#bad habits for upsc exam
jaiblogpost · 6 months
Negative Habits to Avoid for UPSC Preparation
Imagine preparing for the UPSC exam is like setting off on a thrilling adventure. But just like any adventure, there are challenges to overcome. It takes a lot of hard work, sticking to your goals, and having a good plan. But, sometimes, even if you're really trying your best, you might find yourself doing things that could make it harder for you to succeed. In this guide, we'll explore common negative habits faced by UPSC aspirants and provide straightforward solutions to overcome them. By implementing these simple strategies, aspirants can navigate through challenges effectively and achieve success in their UPSC journey.
Procrastination - Putting Off Tasks
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Procrastination is when we delay tasks or waste time on unimportant things. Many UPSC aspirants struggle with procrastination, which can lead to missed study sessions and last-minute pressure.
To overcome procrastination, break your study tasks into smaller, manageable parts. To create a sense of urgency, establish particular deadlines for every task. By taking small steps consistently, you can avoid procrastination and stay on track with your study schedule.
“You may delay, but time will not.”
                                      ― Benjamin Franklin
There are always distractions, if you allow them! Successful people remain optimistic and concentrated on their goals regardless of their surroundings. They stay focused. They avoid getting distracted, which is common in today's digital world. Social media, notifications, and other distractions can easily divert our attention away from studying.
To avoid distractions, create a dedicated study space that is free from potential distractions. Turn off notifications on your phone and use productivity tools to block distracting websites. Set specific times for studying and avoid multitasking. By minimizing distractions, you can improve focus and productivity during your study sessions.
Distractions - Losing Focus
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“Work is hard. Distractions are plentiful. And time is short.”
                                                                                         ― Adam Hochschild
Lack of Consistency
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Consistency is really important for doing well in UPSC preparation. It’s key to success. However, many aspirants struggle to maintain a consistent study routine.
To overcome this, establish a daily study schedule and stick to it religiously. Make sure you stick to your study schedule and give it more importance than other things. Set realistic goals for each study session and keep checking how well you're doing. By making studying a habit and sticking to a consistent routine, you can maximize your productivity and progress in your UPSC preparation.
“Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency.
Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.”
                                                                                         ― Dwayne Johnson
Neglecting Health and Adequate Sleep
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UPSC preparation can be mentally and physically demanding, and many aspirants neglect their health in pursuit of their goals. However, neglecting your health can have negative consequences on your ability to study effectively. Sleep is essential for cognitive function, memory retention, and overall well-being. However, many aspirants neglect their sleep in favor of studying late into the night. This can lead to sleep deprivation, which can impair your ability to focus, concentrate, and retain information.
To prioritize your health, make sure to get an adequate amount of sleep each night. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep to ensure that your mind and body are well-rested. In addition, make time for regular exercise and physical activity to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Finally, don't forget to eat a balanced diet and stay hydrated to fuel your body and brain for studying.
Relying on One Study Method
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Every aspirant has their own preferred study method, whether it's reading, taking notes, or practicing past papers. However, relying solely on one study method can limit your learning and comprehension.
To overcome this, try diversifying your study methods to engage different parts of your brain. For example, if you're used to reading, try incorporating more visual aids or discussing concepts with peers. Try out various methods of studying until you discover which one suits you the most. By diversifying your study methods, you can improve your understanding and retention of the material.
Negative self-talk can be dangerous to your confidence and motivation. Many aspirants struggle with self-doubt and fear of failure, which can hold them back from reaching their full potential.
To overcome negative self-talk, practice self-compassion and positive affirmations. Instead of focusing on your shortcomings, celebrate your achievements and strengths. Be around friends and family who support you and have faith in your skills. By cultivating a positive mindset and practicing self-love, you can overcome self-doubt and achieve success in your UPSC journey.
Negative Self-Talk - Self-Doubt
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"One important key to success is self-confidence.
An important key to self-confidence is preparation."
                                                                                                  ― Arthur Ashe
Trying to Read Everything
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UPSC aspirants are often overwhelmed by the sheer volume of reading material available. Many aspirants feel pressured to read every book and resource on a given topic, leading to stress and burnout.
