lokitapendragon · 8 years
ambiguousrambles replied to your post “So because I’m a millenial who spends way more time at odds with...”
i think you can go into your activity and hover over the right side of the reply and open it, but honestly my entire tumblr experience is askew bc of xkit. i use so many tweaks to make it functional for me so i don't know what works for everyone.
Like so? :P Thank ye kindly, Ash!
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macabresam · 9 years
when you get this, you must publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes. (you don't have to do this, but just so you know i said something about you on my blog uwu)
omg omg thank you, Marina!! You the bomb ily.
juicyjensen Alyssa is the sweetest person ever, ok. All her posts are wonderful and she's totally one of my tumblr crushes ;u; Thank you for always tagging me in stuff, I really appreciate it! ♥
backinblackestablished1967 oh, man, where to start with Ash. Ash is trash perfect and such a lovely person to talk with and I do thoroughly enjoy submitting various kinks into her inbox. (Also, you've been reigning supreme as my tumblr crush for like months now oops.)
infectedkevin Lizzy is such a little sweetie ohmygosh. I'm so glad you decided to start messaging me becuase I really love talking to you! And your theme is gorgeous and your posts are A++ uwu
carelessdean Gab is perfect and all her posts are amazing. I've admired her blog for so long now it's a little ridiculous. You're absolutely fantastic and I love following you! c:
gardevoyeur the bae. Justin ilysm and I miss you lots sorry I'm such a terrible best friend omg. Pls come back to me, mi amor. I miss your ridiculousness.
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queen-amidalaa · 10 years
#spoiler alert he's watching videos of spn panels with him and mish and mish isn't even doing anything funny -via backinblackestablished1967 !!!!ASH!!!!!!
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lokitapendragon · 8 years
Tagged by the amazing @hellblazerdean to answer her questions and write my own. These are always hard for me because I simply don’t talk to that many people on Tumblr, so followers, please feel free to jump in here!
Do you have a road trip that you’ve had planned out and never gone on? If so, what was your destination and any major stops on the way? I’ve been planning my first solo road trip for a couple years now (roadtrippers.com is an invaluable tool, guys!) and I dearly want to go to Roanoke, North Carolina (near Nag’s Head.) It’s where the first English colony set up shop in North America and then, with absolutely no trace, vanished into thin air. The original American ghost story! Not sure of major stops yet because I’m still doing research. (And hoping against hope for someone to ride shotgun.)
Stop everything. We’re going on an all expenses paid vacation tomorrow. Where are we going and what are we doing? We are packing up our jumpers, getting on a plane, and hitting up the UK! We’ll stop at all the major literary landmarks (Oscar Wilde’s grave, The Eagle and Child Pub, the Sherlock Holmes Museum,) and Cardiff Bay, as well as the Doctor Who Experience and finding every standing police box left! We’ll find the Merlin Cave, do King Arthur’s Labyrinth, eat fish and chips and jammie dodgers, take the Making of Harry Potter Tour, go for a hike in Sherwood Forest, and anything else that happens to grab our attention!
Your favorite me-time activities? I love, love, love walking in the woods. I fall asleep under trees as easily as my own bed, and nothing clears my head like a long, easy-going stroll. I also like “spa days” (shower, shave, moisturize, all that jazz,) and reading in bed.
Do you have something you always wear? Three things, actually. Silver purity ring on the left ring finger, black rubber bracelet on the right wrist, and a Celtic-knot pattern ear cuff on the right ear.
What would your dream house look like and where would it be located? I really want a simple-design pole barn (not as bad as it sounds,) painted in warm yellow with white gingerbread trim. Big enough to move around but not so huge I can’t clean it in a day (I’m a cleaning lady, I get enough of that on the job!) It would have lots of natural wood with a bare-beam ceiling, and lots of greens, browns, yellows, and whites. Big windows, lots of bookshelves. I love woods and water, so somewhere in the woods with a pond or stream close by would be perfect.
What song are you currently obsessed with? “Same Disease” by Red. It’s been going through my head for hours.
New favorite show/movie? I guess Star Wars: The Force Awakens and/or Arrow, though I’m not up to date. I haven’t had a hardcore new fandom since getting into Supernatural in 2013.
Read a good book lately? The Price of Freedom by A.C. Crispin is not Shakespeare, but as the origins of Captain Jack Sparrow, it makes me very happy. ^_^
If I’m making you food, what would you want me to cook/bake? Oh my. I have a weakness for homemade Chicago-style deep dish pizza and salad. And red velvet brownies. But I’ll wash the dishes afterward. ;P
What do you think reminds people of you when they see it? ANYTHING DOCTOR WHO. I know this because if it has a TARDIS on it, people have grabbed it and given it to me. Also people tend to associate me with anything related to martial arts, which is fair considering I’ve been practicing jujitsu for almost eleven years. This is probably cheating, but I really like Ash’s questions, so I’ll just tag @sharpestsatire, @furryferncloud, and @hunterwitchavengeralex.
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wormsongs · 9 years
Repost this and tag 10 (I'm too lazy to tag 10 people) 5 people you want to get to know better. I was tagged by sassysnowman
Name: Bree
Nicknames: errr...Bree
birthday : January 28th 1998
sex: Female
sexual orientation: Asexual
height: 5'9....I think
fav colour: gold or blue
Time and Date (presently): 26th December 2014 (2:11 PM)
Average Hours of Sleep: usually 6-8 hours
Lucky Number: idk
Last Thing I Googled: alamo drafthouse
First word that comes to mind: Pie
Places that make me happy: my room???
