quick-drawn-a · 5 years
this is ! a reminder ! that i love you & i hope you're doing well !!! i don't know if you check this blog but ;;; i'm thinking of you & doing so fondly ♥♥♥ be well ;w;
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;; I’M — okay … i do still check this blog, damn near every day because i just love all of you guys and the content y’all put out so much — i miss you somethin’ fierce ;;
i’ve just been so busy with work ;-; i got promoted, been working 60-70 hour weeks, sometimes 6 days a week, and the days i’m off i just — can’t. function.
BUT OVERALL I’VE BEEN DOING PRETTY OKAY, AND I’M SO THANKFUL FOR YOU CHECKING IN, DAD i’m actually planning on being more active?? and i’m like really looking forward to it???
but i hope you’re doing well, i know we’ve checked in on discord but i hope to chat it up a bit on here soon too c:
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mekabound · 5 years
@backinblackwatch || semi-plotted starter!
     Ego. Pride. Arrogance. It has many names, many forms. Currently, its form is a 20-year-old woman, hardly more than a girl, by the name of Hana. ( No, no, not Hana, D.Va — no, D.Viant. ) Currently, its form is a 20-year-old woman by the name of D.Viant. ( Better. )
     It has been two weeks since D.Viant joined Talon. ( It has been two weeks since she fled. ) She’s spent most of her time in her room, ignoring anyone who could’ve possibly cared to come knocking. ( Save for the visits to and from one Dr. Moira O’Deorain, of course. ) She takes medication, now, for the pain and the nightmares. ( And the memories. ) There’s a voice in her head lately, a nagging sensation that ‘ this isn’t right, something isn’t right. ’ ( The medication helps with that, too. )
     Digression; it has been two weeks. Perhaps now, she had decided just half an hour before, perhaps it is time to join them in the present. Not that she cares for them or anything, God no, but. . . Well, anything’s better than the lapses between dosages where Hana — D.Viant — spends her time curled in a ball of pain. It’s time to get a grip, maybe start a fight or two. It’s time to move on.
     And so, she had found herself wandering, no real goal in mind. Her hair is choppy and messy, cut at her chin with a pair of scissors just for the sake of change. She’s since had time to look in a mirror and neaten it, but a part of her likes it, in an angsty, edgy way. She doesn’t look like herself — or maybe she looks more like herself than she ever has before? It’s hard to tell. Her head hurts. She should visit Dr. O’Deorain soon. . .
     Ah, but she’s getting off track again. Hana — D.Viant, dammit! — finds herself in an unfamiliar hallway — or perhaps she’s been here before, and she doesn’t remember? It hurts to think too much. ( Where is she? Who is she? What is she doing? ) Regardless, she’s in an unfamiliar hallway. The atmosphere is cold and unwelcome, while not foreboding; it’s as though the building itself has worked up a begrudging tolerance, but nothing more. Whatever it is, it doesn’t feel like home. ( Where is home? Does she have a home? )
     Most of the doors are locked, or they lead to empty rooms with boring tables and boring boards and, in one case, boring people. Oops. Oh, well.
    Oh, but this one. . . When it opens, the room looks not dissimilar to a gymnasium, with various different kinds of workout equipment all over the room. Exercise machines, punching bags, foam mats. . . Even a climbing wall. This leads Ha—  D.Viant  to the conclusion that she’s found the training room. This must be where all the Talon grunts brush up on their skills — and really, she ought not to refer to them as grunts, considering that’s all she is, too. . .
     Without much else to do, and a lot of tension to work out, she steps into the room, surveying various pieces of equipment as she goes. The room seems deserted enough — but she isn’t exactly at her most observant, right now, and even if she was, she wouldn’t care much to put thought into anyone else around her. When was the last time she trained? It had to have been two, three months ago, at the least. ( Maybe if she had trained harder, before. Maybe if she had done better. . . )
     ( Suddenly, she is just a few days past her twentieth birthday. Alarms are blaring, her teammates are out of commission, and there are still three Gwishin left. She rams into one, another one rams back, and the ensuing game of tug and war between man and machine sends her cockpit quaking around wildly. Her head slams into something, something, and then — )
     D.Viant blinks herself to awareness, and she’s just punched a punching bag so hard her knuckles are sore. Had she just heard someone speak? She can’t tell; tired, angry eyes scan outwards, tracking the room. It seems she isn’t as alone as she thought.
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vltio · 5 years
❛ don’t know why i expected more from you. ❜ // aaaangst ??
western starters || accepting!