To overcome this, focus on quality over quantity when it comes to reading. Prioritize essential books and resources that cover the core concepts and topics of the UPSC syllabus. Take notes as you read to help reinforce your understanding and retention of the material. Remember, it's better to thoroughly understand a few key concepts than to skim/go through numerous resources without grasping the core concepts.
Disorganization can hinder your ability to study effectively and efficiently. Many aspirants struggle to keep track of study materials, deadlines, and important dates.
To overcome this, create a study schedule and organize your study materials in a systematic manner. Use folders, binders, or digital tools to keep your study materials organized and easily accessible. Break down your study schedule into smaller, manageable tasks and set deadlines for each task. By staying organized, you can reduce stress and improve productivity in your UPSC preparation.
Lack of Organization
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“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.”
                                                                                      ― Benjamin Franklin
Misplaced Study Groups
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Study groups can be a valuable resource for UPSC aspirants, providing support, motivation, and shared knowledge. However, not all study groups are created equal, and some aspirants may find themselves in study groups that are not conducive to effective studying.
To overcome this, choose study partners wisely and find individuals who are serious and committed to their UPSC goals. Look for study groups or forums where you can engage with like-minded aspirants who share your dedication and enthusiasm for UPSC preparation. By surrounding yourself with supportive and motivated study partners, you can enhance your learning and stay on track with your UPSC goals.
Overcoming negative habits is essential for UPSC aspirants to succeed in their journey. By implementing simple strategies such as breaking tasks into smaller parts, minimizing distractions, maintaining consistency, prioritizing health, diversifying learning methods, fostering a positive mindset, finding a balance between work and study, focusing on quality reading, staying organized, choosing study partners wisely, using the internet judiciously, and prioritizing sleep, aspirants can navigate through challenges effectively and achieve success in their UPSC preparation. Remember, success in the UPSC examination requires dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to overcome obstacles. Keep pushing forward, stay focused on your goals, and believe in yourself—victory is within reach!
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divineiasacademy · 2 years
7 Biggest Mistakes UPSC Aspirants Make – And How to Avoid Them
As I recently conducted the UPSC Coaching Classes in Chandigarh, I realized that there are some big mistakes that aspirants keep repeating over and over again which eventually lead to their downfall in the exam. In order to help you avoid these common mistakes while preparing for the UPSC Exam, I’ve come up with this list of seven common mistakes that aspirants make while preparing for the Indian Civil Service exam and how you can easily avoid them.
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Mistake 1: No plan
Planning is the most important aspect of preparing for the exam. It should be a part of your routine and not left to chance. There are multiple ways to plan, and you can choose what works best for you. However, it is important that you do some form of planning on a daily basis in order to give yourself the best chance at success.
Mistake 2: Bad time management
One of the biggest mistakes that UPSC aspirants make is not managing their time well. When you’re busy, it can be easy to lose track of time. This often leads to procrastination and a lack of discipline in sticking with your study plan. It also means that you may not be able to give your full attention or focus on any one task at hand, which will lead to lower quality work.
Mistake 3: Poor self-discipline
It is a common misconception that self-discipline is some innate trait. It's not. Self-discipline can be developed over time and with practice, but it must be nurtured and maintained, like any other skill. The first step in developing self-discipline is recognizing what habits are preventing you from succeeding and then making a conscious effort to break them.
Mistake 4: Lack of perseverance
One of the most common mistakes that aspirants make is not being persistent. It takes a lot of time and effort to prepare for the exam. You need to be in this for the long haul. Keep at it, even if you don't feel like it or if you feel like giving up.
Mistake 5: Boring study material
One of the biggest mistakes that students make is settling for boring study material. There are so many books, websites, and blogs out there with engaging content that can keep you interested in your studies. It might be a good idea to invest in some kind of IAS coaching in Chandigarh if you're struggling with boredom.
