#bakudeku undercurrents the ENTIRE time
jaded-ghoster · 1 year
missed chance in mha to show the trials and tribulations of the remedial course group just for Bakugo and Todoroki to immediately get charged with vigilantism because they decimated a guy just a few hours before the licensing paperwork was fully processed
#i demand a filler episode where its just a court case#inko is the lawyer and she treats it like a hobby because shes got so much free time#but rest assured she has fifteen awards stuffed under the sofa#and then they have to gather a bunch of witnesses to vouch for bakugo and todorokis character#and they put their all into it but its just COMPLETLEY failing to convince the judge and jury that they didnt mean it#bonus points if Aizawa is vouching for them too#and hes like these kids didnt mean it theyre top students they would never and everyone is like oh wow okay maybe youre right#but then the prosecution lawyer comes up to ask him some follow up questions and hes like#‘nice story by the way didnt you collude with vigilantes numerous times throughout your career?’#and aizawa is like FUCK because he knew this would happen#lawyer proceeds to show images of vigilantes blatantly being vigilantes and Aizawa just chilling next to them or even worse being friendly#then maybe the judge pulls up evidence but literally neither of them can explain it cuz turns out camie created a bunch of bs illusions#but hey you dont see her in the stands sooo#also the entire time Bakugo is trying to throw todoroki under the bus for the entire thing and Todoroki indirectly helps him#but because his dad is endeavor and also The Universe it just ends up backfiring on Bakugo#also endgame bakudeku idk how but itll happen#bakudeku undercurrents the ENTIRE time#thank you thats all#mha#mha fic#bnha fic#mha bakugou#mha todoroki
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
Imo "accountability culture" references condemnation of an action that has a direct real effect on real people - mocking a group of people, donating to harmful organizations knowingly etc etc. there's an undercurrent of realistic harm scaled of course to the influence someone has to inflict that, a billionaire donating thousands of dollars to antitrans orgs requires more attention and accountability than a small business owner shopping at hobby lobby for supplies because they have no other affordable option in their town.
On the other hand "call-out culture", called that because people will literally title their docs of "evidence" as "call-out docs" is more catered to and an issue in small fandom spaces, where condemnation isn't directed towards actions that have had a direct impact on anyone, but instead just look bad or could hypothetically cause harm (as the writer chooses to present it). These focus more on quantity than quality, with emphasis on digging up as much tangential evidence of anything as possible. Call-out docs can have some elements of accountability culture, particularly when they're directed towards an account/person who, though having a relatively small impact, directly harmed people through grooming or mocking or whatnot, but these will often be either exaggerated or mixed in with nonsense additions like "liked a problematic anime 2 years ago" or "retweeted an unrelated post from someone who was already cancelled". Because of this, reading through entire call-out docs will often leave you thinking "well that was a waste of time" or "why did they put allegations of abusing their ex next to shipping bakudeku". There's a disconnection between what are real harmful actions that need to be addressed and remedied and things added because they have bad optics or make the doc longer and therefore more "valid" in the eyes of a culture that prioritizes QRTing with how many -isms someone is rather than how much harm they've actually done.
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