     Lots of things are bitter. By now, McCree’s familiar with it. Alcohol after a long day. Coffee after a longer night. Chocolates he should not have stolen from Genji when the latter wasn’t looking. Rubbing alcohol and blood after he made the mistake of licking his split lip. The taste of his first cigar. Dirt on his tongue after getting near knocked out.
     Those words, spoken from behind him.
     Jesse — no, McCree — pauses for a few seconds, still hunched over his suitcase where he’s folding clothes and stacking them in there. It’s time for him to leave. He has to move on now. How does that saying go? When the going gets tough, the tough gets going? Well, the going was sure as hell tougher than it had been in a while… The Venice incident itself wasn’t the straw that broke the camel’s back, but it was certainly one of the last straws to be placed before that one. All the allegations, the legal mess, the tension palpable in the air at every corner…
     It had gotten to be too much, is all. Everyone was doing some good old reflectin’ as of late, thinking about their mistakes, or what the future holds for them. McCree’s no exception to that. He misses the farm. Hell, he misses Deadlock — at least being a young criminal without a sense of justice was easier than this.
     It’s with a heavy, cracking heart that McCree angles his head away, even though he already can’t see Reyes in the doorway. “Can’t say I do, either.”
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pafallende · 5 years
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hey there, demons. it’s me, ya boy.  »  accepting.   ➥ @backinblackwatch
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     “ what. ”
  the word comes out sounding like more of an IRRITATED STATEMENT than a question, genji’s gaze almost reluctantly sliding to reyes in the doorway. poised like a cat atop prey, mccree is on his back beneath the cyborg’s feet looking rather roughed up  —  needless to say, the cowboy isn’t being stepped on per his own request. sword in hand, genji has it pointed directly at his teammate’s throat, and the blade of one of the knives at his ankles DIGS into the flesh beneath it.
     “ HE started it. ”
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dragxnfall · 5 years
" don't make me SHOOT YOU. " // ♥ ;0c for anyone
he freezes, clearly caught in the act of raiding the fridge with his fingers firmly clasped on the edge of a plate that he knows very well isn’t his chocolate cake. 
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“haha,” a nervous chuff leaves him as he retreats from the ice box, hands in the air in peace. “ain’t no reason to get riled up there, reyes, just...checking the temperature...” even mccree isn’t convinced by his own lie, then again, he didn’t think he’d be caught at the ungodly hour of four in the morning.
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positivelyow · 5 years
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     i would like to praise... positvelyow ! thanks for being an advocate for Good Cheer & promoting love & appreciation in the community. you do it in a way that doesn't bash certain blogs in order to raise others, you give writers a chance to surprise their friends with a nice message, & you feel - overall - like a warm place of positivity. thank YOU for being here, positivelyow c;
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          I see what you did there —
     Ya pulled a sneaky on me !! You’re too kind, really. I make sure to take time out of my day to do this for you guys because, in reality, you guys do so much for me !! Anyway, I’m not gonna sit here and babble about myself ( you guys aren’t here for that lol ) but I would like to say thank you, so much, for everything y'all are doing around here. I hope all this has helped at least one of you make it through your down times; that, to me,  would be enough to make it all worth it. 。◕ ‿ ◕。
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gloryblaed · 5 years
* elbows him , like THAT'LL serve as admonishment & ENCOURAGEMENT to dissuade rein from making gabe snicker further than he already has during this meeting. *
Rein keeps his face STRAIGHT for the moment it takes the speaker           to glance their way
and then he GRINS
                    looking to his side at Gabriel and CONTINUING                            the story he was SCRIBBLING on his notepad
                                 he could FAKE looking like a DILIGENT note-taker                                        when the mood struck him
and it would be REMISS of him not to tell GABRIEL all that he knew about-              well, the entire DEBACLE
it certainly put a NEW light on what the MEETING was about                   and it was always good to know WHY new regulations                          were being put into effect
 he rather doubted ANITA from marketing would be brave enough               to tell GABRIEL what they had told HIM
        a shame-             he thought the two would get along                           SPLENDIDLY after a few brewsand the commander would probably appreciate hearing          this from the SOURCE.        
he didn’t quite have the ability anita had with their penmanship                but he thought he was doing well enough                          SHOWING why FONTS                 were the subject of this training
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strikecdr-a · 5 years
( i'm in your inbox to drop off some love & remind you i adore you, & gabe's here to present it in the form of a Fresh Smack to jack's ass ; gotta keep you on your toes, morrison. )
[ sobs i don’t know why tumblr never notified me of this ask but thank u, ilu ]
Muscular form stiffened with the unexpected swat to his rear, lowerbody instinctively tightening as blond topped head turned–  lookingbeyond broad shoulder at the older male–     and then followed thefigure of the culprit at hand as they moved past him.