Also Read: IAS Coaching in Chandigarh Sector 34
Mistake 6: Insufficient revision
Too many students believe that they can cram up on the day before the exam and then ace it. This is a huge mistake. You need to revise systematically, no matter how tired you are or how few hours of sleep you got.
Mistake 7: Ignoring the importance of English language proficiency skills in general.
It's true that a majority of UPSF aspirants are from India, which has its own set of challenges in terms of proficiency in English. But irrespective of where you come from and what language you speak at home, your ability to read and write proficiently in English will be indispensable if you want a seat with the IAS coaching in Chandigarh.
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naveenkumarchandra · 5 years
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I have received multiple requests, thus, here it is, a comprehensive topic wise book list and strategy to prepare PSIR.
Hope it helps, Good Luck!
Now, let me first begin with congratulating you guys on your decision to prepare for this exam. Although it is definitely just an exam but I am sure that many of you must have taken some very tough decisions and sacrificed a lot to begin this.
Let me give a very brief introduction, my name is Naveen Kumar Chandra, did my graduation from IIT Roorkee, passed out in 2015, I will be joining the IAS through CSE 2017. I am already in service, that is civil service, the IRPS through CSE 2016. My optional is PSIR, I got a very decent 153 in paper 1 last year but my marks in paper 2 disappointed me, a lowly 93, this also led to a great slide in my rank and I missed the IAS. This year, I improved a lot in Paper 2, securing a good score of 150, it is an improvement of 55 marks, which could’ve given me IAS last year itself, but I took Paper 1 very lightly, not even read the entire thing once completely, my soccer thus, came down to 130, this again made me miss the top 100.
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I have over 2 years, come to develop a comprehensive way to study PSIR, which led me to score good scores in both the papers.
But, first things first. If you have opted for PSIR, I guess it must be due to some underlying reasons, like:
Overlap with GS
Scoring Nature
Now, if your reasons are first 2, then great. But, if your reasons are the bottom 2, let me clear a few doubts and bust a few myths. There is indeed a huge overlap with GS and it is also true that you might not need to study a lot of topics owing to your studying them for your optional. But, the answers demand different things, this was my mistake the first time around, as I didn’t join any test series, out of over confidence, of either mains or prelims, I didn’t realize that my optional answers and GS polity answers were similar, too deep for GS.
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Then, if you have are in due to the scoring nature and the recent good results, then, this is never ever a surety. The results of a particular optional can go up or down but yes, a good student is rewarded even in a bad year of his optional.
Let us now come to some generic tips which will help you in your entire optional preparation:
Don’t end up doing a research project, stick to your syllabus and UPSC demands, you don’t have that much time and neither is it required.
Too many books, too much trouble, just pick one book and follow it religiously.
Make your own notes if you have time, you will end up memorizing a lot of it.
Always practice answer writing, daily, without fail.
Don’t try to impress strangers, by buying books with fancy names, and becoming a collector. Even if you love books, I know it can be a temptation sometimes, it was with me, but you will have time later to read them.
I will now cover the syllabus, as comprehensively as possible:
Although there are 10 topics to be covered in this part, they can all be clubbed under 2 main headings,
Political theories and Ideologies: This would include the theory of power, equality, justice, state, democracy etc
Political Thought: This would include, both, western and Indian political thought.
First and foremost, let me be very honest, I would recommend you guys to get Shubhra Ranjan’s Notes, not that they are sufficient enough to score well but, they are a very good foundation, especially if you have never ever read the subject. The process would thus be, go through the topics from the notes, you are now good to add to your knowledge, fill the gaps and complete your preparation. You might feel a bit weird about this, but as I mentioned, your goal here is to clear the exam and not to write a PhD thesis.
Once you have thus read the first part(a) as mentioned above, then, you have to refer to the respective chapters in the book, ‘Introduction to Political Theory by O.P. Gauba’. You don’t have to read the entire book, as many topics have indeed been covered quite comprehensively by Shubhra maam. The areas you need to focus on are, theory of state, justice(apart from rawls, especially his criticism), equality and affirmative action amd concept of legitimacy and authority.
