#bah im rambling again
nestedfeathers · 6 months
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pillowenvelopchair · 1 year
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Grits teeth
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dibbs-n-scribbs · 9 months
hiiii thankies for the tag <3 :D lol @ the song that tastes like burrito, i have some weird associations like that too.
anyway i can't really tag you in a photo on my phone, so here's the next best thing - i saw you happying about george costanza and i looked him up and i was like OH! its him! i saw this print at a con and it looked so wild to me that i took a pic to send to my friend.
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if you view it full sized you'll see they put gold stars on his nips 😭 did not even realise that until today. so silly.
https://www.redbubble.com/i/photographic-print/Hot-George-Stuff-Traditional-Tattoo-Flash-Style-Print-by-Ella-Mobbs-Creep-Heart-by-ellamobbs/128010460.ZRLK5 also i found the artist because bah who shares stuff without credit?
also that slideshow presentation sounds like a lot of fun xD id love to see it when its done, but only if you wanted to share.
Hello! Thanks for the ask!! (This is gonna be a little long cause anytime george costanza is mentioned i ramble like crazy to no end xp)
The pic looks super cool, thank you so much for sharing it! (Golden nips for the win!) The fact that you even looked him up in the first place makes me super happy (like you looked up my interest? Because of me? And then showed me a cool pic cause you wanted to? For me???? I feel like happy crying thank you!). (AND THE CREDITING TOO I LOVE THAT!!! THANK YOU!!)
About the song thing, I have a lot of weird associations, Not exactly in tasting, but usually in memory or feeling! Its so weird to hear a song from my early years and be able to pinpoint certain emotions from that time - same goes for imagining little AMV’s in my head and revisiting said scenarios when you listen to the song again (this happened to me once when I forgot the name of the song “Somebody’s Baby” by Jackson Browne. I couldnt remember the beat, the lyrics, anything for days on end - all i could remember was the little AMV in my head xp)
Thanks for taking interest in the slideshow idea! The idea was originally supposed to be a joke project between friends, but now I’ve genuinely spent hours conducting research and trying to find the right way to format the presentation. Im more invested than I thought I would be, but George Costanza does that to people I guess. Over the past few months he’s held a captive grasp on me and I love it, he’s so fascinating as a character I love it (lol i should probably find some other george lovers cause he fascinates me to no end). I would love to show it to you if it ever gets completed - its not often that people indulge in my interests, so I’m super touched that you even ask, thank you sm!!
I know we dont interact a lot, but it truly means the world to me that you took the time to send me an ask and even show me some cool art, I hope you have a great day/night! Wishing you the best!
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masterserris · 5 years
all versions of mysterio are feral bastards, at least a little bit. dramatic and chaotic and cunning and damn dangerous despite just being a Guy. mysterio’s real powers are his words and psychological warfare. 
but not completely evil either. jerks for sure but even still they aren’t ya know... in-human. case and point: Ends of the Earth. p much all mysterio’s i’ve seen do this shit
more spoilers under cut
like gyllenbeck didnt wanna kill parker at all. sure he always had planned to kill nick fury and maybe some civilians would get hurt in his illusion shit to sell it being real, but he really didnt wanna drag peter into it
peter finding the truth put himself and others in danger. 
from a villain perspective, ya gotta tie up loose ends. mysterio was very on-point looking for those little details and possible issues and trying to deal with them
case in point: the trippy mindfuck illusion scene to get rid of parker and the evidence. also the final scene when he notices the issue with the drones RIGHT away.
he’s smart. he dont fuck around. he has plans for plans. i dont think he’s dead. he honestly shouldnt be. if marvel says he’s dead then they are lying cowards imo lol
yeah he’s a huge jerk for tryina kill mj, ned, and all the people who know his secret but it makes sense and it isnt done just to be evil.
but like what floors me is that mysterio really could have been a hero with all that tech. he was gonna be a hero. he just did it. badly. in a very dangerous way. 
if he’d have just let his grudges go, just talked it out, he could have used all that shit to fight real villains. it worked stupid good against peter. only by a fluke did he even figure out it was fake
sure plenty of other people could have figured out it was fake. but like. he coulda really used that tech to help people more. just own it man. 