❝ REALLY, Gabe? ❞
Feigned exasperation, Jack almost fighting a smile as already theTINGLING STING    of Gabriel’s    strike against      his clothed fleshbegan to fade.
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terikaeshite-blog · 5 years
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aggressive one - liners         /          @backinblackwatch
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it was  rare  for him to have deep conversations with the man that lead blackwatch,  despite the fact that they arguably had to spend more time together than he had with anyone in the rest of the organization as a whole.  reyes had an off - putting personality,  one that rivaled his own anti - social nature,  which only made it more difficult for the two of them to converse.  while genji was busy trying to avoid the majority of his team,  the man was also not exactly placing himself into situations that allowed for encounter. 
       ❛  have you ever been  betrayed  by someone that you thought you could truly trust?  ❜  he isn’t expecting a willing answer from reaper,  but it was worth a shot  --  if there was anyone that could understand his predicament,  it would be him.  the others in their team were . . .  care - free,  or just hiding their past traumas much too deep inside for anyone to see.  ❛  sometimes,  i wonder if fighting is worth it when you can’t believe in anyone anymore.  ❜  silence followed his words,  leaving him with the feeling of over - sharing,  far past the amount of emotion that the other would like him to show.  he’d tried to bottle it all up for the longest time,  but the more that he tried to bury his worries,  they only came back stronger.
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olutojuogun · 6 years
backinblackwatch replied to your post “backinblackwatch replied to your post “backinblackwatch replied to...”
" if she's capable in OTHER tasks, i'd LOVE to SEE IT. " //gosh i'd love to RB this w/ icons but i'm not home ;;;;;
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       ❝ Whatever petty nonsense you have with her, I don’t want to hear it. She has earned her place in Talon as did you, and I don’t condone backbiting in my people. ❞
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coyotefaced · 5 years
‘ strap in ‘cause this one is rough. ’ // ;w;
by now, it’s no surprise that instinct had taken over where logical thought was found to be sluggish and unresponsive, and the rustling of paper in a manila folder, the soft hiss and shk of a sliding door was enough to drop his heels from the edge of the table and back onto the floor. the very facade of a proper agent, given body by the dog with a wet mouth and hungry eyes. 
           “ i hate it when you say that ” he frowns, leaning back so far into his chair that his entire upper body caves in and slumps. he pulls the corner of his hoodie up over his mouth to block a sneeze. 
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quick-drawn-a · 4 years
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@backinblackwatch​ asked:
" here. " tone LOW , rough has the hand that situates RIDICULOUS HAT back atop jesse's head where it belongs ; it had nearly been LOST to the FLAMES , almost ABANDONED in all the action , but gabe had found a chance to RETRIEVE IT even amidst the conflict - & now , settled back RELATIVELY safe as the drop-ship takes off , he's able to RETURN it ; " better you lost THIS than your HEAD. " // tbh i'd be lying if i said it weren't your fault that i'm on here ,
          It was going to be a long ride back to base —
     and Jesse didn’t say a word as he fell into an open seat on the drop ship; long, dragging inhale inevitably escaping in a sigh as the gunslinger hunched over, leaning to sore knees out of pure exhaustion. That was too many close calls for the cowboy’s liking — but it wasn’t far from expectations. After working with someone like Reyes for damn near ten years, you learn to adapt; even when adapting means running out guns blazing on, what was supposed to be, a stealth mission.
          Happened more often than you’d think — considering they were an undercover black operations team.
     McCree dug into one of his pockets, pulling out a half-ashed cigar to clinch between teeth as he worked on patting down every other pocket in search for that damned lighter of his. He wasn’t usually one to lose or misplace things, only when it came to this.
          “Dammit — ” he cursed under his breath, search becoming more frantic the longer it droned on. Where the fuck is the thing...
     Gloved fingers swept bangs up and out of his face; the worsening situation invoking an exasperated sigh after a few long seconds pass by, the hand atop his head registering yet another thing awry — his hat.
     “Dammit!” he snapped, a little louder than before as hands moved to wipe the frustration from his face with a groan. At this point, he forgot all about the lighter. His pout deepened as he stared longingly out of the back hatch; watching as fire consumed the warehouse the hat was inevitably trapped in.