You have to make additions to the notes or you can either decide to take up the topic from zero. I would suggest that, even if you are using Shubhra Ranjan’s notes, you would need to add a lot to them, thus, it is better that you make your own notes, in the process you will memorize a lot by writing.
Now, for part (b), western political thought has been covered beautifully by her. You would only need to read a book to get a new perspective and add a few scholars and their views but even if you don’t want to, you can do that. The book I would recommend is, ‘Western Political thought by Brian Nelson. It’s a beautiful book, I love it and its not that heavy a read either, if time permits, you must read it and fill in the gaps in these areas, J.S. Mill, Bentham, Rousseau and Marx.
Now, for Indian Political thought, you must read, V. R. Mehta, reason being Indian Political thought is not that well covered by her.
Also, you must develop a way to correlate certain thinkers from the same and opposite parts of the world, example, Machiavelli and Kautilya, Gandhi and Marx, Gandhi and Ambedkar, Ambedkar and Marx, Plato and Aristotle, Socrates and Plato, Hobbes and Locke, Bentham and Mill etc. Must make a note of the similarities and differences in their core philosophy.
This part is again divided into 11 topics, I would again like you to club them into 3:
Indian Constitution and Government
Indian Polity
For, 1st topic, you must get P.M. Bakshi, it is the bare text of the constitution, develop a habit of carrying it with you and reading it whenever you get a chance. Then, other very small but useful book to get a head start is S.C. Kashyap’s OUR CONSTITUTION.
After that, you can go through Shubra Ranjan maam’s notes, once you are done, you can add and fill gaps by referring to B.L. Fadia.
For the next part, which is mainly about the peculiarities of Indian Political system, like caste, communalism, regionalism, ethnicity etc, you can rely on her notes, she has covered it quite extensively, after that, you can buy Oxford Handbook. It has some beautifully written chapters, on these areas.
This paper, the first one, is more of what we call a static nature, that is, it contains mainly things and concepts which might not change. What you have to make sure is that you get the views of some contemporary as well as some classical commentators and experts.
The second paper, part A is divided into 11 topics, I clubbed them into 3 major ones:
Comparitive politics
Theory of International Relations
Major Groupings
The first topic here is the most neglected one by Shubra Ranjan maam, maybe she took it lightly or maybe she has covered others better, whatever be the reason, you can’t rely only on her. For this part, the best source is IGNOU BA study material. Quite surprisingly, they cover the topics exactly as given by UPSC in its syllabus. One very great book that I would recommend you must read is Global politics by Heywood, it is an excellent work and would supplement the entire syllabus beautifully, don’t read all the chapters though, stick to the syllabus.
For the second topic, you can rely completely on her notes, she has done a great job in covering them. But for one topic in particular, the changing nature of international political order, you will again have to refer IGNOU material.
For the third topic, you will again have to go through both the notes and the IGNOU material, especially for SAARC, ASEAN, NAFTA, UN, NIEO and CMEA in particular.
This is again a part with 8 points, divided by me into 2:
Foreign Policy
International Relations
This is perhaps the most dynamic of all the 4 parts. You will have to make sure that not only are you going to refer the standard books but some innovative mediums as well. Some very excellent sources are, apart from following foreign policy commentators and columnists in the Express and the Hindu, the website of MEA, you get some brilliant lectures and videos there and RSTV’S India’ World.
For the 1st topic here, you can read, apart from her notes, ‘Does the elephant dance’ by Malone.
For the 2nd topic, you will have to more heavily rely on her notes and the artices in the newspapers, you can also read one or two issues of foreign policy magazines. Although here, you will make, note of some country and region specific scholars and commentators, like retired ambassadors, UN representatives, Foreign Secretaries etc.
This is the entire book and material wise strategy. You must make sure that you have at least 10-15 scholars on your tips, for the entire syllabus, many of them, classical ones like Gandhi, Ambedkar and Nehru are very useful in Paper 1 Part A, while many contemporary ones like P.B. Mehta, C. RajaMohan, Suhas Palshikhar, Shashi Tharoor etc have written on a variety of subjects and thus can be used very intelligently in the entirety of the syllabus.