deadass you wanted your holograms to change the world and you could have!! but ya let your anger/grudges get in the way. and that is something mysterio always struggles with honestly...
so yeah really good stuff. very much like comic mysterio to a letter except with a bit of a backstory change (that still hits all the necessary beats) and he doesnt seem to have actual fear gas/chemicals/robot doubles (yet). only holograms, projectors, and drones.
love the meta joke that he’s wearing a vfx suit lmao. but maybe i would have liked to see him wear the mysterio suit more instead of only holograms/a few real scenes with him wearing it but it makes sense he can’t. irl it’s a really heavy and restrictive suit.
but he still wore a bubble on his head so mad respecc
PS: even tho hydro man and ESP molten man were fake like i thought they were, they looked cool af. esp when molten man kept growning it was p epic. thanks quentin.
he really is alive, i think the post credit wasnt meant by the creators to be ambiguous at all. like that’s proof enough that he’s still out there, imo
it’s he’s really dead and everything from now on is just a projection of him then that’s just disappointing. ugh. we’ll see if gyllenhaal wants/gets casted for another marvel movie i guess. he seemed to like the role a lot so there’s that.
“people will believe anything” as he dies. even believe he’s dead? idk man i just feel like he’s exactly the character to fake his death this well. but it’s it’s just his crew pretending to be mysterio now? bah. 
let beck live 2k19. it’s really up in the air, we’ll see.
edit: i suppose one of the funniest things was that Mysterio is Right.
tony left these glasses of Doom to a kid. the world listened to tony. he had issues. (i’ll defend tony but later ok. tony made enemies a lot)
and people were gonna listen to a “hormonal teenager”
he’s right to be pissed af!! valid!! not so valid in.. ya know killing people but yeah
he was mad that the glasses werent given to the defense force. like hell he made it sound like that would have been ok in his book. he wanted people with the credentials and experience to be given the respect the deserve in the end
when he’s thanking his crew he shows this to a letter. just like comic mysterio. comic mysterio was pissed he wasn’t getting the credit he deserved
gyllenbeck is mad af bc tony pissed all over his entire life. like DAMN. DAMN. 
tony ruined everything for him no wonder he’s pissed. kinda funny tho that mysterio waited until tony was dead to take revenge. not surprising, iron man scared the piss outta people like vulture. lesser, more regular human villains. i mean who wouldn’t be? you’d literally have to be thanos to be not worried about stark and even THEN thanos knew about him. just saying
anyways that trippy mindfuck scene was my absolute fav bc that’s what mysterio is all about and it’s everything i wanted. perhaps i wouldve wanted more but lets not get greedy
also for once mysterio aint a thief. if anything he’s the victim of tony stealing/messing up his life’s work. mysterio aint robbing a bank yo
sure, he kinda tricked peter into giving him the glasses, and it may have partly been for the power trip? but also i think he deadass thought it was safer in his hands than a KID who literally almost killed his friends a few hours earlier with it on accident so he’s not wrong. again. 
mysterio for how much of a feral, chaotic, terrifying, cunning, jerk that he was? he was the “hero” after all in the story. or at least the protagonist, kinda like infinity war thanos. he had a goal that would wake people up to the bullshit all around them and put power in the hands who made it possible in the first place. the people who know what they’re doing. 
would beck have been a villain after he won? world domination? i dont think so. i think he would havent been great with it, but i dont doubt he had decent intentions SOMEWHERE in his heart. 
but mainly revenge. let’s be honest. he was pissed af and rightly so.
ANYWAYS im rambling about a bubble head so.
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^^I can’t believe gyllenbeck literally has this energy after peter figures out he’s a faker. literally has this chaotic, feral energy. dead ass calls him gullible and hits him with a TRAIN. like fuck dude mad respecc for being just a guy and fuckin with a superhero so bad. really amazing portrayal of beck.
just. let beck be still alive. it would be a waste. he’s such a tricky person, it’s almost too easy for him to fake that shit. but maybe they really did kill him. hng. we’ll see in the next spiderman movie or another marvel film.
good au ending where tony lived and mysterio was never fired but legit became a hero bc he totally could have done so
he's got raw talent and cunning. i mean tony was just a guy with a brain too so yeah
good ending au.