How many blankets I sleep under: 2-3, depending on how hot it is
Favourite Fictional Character: Dean Winchester, what a shocker this one is
Favourite Book: errr probably the harry potter books
Favourite Animation: like movie? Howl's moving Castle
Favourite TV Show: Supernatural, another shocker
Favorite Beverage: Lemonade
Favourite food: cookie dough probs
Last movie I saw in Cinemas: The Hobbit battle of the Five Armies
Dream Holiday: ????? I don't get enough holidays to ever fantasize about this, any break at all would be nice
Dream wedding: I want a pretty dress, I suppose it would be more of a best-friend w/ cuddling marriage, someone who could be that person
Dream Job: Acting...(don't look at me please)
I tag these nice people(who should totally be my friends)
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was-borednarcissist · 9 years
omg my last two asks have done the never ending spiral wait thing and i didn't do anything wrong like include links or anything did i hit ask limit? 
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macabresam · 9 years
92 Truths
Wooo another tag game (which feels eerily similar to ones I did on fb when I was 15...)!
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged you are supposed to answer the 92 truths about you. At the end, choose people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
Tagged by the wonderful juicyjensen. Thanks so much, doll! ♥
Have you ever…
-Dated someone twice: Nope. -Been cheated on: Doubtful. -Kissed someone and regretted it: hahahahAHAHAHAHAHA yeah -Had/have someone special: nah. -Been drunk and threw up: Ugh, twice.
Three favorite colors: White, blue, and gray. Wow I'm so boring.
In the past year have you…
-Made a new friend: Yup. -Fallen out of love: I guess? I really liked someone and then it kinda fell apart, so... -Met someone who changed you: I don't think so. -Found out who your true friends are: I think I already knew who they were. -Found out someone was talking about you: omg so many times -Kissed anyone in your Facebook friends list: too many, tbh.
-Best friend: Noelle. We lived right next to each other and played together everyday until I moved to Texas. :(( -Sport you joined: Gymnastics or ballet? Maybe it was swimming. I've done like every sport under the sun. 
-Vacation: Disneyworld when I was 2. Which, of course, I have no recollection of.
Right now…

I’m about to: sit on tumblr and not do homework. Listening to: random playlist on 8tracks Waiting for: SPOOPERNATURAL.
Your Future…
-Want kids: hmm, dunno. -Get married: neutral on the subject oops. -Future job: Lawyer maybe? Preferably a writer but we'll see.
Which are better…
-Lips or eyes: eyes, definitely. -Hugs or kisses: is neither an option? (hugs, I guess) -Shorter or taller: Taller. I'm so short any it probably doesn't matter. -Older or younger: Depends on the maturity level of the person. -Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic heart eyes motherfucker -Nice stomach or nice arms: mmm, arms because hANDS. -Sensitive or loud: give me sensitive or give me death. -Hookup or relationship: depends on the person and circumstances. If I had to choose... probably relationship. -Trouble-maker or hesitant: Hesitant bbys pls ;u;
Have you ever…
-Kissed a stranger: hahahAHAHAHAHA -Drank hard liquor: Definitely. -Lost glasses/contacts: Do you mean my everyday life. -Turned someone down: Yeah. -Sex on first date: Probs not. -Broke someone’s heart: Ugh, yes. -Been arrested: Yeah, no. -Cried when someone died: DUH.
Do you believe…
-In yourself: uhm, not really. -Miracles: Depends. -Love at first sight: Definitely not. -Heaven: Nah. -Santa Claus: *cries for my ten-year-old self* -Kiss on the first date: Also depends, but probably yes. -Angels: Only if they wear trench coats. Nope.
Tagging: maturedean, backinblackestablsihed1967, rosetylr, infectedkevin, halolessdean, and anyone else that may want to do this. Pls don't feel obligated to do this if you don't want! uwu
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I was tagged by the ever lovely and forever amazing crowley-is-my-homeboy.
I tag mischief-maker1, backinblackestablished1967 and rizlow1
The name of the game is The Name Game. The Name Game is the name of the game. Rules: You must spell your name, each letter representing a song title. You must give credit to all artists. Don’t leave that out, that’s not cool.
Angeles by Jensen Ackley
Smoke On The Water by Deep Purple
Here's To Us by Halestorm
Life Ain't Always Beautiful by Gary Allen
Everything About You by Ugly Kid Joe
You Shook Me All Night Long by ACDC
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sweetasscas · 10 years
backinblackestablished1967 reblogged your post Finally caught up with Constantine and... and added:
OH MY GOD MATT RYAN. Don’t get me started on Constantine the show because I will talk your ear off and yell a lot...
Which is a perfectly reasonable response, I think.
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macabresam · 9 years
Your fave is problematic: Ash (aka backinblackestablished1967)
totally loves dean winchester with all her heart.
also loves dean’s tum. and freckles. and hands. and everything.
has a hipbone kink like nice, girl. same.
has like a million blogs. whoa calm down there, ash
momma bear protective. will also mom you with her delicious lasagna recipe.
bi!dean enthusiast. 'nuff said
is super artsy like wth no you can’t be this talented
is an awesome writer also writes v good smut
is also super pretty no who gave you permission
is a total sweetheart like WOW
just an amazing human being. your fave could never.
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mothqueen13 · 10 years
@backinblackestablished1967 reblogged this from ukulelemermaid and added:
I’m sick so my liveblog was shitty so here read Steph’s much better one.
Oh, God! Only read mine if you're okay with lots of swearing. I don't even know how many times I dropped the eff bomb.. Also, Ash; your liveblogs are never shitty! They inspire me to make my own. And then this happens.
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writingcalmsthemind · 10 years
#this makes me want to set myself on fire
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