Again, you must also make it a point that theoretically static answers cover the core points first and the periphery is indeed the periphery, not the centre.
It must also be kept in mind that your answer must be a very healthy mix of static and dynamic.
Now, a few tips on how to approach answer writing, here, you must concentrate on the following points:
Be precise and to the point
Quote scholars
Write in paragraphs
Try to write in a good hand writing and underline important points
Make it a point to include the recent events wherever possible, especially in IR
I would now like to conclude, it’s a great subject and would fetch you great marks, some would say that they read it for 3 months only, that too only Shubra Ranjan maam’s notes and they succeeded, that might be even true but it’s an exception and their sheer good luck, there is no guarantee that they would even get a 100 marks if they wrote again, same is true for this approach as well but it surely does one thing, it minimizes your risk and you should always try to be sure then sorry.
I wish you luck, if you guys still wanna ask something, you can on quora, I write there regularly.
Thank You
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satessayprompts383 · 4 years
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examcraze-blog · 7 years
Best ways to prepare for a competitive exam
If you're making plans to seem for an aggressive examination, do undergo this article as soon as. You will discover many suggestions so as to be helpful in your practice and could provide you with an area over the opposing candidates.
Every yr, lakhs of humans practice for numerous sorts of aggressive checks however now not all are capable of succeed in them. It's not that the people who do not be successful are not running difficult but still there is something that they're missing. Whether you are applying for UPSC, IIT-JEE, SSC-CGL, IIT-JAM, GATE 2018 or another competitive exam, there are some commonplace errors you must keep away from. Given beneath are some easy however effective preparation pointers so as to help you in warding off these errors. Go thru them and put together in a extra green way.
Have a plan There are many individuals who paintings hard however without a plan in any way. Working difficult is critical however it should be in a proper course. If someone digs up a massive hole and alternatively fills it up with dust, it's difficult to work as well however what is the final results? Obviously 0. If you want to achieve any competitive exam, you must have a plan. Many human beings make this error to read each and the whole thing without thinking if it's crucial or now not. Firstly, undergo the syllabus, and previous years' question papers. Mark the essential topics and look at them first. Observe the often asked questions and practice them greater than the less essential topics. There is not anything greater disappointing than working tough for a purpose and failing to reap it. So, do paintings tough however with a plan and inside the right direction.
Regular observe If you need to reach a aggressive examination, you should be normal to your instruction. It does not suggest you need to observe for 8-nine hours each day. Study less however be regular. Everyone is privy to the story approximately the race among rabbit and tortoise. Start a piece sluggish; examine daily for approximately 2-3 hours and slowly while you are in a habit, the time period will mechanically boom. Towards the quit, while the exam is near, prepare your self mentally and give it your all; forget about time and examine so long as you can.
Revise often It isn't feasible for every person to retain a topic after reading it simply once; nobody is any such genius. So you must revise on a ordinary foundation. Assign a day of each week for revision handiest or revise each day for a small time frame, whatever fits you the fine. It's not very time eating; you could revise anywhere. Say, you need to shuttle to a few place with the aid of a bus; pick out a topic, write down the important thing points in a paper. On your manner, examine a point and consider all of the information of that point on your head. Cover all of the factors and while you return back look at the notes and spot how lots you do not forget. This is just one manner, you can devise your very own methods to revise.
Make notes It does no longer count number wherein you're analyzing from whether or not it is books or from a education institute or anywhere else, you must make notes. You cannot don't forget the entirety; you'll neglect and could must examine the same issue two times. In such case, again relating to a ebook may be very time ingesting. If you put together suitable notes, it is going to be very beneficial in revising topics. Other advantage of making notes is that while you write some thing, you bear in mind it better. One need to make notes is his/her very own words with out worrying about the grammar and language used. There are many folks who are very aware of what they are writing. They sense in the event that they write something incorrect, other people will make fun of them. When a instructor is teaching some concept, they get diverted and recognition on writing proper English in place of the real idea. Don't make this mistake. Let go of the notion that what the alternative person will suppose on reading the notes. Write in a way which you are greater relaxed in and is comprehensible to you.