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scarletrebel · 7 years
so we were talking about our guardians as npc’s last night and since i dont have the insane drawing skillz that @nattiebug14 and @mrpinstripesuit do imma just ramble about avia for a sec here 
so im thinking she’ll be one of caydes scouts, similar to shiro but with a focus on keeping an eye on our more mysterious foes, the vex and the taken and such. she’ll offer bounties/challenges/milestones for killing them, for killing high valued targets and so on, but her special thing is she’ll re-open lost sectors you’ve already done on a different planet of the week (maybe the same as the flashpoint maybe not idk) saying she’s ‘scouted ahead’ and seen that some enemies have moved back in. this may change up the enemies in there (for example theres a lost sector on nessus thats fallen-run but is clearly surrounded by vex tech, so the vex could have taken in back from them) but you’ll get a special chest at the end of each one and some tokens to bring back to her. 
when you first meet her: 
“Ah, the Guardian of the hour. I was beginning to think you’d forgotten about the little stuff. You know, Nessus is still crawling in vex, the Fallen have a pretty tight hold on the EDZ and Taken were still multiplying whilst you were running around killing Red Legion. Oh, dont give me that look, I know what it’s like! But don’t get too caught up -- there’s still plenty to do out in the solar system that’ll benefit the last city more than you know. 
Those Lost Sectors you’ve been finding? They were found by a group of Hunters before the City was lost, they’re the ones who marked them for you. They would have been our next step in exploring the system, had Ghaul not made an appearance. 
Anyway, shooting and looting them is fun and all, but they’re more than just caves with big bads inside. They’re fantastic bases for our enemies, which is why they keep trying to retake them. 
Each week I’ll let you know which one’s have the most activity, and if you take enough of them out? Eh, I might have something shiny for you around here. Don’t tell Cayde though, he thinks cause i’m one of his scouts it means I can give him whatever gear he wants. Ha!”
idle voice lines: 
“No. Cayde, I - Cayde, if it were even possible to do what you’e suggesting, do you really think Ikora would approve? Hey, I’m not a tattletale! I’m just not stupid!”
“I hope Grier’s doing alright. Eris left in such a hurry, it can’t have been easy for him to get set up.”
“Next time you see Grier, let him know how ugly Bean is for me, alright?” 
“Yeah, sure thing buddy. No, I don’t think that -- Grier. Toland’s dead, remember? A message from the Dreadnaught could be... Anything.” 
“YES! GO ROOK, YOU CAN -- cough -- oh, um. Sorry. Just watching Crucible. What’s up?” 
“Carver, can you give me some intel on Vex strongholds? Well, how’s about instead of please I say ‘now before I tell Ikora that you carry around Vex milk with you? [pause] Thank you!” 
“I swear, if I hear Asher give Grier a hard time over something stupid again...” 
“The Hidden are so mysterious, and Carver’s so... Not.” 
“Can’t believe the Traveler is awake. Feels like yesterday my Ghost revived me. Ha, you would have liked me even less back then Guardian.” 
“No messages from Petra... Bah, why do I even care. I’m sure they’re fine. Yeah, they’re... They’re fine.” 
“You ever been to the Reef, Guardian? It’s beautiful... for a time.” 
“Oh, hey Sloane. [pause] Oh. Oh, yes, thank you [whispering] Yor_235 - yep, that’s the one. Thank you, Sloane. I owe you.”
“Those Shadows of Yor don’t know what they’re tangling with. I mean, neither do I, but if the Vanguard told us more about all those exiled Guardians? Maybe we’d have a chance if it happened again.”
