any step along the way, even years earlier, could easily have led to me never even meeting that person. And then, even if I met them by chance years later, who’s to say we’d even get close? We’d likely be two drastically different people than in the initial scenario, not only because of the different course our lives had taken, but due to how differently we would have developed in absence of each other’s influence.
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There’s no chance in hell I’d roll those dice, so for me it truly stings when I watch a friendship undone - and particularly when it’s not treated with the appropriate gravity. If your whole story is about it, fine, but if it happens for some trivial reason, or a character does it flippantly, or if the narrative treats it as a minor thing and doesn’t go into the deep fucking implications such an event would have, I’m gonna be upset.
And so, on first watch, I think I slotted Your Name into the latter category. Sorry, they just up and forgot? They went through the most formative emotional experience of their young lives, saw the world through another person’s eyes, and just fuckin’ forgot about it? what??
This time, though, I paid more attention to, *ahem*, the literal text of the movie, which explains that the time Mitsuha and Taki spend together is akin to a dream, with all the haziness and fleeting nature that entails. Viewed through that* lens, the two forgetting such an important relationship resonates a lot more. Part of what makes dreams extraordinary is how strongly they can emotionally affect you, even if the details don’t make a bit of sense. The fact that such a strong emotional response can stick around long after the events of the dream have evaporated is one of the most sublime things about them. I’ve had plenty of dreams where I’ve spent what feels like decades falling in love with someone, building a life with them, exploring our sick far-future underwater biosphere together, et cetera, only to wake up and have it all ripped away. In retrospect, the particulars are nonsense and I can’t remember a single thing about this imaginary person, but for that afterglow period, it doesn’t matter, because in my heart I still feel the desolation of having lost someone. 
*again, glaringly obvious and objectively correct
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When I look at the story of Your Name that way, as a beautiful, fleeting dream that two people managed to recapture against all odds, it’s easy to appreciate the sweet little love story it really  is.
Other than that, from a craft perspective, this one really is pretty damn good. Tightly written, not a lot of fat, endears you to its characters and their quirks in record time, and solidly hits all the emotional beats it needs to. I don’t think it necessarily has a lot to say, but honestly, tell a story this well and I can’t really complain.
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i ship it
The animation here is also truly night and day compared to Shinkai’s previous works. The environments and sense of place are all top-notch as always, but the animation team for Your Name was clearly built around incredibly skilled character animators and it shows. The little mannerisms Mitsuha and Taki show regardless of which body they’re currently in is proof enough of that.
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true friendship is helping your friend bomb a power substation with no questions asked
I’m not even gonna pretend I have anything worth saying about the art and animation here, though, when kViN’s excellent Your Name writeups exist over on SakugaBlog. If you found this post cuz you just rewatched Your Name and you wanted to read people analyzing / gushing over it, these should absolutely be the next stop on your journey.
Your Name Production Notes
A Door to the Future, on what Your Name means for Shinkai and the future of the industry at large
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