     It wasn’t until the shove to the top of his head that McCree spared a glance up, frown beaming into a grin once he realized it was his hat being returned to him. At this point, it sure did feel like he was losing his head, but he just let out a giddy chuckle, giving the brim a tip towards his Commander in thanks. While it would be just a hat to anyone else, it was an important part of McCree's world; and the fact that Reyes even entertained the idea of hauling it along spoke enough volumes — but of course that wasn't going to stop the cowboy from saying something smart back.
               “Ah — See? I knew she’d grow on ya.” It might’ve taken ten years, and that probably wasn't his reasoning behind grabbing it for him, but regardless —
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                             “ — ‘preciate it, jefe.”
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mekabound · 5 years
soldier:76 ;0
hero meme || accepting!
gosh i ADORE soldier, he’s so good, so lovely, best baby,
that being said, i dont really play him that often. i only have 2 hours as him, bc i generally stick to tanking or healing;; most people i’m grouped with instalock dps
i believe i have the uhhh. jet skin? ye the jet skin with the darker jacket, i like it
i don’t have one! all maps with him are good maps bc i adore him , he’s baby,
i gotta say the only definite ship for him i have is with reaper, but that might be because i dont know of any other ships that involve him that are, like, socially and morally acceptable yknow
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vltio · 5 years
" put the pumpkin BACK where you got it, mccree---don't shuffle things around unless i tell you." // you asked for halloween in BW , take reyes , v adamant on the set-up of things .
     Ah, Halloween. One of Jesse’s favorite holidays, right next to… Every other holiday. There’s always been something special about the family ones, and now that this goddamn team has given him a goddamn conscience, there’s something even more special about them. Not that he considers Overwatch ( or Blackwatch, God forbid ⁠— ) to be his family, or anything. That’s just ridiculous.
     In fact, he only sticks around because it’s funny to mess with them, that’s it. First chance he gets, first time they get boring, he’s booking it back to Deadlock. A few sweet words, that good ol’ charming grin, and Ashe’d surely melt and let him right back in.
     Gabriel’s voice snaps him out of his daily escape plan and brings him sharply back to the present, where he’s holding a rather sizeable pumpkin waiting to be carved. He was just about to bring it to Genji, asking if he could use those fancy ninja stars of his to make it look like his face, but this presents a better opportunity… Jesse’s eyes narrow as he looks over at Gabe, and at the same time, his lips curl up into a smirk. It’s a look surely everyone is familiar with by now  ⁠—
      ⁠— It’s the look he gives when he’s about to be a little shit.
     “This pumpkin?” Jesse bats his gleaming eyes and adjusts the pumpkin in his arm, as though Reyes could be talking about any other pumpkin in this situation. While holding dead eye contact, Jesse reaches out, scoops up a plastic skeleton from the table, where it’s waiting to be placed, and sets the pumpkin down in its place. He backs up, still keeping his eyes locked on Gabriel, and moves around until he reaches another pumpkin; aaand… Shuffled.
    “Or did you mean this pumpkin?” 
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pafallende · 5 years
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shit i’ve said to my cat  »  accepting.   ➥ @backinblackwatch
  a low grumble is all he earns in response, one which sounds rather aggravated. does it SEEM like she cares about how early it is? no, of course not. and the complaint has now ensured that she’s going to continue, but now in the most PETTY and IRRITATING ways possible. she’ll dare him to try and retaliate.
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huff escapes the nostrils of the large creature at the foot of the bed, and she rises from four feet to two, one of her arms stretching forward. long claws catch the top of the blankets laid over reyes, then proceed to tear them off of him in a matter of seconds  —  though indie IS careful to try to keep jack’s side undisturbed. before he can so much as yelp, she leans forward and snatches the fabric of his shirt in her jaws  ( if some teeth graze skin, well, it simply can’t be helped ),  only to YANK sharply to the side, not only causing numerous rips in the clothing, but toppling the man to the floor.
despite not being allowed on the furniture, given her tendency to break it all beneath her weight, the indoraptor moves up to take the now-vacant space with something of a satisfied chirr. of course, much too large for the bed, her hindquarters, back legs and all, simply HANG OFF the end and splay across the floor while the rest of her body makes itself comfortable in the warm, soft nest. the creak and very obvious dip she causes in the bed doesn’t bother her in the least, and even if it DID, her focus is set on turning her head to nestle it along the length of the headboard, across the tops of both the pillow gabe had been using, as well as the one jack is currently using.
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and if her tail happens to swish around, the tip flicking against gabe’s foot on the floor, WELL… she’d like to see him try to DO SOMETHING about it.
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doctorscrders · 5 years
❝     ---   I WISH i could hate you.  ❞  
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starter call.         |              @backinblackwatch.
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