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becky-helene · 7 years
I finally made it though romancing all the other characters and have now started up my long awaited Jaalmance revisit/redo of first game/"main" playthrough* (*possibly? I was initially planning on saving doing "main" playthrough until patch we got recently, but that was assuming the patch was going to include the updates to CC, I wanted to see if any changes to it would be something I want to incorporate in my 'main'. Since that wasn't the case, I guess I'll call it my main until/unless any future patches puts in something I want in what will be my main/canon game. ...then again given the uncertainty of Andromeda future, maybe stuff like canon games is irrelevant?) Anyway, so in treating this as my main game, I'm thinking about what choices I plan on making, and for the most part I'm pretty certain what which way to go, except for.... High Noon. A big part of me is all for saving Sloane. I've done both choices quite a few times, and honestly the more I've sided with Sloane, the more I like her. I like the interactions with her and my Ryders post High Noon. I always smile at the sort of "oh my god no we're not friends....okay, maybe we are....oh just shut up!" back and forth after High Noon, and post-game on Meridian. There's also the fact that a lot of Sloane's treatment in terms of how she's painted as this pseudo-villain and how she's treated if killed smacks of misogynoir on Bioware's part, and NOPE no matter how much the game is trying to shove you in the "Sloane bad, Reyes good" direction I do not like it. Neither of them is absolute good or bad, and Sloane's transparency is a lot easier to get behind compared to Reyes's lack thereof. Not going to go much more into my feelings about Reyes vs Sloane, since I'd probably ramble on and on even more than I already have, plus I don't want to come off as if I'm bashing Reyes. So, I'll just leave it at what's already been stated. So, between aforementioned reasonings, and some speculation I've had brewing in my head that kind of suggests, story-wise, Reyes as the shadowy kinda enemy that you'll likely see again could yield some interesting turns in the narrative*, all feels like siding with Sloane is the "right" choice. *(this line of thought having come up before things regarding the future of Andromeda became as up in the air as they have recently....so, again, wanting things to play out an interesting way in future installments may be irrelevant) The uncertainty arises in comparing what happens in aftermath depending on who comes out on top on High Noon. If it's Sloane, things remain as they are, if it's Reyes, Keema's the face and the one sitting on the throne which does kinda restore Kadara to the angara, as well as in keeping Reyes around that reinforces the tie to the resistance. Which....also feels like a right choice? Im not really caught between Sloane vs Reyes, but instead Sloane vs Keema/the angara. Bah. Maybe I'll figure out what to do when I get closer to that point. As is I'm still meeting/chatting with Nexus people, so I'm a bit of a ways off until deciding who rules Kadara.
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morningpages-louise · 5 years
August 07, 2019
Yo I got gulat. Hahaha. Cause Im sleeping in taft rn, because I slept here on Thursday and she left for anti polo but I left my stuff in her place so she told me to just lock up after myself, but I honestly fucking miss living in taft amp so I thought to myself why not just sleep here, I don’t know. So I’ve been a taft girl for two nights. People always ask me if I regret moving to pobla. No I don’t regret it. I just wish I didn’t go so soon. Because I love pobla, and I’m hella grateful to live in close proximity with everything like Rockwell and greenbelt and all the cute cafes and all that. Its just that, ill go where my friends are. And while I do have friends in pobla, aka kris and Kath and kids lol, I have more friends here. Yo archers walls are gonna give me a fucking heart attack. Cause I’m technically not even supposed to be here, but like I wanna chill ill probably spend the whole day here. I literally had 2 hours of sleep. Lets not talk about my late night decisions please. I’ve been quite irresponsible these past few days. But yeah.its 6:43 am. Last night or a few hours earlier, I was quite annoyed. By the new people added in our group. Im such a fucking bitch but I just miss when wed go to poblano and it would literally just be me, Alliyah and Sheena. Like why is there new people in the game like Sarah, Joel, and rj. I don’t know I was just annoyed. Like they’re great company, but I just felt like they were driving people away from talking to us. Lol I’m so fucking stuck up, I admit. This is the worst thing about me, the nastiest attribute, that I have so much pride in myself. I must admit. But atlas I’m aware. Does that make it better bah? Like when Derrick told me that he had been messaging Abigail, but she had been ignoring him, and now she was here, I was like thinking to myself like oh shit, should I not be seen with Derrick? Is he a loser? I don’t know tho I just went