Source: Wikipedia
Join a coaching institute In this competitive world,all people desires to be triumphant and in aggressive checks, you are competing with some very tremendously motivated humans. So do no longer chorus from becoming a member of a coaching institute. Many humans argue that self observe is higher however permit's be sensible right here. Of course, you can observe something to your own however the time you may take to recognize a subject, in the identical time period the character attending coaching will cover say 3 such subjects. You will robotically lack behind; you will work harder or even then will learn less. Also, because of education instructions, there may be a regularity on your studies; moreover, you get to fulfill compatible people and can examine plenty from them. So except you are having a excessive financial disaster, you have to join a training institute to help you on your training.
Take assist from others There are simplest two kinds of folks who do not ask for help from others. First are the kind who're so busy in contemplating the terrible factors in their life that they have got end up completely hopeless. They hold crying over their misfortune and other bad stuff. Even whilst a person attempts to assist them, they arrive up with things like "you may not apprehend", " I can't do anything in my lifestyles", " There's not anything right in my existence" and other form of bad stuff. It's like they don't want to be helped and love living in self pity. They never account to lots in their life. Then there are the second one kind who are so arrogant and overconfident that taking help from others feel like a insult to them. These humans even after being in a position are not able to do right in an exam. Even when they don't apprehend a topic, they don't ask others for help and maintain losing their time on it. Sometimes, they may be no longer able to apprehend few topics even till the examination day. So, don't make this error. Don't feel shy soliciting for assist. There's nothing bad in inquiring for assist from others.
Help others If a person asks for help, never refuse it. When you train others what you know, it'll have no harm to you however will assist in growing the alternative man or woman's knowledge. It's human conduct that if you assist different humans, they'll absolutely remember it and while you ask for their help, they may do it gladly. It is likewise authentic that coaching others is the high-quality manner to learn something extra successfully. It improves your command over the subject and boosts up your confidence. So by using assisting others, you will growth your knowledge as well. Someone has rightly said, " Help others to achieve their dream and you will absolutely achieve yours"
Be aware of your mood swings When you are making ready for any examination, your mood modifications in no time. One day you feel in reality assured that you'll succeed but the very subsequent day you may experience absolutely hopeless. It is regular to have those temper swings however one must be cautious at the same time as dealing with it. Whenever you experience a bit under confident, you ought to inform yourself that it's far only a bad segment and it's going to bypass. You should no longer get beaten via those feelings; in such moments calm yourself down and recognition at the positives. During this phase, don't start a new topic but revise the only  very well. On doing it, you'll feel more assured after which can learn the brand new subjects.
Mock exams There are some of websites online which give mock tests that can help you prepare. Many humans throughout the u . S . A . Provide those assessments. After completion, you get to realize your rank and the number of applicants. This can be very useful because it allows to song down your progress. One should deliver as many mock tests as possible. These assessments offer actual check environment with the clock ticking on one quit of the monitor. So, whilst one faces the actual exam, he/she is not worried.
Stay calm whilst giving examination This is one of the maximum important factor. Though it isn't always a preparation tip, it will assist whilst giving the examination. It will frequently occur that inside the final examination, you'll no longer be able to answer a question from a topic that you very well studied and understood. This commonly makes a person lose his/her confidence. A common mistake people often make is that they cling directly to that query and as a result losing their time. Don't make this mistake. Take deep breath, loosen up your self and flow directly to the next query. This is also a cause why mock tests are so crucial; by means of giving everyday mock assessments it is easy to learn to live calm at some stage in stress situations.
At closing but no longer the least, believe in your self. Throughout your coaching, many stuff will occur in an effort to decrease your self belief. Don't lose your focus because of these minor setbacks and have confidence in your skills. To quote Confucius, "The Man who says he can, and the man who says he cannot.. Are both accurate."
This article is written by Prabhat Jani from https://www.examcraze.com/
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