with it because I love meeting new people. And I guess I should be a little more open, because as much as Id like to believe I’m open minded, I’m honestly not that open minded. I mean if I think like this, then I’m not as open minded as I really think I am you know. I guess I should just stop caring about what people think about me. Like it all goes down to that. I still care way too much about how other people think of me, which is fucking ridiculous considering I’ll never see these people again, you know. I don’t know. Stupid. Stupid things to waste energy on. Stupid stupid stupid. Here’s to welcoming people of all weirdness and stuff. I felt like such a bitch yesterday talaga/ Like by the time we went to taft, I was just like, I’m outta here. Bye friends. Like cause I was in a pretty bad mood. I guess its me telling others like okay, Im kind of done with y’all. Like today, I think I will spend alone. So I can get work done. Okay, I’m getting pretty sleepy again. Ill probably wake up at 8, take a bath or something and then go back to sleep or something. You know an idea just struck me. Because I’ve been job hunting these past few days and I just realized like Ola hostel, which is just in Pablo ocammpo, that should be where sila sheena and Alliyah apply. I feel like they’d have so much fun cause foreigners and all. Thats also one thing that annoyed me. Like I fucking love sheena, but at times I just dont have the energy to deal with her. Someone else who I don’t have the energy to deal with is rico, like whenever he slides into my dms I just get put off man. That boy needs to puyo ha lol. Yeah sheena annoys me when she’s just constantly talking about how thirsty she is, or boys. I guess I’m just not that boy crazy. Like ofcourse I still get attracted to them and everything, but honestly like rn, its the last thing on my mind. Like my mind is pretty much thesis and careers entered at the moment. I don’t know why it pisses me off, I think maybe I just might be jealous of her, because she’s getting action. She’s being liked by guys. Jealousy, pride. These are my sins. My ugliest traits, Jealousy, lust, stealing. It’s no secret I’ve been getting money from my roomates and friends. Its fucking nasty. im thinking of what to eat for breakfast lol. Its crazy. I dont have much memories in erickas condo, because well its ricks condo, but I’m going to miss it man. She’s leaving next week na ata. See, my friends are all leaving taft one by one. First its Ericka. Then max. Then well idk who else. But yeah, were all just going. I’m getting so sleepy and im just rambling at this point, but I hope I get a job soon. And I hope these nasty habits of mine are confronted. I must find a way not to avoid these feelings, but to confront it. Thanks for coming to my ted talk lol bye.
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grubhivemind · 7 years
JACE: -BREAK TIME. after doing his postal worker thing all morning, jace is parking himself outside the forest to unwind for his lunch hour with a nice little picnic set up. he's got his foodibles, and his tech, watching the video feed on his tablet for any signs of spirits dwelling within the forest, and their behaviors should he capture any. he's a little uneasy, wondering if kougah is around... but at the same time, he kind of hopes he sees him. he's not sure what he wants to say to him, if anything, but the desire is still there.-
KOUGAH: =He's always here. But he has been taking care of his usual rancher duties, having combed the entire forest twice with not a sign of Kikiyo he wonders what to even do. Something. Surely. The devices made to calm the spirits have, thus far, been mere bandages with numbing salve covering angry wounds.= 
KOUGAH: =There is a rustle in some shrubbery and Kougah approaches. Silent and hanging by the treeline, waiting to be acknowledged so to not disturb anything=
JACE: -flinches at the sound, like he always does at sudden noises, but his peripheral vision shows him that it's just kougah... he wasn't expecting to feel indigant at the sight of him, but here he is, lifting his head and huffing a sigh in acknowledgement. sometimes he forgets he has those petty strider genes. he doesn't want to look at him directly yet. but he will steal a quick glance... you know, just to make sure it really is him.- 
JACE: Hi Kougah.
KOUGAH: ... =This is an unusual greeting from Jace but he likely deserves this. Actually context clues from their last encounter gives him a good idea so he stays where he is= Hello Jace.
JACE: ... 
JACE: How are you??? -exchanges pleasantries in the most passive aggressive way he can manage. he's not very good at it.-
KOUGAH: ... 
KOUGAH: 1 am... Hm. 
 KOUGAH: =Eyeballs Jace= 
KOUGAH: Pard0n my g01ng 0ff the s0c1al scr1pt but, h0w are y0u. 1nstead.
JACE: Im fine!! 
 JACE: ... No Im not!!! -sighs and turns to look at him, but his expression falls to an imploring one.- 
JACE: Joel... He told me what you did... To Rammie...
KOUGAH: =Nods= 1 suspected as much.... 1 sh0uld've asked clearly up0n meet1ng y0u 1f y0u were 0f cl0se relat10ns w1th her. 
KOUGAH: 1 ap0l0g1ze f0r n0t d01ng s0. =deeper nod=
JACE: Yeah, you should have! 
JACE: Because you knew Joel was my brother, and you must have known they were close with the way you were acting around him...! I... -looks down at the ground, brows knit.- 
JACE: I dont know what to think now... I dont really understand.
KOUGAH: Y0ur frustrat10n 1s understandable and enc0uraged. 
KOUGAH: ...Anger. 
KOUGAH: 1 ap0l0g1ze f0r c0nfus1ng y0u.
JACE: -continues to avoid looking at him.- I really liked-- 
JACE: -covers his face with one hand. hhhh.- 
JACE: I like hanging out with you... And working on these projects with you! I want to be able to do that still. But I cant if... 
JACE: If I dont know what happened, at least...
KOUGAH: =Silent for a moment= 
KOUGAH: She wandered 1nt0 the f0rest, presumably t0 hunt. 
KOUGAH: She hunted and k1lled my br0ther. 
KOUGAH: I r1ghted the wr0ng w1th her 0wn bl00d.
JACE: -looks at him then with wide eyes. joel said it was a misunderstanding...- Your brother?
KOUGAH: As alpha, as a fam1ly member, 1 refused t0 n0t seek 1mmed1ate vengence.
JACE: But thats--!! 
JACE: Thats not how that should work???? -starts getting more visably upset.- Shes a person! Not an animal! Its different! 
JACE: -immediately regrets his words and quiets, eyes downcast again. that's probably not a very sensitive thing to say.-
KOUGAH: =If Kougah was offended by it he doesn't act like it. His voice is still even though his expression does falter from stoicism. Inhales softly and exhales= ........ S0 1've been t0ld. 
KOUGAH: But 1 stand by 1t.
JACE: I just... I just mean... -rubs at his eyes.- 
JACE: I dont know what I mean...
KOUGAH: 1t's s0meth1ng y0u're n0t used t0. =He needs a tissue.... but Kougah is hesitant to approach still= 
KOUGAH: Y0u weren't ra1sed w1th the same bel1efs and standards as 1 was. N0r 1 y0ur standards and bel1efs. 
KOUGAH: 1 understand the an1m0s1ty t0wards me and 1 w1ll n0t deny y0u that r1ght.
JACE: -sniffles- Thats not how I feel. 
JACE: I want to be angry... Mostly Im just sad. 
JACE: I want to be your... friend. But I dont know if I can be if you think that kind of thing is okay! Or that its necessary, I guess.
KOUGAH: 1'm s0rry f0r that..... 
KOUGAH: ...Currently 1 am b0und by man's law. 
KOUGAH: G1ven my status t0... the t0wn. 
KOUGAH: All 0f the rangers are c1t1zens 0f Aval0n by law. Regardless 0f h0w 1 feel, what 1 bel1eve, 1 am unable t0 act acc0rd1ngly. =They made that very clear... he even has to change his pelt for roaming town. Closer to the knee. Bah.=
JACE: -now THAT is a crime.- 
JACE: -but no, that's hardly a reassurance, and he's upset all over again.- Well, thats great!! Id murder people if I could, but alas!!!
KOUGAH: 1 d0n't seek any0ne 0ut f0r any reas0n. =Murder is an ugly word.... that's something that happens without provocation= 
KOUGAH: My fam1ly was wr0ng and 1 avenged my br0ther. 
KOUGAH: Wh0 1s st1ll g0ne wh1le she r0ams. 1mpress1ve as 1t 1s 1 feel 1 had fa1led 1n s0me aspect.
JACE: You didnt fail!! She still died! She still had to go through that! 
JACE: Ugh... Were just going in circles now... -sniffles and starts to gather up his things. but even as he does so, he feels hesitant to leave, strangly enough. or maybe it isn't so strange, given what poor judgement he clearly has. but he can't help feeling like there's still something that can make this okay... though, that might just be what he wants to believe.- 
JACE: It doesnt make any difference to you, does it?
KOUGAH: 1t d0es. 1 adm1re her return... but. Truthfully. 1t st1ll makes me angry. 
KOUGAH: As 1 sa1d 1 d0n't expect y0u t0 understand 0r relate, but my br0ther's rest feels r0bbed. 
KOUGAH: The dues were pa1d. But... 1t's n0t fa1r. H0wever that's..... wh1n1ng. And 1 d0n't 1ntend 0n caus1ng m0re pa1in.
JACE: -turns towards him again once his belongings are tucked away.- ... 
JACE: Im sorry about your brother.
KOUGAH: =Watches him... then nods= ..Thank y0u. 
KOUGAH: 1'm s0rry f0r upsett1ng y0u.
JACE: -shuffles his feet, lingering still.- Its... All pretty complicated, huh?
KOUGAH: 1t 1s. 
KOUGAH: S0 1 d0n't expect y0u t0 c0me t0 any c0nclus10n 0ne way 0r the 0ther. 
KOUGAH: 0nly that 1 respect y0ur ch01ce. 
KOUGAH: =Watches Jace silently then grunts softly= S1mply d0 what y0u feel w0uld put y0u m0st at ease.
JACE: -wringes his hands together.- Truth be told, Im very at ease! So its hard for me to know what makes me feel... most at ease!
KOUGAH: ...D0 y0u n0t exper1ence var1ed levers 0f anx1ety when c0ns1der1ng y0ur 0pt10ns 0r be1ng 1n certa1n s1tuat10ns? =Sniffs the air a bit... he could've sworn he smelled it a few times=
JACE: Well... Sure... But something like this? 
JACE: Logic tells me I shouldnt... be your friend but... -pauses to glance away.- 
JACE: When I think about that, I just feel worse.
KOUGAH: Ah..... 
KOUGAH: There 1s n0th1ng that can be d0ne f0r what 1 d1d...but. 
KOUGAH: 1n 0rder t0... make y0u feel. Better... ab0ut what 1t 1s y0u may want. 1 w0uld 0ffer t0. D0 what 1 can. 
KOUGAH: =Something shifts in the forest and he watches but it's nothing.= 1 w0uld, truthfully and self1shly, enj0y c0nt1nu1ng t0 see y0u.
JACE: -usually he'd be spooked by the noises of the forest, but he's too distracted listening to kougah. his heart is racing all the same.- Ill have to think about that. 
JACE: I guess Ill have some time to do that... 
JACE: Oh. I should mention, Im going away for a little while.
KOUGAH: ...0h? 
KOUGAH: May 1 ask where? =Looks back to Jace=
JACE: -nods- Sure. Um... Im going to study some temples on LOFAF. 
JACE: Do you know of it?
KOUGAH: N0. 1'm unfam1l1ar w1th 1t. 
KOUGAH: But 1 can read up 0n 1t.
JACE: -brightens up a little, taking this as an opportunity to explain the culture of the place.- Its a small consort planet... Its mainly seen as a pit stop on the way to bigger planets like Earth or Lauctis, but there are some tourist traps there as well... LOFAF as the abbrevation for the colloquial name Land of Frost and Frogs... Um, the technical, documented name escapes me... 
JACE: But anyway, it snows there almost all year long. So there are ski resorts and stuff. Theres a dormant volcano there though... And during the warmer months, when the snow melts, its easier to access these temples around that area. Theyre shrines dedicated to a legendary beast named Echidna. Shes supposed to be uh-- 
JACE: -stops suddenly and looks embarrassed about his rambling. he almost forgot he's supposed to be UPSET with him still.- Well... You can probably read about that yourself.
KOUGAH: =As Jace spoke and explained things Kougah watches with the same stern expression but his eye light a little= 
KOUGAH: 1 w1ll d0 that. 
KOUGAH: M0st def1n1tely.
JACE: Okay. 
JACE: ... Yeah. Okay. Um. Im just going to... Go back to work now. I should hurry and finish my shift anyway because I have plans tonight too. 
JACE: Kind of like a date thing. 
JACE: Or something. -why did he say that... he knows why... he wants to see his reaction... that's so shitty. or is it? he really can't tell in this situation.-
KOUGAH: =HE IS STONE. But the light does fade back to normal and he nods. He's not allowed to react it's not like he's even on the same tier as Jace though= 
KOUGAH: 1 h0pe that g0es well. Y0u deserve t0 have a g00d t1me. 
KOUGAH: Have a safe tr1p, Jace. =Disappears on a small tornado... only that's just him running back into the treeline and disappearing=
JACE: -HHHH. not much of a reaction... what was he even fishing for? STUPID STUPID DUMB!! he watches him disappear before heaving a sigh and making his way back towards his route.-
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